Qjackctl is a simple Qt application to control the JACK sound server daemon, specifically for the Linux Audio Desktop infrastructure. It is written in C++ around the Qt3 toolkit for X11, most exclusively using Qt Designer. It provides a simple GUI dialog for setting several JACK daemon parameters, which are properly saved between sessions, and a way to control of the status of the audio server daemon. With time, this primordial interface has become richer by including an enhanced patchbay and connection control features.
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URL: https://qjackctl.sourceforge.net
Author: Rui Nuno Capela
Maintainer: Rene Rebe <rene [at] t2-project [dot] org>
License: GPL
Status: Beta
Version: 1.0.1
Download: http://sourceforge.net/projects/qjackctl/files/ qjackctl-1.0.1.tar.gz
T2 source: qjackctl.cache
T2 source: qjackctl.desc
Build time (on reference hardware): 30% (relative to binutils)2
Installed size (on reference hardware): 2.34 MB, 24 files
Dependencies (build time detected): 00-dirtree alsa-lib bash binutils coreutils cups diffutils emacs findutils gawk grep gzip linux-header make qt5base qt5tools sed tar xz
Installed files (on reference hardware):
1) This page was automatically generated from the T2 package source. Corrections, such as dead links, URL changes or typos need to be performed directly on that source.
2) Compatible with Linux From Scratch's "Standard Build Unit" (SBU).