clockspeed: System clock synchronisation utilities1

Clockspeed uses a hardware tick counter to compensate for a persistently fast or slow system clock. Given a few time measurements from a reliable source, it computes and then eliminates the clock skew.

Sntpclock checks another system's NTP clock, and prints the results in a format suitable for input to clockspeed. sntpclock is the simplest available NTP/SNTP client.

Taiclock and taiclockd form an even simpler alternative to SNTP. They are suitable for precise time synchronization over a local area network, without the hassles and potential security problems of an NTP server.

This version of clockspeed can use the Pentium RDTSC tick counter or the Solaris gethrtime() nanosecond counter.

... part of T2, get it here


Author: D.J. Bernstein <djb [at] cr [dot] yp [dot] to>
Maintainer: The T2 Project <t2 [at] t2-project [dot] org>

License: OpenSource
Status: Stable
Version: 0.62

Remark: Does cross compile (as setup and patched in T2).
Remark: Dietlibc compatible.

Download: clockspeed-0.62.tar.gz

T2 source: clockspeed.cache
T2 source: clockspeed.conf
T2 source: clockspeed.desc
T2 source: hotfix-t2.patch
T2 source: hotfix-x-cross.patch
T2 source:

Build time (on reference hardware): 2% (relative to binutils)2

Installed size (on reference hardware): 0.14 MB, 25 files

Dependencies (build time detected): bash binutils coreutils diffutils gawk grep groff gzip linux-header make patch sed sysfiles tar

Installed files (on reference hardware): [show]

1) This page was automatically generated from the T2 package source. Corrections, such as dead links, URL changes or typos need to be performed directly on that source.

2) Compatible with Linux From Scratch's "Standard Build Unit" (SBU).