Psion Target

.. Linux for Psion Windermere (5, 5mx, Revo, Revo+, ...)

T2 Revo screenshot

The T2 Psion target provides integrated support for the Psion PDAs with ARM CPU based on the so called "Windermere" architecture.

The target select the best optimization settings and is otherwise carefully trimmed for small size and memory foodprint as the smalles devices only have 8-16MB of RAM and only the Series 5 devices feature storage space via a CF slot.

Due to the flexible nature of T2 it is the perfect choice to implement support for such tiny consumer devices by allowing cross build binary optimized for size as well as utilizing the dietlibc and minit for the smallest systems possible.

Psion Revo photo



11. Oct: Version 0.4 t2-revo-0.4.tar.gz

Primary developer:
Rene Rebe