gnome-speech: Speech generation library1

GNOME Speech's purpose is to provide a simple general API for producing text-to-speech output. The GNOME Speech 1.0 API is currently under development, and it will provide API for both text-to-speech output as well as speech input. It will be heavily influenced by the Java Speech API, both the existing 1.0 specification, and the new 2.0 one which is currently under development.

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Author: Marc Mulcahy <marc [dot] mulcahy [at] sun [dot] com>
Author: Michael Meeks <mmeeks [at] gnu [dot] org>
Maintainer: Susanne Klaus <vadja [at] gmx [dot] de>

License: LGPL
Status: Beta
Version: 0.4.25

Download: gnome-speech-0.4.25.tar.bz2

T2 source: gnome-speech.cache
T2 source: gnome-speech.desc

Build time (on reference hardware): 5% (relative to binutils)2

Installed size (on reference hardware): 0.18 MB, 23 files

Dependencies (build time detected): bash bzip2 coreutils diffutils findutils gawk grep libbonobo linux-header make orbit2 popt sed tar

Installed files (on reference hardware): [show]

1) This page was automatically generated from the T2 package source. Corrections, such as dead links, URL changes or typos need to be performed directly on that source.

2) Compatible with Linux From Scratch's "Standard Build Unit" (SBU).