Compaq AlphaPC 164LX and T2/Linux
The DEC / Compaq Alpha Processor AlphaPC 164LX motherboard was an affortable
main logic board for computing systems based on the high-performance and 64-bit
Alpha 21164 microprocessor and the 21174 core logic chip.
Performance Index
3:21m to build lua-5.4.7 w/ gcc-14.2 (no-LTO, -Osmartest), linux-6.13 (600MHz)
3:31m to build lua-5.4.7 w/ gcc-14.2 (no-LTO, -Osmartest), linux-6.13 (533MHz)
cpu : Alpha
cpu model : EV56
cpu variation : 7
cpu revision : 0
cpu serial number :
system type : EB164
system variation : LX164
system revision : 0
system serial number :
cycle frequency [Hz] : 533179456 est.
timer frequency [Hz] : 256.00
page size [bytes] : 8192
phys. address bits : 40
max. addr. space # : 127
BogoMIPS : 1057.51
kernel unaligned acc : 0 (pc=0,va=0)
user unaligned acc : 0 (pc=0,va=0)
platform string : Digital AlphaPC 164LX 533 MHz
cpus detected : 1
cpus active : 1
cpu active mask : 0000000000000001
L1 Icache : 8K, 1-way, 32b line
L1 Dcache : 8K, 1-way, 32b line
L2 cache : 96K, 3-way, 64b line
L3 cache : 2048K, 1-way, 64b line
00:05.0 USB controller: Silicon Image, Inc. USB0673 (rev 05)
00:06.0 Ethernet controller: 3Com Corporation 3c905C-TX/TX-M [Tornado] (rev 78)
00:07.0 RAID bus controller: Promise Technology, Inc. PDC20319 (FastTrak S150 TX4) (rev 02)
00:08.0 ISA bridge: Intel Corporation 82378ZB/IB, 82379AB (SIO, SIO.A) PCI to ISA Bridge (rev 43)
00:09.0 VGA compatible controller: 3DLabs GLINT R3 (rev 01)
00:0b.0 IDE interface: Silicon Image, Inc. PCI0646 (rev 01)