This utility set is not supposed to be a reference set or something like. They are just utilities, which the author used to the date of snapshot
Originally including forks from some orginals:
ping - cloned of an ancient NetTools-B-xx. ping6 - cloned of a very old Pedro's utility set. traceroute6 - cloned of NRL Sep 96 distribution. rdisc - cloned of SUN in.rdisc clockdiff - broken out of some timed. tftpd - it is clone of some ancient NetKit package.
... part of T2, get it here
Author: Alexey Kuznetsov <kuznet [at] ms2 [dot] inr [dot] ac [dot] ru>
Author: YOSHIFUJI Hideaki <netdev [at] vger [dot] kernel [dot] org>
Maintainer: The T2 Project <t2 [at] t2-project [dot] org>
License: BSD
Status: Stable
Version: 20240905
Remark: Does cross compile (as setup and patched in T2).
Download: iputils-20240905.tar.gz
T2 source: compile.patch.dietlibc
T2 source: iputils.cache
T2 source: iputils.conf
T2 source: iputils.desc
Build time (on reference hardware): 3% (relative to binutils)2
Installed size (on reference hardware): 0.23 MB, 9 files
Dependencies (build time detected): bash binutils cmake coreutils diffutils gawk grep gzip libcap linux-header meson ninja openssl sed subversion tar
Installed files (on reference hardware):
1) This page was automatically generated from the T2 package source. Corrections, such as dead links, URL changes or typos need to be performed directly on that source.
2) Compatible with Linux From Scratch's "Standard Build Unit" (SBU).