T2 SDE - trunk - packages

T2 comes with an extensive list of package meta data descriptions, defining how to build packages from the source. You can think of them like recipes.

This is an automatically generated list of all packages currently available in the T2 SDE "trunk" source tree:

Package name - TitleVersionRepositoryLicense
00-dirtree - Directory tree framework2025-01-10base GPL
0ad - Empires Ascendant0.27.0games GPL
2bwm - Fast floating window manager0.3contrib ISC
4dtris - A Tetris game in 4 dimensions0.4.3games GPL
7zip - A file compression utility24.9.0archiver LGPL
915resolution - Intel Video BIOS Hack0.5.3contrib PublicDomain
99-final - Target specific finalization framework0000base GPL
a2jmidid - ALSA sequencer to JACK MIDI bridging9contrib GPL
a2ps - Converts text and other types of files to PostScript(TM)4.15.6graphic GPL
a52dec - A free ATSC A/52 stream decoder0.8.0audio GPL
aalib - A low level gfx library that works on any kind of terminal1.4rc5graphic LGPL
abcde - A command line CD encoder that reads your CD, downloads the track information from a CDDB provider, and rips your CD2.9.3contrib GPL
abduco - Session management in a clean and simple way0.6contrib ISC
abi-compliance-checker - A tool for checking backward compatibility of a C/C++ library2.3contrib LGPL
abiword - The GNOME wordprocessor3.0.5gnome GPL
aboot - Bootloader for the Alpha architecturedde7f7bboot GPL
abseil-cpp - Abseil Common Libraries20250127.1contrib APL
accountsservice - A D-Bus service for accessing the list and information of user accounts23.13.9contrib GPL
acdctl - A commandline utility to control VESA-compliant USB connected display1.1base GPL
ace - An object-oriented C++ class library and framework8.0.2develop OpenSource
ack - A Perl-powered replacement for grep3.8.1contrib Artistic
acl - POSIX Access Control Lists2.3.2filesystem GPL
acme-client - Client for issuing certificates from ACME-complaint servers1.3.3contrib GPL
acme-client-plus - Script for periodic renewal of certificates using BSD's acme-client0.1.1contrib ISC
acovea - A genetic algorithm that finds the best compilation options5.1.1develop GPL
acpica - ACPI Component Architecture ASL Optimizing Compiler and AML Disassembler20241212x86 Free-to-use
acpid - A daemon for delivering ACPI events2.0.34x86 GPL
acpidump - ACPI debugging tools20100513x86 GPL
acroread - A PDF Reader9.5.5office Restricted
acx100 - The ACX100/ACX111 wireless network driver project20080210network MPL
adapta-kde - Adapta theme for KDE Plasma 520180828contrib GPL3
adaptec-usbxchange - Firmware for the Adaptec USBXchange and USB2Xchange adapters4.patchfirmware Free-to-use
addresses - A versatile address book application for GNUstep0.5.0gnustep GPL
adjtimex - Allows configuration of kernel time variables1.29contrib GPL
admesh - A program for processing triangulated solid meshes0.98.5contrib GPL
adw-gtk3 - The theme from libadwaita ported to GTK-35.6contrib LGPL
adwaita-icon-theme - Gnome adwaita-icon-theme package48.0gnome LGPL
adwaita-xfce-icon-theme - Adwaita missing icons that are used in Xfce0.0.4contrib GPL
aerc - An email client for your terminal written in Go0.20.1go MIT
afb-ucode - Sun Elite3D firmware1.3.11firmware MIT
afbinit - Init Sun Elite3D AFB for general purpose usage1.0sparc MIT
afetch - Fast and simple system info written in C2.2.0contrib GPL3
afio - A cpio replacement with built-in compression2.5.2archiver GPL
afterstep - A NextSTEP alike window manager2.2.12x11 GPL
agg - A High Quality Rendering Engine for C++2.5graphic GPL
ags - A customizable and extensible shell1.8.2contrib GPL3
aha - ANSI color to HTML converter0.5.1contrib MPL
aide - Free replacement for Tripwire(tm)0.18.8security GPL
aiofiles - File support for asyncio24.1.0python APL
aircrack-ng - A set of tools for auditing wireless networks1.7security GPL
akonadi - PIM layer, which provides an asynchronous API to access all kind of PIM data24.12.3kde GPL
akonadi-calendar - Akonadi calendar integration24.12.3kde GPL
akonadi-calendar-tools - Akonadi Calendar Tools24.12.3kde GPL
akonadi-contacts - Libraries and daemons to implement Contact Management in Akonadi24.12.3kde GPL
akonadi-import-wizard - Akonadi Import Wizard24.12.3kde GPL
akonadi-mime - Libraries and daemons to implement basic email handling24.12.3kde GPL
akonadi-notes - The Akonadi Notes Library24.08.3kde GPL
akonadi-search - Libraries and daemons to implement searching in Akonadi24.12.3kde GPL
akonadiconsole - Akonadi developer tool24.12.3kde GPL
akregator - Feed Reader24.12.3kde GPL
alabaster - Theme for sphinx-doc1.0.0python BSD
alacarte - The new menu editor for the GNOME desktop3.54.1gnome LGPL
alacritty - The fastest terminal emulator in existence0.15.1x11 APL
alien - A package converter8.95.8archiver GPL
allegro - A game programming library5.2.10.1games OpenSource
alleyoop - A GNOME frontend to the Valgrind memory checker0.9.8gnome GPL
alliance - A free VLSI cad system5.1.1scientific GPL
alligator - Alligator is a mobile feed reader24.12.3kde GPL
alpine - A mail/news client and related programs2.26mail APL
alsa-firmware - Advanced Linux Sound Architecture firmware1.2.4audio Free-to-use
alsa-lib - Advanced Linux Sound Architecture library1.2.13audio GPL
alsa-oss - Advanced Linux Sound Architecture OSS emulation library1.1.8audio GPL
alsa-plugins - Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Plugins1.2.12audio GPL
alsa-tools - Advanced Linux Sound Architecture tools1.2.11audio GPL
alsa-ucm-conf - ALSA Use Case Manager configuration1.2.13audio BSD
alsa-utils - Advanced Linux Sound Architecture utilities1.2.13audio GPL
alsaplayer - PCM audio player for Linux and compatible OSes0.99.82audio GPL
altair - A declarative statistical visualization library for Python5.5.0python BSD
alternatives - Alternatives system0.2.0contrib OpenSource
amanith - An OpenSource C++ framework designed for 2d & 3d vector graphics03graphic QPL
amap - A next-generation scanning tool for pentesters5.4security GPL
amaranth-lang - An toolchain for developing hardware based on synchronous digital logic0.5.4develop BSD
amarok - A KDE music player3.2.2kde GPL
amaya - The browser/authoring tool of the W3C11.4.7www OpenSource
amdgpu-fan - Fan controller for AMD graphics cards running the amdgpu driver on Linux0.1.0contrib GPL
amdmigraphx - AMD's graph inference engine6.3.3rocm MIT
amdsmi - A library offers a unified tool for managing and monitoring GPUs6.3.3rocm MIT
aml - Andri's Main Loop0.3.0contrib ISC
amsn - A clone of the original MSN Messenger0.98.9network GPL
amtk - Actions, Menus and Toolbars Kit for GTK+ applications5.6.1gnome LGPL
amule - An "all-platform" eMule client2.3.3network GPL
amyedit - A Gtkmm LaTeX Editor1.0editors GPL
analitza - Library of mathematical features24.12.3kde GPL
android-tools - Android platform tools35.0.2contrib APL
angelfish - Angelfish is a modern mobile webbrowser24.12.3kde GPL
angelscript - Cross-platform scripting library2.37.0develop ZLIB
anjuta - A versatile Integrated Development Environment3.34.0gnome GPL
anomy-mailtools - An email vulnerability protector and sanitizer1.76mail GPL
ansible - Core components for Ansible10.5.0contrib GPL3
antiword - A free MS Word reader for Linux and RISC OS0.37office GPL
anyio - Compatibility layer for multiple asynchronous event loop implementations4.8.0python MIT
aoetools - Tools for the ATA over Ethernet (AoE) network storage protocol37network GPL
aoeui - A keyboard layout-optimized text editor for Dvorak and QWERTY1.7editors GPL
aomp - A clang/llvm compiler that also supports GPU offloading6.3.3rocm MIT
aomp-extras - AMD ROCm Software6.3.3rocm MIT
aop - Ambassador of Pain0.6games GPL
apache - The Apache HTTP web server2.4.63network APL
apache-ant - A Java-based build tool1.10.15java APL
apcupsd - UPS power management under Linux, Unix, and Win32 for APC products3.14.14base GPL
apenwarr-redo - Smaller, easier, more powerful, and more reliable than make0.42dcontrib APL
api-sanity-checker - A tool for creating automated test suites from any set of C sources1.98.7contrib LGPL
appres - List X application resource database1.0.7xorg OpenSource
appstream - A library providing methods for reading and writing AppStream metadata1.0.4gnome GPL
appstream-glib - A library providing methods for reading and writing AppStream metadata0.8.3gnome GPL
apr - A free portable runtime library1.7.5develop APL
apr-util - APR Utility library1.6.3develop APL
apr_memcache - A memcache C library that uses apr and apr-utils0.7.0develop OpenSource
apulse - PulseAudio emulation for ALSA0.1.13contrib MIT
aqbanking - A generic interface to online banking6.5.3office GPL
aqhbci - A backend for HBCI1.2.0attic GPL
aqhbci-qt - A Qt wizard for aqhbci1.0.7aattic GPL
aqmoney2 - A CLI homebanking program1.9.5office GPL
aquamarine - A very light rendering backend library0.8.0wayland BSD
arachsys-containers - Lightweight containers using Linux user namespaces1.7contrib MIT
arandr - ARandR provides a simple visual front end for XRandR0.1.11contrib GPL3
arcboot - Boot-loader for MIPS0.3.15boot GPL
archetypes - A development framework of new Plone content types1.3.3-finalzope OpenSource
arcload - Boot-loader for SGI/ARCS machines0.5-7boot GPL
arcticfox - A classic interface Firefox fork for vintage machines45.3www MPL
ardour - A multitrack, multichannel audio recorder/non-linear editor8.11.0audio GPL
arena - A light-weight C-like scripting language0.9.13develop BSD
argon2 - The password hash Argon220190702security OpenSource
argp - Argument parsing otherwsie in glibc1.5.0develop OpenSource
argus - A network Audit Record Generation and Utilization System5.0.0network OpenSource
argyllcms - An open source, ICC compatible color management system3.3.0graphic GPL
aria2 - Aria2 - The ultra fast download utility1.37.0network GPL
arianna - An ebook reader and library management app supporting ".epub" files24.12.3kde GPL
ark - Archive manager24.12.3kde GPL
arkscript - Small functional scripting language4.0.0-10develop MIT
armadillo - C++ library for linear algebra & scientific computing14.4.0contrib APL
arora - Web browser0.11.0www GPL
arpalert - An ARP address monitor2.0.12network GPL
arphound - An ethernet traffic monitoring and problem reporting tool1.3.2network GPL
arping - Sending arp and/or ip pings to a given host2.25network GPL
arptables - ARP packet filtering administration0.0.5network GPL
arpwatch - Monitors MAC/IP pairings3.8network GPL
artikulate - Improve your pronunciation by listening to native speakers24.12.3kde GPL
arts - The KDE audio server and realtime synthesizer1.5.10kde3 GPL
artyfx - ArtyFX audio plugin bundle1.3.1contrib GPL
asahi-audio - Userspace audio for Asahi Linux2.3audio MIT
asc - A Battle Isle (I/II) like multiplayer strategy game2.6.0.0games GPL
asciidoc - Text based document generation10.2.1textproc GPL
asciidoctor - A fast text processor for converting AsciiDoc to HTML5, DocBook & more2.0.23textproc MIT
asciinema - Terminal session recorder2.4.0contrib GPL
asciipatrol - Ascii arcade game1.7games GPL
asn1c - ASN.1 to C Compiler0.9.28develop GPL
aspell - A More Intelligent Ispell0.60.8.1dictionary GPL
aspell-de - The German dictonary for aspell20161207-7-0dictionary GPL
aspell-en - The English dictonary for aspell2020.12.07-0dictionary Free-to-use
aspell-es - The Spanish dictonary for aspell1.11-2dictionary GPL
aspell-fr - The French dictonary for aspell0.50-3dictionary GPL
aspell-ru - Russian dictionary for aspell0.99f7-1dictionary GPL
aspell-uk - Ukrainian dictionary for aspell1.4.0dictionary GPL
assimp - Open Asset Import Library5.4.3multimedia BSD
ast-firmware - Aspeed AST DP501 firmware0firmware Free-to-use
asterisk - Open source linux pbx22.2.0network GPL
asterisk-addons - Various modules and addons for the Asterisk Open Source PBX1.6.2.4network GPL
asterisk_php - PHP integration into the Asterisk PBX0.2aphp GPL
astguiclient - Software which extends the functions of Asterisk with end-user Web clients2.2.1network GPL
astunparse - An AST unparser for Python1.6.3python BSD
astyle - An automatic code formatter3.6.7contrib MIT
asunder - Asunder is a graphical CD ripper and encoder3.0.1contrib GPL
asymptote - Script based vector graphics language2.85graphic GPL
at - Job spooling tools3.2.5base GPL
at-spi - Assistive technolgy service provider interface1.32.0gnome LGPL
at-spi2-core - Assistive technolgy service provider interface2.56.0gnome LGPL
at2 - A userfriendly tracker aimed for the OPL3 FM-chip2.4.24audio GPL
ataidle - A utility to set power features of ATA drives in FreeBSD and Linux2.7.2filesystem BSD
atcontenttypes - Content types for Archetypes framework0.2.1-finalzope OpenSource
aterm - A fast and transparent VT100 terminal emulator for X1.0.1x11 GPL
atf - Libraries to write tests in C, C++ and shell0.21contrib BSD BSD
atftpd - Multi-threaded TFTP server0.7.dfsgnetwork OpenSource
atinout - AT commands as input are sent to modem and responses given as output0.9.1contrib GPL3
atkmm - The C++ bindings for Atk2.36.3gnome LGPL
atkmm1 - The C++ bindings for Atk2.28.3gnome LGPL
atomicparsley - A command line program for reading, parsing and setting iTunes-style metadata in MPEG4 files20221229contrib GPL
atop - A monitor for system resources and process activity2.11.0contrib GPL
atracdenc - ATRAC Decoder Encoder0.1.1audio LGPL
atril - Simple document viewer1.28.1mate GPL
attachmentfield - An Archetypes field managing attachments1.3RC2zope OpenSource
attica - KDE Frameworks Tier 1 Addon with Open Collaboration Services API6.12.0kde LGPL
attr - Extended Attributes Of Filesystem Objects2.5.2filesystem GPL
attrs - Classes Without Boilerplate23.2.0python OpenSource
aubio - An audio labelling library0.4.9audio GPL
auctex - An IDE for LaTeX using GNU Emacs13.3editors GPL
audacious - A music player4.4.2audio GPL
audacious-plugins - Plugins for audacious4.4.2audio GPL
audacity - A cross-platform multitrack audio editor3.7.3audio GPL
audiocd-kio - KIO worker for accessing audio CDs24.12.3kde GPL
audiofile - A library for accessing various audio file formats0.3.6audio LGPL
audiotube - Can search YouTube Music24.12.3kde GPL
audit - Linux audit userspace tools4.0.2security GPL LGPL
augeas - A configuration API1.14.1develop LGPL
aumix - Adjusts an audio mixer from X, console, terminal, command line or script2.9.1audio GPL
autoconf - A GNU tool for automatically configuring source code2.72develop GPL
autoconf-archive - A collection of more than 500 macros for GNU Autoconf2023.02.20develop GPL
autocutsel - Automated xcutsel0.10.1contrib GPL
autofs - A tool for automatically mounting and unmounting filesystems5.1.9filesystem GPL
autogen - Program generation for repetitive text with varied substitutions5.18.16develop GPL
autologin - Daemon for automatic login on TTY1.0.0contrib GPL3
automake - A GNU tool for automatically creating Makefiles1.17develop GPL
automoc4 - CMake automatic MOC Generation0.9.88kde GPL
autopano-sift - A helper utility for automated panorama image generation2.4graphic GPL
autorandr - Auto-detect the connected display hardware and load the appropriate X11 setup using xrandr1.15contrib GPL3
autotiling - Script for sway and i3 to automatically switch the horizontal/vertical window split orientation1.9.3contrib GPL3
autotrace - Converts bitmap to vector graphics0.31.10graphic GPL
autotrash - Tool to automatically purge old trashed files0.4.7contrib GPL3
avahi - A Zeroconf mDNS/DNS-SD responder0.8network GPL
avant-window-navigator - Avant Window Navigator0.4.2x11 GPL
avdl - Abstract video-game development language compiler0.22.9contrib GPL3
avfs - A Virtual File System for looking into archives1.1.5contrib GPL
avifile - Library to access AVI videos via original Windows(tm) dlls0-7-061128multimedia GPL
avr-libc - A C library for Atmel AVR microcontrollers2.1.0base BSD
avrdude - Atmel AVR Downloader/UploaDEr7.0develop GPL
avview - An audio/video viewer program0.80.7multimedia GPL
awake - Python command and library to 'wake on lan' a remote host1.0contrib GPL3
awesome - A tiled window manager for X4.3x11 GPL
awesome-ttf-fonts - Iconic font designed for Bootstrap6.7.2fonts OpenSource
axc - Client lib for libsignal-c0.3.7contrib GPL3
axel - Lightweight CLI download accelerator2.17.14network GPL
axpbox - Alpha emulator1.1.2emulators GPL
axtls - A TLSv1 SSL library designed specifically for embedded devices2.1.5security LGPL
ayatana-appindicators - App Indicators Shared Library0.5.93mate GPL
ayatana-indicators - Indicators Shared Library0.9.4mate GPL
ayatana-indicators-ido - Indicator Display Objects0.10.4mate GPL
azote - Wallpaper and colour manager for Sway, i3 and other window managers1.14.1contrib GPL3 BSD
b3sum - CLI to print the BLAKE3 hashes1.7.0contrib APL
b43-firmware - Firmware for Broadcom b43xxx wireless chips6.30.163.46firmware Free-to-use
b43-fwcutter - Broadcom V43 firmware cutter019firmware BSD
b5i2iso - A Blindwrite to ISO converter0.2filesystem GPL
babeld - A loop-avoiding distance-vector routing protocol1.13.1contrib MIT
babeltrace - Trace converter and read/write library2.1.0develop MIT
babl - A dynamic, any to any, pixel format translation library0.1.110graphic LGPL
babytrans - Graphical front-end for Babylon Translator dictonaries0.9.1dictionary GPL
bacon - A BASIC compiler, with high-level GUI5.0.1develop GPL
bacon_runtime - A BASIC compiler, with high-level GUI. This is the runtime components3.0.2develop GPL
bacterium - Virtual Analogue Matrix Synthesizer0.2.100audio GPL
bacula - The Network Backup Solution15.0.2network GPL
bakery - A C++ Framework for creating GNOME apps2.6.3gnome GPL
balance - A TCP proxy and load balancer3.35network GPL
baloo - A framework for searching and managing metadata6.12.0kde GPL
baloo-widgets - Widgets for Baloo24.12.3kde GPL
balsa - A GNOME mail client with support for local mailboxes, POP3 and IMAP2.6.4gnome GPL
bandwhich - Terminal bandwidth utilization tool0.23.1network MIT
bandwidth - A benchmark to estimate the memory bandwidth of a system0.16contrib GPL
baobab - Gnome baobab package48.0gnome LGPL
barcode - A tool to convert text strings to printed bars0.99graphic GPL
barnyard2 - Offloads output processing of your Snort alert files to a dedicated process1.8security GPL
barrage - Kill as many targets as possible with timelimit1.0.7games GPL
bash - The GNU Bourne Again shell5.2.37shells GPL
bash-completion - Programmable completion for bash2.16.0shells GPL
basket - An application for organizing ideas2.49bkde GPL
basu - The sd-bus library, extracted from systemd0.2.1contrib LGPL
bat - cat clone with additional features0.25.0textproc APL MIT
batctl - B.A.T.M.A.N. advanced control and management tool2025.0contrib GPL MIT
bazaar - A simple distributed version control system2.7.0develop GPL
bbc_provided - Network utilities: ipcalc, or, and, dotquad2003network GPL
bbdock - A general XWindow dock (ment for blackbox)0.2.9x11 BSD
bbe - A sed-like editor for binary files0.2.2editors GPL
bbkeys - A general XWindow keygrabber (ment for blackbox)0.9.2x11 GPL
bc - GNU's numeric processing language and a calculator1.08.1base GPL
bcache-tools - Utilities for the Linux kernel block layer cache1.1filesystem GPL
bcachefs-tools - The COW filesystem for Linux that won't eat your data1.13.0filesystem GPL
bcg729 - A C implementation of the ITU G729 Annex A/B codec1.1.1contrib GPL3
bchunk - A BIN/CUE to ISO conversion tool1.2.2filesystem GPL
bcnm - Better Client Network Manager0.0.1.8contrib ISC
bcpp - Indents C/C++ programs20240917develop MIT
bcron - A new cron system designed with secure operations in mind0.11base GPL
bcrypt - A utility to encrypt files1.1security BSD
bdb - Sleepycat Berkley DB Version5.3.28database BSD
bdb-java - Sleepycat Berkley DB Version 4.3 - Java Bindings4.4.20database BSD
bdb33 - Sleepycat Berkley DB Version 33.3.11database BSD
bdb33-java - Sleepycat Berkley DB Version 3.3 - Java Bindings3.3.11database BSD
bdftopcf - Convert X font from Bitmap Distribution Format to Portable Compiled Format1.1.2xorg OpenSource
bdiff - A diff patch utility for binary files1.0.5develop GPL
beagle - A search tool that ransacks your personal information space0.3.9gnome MIT
beanstalkd - Beanstalk is a simple, fast work queue1.13contrib MIT
beard - Simple hibernation daemon0.4contrib PublicDomain
beaver - A GTK+ based programmers editor remotely similar to UltraEdit-320.4.1editors GPL
beecrypt - A cryptographic toolkit4.2.1security GPL
beep - A console beep tool with precision control1.4.12contrib GPL
bees - Best-Effort Extent-Same, a btrfs dedup agent0.10contrib GPL3
beets - Music library manager and MusicBrainz tagger2.0.0contrib MIT
beforelight - Sample implementation of a screen saver1.0.6xorg OpenSource
beignet - An open source implementation of the OpenCL specification1.3.2develop LGPL
bemenu - Dynamic menu client inspired by dmenu0.6.23wayland GPL
berry - A healthy, byte-sized window manager0.1.12contrib MIT
bglibs - BG Libraries Collection2.04develop GPL
bgs - Extremely fast and small background setter for X0.8contrib MIT
biblestudy - A wxWindows frontend to Sword1.0religion GPL
bibletime - Bible Study Software for KDE3.0.3religion GPL
bicon - The Bidirectional Console64ae10cshells LGPL
bicyclerepair - A Refactoring Browser for Python0.9python BSD
biff+comsat - A mail checker client and the comsat mail checking server0.17base BSD
bin2iso - A Bin to ISO converter2.0filesystem OpenSource
bin86 - A complete 8086 assembler and loader0.16.21x86 GPL
binaryen - Compiler infrastructure and toolchain library for WebAssembly, in C++122_acontrib APL
bincimap - A well designed, modular IMAP server for Maildir written in C++1.3.4mail GPL
bind - The ISC DNS server, resolver library and utilities9.20.3network Free-to-use
binutils - A GNU collection of binary utilities2.44develop GPL
binutils-spe - A GNU collection of binary utilities - for the Cell SPE/SPU2.41develop GPL
binwalk - A fast, easy to use tool for analyzing and extracting firmware3.1.0develop GPL
bio2jack - Blocked I/O to Jack support library0.9audio GPL
bip - An IRC proxy0.8.6network GPL
bird - BIRD Internet Routing Daemon2.15.1contrib GPL
bison - The GNU general-purpose parser generator3.8.2develop GPL
bitfields - A simple tool to accurately inspect individual bitfields0.2develop GPL
bitlbee - An IRC to other chat networks gateway3.6network GPL
bitmap - Bitmap editor and converter utilities for the X Window System1.1.1xorg OpenSource
bitstream-vera-fonts - High quality "open-sourced" vector fonts1.10fonts OpenSource
bittorrent - A tool for distributing files5.2.2network MIT
bitwise - Terminal based bit manipulator in ncurses0.50contrib GPL3
bize - ROCK-Linux .tar.bz2 package manager0.8archiver GPL
black-hole-solver - Solvers and statistics card patience games1.12.0contrib MIT
blackbox - A light and fast X11 window manager0.77x11 GPL
bladeenc - A free MP3 encoder0.94.2audio GPL
blanket - Listen to different sounds to improve focus and increase productivity0.7.0contrib GPL3
blender - A powerfull 3D modeller4.4.0multimedia GPL
bless - A fast and customizable hex editor0.6.3editors GPL
blind - Blind is a collection of command line video editing utilities1.1contrib ISC
blingbling - Theme for E17r43316themes GPL
blink - Tiniest x86-64-linux emulator1.1.0emulators ISC
blinken - Memory Enhancement Game24.12.3kde GPL
blip - Bash Library for Indolent Programmers0.10contrib MIT
blisp - ISP tool & library for Bouffalo Labs RISC-V Microcontrollers and SoCs0.0.4firmware MIT
blitz - High performance C++ numeric library0.6develop Artistic
bloaty - Bloaty McBloatface: a size profiler for binaries1.1contrib APL
blosc - A blocking, shuffling and lossless compression library1.21.6contrib BSD
bluedevil - Bluetooth stack for KDE6.3.3kde GPL
bluefish - A GTK-based Web development editor2.2.16gnome GPL
blueglass - A XFree cursor theme0.4themes LGPL
blueman - A GTK+ Bluetooth Manager2.4.3network GPL
blueprint-compiler - Markup language for GTK user interfaces0.14.0contrib LGPL3
bluez - Bluetooth Tools and System Daemons for Linux5.80network GPL
bluez-alsa - Bluez 5 ALSA support4.3.1audio GPL
bluez-firmware - The bluez firmware tool1.2network GPL
bluez-gnome - A GNOME applet asking the PIN of bluetooth connections1.8gnome GPL
bluez-hciemu - The bluez hciemu tool1.2network GPL
bluez-qt - Qt wrapper for Bluez 5 DBus API6.12.0kde GPL
bmon - Portable bandwidth monitor and rate estimator4.0network MIT
bmp - Beep Media Player0.36.1audio GPL
bochs - Portable (C++) x86/x86-64 emulator2.8emulators GPL
boehm-gc - A garbage collector for C and C++8.2.8develop GPL
bogofilter - A spam filter1.2.5mail GPL
bolt - Binary Optimization and Layout Tool20.1.0develop BSD
boltd - Userspace system daemon to enable security levels for Thunderbolt™ on GNU/Linux®0.9.8base GPL
bombadillo - Non-web browser for the terminal2.4.0contrib GPL3
bomber - Arcade bombing game24.12.3kde GPL
bonnie++ - Hard drive and file system benchmark suite2.00afilesystem GPL
boomerang - A decompiler for native executables2006-07-01develop GPL
boost - Peer-reviewed STL style libraries for C++1_87_0develop OpenSource
bootinfo - Bootloader info for ARM devices0.1.0contrib GPL3
bootterm - Simple, reliable and powerful terminal0.5contrib MIT
borgmatic - Simple, configuration-driven backup software for servers and workstations1.8.14contrib GPL3
boson - Implementation of the meson language written in C110.13contrib GPL3
botan - Efficient C++ crypto library3.7.1security BSD
bovo - Five-in-a-row Board Game24.12.3kde GPL
box64 - Linux Userspace x86_64 Emulator with a twist, targeted at ARM64 Linux devices0.3.4emulators MIT
box86 - Linux Userspace x86 Emulator with a twist, targeted at ARM Linux devices0.3.8emulators MIT
boxbackup - An online backup system for Unix0.12filesystem BSD
bpfman - An eBPF Manager for Linux and Kubernetes0.5.6contrib OpenSource
bpytop - Yet another resource monitor1.0.68contrib APL
brasero - Brasero (aka Bonfire)3.12.3gnome GPL
breeze - Artwork, styles and assets for the Breeze visual style for the Plasma Desktop6.3.3kde GPL
breeze-grub - Breeze theme for GRUB6.3.3kde GPL
breeze-gtk - Breeze widget theme for Gtk2 and Gtk36.3.3kde GPL
breeze-icons - Breeze icon theme6.12.0kde GPL
breeze-plymouth - Breeze theme for Plymouth6.3.3kde GPL
bridge-utils - This is a rewrite of the Linux ethernet bridging code1.7.1network GPL
brightnessctl - Program to read and control device brightness0.5.1contrib MIT
brlaser - Driver for Brother printers like the DCP 7030 and DCP 70656contrib GPL
brlcad - BRL-CAD is a powerful solid modeling system7.36.0cad LGPL BSD
brltty - Refreshable braille display driver daemon6.7contrib LGPL
broadcom-wl - Broadcom Linux hybrid wireless driver34633bbnetwork Commercial
brotli - A generic-purpose lossless compression algorithm1.1.0archiver MIT
brscan - Brother Linux / SANE scanner driver0.2.4graphic Free-to-use GPL
brutalchess - A 3D chess game with several levels of AI inspired by Battle Chess0.5.2games GPL
bsd-finger - A finger utility0.17network BSD
bsd-games - Ports of all the games from NetBSD-current that are free2.17games BSD
bsdiff - Binary diff/patch utility4.3archiver BSD
btop - Yet another resource monitor1.4.0contrib APL
btpd - A bittorrent client consisting of a daemon and client commands0.15network BSD
btrfs-progs - Filesystem utilities for BTRFS - the "Butter FS"6.13filesystem GPL
bubblewrap - Unprivileged sandboxing tool0.11.0contrib LGPL
budgie-backgrounds - Backgrounds for the Budgie Desktop Environment3.0budgie CC0
budgie-control-center - Control Center for the Budgie Desktop Environment1.4.0budgie GPL
budgie-desktop - Budgie Desktop Environment10.9.2budgie GPL
budgie-desktop-view - Icons for the Budgie Desktop Environment1.3budgie APL
budgie-screensaver - Screensaver of Budgie Desktop Environment5.1.0budgie GPL
budgie-session - Session of Budgie Desktop Environment0.9.1budgie GPL
budgie-wayland-session - Wayland Session for the Budgie Desktop Environment3abf80bbudgie GPL
bufferpool - Memory management library for multimedia streaming apps0.0.3develop LGPL
bug-buddy - A GNOME bug reporting system2.32.0gnome GPL
buildkit - Concurrent, cache-efficient, and Dockerfile-agnostic builder toolkit0.18.2contrib APL
buku - Cmdline bookmark management utility4.9contrib GPL3
bullet - Real-Time Physics Simulation3.25develop OpenSource
bump2version - Version-bump your software with a single command!1.0.1contrib MIT
bumprace - 1 or 2 players race through a multi-level maze1.5.8contrib GPL
busybox - Stripped down utilities for embedded use1.37.0base GPL
bvi - Display-oriented editor for binary files based on vi1.4.2editors GPL3
bwm-ng - A small and simple console-based live bandwidth monitor0.6.3contrib GPL
byobu - Text-based window manager and terminal multiplexer5.133shells GPL3
bzflag - A multiplayer 3D tank battle game2.4.22games GPL
bzip2 - A file compression utility1.0.8archiver GPL
bzip3 - A spiritual successor to BZip21.5.1archiver LGPL3
c-ares - C library for asynchronous DNS requests1.34.4network MIT
c-dvar - D-Bus Variant Type-System1.1.0contrib APL LGPL
c-ini - Ini-File Handling1.1.0contrib APL LGPL
c-list - Circular Intrusive Double Linked List Collection3.1.0contrib APL LGPL
c-rbtree - Intrusive Red-Black Tree Collection3.2.0contrib APL LGPL
c-shquote - POSIX Shell Compatible Argument Parser1.1.0contrib APL LGPL
c-stdaux - Auxiliary macros and functions for the C standard library1.5.0contrib APL LGPL
c-utf8 - UTF-8 Handling in Standard ISO-C111.1.0contrib APL LGPL
c3c - Compiler for the C3 language0.6.5develop LGPL
ca-certificates - Common CA Certificates PEM files20210119security GPL MPL
cabextract - A program to extract Microsoft cabinet files1.11archiver GPL
cachefilesd-inotify - Userspace daemon acting as a backend for FS-Cache0.11.0contrib GPL
cadaver - Cadaver is a command line webDAV client for Linux0.26contrib GPL
caerbannog - Mobile-friendly Gtk frontend for password-store0.3contrib GPL3
cage - A Wayland kiosk compositor0.2.0wayland MIT
cairo - Multi-platform 2D graphics library1.18.2x11 LGPL
cairo-clock - An analog clock displaying the system-time0.3.3-1x11 GPL
cairomm - C++ wrapper for cairo1.18.0x11 LGPL
cairomm1 - C++ wrapper for cairo1.14.4x11 LGPL
caja - File manager for the MATE Desktop Environment1.28.0mate GPL
caja-extensions - Extensions for caja file manager1.28.0mate GPL
calendarsupport - Calendar support library24.12.3kde GPL
calendarx - A customizable calendar product for Plone0.9.0zope GPL
calindori - A touch friendly calendar application24.12.3kde GPL
calligra - The office-suite of the KDE project24.12.3kde GPL
calltree - A static call tree generator for C programs2.3develop GPL
can-utils - SocketCAN userspace utilities and tools2025.01network GPL BSD
cantarell-fonts - Gnome cantarell-fonts package0.303fonts LGPL
cantor - KDE Frontend to Mathematical Software24.12.3kde GPL
capstone - The ultimate Disassembler5.0.5develop BSD
cargo - The Rust Cargo module manager0.86.0rust GPL
cargo-c - Cargo applet to build C-ABI compatible libraries0.10.11rust GPL
carla - Fully-featured audio plugin host2.5.9contrib GPL
cassandra-cpp-driver - Cassandra CPP Driver2.17.1contrib APL
castero - TUI podcast client for the terminal0.9.5contrib MIT
catcodec - Decodes and encodes sample catalogues for OpenTTD1.0.5contrib GPL
catdoc - Convertor for Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and RTF Files to text0.95contrib GPL
catfish - File search utility for the Xfce desktop4.20.0xfce4 GPL
catimg - Terminal image renderer2.7.0contrib MIT
cava - Cross-platform Audio Visualizer0.10.4contrib MIT
cbase - A C library for UNIX systems software development1.3.7develop LGPL
cbindgen - Generate C bindings for Rust code0.28.0rust GPL
cbonsai - Grow bonsai trees in your terminal1.3.1contrib GPL3
ccache - A fast compiler cache4.11.1develop GPL
ccbench - The C Compiler Benchmark0.2develop GPL
ccd2iso - A CloneCD to ISO converter0.3filesystem GPL
ccid - USB CCID (Chip/Smart Card Interface Devices) and ICCD (Integrated Circuit(s) Card Devices) drivers1.54security GPL
ccls - C/C++/ObjC language server0.20241108develop APL
ccrtp - A threadsafe RTP stack for use with Common C++2.1.2network GPL
cd-discid - A backend utility to get CDDB discid information from a CD-ROM disc1.4contrib GPL GPL Artistic
cdcd - A console CD player0.6.6multimedia GPL
cddetect - Detect CD inserted in drive2.1-1contrib GPL
cddetect_quick - Detect CD inserted in drive, fast2008-1contrib GPL
cdi2iso - A DiscJuggler to ISO converter0.1filesystem GPL
cdlabelgen - A program to create labels for cdroms4.3.0graphic BSD
cdparanoia - CDDA extraction tool (aka ripper)10.2audio GPL
cdrdao - Disk-At-One CD creation tool1.2.5audio GPL
cdrkit - Portable command-line CD/DVD recorder software1.1.11filesystem GPL
cdrtools - A command line CD/DVD recording program2.01filesystem GPL
cdw - Cdw is a front-end for cd recoding tools0.8.1contrib GPL
celementtree - A C implementation of the ElementTree API1.0.2-20050302textproc BSD
celery - An asynchronous task queue/job queue based on distributed message passing5.4.0contrib APL
celestia - 3D space simulation1.6.1graphic GPL
cellwriter - A grid-entry handwriting input panel1.3.5gnome GPL
cemu - Wii U Emulator2.2.0emulators MPL
cenon - A vector graphics tool for GNUstep3.83gnustep OpenSource
centericq - Text mode menu- and window-driven IM interface4.20.0network GPL
ceph - Open source distributed file system19.2.1filesystem LGPL
cereal - A header-only C++11 library for serialization1.3.2contrib BSD
certbot - Let's Encrypt is a new Certificate Authority3.3.0security APL
cervisia - CVS frontend24.12.3kde GPL
cesnet-tcs-cli - Client utility for CESNET TCS API0.4.0contrib MIT
cf - X.org configuration files1.0.7xorg OpenSource
cfengine - A tool for administering Networks of Diverse Machines3.24.0network GPL
cflow - Analyzes C source files and prints the control flow graph1.7develop GPL
cgal - Computational Geometry Algorithms Library6.0.1scientific LGPL QPL
cgames - Games for the Linux Console2.2bgames GPL
cgdb - The Curses Debugger0.8.0contrib GPL
cgif - Fast and lightweight GIF encoder written in C0.5.0contrib MIT
cgilib - A CGI Library0.7contrib GPL
cgilua - A Lua tool for creating dynamic Web pages5.0lua OpenSource
cgit - A fast webinterface for git1.2.3www GPL
cglm - Highly Optimized Graphics Math for C0.9.6contrib MIT
cgoban - X11 Go-Client1.9.14games GPL
cgtkcalc - Complex number calculator2.2.4scientific GPL
cgtoolkit - A compiler for the Cg language, and runtime libraries3.1graphic Free-to-use
chafa - Terminal graphics for the 21st century1.14.5contrib LGPL3
chai - Easy to use mocking, stubbing and spying framework1.1.2python BSD
chardet - Python character encoding detector5.2.0python GPL
charls - Optimized implementation of the JPEG-LS standard for lossless and near-lossless image compression2.4.2contrib BSD
charset_normalizer - Universal Charset Detector in Python3.4.1python MIT
cheapskatefonts - Free TrueType fonts2003-04-23fonts GPL
check - A unit testing framework for C0.15.2develop LGPL
check_postgres - PostgreSQL monitoring script2.26.0contrib BSD
checkpassword - Uniform password-checking interface0.90security Free-to-use
checkpolicy - SELinux policy compiler3.7selinux GPL
cheese - Gnome cheese package3.38.0gnome LGPL
cheetah - Python-powered template engine and code generator2.4.4develop OpenSource
cherokee - A very fast, flexible, and lightweight Web server1.2.104network GPL
chez-scheme - Scheme compiler10.1.0develop APL
chibi-scheme - Minimal implementation of the R7RS scheme standard0.11contrib BSD
chkrootkit - Checks for signs of rootkits0.58bsecurity OpenSource
chmlib - A library for reading CHM files0.40graphic LGPL
chntpw - Windows registry tools and password resetter140201contrib LGPL
chromaprint - C library for generating audio fingerprints used by AcoustID1.5.1contrib MIT
chromium - Google's opensource web browser134.0.6998.117www BSD
chromium-bsu - A fast 3D game0.9.16.1games Artistic
chrony - An ntp replacement for dial-up users4.6.1network GPL
chrpath - Modify rpath of compiled programs0.16contrib GPL
cifs-utils - CIFS samba mount and umount utilities (originally were in samba pkg)7.2network GPL
cinelerra - Movie studio for a Linux Box4.1multimedia GPL
cinnamon - The Cinnamon desktop6.2.9cinnamon GPL
cinnamon-menus - The cinnamon menu library6.4.0cinnamon GPL
cinnamon-session - The Cinnamon session manager6.4.0cinnamon GPL
cipd - Chrome Infrastructure Package Deploymentf47428econtrib MIT
cjose - A C library implementing the Javascript Object Signing and Encryption0.6.1contrib MIT
cjs - The Cinnamon Javascript interpreter6.2.0cinnamon GPL
cjson - Lighweight JSON parser in C1.7.18contrib MIT
ck - Concurrency primitives, safe memory reclamation mechanisms and non-blocking data structures0.7.2contrib BSD APL
clamav - An anti-virus utility for Unix1.4.1security GPL
clang - C language family frontend for LLVM20.1.0develop BSD
clanlib - A game SDK4.2.0games GPL
clasp - Answer set solver for normal logic programs3.3.10contrib MIT
classicube - A custom Minecraft Classic compatible client1.3.7games BSD
classpath - GNU Essential Libraries for Java0.99java GPL
claws-mail - A lightweight mail client and news reader4.3.1mail GPL
clearsilver - A language-neutral HTML template system0.10.5develop OpenSource
clickclack - Haptic/audio feedback daemon for virtual keyboards like svkbd and wvkbd0.2.3contrib MIT
clifm - CLI file manager1.23contrib GPL
clinfo - A CLI app to enumerates all OpenCL properties and devices3. CC0
cling - An interactive C++ interpreter1.2develop BSD
clingo - Grounder and solver for logic programs5.7.1contrib MIT
clip - A Clipper/XBase compatible compiler1.1.16-20develop GPL
clisp - ANSI Common Lisp interpreter, compiler and debugger2.49develop GPL
cln - Class Library for Numbers1.3.7develop GPL
cloc - Count Lines of Code2.04develop GPL
clockspeed - System clock synchronisation utilities0.62network OpenSource
cloop - A transparently decompressing block device2.01-5filesystem GPL
cloud-hypervisor - A Virtual Machine Monitor for modern Cloud workloads44.0emulators APL
cloud-utils - Utilities for interacting with cloud VM images0.33contrib GPL3
cloudflare-ddns - DDNS script to sync public IP address to CloudFlare dns records1.4.0contrib MIT
cloudflared - Cloudflare Tunnel client (formerly Argo Tunnel)2025.2.1contrib APL
clucene - A high-performance, full-featured text search engine2.3.3.4textproc GPL
clutter - Clutter Toolkit1.26.4gnome LGPL
clutter-gst - Gnome clutter-gst package3.0.27gnome LGPL
clutter-gtk - A basic GTK clutter widget1.8.4gnome LGPL
cmake - A cross-platform, open-source make system3.31.5develop BSD
cmark - CommonMark parsing and rendering library and program0.31.1develop OpenSource
cmatrix - Terminal based 'The Matrix' like implementation2.0contrib GPL3
cmfactionicons - A product that which build icon bars for a set of actions of Zope0.9zope OpenSource
cmfsubversionbrowser - A CMF/Plone browser for local subversion repositories0.9.0zope OpenSource
cmocka - An elegant unit testing framework for C with support for mock objects1.1.7develop APL
cmph - A minimal hash C library - utility application2.0.2contrib LGPL MPL
cntlm - NTLM Session Response / NTLMv2 authenticating HTTP proxy0.92.3contrib GPL
cobbler - Software for PXE, auto-kickstart, and virtualization provisioning1.6.8network GPL
coda - Advanced networked filesystem8.1.5filesystem GPL
codeblocks - The free C/C++ and Fortran IDE25.01-devdevelop LGPL
coeurl - Asynchronous wrapper around libcurl0.3.1contrib MIT
cogito - A wrapper around the git version control system0.18.2develop GPL
cogl - Gnome cogl package1.22.8gnome LGPL
coin - OpenGL-based 3D graphics library4.0.3develop BSD
collectd - A system statistics collection daemon5.12.0network GPL
colorcorrect - A YCrBr color correction plugin for GIMP0.0.3graphic GPL
colord - A system service that makes it easy to manage color profiles1.4.7graphic GPL
colord-kde - Provides interfaces and session daemon to colord24.12.3kde GPL
colorlover - Color scales in Python for humans0.3.0python MIT
colorpicker - Simplest command line color picker1.1.5contrib MIT
comedi - Linux Control and Measurement Device Interface0.12.0scientific GPL
comedi-driver - Linux Control and Measurement Device Interface - Kernel Drivers0.7.76scientific GPL
comgr - The Code Object Manager6.3.3rocm MIT
commonc++ - Portable set of basis classes for C++1.8.1develop GPL
commoncpp - Class framework designed for telephony applications7.0.1contrib GPL3
commons-cli - Jakarta Commons CLI1.0java APL
commons-codec - Jakarta Commons Codec1.3java OpenSource
commons-collections - Jakarta Commons Collections3.2.1java OpenSource
commons-httpclient - Jakarta Commons HttpClient3.0.1java OpenSource
commons-lang - Jakarta Commons Lang3.17.0java OpenSource
commons-logging - Jakarta Commons Logging1.0.5-alpha1java OpenSource
compiler-rt - Compiler runtime libraries20.1.0develop BSD
compiz - A window manager and a composite manager using OpenGL0.9.14.2x11 GPL
composable_kernel - The Composable Kernel (CK) library6.3.3rocm MIT
compsize - Determine the (btrfs) compression type/ratio of files1.5filesystem GPL
compton-conf - GUI configuration tool for compton X composite manager0.16.0lxqt LGPL
confy - Conferences schedule viewer for GNOME0.7.1contrib GPL3
conky - Free, light-weight system monitor for X1.22.1x11 GPL
connman - Daemon for managing internet connections1.43contrib GPL
console_bridge - Logging that seamlessly pipes into rosconsole/rosout for ROS-dependent packages1.0.2contrib BSD
consolekit - A system daemon for tracking what users are logged into the system0.4.6develop MIT
conspy - A Console Spy Tool1.16contrib GPL
containerd - An open and reliable container runtime2.0.3containers APL
continuum - Apache Maven Continuum1.0.3java APL
cool-retro-term - A good looking terminal emulator which mimics old cathode displays1.2.0x11 GPL
copas - A Lua dispatcher that can be used fo TCP/IP socket communication1.1.5lua OpenSource
copyq - Clipboard manager with advanced features9.1.0contrib GPL3
coral - A metamodeling toolkit0.8.1develop GPL
corectrl - Control your hardware with application profiles1.4.2contrib GPL3
corefreq - CPU monitoring and tuning software designed for 64-bit processors2.0.1contrib GPL
coreutils - GNU core utilities9.6base GPL
corewars - Let progams fight each other in memory0.9.13games GPL
corkscrew - Tunnel SSH sessions through an HTTP proxy2.0security GPL
corona - An image input/output library1.0.2graphic OpenSource
cosmic-applets - cosmic-appletsepoch-1.0.0-alpha.6cosmic GPL3
cosmic-applibrary - cosmic-applibraryepoch-1.0.0-alpha.6cosmic GPL3
cosmic-bg - Service which applies backgrounds to displaysepoch-1.0.0-alpha.6cosmic MPL
cosmic-comp - cosmic-compepoch-1.0.0-alpha.6cosmic GPL3
cosmic-edit - cosmic-editepoch-1.0.0-alpha.6cosmic GPL3
cosmic-files - cosmic-filesepoch-1.0.0-alpha.6cosmic GPL3
cosmic-greeter - cosmic-greeterepoch-1.0.0-alpha.6cosmic GPL3
cosmic-icons - cosmic-iconsepoch-1.0.0-alpha.6cosmic GPL3
cosmic-idle - cosmic-idleepoch-1.0.0-alpha.6cosmic GPL3
cosmic-launcher - cosmic-launcherepoch-1.0.0-alpha.6cosmic GPL3
cosmic-notifications - cosmic-notificationsepoch-1.0.0-alpha.6cosmic GPL3
cosmic-osd - cosmic-osdepoch-1.0.0-alpha.6cosmic GPL3
cosmic-panel - cosmic-panelepoch-1.0.0-alpha.6cosmic GPL3
cosmic-player - cosmic-playerepoch-1.0.0-alpha.6cosmic GPL3
cosmic-randr - cosmic-randrepoch-1.0.0-alpha.6cosmic GPL3
cosmic-screenshot - cosmic-screenshotepoch-1.0.0-alpha.6cosmic GPL3
cosmic-session - cosmic-sessionepoch-1.0.0-alpha.6cosmic GPL3
cosmic-settings - cosmic-settingsepoch-1.0.0-alpha.6cosmic GPL3
cosmic-settings-daemon - cosmic-settings-daemonepoch-1.0.0-alpha.6cosmic GPL3
cosmic-store - cosmic-storeepoch-1.0.0-alpha.6cosmic GPL3
cosmic-term - COSMIC terminal emulatorepoch-1.0.0-alpha.6cosmic GPL3
cosmic-theme-editor - cosmic-theme-editor024bd9bcosmic GPL3
cosmic-wallpapers - cosmic-wallpapersepoch-1.0.0-alpha.6cosmic GPL3
cosmic-workspaces-epoch - cosmic-workspaces-epochepoch-1.0.0-alpha.6cosmic GPL3
coturn - Free open source implementation of TURN and STUN Server4.6.2contrib BSD
couchdb - Apache couchdb server3.4.3database APL
courier-authlib - Courier Authentication Library0.72.1mail GPL
courier-imap - Lightweight IMAP server5.2.10mail GPL
cowsay - A program to make speaking and thinking cow quotes3.04graphic GPL
cowsql - Embeddable, replicated and fault tolerant SQL engine1.15.8database LGPL3
cpd - C++ implementation of the Coherent Point Drift point set registration algorithm0.5.5contrib GPL
cpio - A GNU archiving program2.15archiver GPL
cpp-dependencies - Tool to check C++ #include dependencies1.1develop APL
cpptest - Portable and powerful unit testing framework for handling automated tests in C++2.0.0contrib LGPL
cppunit - A C++ unit testing framework1.15.1develop LGPL
cpputest - A unit testing and mocking framework for C/C++4.0contrib BSD
cpssharedcalendar - An advanced, flexible calendaring component for CPS31.3.3zope GPL
cpsskins - A WYSIWYG Theme editor for CMF, CPS and Plone2.2.2zope GPL
cpu-x - A Free software that gathers information on CPU, motherboard and more5.1.3contrib GPL3
cpuburn - X86 CPU stress test1.4x86 GPL
cpufeatures - Library to get cpu features at runtime0.9.0develop APL
cpufetch - Simple yet fancy CPU architecture fetching tool1.06contrib MIT
cpufreqd - CPU frequency scaling daemon2.4.2base GPL
cpufrequtils - CPU frequency scaling utilities008base GPL
cpuid - Report x86 CPU details3.3x86 GPL
cracklib - A library for checking passwords2.9.11security LGPL
cramfs-tools - Linux cramfs tools1.1filesystem GPL
cramfsswap - Swap endianess of a cram filesystem1.4.4filesystem GPL
crash - Core analysis suite7.2.8base GPL
crconf - Linux crypto layer configuration tool0_pre2contrib GPL
crimson - A tactical war game in the tradition of Battle Isle0.5.3games GPL
crm114 - A controllable regex mutilator and antispam filter20070810-BlameTheSegfaultmail GPL
croc - Easily and securely send things from one computer to another10.2.1contrib MIT
cron - The Vixie cron daemon for executing specified programs at set times3.0pl1-113base Free-to-use
cronolog - A file rotation program for Apache1.6.2base GPL
crore - lightweight cron daemon written in pure Hare0.2.2contrib GPL3
crossplane - Quick and reliable way to convert NGINX configurations into JSON and back0.5.7contrib APL
crossroads - Crossroads Load Balancer and Fail Over Utility2.81network GPL
cryptcat - Lightweight version of netcat with integrated transport encryption capabilities1.2.1network GPL
crypto++ - C++ Crypto Library564security BSD
cryptsetup - A LUKS aware cryptsetup replacement for dm-crypt2.7.5security GPL
crystal-icons-gnome - The Crystal SVG Icon theme for GNOME1.2themes LGPL
cscope - A text screen-based source browser15.9develop BSD
csmith - Tool for generating random C programs2.3.0contrib BSD
csol - Small collection of solitaire/patience games to play in the terminal1.6.0contrib MIT
cssmanager - A simple CSS-Manager for Plone0.4.1zope OpenSource
cssmin - A Python port of the YUI CSS compression algorithm0.2.0contrib BSD MIT
csync - A file synchronizer especially designed for you, the normal user0.49.9filesystem OpenSource
csync2 - Cluster synchronisation tool, 2nd generation2.0network GPL
ctags - Sourcefile indexer5.8develop GPL
ctalk - Object Oriented Extensions for C0.0.96adevelop GPL
cthumb - Themable web picture album creator4.2graphic GPL
ctorrent - BitTorrent clientdnh3.3.2network GPL
ctris - A Tetris clone for the console0.43games GPL
ctwm - The window manager for smart windows4.1.0x11 OpenSource
cubicsdr - Software-Defined Radio Application0.2.7contrib GPL
cuneiform - An multi-language OCR system1.1.0graphic BSD
cunit - A unit testing framework for C2.1-3develop LGPL
cups - Common Unix Printing System2.4.11printing GPL
cups-filters - Backends, filters, and other software that was once part of the core CUPS2.0.0printing Artistic
cups-pdf - A PDF print driver for CUPS3.0.1printing GPL
cups-samba - CUPS Driver for Windows5.0rc3printing Free-to-use
curl - Client and library for (HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, ...) transfers8.12.1network MIT
curlftpfs - A filesystem for accessing FTP hosts based on FUSE and libcurl0.9.2filesystem GPL
curlpp - CURLpp is a C++ wrapper for libcURL0.7.2network MIT
curtail - Simple & useful image compressor1.12.0contrib GPL3
cutechess - A GUI, CLI and library for playing chess1.3.1games GPL
cutecom - A serial terminal program with a Qt GUI0.22.0network GPL
cvm - Credential Validation Modules0.97security GPL
cvs - A version control system1.11.23develop GPL
cvsps - A supplemental tool to CVS that provides patchset information3.13develop GPL
cwiid - CWiid Wiimote Interface0.6.00develop GPL
cwm - A lightweight and efficient window manager for X117.1contrib ISC
cxfe - Console Xine FrontEnd0.9.2multimedia GPL
cxxopts - Lightweight C++ command line option parser as a header only library3.2.0contrib MIT
cxxtools - A library of unrelated, useful C++ classes2.2.1develop GPL
cyanrip - Bule-ish CD ripper0.9.3.1multimedia MIT
cyberjack - Unix driver for REINER-SCT cyberjack smartcard readers3.3.3security LGPL
cyme - A modern cross-platform lsusb written in Rust1.8.4base GPL3
cyrus-sasl - SASL is the Simple Authentication and Security Layer1.5.28security OpenSource
cyrus-sasl2 - SASL is the Simple Authentication and Security Layer2.1.28security OpenSource
cython - An optimising static compiler for Python3.1.0a1python APL
d4x - Downloader for X2.5.7.1network Artistic
daa2iso - A converter for the DAA CD/DVD image format0.1.7efilesystem GPL
daemon - Turns other processes into daemons0.8.4develop GPL
dansguardian - A Web filter with multiple page content analysis mechanisms2.12.0.3network GPL
dante - Socks4, socks5 and msproxy server and client1.4.4network BSD
darkglass - A X11 Xcursor theme0.0.5themes GPL
darktable - An open source photography workflow application and raw developer5.0.0graphic GPL3
darling - Run macOS software on Linux0.1-3435165emulators GPL3
dart - The Dart SDK, including the VM, dart2js, core libraries, and more3.4.4develop OpenSource
dash - The Debian Almquist Shell0.5.12shells GPL
dasher - Zooming predictive text entry system4.11gnome GPL
datamash - Command-line text/math procesing1.8contrib GPL3
date - Date and time library based on the C++11/14/17 header3.0.3contrib MIT
datefudge - Tool to fake the system date1.27contrib GPL
dateutils - Utilities for fast date-time calculations and conversion0.4.11contrib BSD
dav1d - A open-source AV1 decoder1.5.1multimedia BSD
davfs2 - Linux FUSE driver that allows you to mount a WebDAV resource1.7.1contrib GPL3
dbf - Dbf command line tool0.8.3.1database LGPL
dbmail - Group of programs that enable storing and retrieving mail messages from a database2.2.17mail GPL
dbus - A message bus system1.14.10network GPL
dbus-glib - A message bus system0.114network GPL
dbus-python - A message bus system1.4.0network GPL
dbus-qt - Qt3 binding for the desktop bus message bus system0.8network GPL
dbus-test-runner - Run executabls under a new DBus session for testing19.04.0contrib GPL3
dbutils - A suite of thread safe Python modules to connect to databases3.1.0python OpenSource
dcadec - DTS Coherent Acoustics decoder with support for HD extensions0.2.0contrib LGPL
dcc - A distributed spam filter2.3.169mail BSD
dclib - Direct Connect Filesharing library0.3.23network GPL
dcmtk - DICOM toolkit3.6.9contrib OpenSource
dconf - A simple key/value storage system0.40.0gnome LGPL
dcraw - A command-line decoder for digital raw photos9.28.0graphic PublicDomain GPL
ddate - Convert Gregorian dates to Discordian dates0.2.2contrib PublicDomain
ddccontrol - A tool that controls monitors by software, using the DDC/CI protocol0.4.2contrib GPL
ddclient - Dynamic DNS Client4.0.0network GPL
ddcxinfo - DDC readout using the VESA BIOS extension0.6.19x11 GPL
ddd - Data Display Debugger3.4.1develop GPL
ddgr - DuckDuckGo from the terminal2.2contrib GPL3
ddnet - A maintained version of DDRace19.0games ZLIB
ddrescue - Data recovery tool1.29filesystem GPL
debootstrap - Debian/Ubuntu bootstrap scripts1.0.127contrib MIT
decibels - Play audio files48.0audio GPL
dejagnu - A framework for testing other program1.6.3develop GPL
dejavu-ttf-fonts - A font family based on Bitstream Vera Fonts2.37fonts OpenSource
delta - A syntax-highlighting pager for git, diff, and grep output0.18.2develop MIT
deluge - A bittorrent client written in PyGTK2.1.1contrib GPL
delve - A debugger for the Go programming language1.24.1go MIT
dendrite - Matrix protocol homeserver0.13.8network APL
depthcharge-tools - Tools to manage the Chrome OS bootloader0.6.2contrib GPL
deroff - Deroff removes roff constructs from documents for the purpose of indexing2.0contrib GPL
deskbar-applet - Is to provide an omnipresent versatile search interface2.32.0gnome GPL
desktop-file-utils - Utilities for working with desktop entries0.28x11 GPL
desmume - A Nintendo DS emulator0.9.13emulators GPL
detenc - A lightweight, low-memory character encoding detector2.0.0contrib MIT
deu-eng - German->English dictionary20030917dictionary GPL
deva - A Distributed Virtual Reality System3.0attic GPL
devhelp - A developer's help program for GNOME3.38.1gnome GPL
devicekit - An abstraction for enumerating devices and listening to device events003develop GPL
devil - Open Source image loading, saving and manipulation library1.7.7graphic LGPL
devilspie - Window-matching utility for Metacity0.22gnome GPL
devmem2 - Program to read/write from/to any location in memory1.0.0develop GPL
dfb++ - This is a C++ binding for DirectFB providing a much easier usage1.2.0contrib GPL
dfb-examples - Example programs for the Direct Framebuffer API1.2.0contrib GPL
dfb-extra - Addons for the Linux Direct Framebuffer API1.2.0-rc1contrib GPL
dfb-linux-fusion - Direct Framebuffer fusion kernel module8.3.0contrib GPL
dfb-lite - Toolkit engine for directfb0.8.10contrib LGPL
dfbsee - An image viewer and video player for the Linux framebufferCVS-20070130contrib GPL
dfbterm - A terminal emulation running natively on DirectFB0.8.15contrib GPL
dfu-programmer - A Atmel USB Device Firmware Updater0.7.2firmware GPL
dfu-util - An implementation of the host-side USB DFU protocolr2691develop LGPL
dhcp - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol server and relay agent4.4.3network Free-to-use
dhcp-probe - Allows network administrators to make calculations that will assist in subnetting a network1.3.1contrib GPL
dhcp6c - WIDE-DHCPv6 clientv20200512network BSD
dhcpcd - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Client Daemon10.2.2network BSD
dhcpcd-scriptconfig - A modified version of dhcpcd to use scripts0.1network GPL
dhcpclient - A DHCP client for Linux 2.6 using modern kernel features20071104network GPL
dhcping - Dhcp daemon ping program1.2contrib BSD
dia - Program for drawing structured diagrams0.97.3gnome GPL
diacanvas - A library for drawing diagrams0.14.4gnome LGPL
dialog - A utility for creating TTY dialog boxes1.3-20250116base GPL
dictd - RFC-2229 compliant dictionary server1.13.0dictionary GPL
dictd_client - RFC-2229 compliant dictionary server. building client only1.12.1dictionary GPL
diction - Style checkers for improving your writing1.11contrib GPL3
didiwiki - A small, simple, self-contained 'personal' wiki engine0.8database GPL
diehard - Marsaglia's Diehard Battery of Tests of Randomness1998-04-03scientific OpenSource
dietlibc - A libc optimized for small size0.34base GPL
diffoscope - In-depth comparison of files, archives, and directories221contrib GPL3
diffstat - A histogram view for patches1.67develop MIT
difftastic - A structural diff tool that understands syntax0.63.0develop MIT
diffutils - The GNU collection of diff utilities3.11develop GPL
digikam - Professional Photo Management with the Power of Open Source8.6.0kde GPL
digitzer - Convert graph and map images into numbers4.0graphic GPL
diligent-engine - Modern Low-Level 3D Graphics Library and Rendering Framework2.5.6develop APL
dillo - A small Web Browser (i.e. for handhelds)3.2.0www GPL
ding-libs - 'D is not GLib' utility libraries0.6.2contrib GPL3 LGPL3
directfb - Direct framebuffer access library1.7.7contrib GPL
directfb2 - Direct framebuffer access library - fork of DirectFB4d6b7ddmultimedia LGPL
directx-shader-compiler - A compiler for HLSL to DXIL (DirectX Intermediate Language)1.8.2407develop OpenSource
dirmngr - A Certificate Manager for GnuPG1.1.0rc1security GPL
discount - An implementation of John Gruber’s Markdown text to html language2.2.7dtextproc OpenSource
discover - Discover is a KDE base package6.3.3kde GPL
disktype - Disk type identification utility10_cvs20091020filesystem OpenSource
distcc - A fast, free distributed C/C++/... compiler frontend3.4-b83dd2edevelop GPL
divx4linux - A DivX MPEG-4 codec (encoder and decoder)5.0.5multimedia Free-to-use
djbdns - A collection of Domain Name System tools1.05network Free-to-use
djbdns-tools - Tools to complement djbdns0.7contrib OpenSource
djv - Imaging software for movie playback, image processing, monitor calibration0.8.1graphic OpenSource
djvulibre - Tools for creating and displaying DjVu files3.5.28graphic GPL
dkimproxy - SMTP-proxy that signs and/or verifies emails, using the Mail::DKIM module1.4.1contrib GPL
dkms - Dynamic Kernel Module System3.1.6contrib GPL
dlpack - Common in-memory tensor structure1.1contrib APL
dltrace - Dynamic library call tracer0.5develop GPL
dmake - A make utility similar to GNU make4_12_2_2develop GPL
dmalloc - Debug Malloc Library5.4.2develop Free-to-use
dmapi - Data Management API runtime environment2.2.12filesystem GPL
dmenu - A generic menu for X5.3x11 MIT
dmg2img - An Apple compressed dmg to standard (hfsplus) image disk file converter1.6.7filesystem GPL
dmidecode - Reports BIOS information according to the SMBIOS/DMI standard3.6x86 GPL
dmraid - Device-mapper based software RAID tool1.0.0.rc16-3base GPL
dnrd - Simple proxy nameserver2.20.3network GPL
dnsa - A Swiss knife tool for DNS auditing0.6security GPL
dnsmasq - A lightweight, caching DNS proxy with integrated DHCP server2.91network GPL
dnsperf - Dnsperf and resperf gather accurate latency and throughput metrics for DNS2.14.0contrib APL
dnsrecon - DNS Enumeration Script1.3.1contrib GPL
dnssec-root - The DNSSEC root key20190225contrib PublicDomain
dnstop - A DNS traffic capture utility20140915contrib BSD
dnstracer - Trace a chain of DNS servers to the source1.10contrib BSD
dnstwist - Domain name permutation engine20250130contrib APL
doas - OpenBSD's temporary privilege escalation tool6.8.2contrib ISC
docbook-tools - Collection of tools to work on and format DocBook documents0.6.14textproc GPL
docbook-xml - XML scheme for documentation5.0textproc OpenSource
docbook-xsl - DocBook Stylesheets1.79.2textproc OpenSource
docbook2x - Converts DocBook into man pages and Texinfo0.8.8textproc MIT
docker-buildx - Docker CLI plugin for extended build capabilities with BuildKit0.21.2containers APL
docker-cli - The Docker CLI28.0.2containers APL
docker-compose - Define and run multi-container applications with Docker2.34.0containers APL
docker-engine - An open framework to assemble specialized container systems without reinventing the wheel28.0.2containers APL
dockerpy-creds - Python bindings for the docker credentials store API0.4.0contrib APL
docopt - Command line arguments parser for C++11 and later0.6.3contrib MIT
docpp - A documentation system for C, C++, IDL and Java3.4.10develop GPL
doctest - Fast header-only C++ unit testing2.4.11contrib MIT
doctl - Official command line interface for the DigitalOcean API1.123.0contrib APL
docutils - Documentation Utilities0.21.2develop OpenSource
dolphin - Dolphin is a KDE base package24.12.3kde GPL
dolphin-emu - A GameCube / Wii emulator5.0emulators GPL
dolphin-plugins - Dolphin plugins for revision control systems24.12.3kde GPL
doodle - A file search tool based on meta-data0.6.7filesystem GPL
dos2unix - Text file format converters7.5.2textproc BSD
dosbox - A x86 PC emulator for running old DOS games0.74-3emulators GPL
dosemu - A DOS emulator1.4.0emulators LGPL
dosfstools - DOS filesystem tools4.2filesystem GPL
double-conversion - Binary-decimal and decimal-binary conversion routines3.3.0develop BSD
dovecot - A secure IMAP server2.4.0mail GPL
downloader-cli - Simple downloader with an awesome progressbar0.3.3contrib MIT
doxygen - Documentation system for C++, Java, IDL and C1.13.2develop GPL
dpkg - The Debian package manager1.22.18archiver GPL
dpns - Docker pull & save0.4contrib GPL
dpsearch - A full-featured open sources web-based search engin4.46textproc GPL
dracut - An event driven initramfs infrastructure059contrib GPL
dragon - Dragon is a KDE base package24.12.3kde GPL
dragonbox - Reference implementation of Dragonbox in C++1.1.3contrib APL
drawterm - Connect to Plan 9 CPU servers from other operating systems59dda542network MIT
driconf - DRI Configuration Applet0.9.1xorg OpenSource
driftnet - Capture images wandering by on the net0.1.6graphic GPL
drkonqi - The KDE crash handler6.3.3kde GPL
drm_info - Small utility to dump info about DRM devices2.7.0xorg MIT
dropbear - A relatively small SSH 2 server and client2025.87security MIT
drwright - Program that forces regular breaks3.5.0gnome GPL
dsf2flac - Command line tool to convert dsd audio files to flac6b109cdaudio GPL
dsniff - Sniffing utilities for network security testing and auditing2.4b1security GPL
dssi - A plugin API for software instruments1.1.1audio LGPL
dstat - A versatile resource statistics tool0.7.3contrib GPL
dtc - Device Tree Compiler1.7.2powerpc GPL
dte - A small and easy to use console text editor1.11.1editors GPL
dtorrent - A tool for distributing files3.3.2network GPL
dua-cli - View disk space usage and delete unwanted data, fast2.30.0contrib MIT
duf - Disk usage utility0.8.1go MIT
duktape - An embeddable Javascript engine, with a focus on portability2.7.0develop MIT
duma - A debugger which detects memory allocation violations2_5_21develop GPL
dump - The Linux Ext2 filesystem dump/restore utilities0.4b50filesystem BSD
dunst - Customizable and lightweight notification-daemon1.12.2wayland MIT
duperemove - Tools for deduping file systems0.15.1contrib GPL
duplicity - Encrypted and bandwidth-efficient backup using the rsync algorithm1.0.0network GPL
dust - Disk utilization utility1.1.2contrib APL
dvb-apps - LinuxTV DVB example applicationsbe76da69f250multimedia GPL
dvb-firmware - LinuxTV DVB kernel addons and firmware2005-07-05multimedia Free-to-use
dvbd - DVB tuner daemon0.7.7multimedia GPL
dvbsnoop - DVB stream analyzer1.4.50multimedia GPL
dvbstream - A simple DVB over RTP streaming server and client0.5multimedia GPL
dvbstreamer - A tool that streams DVB/MPEG2 over UDP1.1multimedia GPL
dvd+rwtools - DVD+RW/+R/-R[W] utility for Linux7.1filesystem GPL
dvd_close - DVD close utility for Linux7.1-2014filesystem GPL
dvdauthor - DVD Authoring Tools0.7.2multimedia GPL
dvdisaster - CD and DVD data recovery ans defect analysis0.79.1filesystem GPL
dvdrip - A full featured DVD copy program written in Perl0.98.11multimedia GPL
dvdstyler - Cross-platform DVD menu creation GUI3.2.1multimedia GPL
dvgrab - Commandine tool for IEEE1394 Camcorders3.5multimedia GPL
dvhtool - Write kernels into sgi volume headers1.0.1filesystem GPL
dvorakng - Dvorak keyboard learning tool0.6.0dictionary GPL
dvtm - Dynamic virtual terminal manager0.15contrib MIT
dwarves - Debugging Information Manipulation Tools1.29develop GPL
dwdiff - Diff program operating at the word level2.1.4develop GPL
dwm - A dynamic window manager for X116.5x11 MIT
dynamips - Cisco router emulator0.2.22contrib GPL
dyncall - A portable, high level programming interface to various calling conventions1.4develop ISC
dzen - A general purpose messaging, notification and menuing program for X110.9.5contrib MIT
e-modules - Enlightenment X11 Windowmanager v17 modulesr41533enlightenment GPL
e-utils - Enlightenment X11 Windowmanager v17 utilitiesr41533enlightenment GPL
e16keyedit - Enlightenment v0.16 key-binding editor0.10enlightenment BSD
e16menuedit - Enlightenment v0.16 menu editor0.0.3enlightenment Free-to-use
e2fsimage - Create and populate an ext2 filesystem image as non-root user0.2.2filesystem BSD
e2fsprogs - Utilities for use with the ext-family filesystem1.47.0filesystem GPL LGPL
e2tools - Utilities for manipulating files in an ext2/ext3 filesystem0.1.2contrib GPL
e3 - A mini text editor2.83editors GPL
eaccelerator - A PHP accelerator, optimizer, encoder and dynamic content cache0.9.6.1www GPL
eartag - Small and simple music tag editor that doesn't try to manage your entire library0.6.4contrib MIT
easytag - Music files tagging tool with GTK+ GUI2.1.7multimedia GPL
eatmemory - Simple C program to allocate memory from the command line0.1.9contrib MIT
ebook-tools - Tools for accessing and converting various ebook file formats0.2.2contrib MIT
ebtables - Ethernet bridge tables2.0.9-2network OpenSource
ebusd - Daemon for communication with eBUS heating systems22.3contrib GPL3
ecasound - Sound processing, multitrack recording, and mixing tools2.9.3audio GPL
ecl - Embeddable Common Lisp24.5.10contrib LGPL
eclair - An Enlightenment 17 media playerr43316enlightenment GPL
eclipse - Extensible universal IDE written in java3.1.2java OpenSource
ed - The GNU line editor1.21editors GPL
edb - Database library based on Berkeley DB 2.7.7r41533enlightenment GPL
edbus - E17 D-Bus library1.0.1enlightenment GPL
edelta - A fast binary diff utility for executables0.10barchiver GPL
editorconfig - Core library written in C for use by plugins supporting EditorConfig parsing0.12.9contrib BSD
editres - A dynamic resource editor for X Toolkit applications1.0.9xorg OpenSource
edje - A complex graphical design & layout library1.0.0.beta2enlightenment GPL
edje_editor - A visual editor for edje filer41533enlightenment GPL
edje_viewer - A simple viewer for edj filesr41533enlightenment GPL
eet - A miniature "ZIP FILE" like library1.7.10enlightenment GPL
eeze - Another E17 package1.0.2enlightenment GPL
efi-mkkeys - Script to easily generate self-signed UEFI keys for Secure Boot0.1.0contrib MIT
efi-mkuki - EFI Unified Kernel Image Maker0.1.1contrib MIT
efibooteditor - Boot Editor for (U)EFI based systems1.5.2contrib LGPL
efibootmgr - A user-space application to modify the Intel EFI Boot Manager18boot GPL
efivar - Tools and libraries to manipulate EFI variables38boot GPL
efl - The Enlightenment Foundation Libraries1.28.0enlightenment GPL
efreet - An implementation of several specifications from freedesktop.org1.0.1enlightenment GPL
eg - A Text Mode Norton Guide Reader1.00develop GPL
eggdbus - D-Bus bindings for GObject0.6develop LGPL
eigen - A C++ template library for linear algebra and related algorithms3.4.0develop OpenSource
eina - A C support library1.7.10enlightenment GPL
eject - Eject removable medias from their drives2.1.0contrib GPL
ekg - Experimental client for gadu-gadu instant messanger1.6contrib GPL
ekiga - A videoconferencing and VoIP application (for Gnome)3.2.7multimedia GPL
elation - An Enlightenment 17 media playerr41533enlightenment GPL
electricfence - A debugger which detects memory allocation violations2_4_13develop GPL
elementary - An Enlightenment 17 basic widget set2009-07-29enlightenment GPL
elementtree - A simple but flexible container object1.2.6-20050316textproc BSD
elf - ELF header analyzer and editor0.5.4p1develop GPL
elfio - ELF reader and producer implemented as a header only C++ library3.10contrib MIT
elfkickers - Collection of programs that deal with the ELF file format3.2develop GPL
elftoaout - ELF to a.out convertor2.3sparc GPL
elicit - A magnifier for examining images on your desktopr41533enlightenment GPL
elilo - A bootloader for EFI machines3.12boot GPL
elinks - ELinks - an advanced text mode web browser0.11.6www GPL
elisa - A simple music player aiming to provide a nice experience for its users24.12.3kde GPL
elitaire - Solitaire card games based on EFLr41533enlightenment GPL
ell - Embedded Linux library0.74develop GPL
elmer-fem - Finite Element Software for Multiphysical Problems5.2.0scientific GPL
elspci - List PCI device information1.1contrib GPL
elvis-tiny - A shrinked elvis (vi clone)1.4-22editors OpenSource
emacs - The Editing MACroS - text editor30.1editors GPL
emacs-matlab-mode - Matlab mode for (X)Emacs2.3.1scientific GPL
emacs-maxima-mode - Maxima mode for (X)Emacs0.9scientific GPL
emacs-xemacs-shared - Shared user utilities of emacs and xemacs21.4.24editors Free-to-use
email2trac - Utilities for converting emails to trac tickets2.14.0contrib GPL
embrace - A mail-checker which is based on the Enlightenment Foundation Librariesr41533enlightenment GPL
embree - High Performance Ray Tracing Kernels4.3.3contrib APL
embryo - A small virtual machine and bytecode compiler1.0.0.beta3enlightenment GPL
embutils - Stripped down utilities for embedded use0.19base GPL
emelfm2 - A file manager for UNIX-like operating systems0.9.1x11 GPL
emenu - Extension to dmenu1.0.1x11 MIT
emile - A 680x0 Macintosh bootloader0.14boot GPL
emotion - Xine encapsulation for rendering videos into an Evas canvasr41533enlightenment GPL
emphasis - An MPD (Music Player Daemon) client written in Etkr41533enlightenment GPL
empower - A graphical sudo tool based on the Enlightenment Foundation Librariesr43316enlightenment GPL
emprint - EFL-Based screenshot utilityr43316enlightenment GPL
enblend - A tool for compositing images4.2graphic GPL
enca - Charset analyser and converter1.19contrib GPL
enchant - A library that wraps a number of different spelling libraries and programs2.8.2gnome LGPL
encodings - X font encodings1.1.0xorg OpenSource
enet - Reliable UDP networking library1.3.18network MIT
eng-deu - English->German dictionary20030917dictionary GPL
engage - A NeXT style dock applicationr41533enlightenment GPL
engrampa - File archiver1.28.2mate GPL
engrave - Edje file parseing and editing libraryr41533enlightenment GPL
enhance - A library that takes advantage of Glade's .glade XML filesr41533enlightenment GPL
enigma - Oxyd free puzzle game clone1.30games GPL
enity - Create Etk dialogs using scriptsr41533enlightenment GPL
enjoy - Daemon to map joystick events to mouse/key events0.3contrib MIT
enlightenment - Enlightenment X11 Windowmanager v170.27.1enlightenment GPL
enlightenment16 - Enlightenment X11 Windowmanager v161.0.30enlightenment BSD
enna - Media center application based on EFLr1983enlightenment GPL
enotes - A sticky notes system based on EFLr41533enlightenment GPL
enscript - Converts text and other types of files to PostScript(TM)1.6.6graphic GPL
enterminus - Terminalr43316enlightenment GPL
entr - Run arbitrary commands when files change5.7shells ISC
entrance - The Enligthenment display managerr41533enlightenment GPL
entropy - A full featured GUI-toolkit independent file managerr41533enlightenment GPL
envision - An E17 Ogg/Vorbis video playerr41533enlightenment GPL
eog - The GNOME image viewing and catalogin program47.0gnome GPL
eom - Image viewer for MATE1.28.0mate GPL
epdfview - A lightweight PDF viewer using Poppler and GTK+0.1.8graphic GPL
epeg - An IMMENSELY FAST JPEG thumbnailer libraryr41533enlightenment GPL
ephoto - A presentation application1.6.0enlightenment GPL
epic5 - Enhanced Programmable ircII Client, version 53.0.3contrib BSD
epiphany - A GNOME Web Browser and file navigator48.0gnome GPL
epix - Mathematically accurate plotting tool1.2.6scientific GPL
epoxy - A library for handling OpenGL function pointer management1.5.9xorg MIT
epoz - A cross-browser-wysiwyg-editor for Zope2.0.2zope OpenSource
epplets16 - Enlightenment v0.16 applets0.13enlightenment BSD
epr - CLI epub reader2.4.15contrib MIT
epsilon - A small, display independent and quick thumbnailing libraryr41533enlightenment GPL
epson-alc1100 - Rasterizer for Epson AcuLaser C11001.0printing Free-to-use
epson-inkjet-printer-escpr - Epson Inkjet Printer Driver for Linux1.7.20contrib GPL
epub2txt - CLI utility for extracting text from EPUB documents2.08contrib GPL3
eq-xmms - Graphical real-time audio equalizer plugin for XMMS0.7audio GPL
ergo - A modern IRC server written in Go2.15.0contrib MIT
erlang-otp - A general-purpose programming language and runtime environment27.3develop OpenSource
erss - A RSS feed reader based on EFLr43316enlightenment GPL
eruby - Embedded ruby in html1.0.5ruby GPL
escreen - A Linux boot screen implementation0.0.4graphic GPL
esdl - A SDL wrapper for the erlang language1.3.1graphic OpenSource
esmart - A library of evas smart objectsr43316enlightenment GPL
esnacc - Sample Neufeld ASN.1 to C/C Compiler (BBN Modification)1.7.4develop GPL
esound - The Enlightened Sound Daemon0.2.41audio GPL
espeak - A compact multilingual text to speech synthesis engine1.48.04text2speech GPL
estickies - Etk-based notes applicationr43316enlightenment GPL
etckeeper - Store /etc in git1.18.22contrib GPL
eterm16 - Enlightenment terminal0.9.6enlightenment BSD
ethtool - Display or change ethernet card settings6.11network GPL
ethumb - A Enlightenment 17 Thumbnailing Library1.7.10enlightenment GPL
etk - A toolkit based on the EFLr43316enlightenment GPL
etk-extra - A collection of extra widgets, models and helpers for Etkr43316enlightenment GPL
etoile - A document-centric desktop and post-desktop environment46c3b6fgnustep BSD
ettercap - Multipurpose sniffer/interceptor/loggerNG-0.7.3network GPL
eudev - Init system agnostic fork of systemd-udev3.2.14filesystem GPL
euler - A program for quickly and interactively computing1.61.0scientific GPL
evas - A high performance canvas library1.7.10enlightenment GPL
event-perl - A Generic Perl Event Loop1.28perl Artistic GPL
eventlog - A replacement of the simple syslog API0.2.3+20050717base OpenSource
eventviews - Library for creating events24.12.3kde GPL
evfs - The Enlightenment File System Daemonr41533enlightenment GPL
evieext - EvIE extension headers1.1.1xorg OpenSource
evince - Gnome PDF viewer48.0gnome GPL
evisum - An E17 system monitor0.6.2enlightenment OpenSource
evoke - A Magic build tool30b313ddevelop APL
evolution - Integrated Workgroup and Personal Information Management3.56.0gnome GPL
evolution-data-server - Integrated Workgroup and Personal Information Management: Data Server3.56.0gnome GPL
evolution-webcal - Integrated Workgroup and Personal Information Management: Web-Calendar2.32.0gnome GPL
evolve - A library and Etk interface builderr41533enlightenment GPL
ewl - The Enlightenment Widget Libraryr43316enlightenment GPL
exabgp - BGP swiss army knife of networking4.2.25contrib BSD
exact-audio - A fast audio library including command line frontend0.0.6audio GPL
exact-image - A fast, modern and generic image processing library1.2.1graphic GPL
exaile - A media player aiming to have a simple interface yet many features0.2.14gnome GPL
exalt - A Enlightenment 17 network managerr43316enlightenment GPL
examine - A E17 configuration examinerr41533enlightenment GPL
exchange - A Enlightenment 17 Exchange Libraryr41533enlightenment GPL
exempi - XMP SDK to work on UNIX2.6.5develop BSD
exfat-utils - A set of exFAT utilities1.4.0filesystem GPL
exfatprogs - ExFAT filesystem userspace utilities1.2.6filesystem GPL
exhibit - An image viewer using enlightenment librariesr41533enlightenment GPL
exiftool - Manage image meta information13.25multimedia GPL
exim - A Mail Tranfer Agent4.98.1mail GPL
exiv2 - A C++ library and a command line utility to access image metadata0.28.5graphic GPL
exml - E17 xml libraryr43316enlightenment GPL
exoscale - Command-line tool for everything at Exoscale1.83.1contrib APL
expat - XML parser library2.6.4base OpenSource
expect - Lets you automate telnet, ftp, passwd, fsck, rlogin, tip, etc5.45.4develop Free-to-use
expedite - A test and benchmark for the Evas canvas library1.7.9enlightenment GPL
express - A Enlightenment 17 instant messaging programr43316enlightenment GPL
exquisite - An EFL based psplash replacementr41533enlightenment GPL
exrtools - EXRTools is a set of commandline utilities for manipulating OpenEXR images0.4graphic MIT
extra-cmake-modules - Extra KDE modules and scripts for CMake6.12.0kde GPL
eyed3 - ID3 tag editor in Python0.9.6contrib GPL3
eza - A modern alternative to ls0.20.24contrib EUPL
ezipupdate - Client for various dynamic DNS services3.0.11b7network GPL
ezmlm - An easy-to-use, high-speed mailing list manager for qmail0.53-idx-5.0.2mail OpenSource
f-spot - Personal photo management application for the GNOME desktop0.8.2gnome GPL
f2fs-tools - Flash friendly filesystem1.16.0filesystem GPL
faac - An MPEG-4 AAC encoder1.30audio LGPL
faad - An MPEG-4 AAC decoder2.7audio GPL
fabric - Simple pythonic remote deployment tool2.7.1contrib BSD
fail2ban - Daemon to ban hosts that cause multiple authentication errors1.1.0security MIT
fakeroot - Gives a fake root environment, useful for building packages as a non-privileged user1.37contrib GPL3
falkon - A free and open-source web browser24.12.3kde GPL
fam - A filesystem support library2.7.0filesystem GPL
fann - Fast Artificial Neural Network Library2.2.0contrib LGPL
farsight2 - An audio/video conferencing framework specifically designed for Instant Messengers0.0.31multimedia LGPL
fast-user-switch-applet - A applet for switching between users2.24.0gnome GPL
fast_float - Fast implementation of the C++ from_chars functions for float and double types8.0.2contrib APL MIT
fastcgi - A FastCGI Development Kit2.4.2network PublicDomain
fastfetch - Like neofetch, but much faster2.39.1contrib MIT
fastjar - A fast implementation of Java Archiver0.98contrib GPL
faultstat - Page fault monitoring tool0.01.11contrib GPL
fbgrab - A framebuffer screenshot program1.5graphic GPL
fbmark - Linux Framebuffer Benchmark0.3multimedia GPL
fbreader - An e-book reader for Linux PDAs and desktop computers0.99.5contrib GPL
fbset - A utility to show or change the settings of the frame buffer2.1base GPL
fbterm - A fast frame buffer-based terminal emulator for Linux1.7.0contrib GPL
fbv - A graphic file viewer for the Linux framebuffer device1.0bgraphic GPL
fcft - Font loading and glyph rasterisation library3.1.10x11 MIT
fcgiwrap - Simple FastCGI wrapper for CGI scripts1.1.0network MIT
fcitx5 - Next generation of fcitx5.1.10contrib LGPL
fcode-utils - A set of utilities to process FCODE, OpenFirmware's byte code1.0.3develop GPL
fdclock - A new-style example application clock2006-01-26xorg OpenSource
fdm - A simple lightweight tool of fetching, filtering and delivering emails2.2contrib ISC
fed - Folding text editor2.24editors GPL
feedbackd-device-themes - Feedbackd device themes for different devices0_git20220202contrib GPL3
feh - A fast image viewer, indexer, and montager that uses imlib23.10.3graphic BSD
felimagenoise - An advanced noise generation GIMP plugin0.1.1graphic GPL
feng - A multimedia streaming server0.1.99multimedia LGPL
fennel - A Lua Lisp Language1.5.1contrib MIT
ferm - Firewall configuration tool2.7contrib GPL
fetchmail - Remote-mail retrieval utility6.4.37mail GPL
fex - A fast usermode x86 and x86-64 emulator for Arm642503emulators MIT
ffcall - A collectoin of foreign function call libraries2.5develop GPL
fff - Simple and fast file manager2.2contrib MIT
ffmpeg - A complete audio and video stream library7.1.1multimedia LGPL
ffmpegthumbs - FFmpeg-based thumbnail creator for video files24.12.3kde GPL
ffmpy - Python FFmpeg command line wrapper0.5.0python MIT
ffproxy - A secure HTTP/HTTPS filtering proxy1.6network GPL
fftw - Fastest Fourier Transform in The West2.1.5scientific GPL
fftw3 - Fastest Fourier Transform in The West3.3.10scientific GPL
fget - A minimal http/ftp download tool for boot disks0.4.1network GPL
fgetty - A very small getty for Linux0.7base OpenSource
fgt - C++ library for fast Gauss transforms0.4.11contrib LGPL
fig2dev - Translates Fig code to other graphic description languages3.2.8bcontrib MIT
figlet - A program for making large letters out of ordinary text2.2.5graphic OpenSource
figment - An Outliner0.3.5gnome GPL
file - File type identification utility5.46base BSD
file-roller - Gnome archiver44.5gnome LGPL
filelight - Graphical disk usage statistics24.12.3kde GPL
filelock - A platform-independent file lock for Python3.17.0python UNL
filesystemstorage - FileSystem storage for Archetypes2.0rc1zope OpenSource
findtow - Command line tool for detecting tow-boot shared installations0.1contrib GPL3
findutils - GNU find utils4.10.0base GPL
fio - Flexible I/O Tester3.38contrib GPL
firacode-ttf-fonts - Free monospaced font with programming ligatures6.2fonts OFL
firebird - A relational database offering many ANSI SQL-99 features2.1.3database MPL
firefox - The award-winning, fast and secure Web browser136.0.2www MPL
firestarter - Firewall creation/monitoring tool1.0.3gnome GPL
firewalk - A traceroute like tool to determine gateway ACL filters and to map networks5.0security BSD
fish - A shell focused on interactive use, discoverability, and user friendliness4.0.1shells GPL
flac - An Free Lossless Audio Codec1.5.0audio LGPL
flame - Flame is an cosmic recursive fractal flames generator3.1.1graphic GPL
flang - A implementation of a Fortran front end written in modern C++20.1.0develop BSD
flashplayer - Adobe Flash Player for Mozilla10.0.15.3multimedia Restricted
flashrom - A utility for reading, writing, verifying and erasing flash ROM chips1.5.1firmware GPL
flatbuffers - Memory Efficient Serialization Library25.2.10contrib APL
flatpak - Linux application sandboxing and distribution framework1.16.0emulators LGPL
flatpak-kcm - Flatpak Permissions Management KCM6.3.3kde GPL
flawfinder - A program that scans source code looking for security weaknesses2.0.19develop GPL
flex - Fast lexical analyzer generator2.6.4develop GPL
flexbackup - A flexible backup tool1.2.1archiver GPL
flightgear - Flight Gear is a free flight simulator project2020.3.19games GPL
flightgear-data - Flight Gear's textures, models, data, and config files2020.3.19games GPL
flint - C library in support of computations in number theory2.7.1contrib LGPL
flite - A small run-time speech synthesis engine2.1text2speech OpenSource
flsynclient - GUI to configure a synaptics touchpad0.7-1x11 GPL
fltk - A portable GUI library1.4.0x11 LGPL
fluidsynth - A real-time software synthesizer based on the SoundFont 2 specifications2.4.4contrib LGPL
fluxbox - A standards compliant, fast, light-weight, extensible window manager1.3.7x11 GPL
flwm - The Fast Light Window Manager1.02x11 GPL
fmt - Fast and safe formatting library alternative to C stdio and C++ iostreams11.1.3contrib OpenSource
fnord - A small HTTPD for Linux1.11network GPL
fnott - Notification daemon for wlroots-based compositors1.7.1wayland MIT
folks - Gnome folks package0.15.9gnome LGPL
font-adobe - Standard Adobe fonts1.0.4xorg OpenSource
font-adobe-utopia - Adobe Utopia font family1.0.5xorg OpenSource
font-adobe-utopia-type1 - Adobe Utopia Type1 font family1.0.5xorg OpenSource
font-alias - Standard X font aliases1.0.5xorg OpenSource
font-arabic-misc - Arabic fonts of the Mexico State University1.0.4xorg OpenSource
font-bh - Bigelow & Holmes fonts1.0.4xorg OpenSource
font-bh-lucidatypewriter - Bigelow & Holmes Lucida Typewriter font1.0.4xorg OpenSource
font-bh-ttf - Bigelow & Holmes Luxi font1.0.4xorg OpenSource
font-bh-type1 - Bigelow & Holmes Luxi font1.0.4xorg OpenSource
font-bitstream - Bitstream font family1.0.4xorg OpenSource
font-bitstream-type1 - Bitstream font family1.0.4xorg OpenSource
font-cronyx-cyrillic - Russian fonts for X111.0.4xorg OpenSource
font-cursor-misc - X11 cursor fonts1.0.4xorg OpenSource
font-daewoo-misc - A Daewoo Electronics font1.0.4xorg OpenSource
font-dec-misc - A Digital Equipment Corporation font1.0.4xorg OpenSource
font-ibm-type1 - An IBM Corporation Curier font1.0.4xorg OpenSource
font-isas-misc - The Institute of Software, Academia Sinica font1.0.4xorg OpenSource
font-jis-misc - The Japanese Industrial Standard, JIS, font1.0.4xorg OpenSource
font-micro-misc - A public domain micro font1.0.4xorg OpenSource
font-misc-cyrillic - A public domain cyrillic font1.0.4xorg OpenSource
font-misc-ethiopic - A public domain ethiopic font1.0.5xorg OpenSource
font-misc-misc - A misc. public domain font1.1.3xorg OpenSource
font-mutt-misc - Computing Research Labs, New Mexico State University MUTT font1.0.4xorg OpenSource
font-schumacher-misc - Dale Schumacher font1.1.3xorg OpenSource
font-screen-cyrillic - A public domain cyrillic font for screen use1.0.5xorg OpenSource
font-sony-misc - A Sony Corp. font1.0.4xorg OpenSource
font-sun-misc - A Sun Microsystems font1.0.4xorg OpenSource
font-util - X.org font utilities1.4.1xorg OpenSource
font-winitzki-cyrillic - Serge Winitzki cyrillic font1.0.4xorg OpenSource
font-xfree86-type1 - A Xfree86 Inc. Type1 font1.0.5xorg OpenSource
fontcacheproto - Fontcache extension headers0.1.3xorg OpenSource
fontconfig - A library for font customization and configuration2.16.0xorg OpenSource
fontforge - An outline font editor20230101fonts BSD
fonttools - fontTools is a library for manipulating fonts, written in Python4.55.6fonts MIT
fonttosfnt - Wraps a bitmap font in a sfnt (TrueType) wrapper1.2.4xorg OpenSource
foo2zjs - Rasterizer for the ZjStream protocol2006-01-10printing GPL
foobillard - A GL game of pool3.0agames GPL
foomatic-db - Foomatic is a system for integrating free software printer drivers3.0-20090114printing GPL
foomatic-filters - Foomatic filter convert PostScript data into printer's native format4.0.17printing GPL
foot - A fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator1.20.2wayland MIT
fop - A print formatter driven by XSL formatting objects2.10textproc APL
fourier - Fourier transform GIMP plugin0.4.0graphic GPL
fourier-compose - Fourier Compose is a GIMP plugin1.2graphic GPL
fox - Yes another GUI toolkit1.7.85x11 LGPL
fpc - Free Pascal compiler3.2.2develop GPL
fping - A program to ping hosts in parallel2.4b2_to-ipv6network GPL
fpm2 - An application that allows you to securely store your passwords0.90.1security GPL
fprobe - Libpcap-based tool that collect network traffic1.1contrib GPL
fragroute - A network IDS evasion tool1.2security BSD
frameworkintegration - KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 4 workspace and cross-framework integration plugins6.12.0kde GPL
francis - KDE pomodoro app24.12.3kde GPL
freealut - Open Audio Library Utility Toolkit1.1.0audio GPL
freecad - A free and opensource multiplatform 3D parametric modeler1.0.0cad GPL
freeciv - A Civ II like multiplayer strategy game3.1.4games GPL
freedroid - A Paradroid clone1.0.2games GPL
freedroid_rpg - A graphical single player sci-fi RPG featuring Tux and evil MS bots1.0games GPL
freedt - Reimplementation of Dan Bernstein's daemontools23contrib GPL
freefonts - A collection of free fonts0.10fonts Free-to-use
freeglut - An OpenSourced clone of the GLUT library3.6.0x11 MIT
freeimage - An Open Source graphic library3.19.10graphic GPL
freeipmi - A suite of userland IPMI tools1.6.15base GPL
freememapplet_tray - Free memory applet for desktop tray2.4contrib GPL
freenginx - A high perfomance http and reverse proxy server1.27.4network GPL
freenx - Free NX server implementation0.7.1x11 GPL
freeradius - FreeRADIUS - open source RADIUS Server3.2.7security GPL
freeradius-client - FreeRADIUS Client Software1_8contrib BSD
freerdp - A Remote Desktop Protocol library and clients3.14.0network APL
freetds - Tabular Datastream Library1.4.26contrib GPL LGPL
freetype - TrueType font rendering library2.13.3x11 GPL
freetype1 - TrueType font rendering library1.3.1x11 OpenSource
freevo - A standalone Linux digital VCR/PVR1.8.1multimedia GPL
frei0r-plugins - A minimalistic plugin API for video sources and filters1.8.0contrib GPL
fribidi - The Bidirectional Algorithm library1.0.16textproc LGPL
frogdata - Data for Frog NLP suite0.22contrib GPL3
frotz - Infocom-style interactive fiction player for Unix and DOS2.54games GPL
frozen-bubble - A colorful puzzle game2.2.0games GPL
fs-uae - A Amiga emulator3.1.66emulators GPL
fsarchiver - Safe and flexible file-system backup and deployment tool0.8.8contrib GPL
fslsfonts - Lists fonts served by X font server1.0.7xorg OpenSource
fsspec - A specification that python filesystems should adhere to2024.12.0python BSD
fstobdf - Generate BDF font from X font server1.0.7xorg OpenSource
fstrcmp - Make fuzzy comparisons of strings and byte arrays0.7contrib GPL3
fstrm - Frame Streams implementation in C0.6.1contrib MIT
fswebcam - A neat and simple webcam app20200725contrib GPL
ftgl - A font library for use with OpenGL2.1.3-rc5x11 LGPL
ftx-prog - A command-line alternative to the FTProg utility0.4develop GPL
fuppes - A free, multiplatform UPnP A/V Media Serverr627multimedia GPL
fuse - A simple user-space filesystem interface for Linux3.16.2filesystem GPL
fuse-emulator - Free Unix Spectrum Emulator0.10.0.1emulators GPL
fuse-exfat - A exFAT implementaoitn for FUSE1.4.0filesystem GPL
fuse2 - A simple user-space filesystem interface for Linux2.9.9filesystem GPL
fusionsound - Sound support for the Linux Direct Framebuffer2007-12-23contrib GPL
fuzzel - A versatile app and utility launcher for Wayland1.11.1contrib APL
fvwm - The Famous Virtual Window Manager2.7.0x11 GPL
fvwm-themes - The Famous(?) Virtual Window Manager - Themes0.7.0themes GPL
fvwm-themes-extra - Extra themes for thhe Famous(?) Virtual Window Manager0.7.0themes GPL
fwbuilder - FWBuilder-GUI for firewall administration4.1.0security OpenSource
fwupd - A system daemon to allow session software to update firmware2.0.5firmware LGPL
fxruby - Ruby language bindings for the FOX GUI toolkit1.6.11ruby LGPL
fxscintilla - An implementation of Scintilla for the FOX GUI Library2.28.0editors LGPL
fyre - Fyre is a tool for producing artwork based on iterated chaotic functions1.0.1graphic GPL
fzf - A command-line fuzzy finder0.60.3contrib MIT
g-golf - Guile Object Library for GNOME0.8.1develop LGPL
g-wrap - A tool for exporting C libraries into Scheme interpreters1.9.15develop GPL
gajim - A full featured and easy to use XMPP client1.9.5contrib GPL3
galan - Graphical Audio Language0.3.0beta7audio GPL
galculator - A GTK2-based scientific calculator with algebraic, RPN, and formula entry modes2.1.4gnome GPL
gallery-dl - CLI tool to download image galleries1.29.2contrib GPL
gambas - A free development environment based on a Basic3.20.2develop GPL
gamescope - SteamOS session compositing window manager3.16.2wayland BSD
gamix - Gtk+ ALSA mixer1.99.p14audio GPL
gammastep - Adjust the color temperature of your screen to your surroundings2.0.9wayland MIT
gammu - Gammu provides an abstraction layer for cell phones access1.42.0contrib GPL
gaphor - UML modeling tool for Gnome3.0.0develop GPL
garcon - Various gtk widgets for xfce4.20.0xfce4 LGPL
gatling - A high performance web server0.16network GPL
gatos-ati-remote - Linux kernel module that interfaces ATI RF remote as a regular input device2004-01-07x11 GPL
gatos-km - Video4Linux support for ATI cards2004-01-07x11 GPL
gaupol - Editor for text-based subtitles1.15contrib GPL3
gawk - GNU Awk5.3.1textproc GPL
gbinder - GLib-style interfacer to binder (Android IPC mechanism)1.1.42gnome BSD
gbinder-python - Cython extension module for gbinder1.1.2python GPL
gcab - A GObject library to create cabinet files1.6archiver GPL
gcalctool - Gnome-2 calculator6.6.2gnome LGPL
gcc - The GNU Compiler Collection - aka GNU C Compiler14.2.0develop GPL
gcc-spe - The GNU Compiler Collection - for the Cell SPE/SPU8.3.0develop GPL
gccmakedep - Dependency generator1.0.4xorg OpenSource
gcjwebplugin - A plugin for the execution of Java applets in web browsers0.9.0java GPL
gcl - GNU Common Lisp2.6.14develop LGPL
gcolor2 - It is a program to select colors, with a GTK+ 2.0 interface0.4graphic GPL
gcolorsel - It is a program to select colors, with a GTK+ 2.0 interface1.0.0graphic GPL
gcombust - GTK+ frontend for mkisofs, mkhybrid, cdrecord, and cdlabelgen0.1.55x11 GPL
gconf - Configuration storage library, like libproplist or the Windows Registry3.2.6gnome LGPL
gconf-editor - An Editor for Configuration storage library3.0.1gnome LGPL
gconf110 - Configuration storage library, like libproplist or the Windows Registry1.0.9gnome1 LGPL
gconfmm - C++ wrappers for GConf2.28.3gnome GPL
gcr - Displaying certificates and accessing key store4.3.1gnome LGPL
gdal - Translator library for raster geospatial data formats (includes OGR support)3.9.3develop MIT
gdb - The GNU Debugger16.2develop GPL
gdbm - The GNU database manager1.24database GPL
gdchart - GDChart Based Graphing Interface0.2.0php OpenSource
gdesklets - Advanced architecture for desktop applets0.36.1gnome GPL
gdk-pixbuf - The GdkPixBuf image handling library2.42.12gnome LGPL
gdk-pixbuf-xlib - Deprecated Xlib integration for the GdkPixBuf image handling library2.42.0gnome LGPL
gdk-pixbuf10 - The GdkPixBuf image handling library0.22.0gnome1 LGPL
gdl - Gnome Devtools Library3.40.0gnome GPL
gdm - The GNOME Display Manager48.0gnome GPL
gdmap - GdMap is a tool which allows to visualize disk space0.8.1gnome GPL
geany - Geany is a text editor2.0editors GPL
gede - Gede is a GUI to gdb using Qt52.17.1contrib BSD
gedit - The GNOME text editor48.1gnome GPL
gedit-plugins - Some useful plugins for gedit48.1gnome GPL
geeqie - A graphics file viewer, forked from GQView1.1graphic GPL
gegl - A graph-based image processing framework0.4.56graphic LGPL
geki2 - An action shooter2.0.8games GPL
geki3 - An action shooter1.0.3games GPL
genext2fs - Generates an ext2 filesystem as a normal (non-root) user1.4.1filesystem GPL
gengetopt - A getopt format generator2.23develop GPL
genius - An arbitrary precision integer and multiple precision floating point calculator1.0.27gnome GPL
genromfs - Create a romfs image0.5.7filesystem GPL
gens - A free GENESIS/MEGADRIVE emulator2.12a-rc3emulators GPL
gentoo - A GTK+ based file manager somewhat similar to Amiga DirectoryOpus 40.20.7x11 GPL
geoclue - D-Bus geoinformation service2.7.2gnome LGPL
geocode-glib - A convenience library for the Yahoo! Place Finder APIs3.26.4gnome GPL
geoip - Find the country that any IP address or hostname originates from1.4.8develop LGPL
geomorph - An height field generator and editor for Linux0.31graphic GPL
geos - GEOS is a library providing OpenGIS and JTS spatial operations in C++3.13.1contrib LGPL
getmail - A fetchmail replacement with qmail-like Maildir and external MDA delivery6.19.07mail GPL
getssl - A pure shell implementation of the LetsEncrypt ACME protocol2.49contrib GPL3
gettext - A program internationalization library and tools0.24base LGPL
getting-things-gnome - A personal tasks and TODO-list items organizier for GNOME, inspired by the Getting Things Done methodology0.6contrib GPL3
gexiv2 - GObject-based wrapper around the Exiv2 library0.14.3gnome GPL
gfbgraph - Gnome gfbgraph package0.2.5gnome LGPL
gfingerpoken - Marble-Clone1games GPL
gflags - The gflags package contains a C++ library that implements commandline flags processing2.2.2develop BSD
gfnrename - GFnRename is a simple utility to rename multiple files0.6filesystem GPL
gfontsel - Gfontsel is a simple wrapper around the GTK+ 2 font selection dialog1.0.0gnome GPL
gftp - A multithreaded ftp client for X2.9.1bgnome MIT
ggrab - Streaming tool for the Dbox2 running Neutrino0.22aattic GPL
ggv - A Postscript(tm) Document Viewer2.12.0gnome GPL
ggz-client-libs - An online gaming center with multiple rooms and game modules0.0.14.1games GPL
ghasher - GUI MD5(and others) sum utility1.2.1-patched1security GPL
ghc - The Glasgow (flagship) Haskell Compiler9.8.2haskell BSD
ghc-paths - Knowledge of GHC's installation directories0.1.0.6haskell BSD
ghex - The GNOME hex editor48.alphagnome GPL
ghex12 - The GNOME hex editor1.2.1gnome1 GPL
ghidra - A Reverse engineering Software (SRE) framework11.2.1develop APL
ghostpcl - PCL interpreter and previewer8.71graphic Commercial
ghostscript - PostScript and PDF interpreter and previewer10.05.0graphic AGPL3
ghostscript-fonts - The standard font collection for ghostscript8.11fonts OpenSource
ghostty - Modern terminal emulator1.1.2zig MIT
ghostwriter - Distraction-Free Writing24.12.3kde GPL
gi-docgen - Document generator for GObject-based libraries2024.1gnome APL GPL
giblib - A simple imlib2 wrapper library with linked lists and fontstyles1.2.4x11 BSD
gif2lss - A utility for converting 16 color gif images to LSS encoding0.4graphic GPL
gifsicle - A tool for creating gif animations1.96graphic OpenSource
gift-fasttrack - Open Source implementation of the FastTrack P2P protocol used by KaZaA0.8.9network GPL
giftcurs - A cursed frontend to the giFT daemon0.6.2network GPL
giftoxic - A GTK2-based client for giFT0.0.10network GPL
gigolo - Frontend to manage connections GVfs/GIO filesystems0.5.4xfce4 GPL
gimmage - A gtkmm image viewer0.2.3contrib GPL
gimp - The GNU Image Manipulation Program3.0.0graphic GPL
ginac - C++ library for algebraic manipulations1.8.8develop GPL
gir-repository - GIR interface description files0.6.6-gitgnome GPL
git - The Linus Torvalds version control system for kernels2.49.0develop GPL
git-cola - GUI application for git built on Python & Qt54.12.0contrib GPL
git-flow - Git extension to provide a high-level branching model1.12.3contrib LGPL
git-lfs - Git extension for versioning large files3.6.1develop MIT
git-machete - Git repository organizer & rebase/merge workflow automation tool3.33.0contrib MIT
git-secret - A bash-tool to store your private data inside a git repository0.5.0contrib MIT
git2json - Convert git logs to JSON for easier analysis0.2.3contrib BSD
github-cli - GitHub official command line tool2.69.0develop GPL
gjiten - A Japanese dictionary program for GNOME2.6dictionary GPL
gjs - A Javascript binding for GNOME1.84.1gnome GPL
gkrellm - GNU (or Gtk+) Krell Monitors (or Meters)2.3.4gnome GPL
gkrellm-plugins - This is a collection of plugins for Gkrellm2.3.11gnome GPL
gksu - A GTK+ frontend to su and sudo2.0.9gnome GPL
gl-117 - A combat flight simulator1.3.2games GPL
glabels - A label and business card program3.4.1gnome GPL
glad - Multi-Language Vulkan/GL/GLES/EGL/GLX/WGL Loader-Generator2.0.8develop MIT
glade - GTK+ interface builder v23.40.0gnome GPL
glade10 - GTK+ interface builder0.6.4gnome1 GPL
glade3 - A User Interface Builder for Gtk+ and Gnome3.8.6gnome GPL
glances - System monitoring tool4.3.0.8contrib LGPL
glark - A grep-like tool for searching text files1.10.5textproc GPL
glasgow - Scots Army Knife for electronicse2597fddevelop BSD
glchess - A GNOME-based 2D/3D chess interface1.0.6games GPL
gle - A library package of C functions that draws 3D surfaces3.1.0x11 OpenSource
gle-graphics - Graphics Layout Engine / Professional Graphics Language4.2.4bfgraphic BSD
glew - The OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library2.2.0x11 BSD
glfw - A multi-platform library for OpenGL, OpenGL ES and Vulkan3.4.0x11 OpenSource
gli - OpenGL Image0.8.2.0develop MIT
glib - C support library2.84.0gnome LGPL
glib-networking - C support library2.80.1gnome LGPL
glib12 - C suport library1.2.10gnome1 LGPL
glibc - The GNU C library2.41base LGPL
glibc32 - The GNU C library 32bit compatbility version for 64bit systems2.41base LGPL
glibmm - The C++ bindings for the Glib2.84.0gnome LGPL
glibmm2 - The C++ bindings for the Glib2.64.5gnome LGPL
glide3 - Voodoo3/4/5 support3x11 Free-to-use
glipper-lite - Glipper-Lite is a clipboard manager2013-technosaurusx11 GPL
glitz - OpenGL image compositing library0.5.6x11 BSD
gliv - An OpenGL image viewer1.9.7graphic GPL
glm - OpenGL Mathematics1.0.1develop MIT
glmark2 - An OpenGL 2.0 and ES 2.0 benchmark2023.01multimedia OpenSource
glog - C++ implementation of the Google logging module0.7.1develop BSD
gloox - The Portable XMPP Engine1.0.28network GPL
glow - Terminal based markdown renderer2.1.0textproc MIT
glpk - GLPK: For solving linear and mixed integer programming and other problems5.0contrib GPL3
glslang - Reference compiler for GLSL and HLSL from KhronosGroup15.1.0develop BSD
gltron - An OpenGL clone of Tron0.70games GPL
glu - Mesa 3-D GLU library9.0.2x11 OpenSource
glusterfs - A flexible, powerful, POSIX-compliant cluster filesystem11.1filesystem GPL
glut - OpenGL Utility Toolkit3.7x11 Free-to-use
gmeasures - A simple utility to convert weights and measures, and temperature0.7gnome GPL
gmime - A core library and utilities for creation and parsing MIME messages3.2.7gnome GPL
gmp - The GNU MP (multiple precision arithmetic) library6.3.0scientific LGPL
gn - Meta-build system that generates build ninja filesab638bddevelop OpenSource
gnash - Free flash movie player0.8.10multimedia GPL
gnatcoll-bindings - GNAT Components Collection - Bindings25.0.0ada GPL
gnatcoll-core - GNAT Components Collection - Core packages25.0.0ada GPL
gnet - A network library2.0.8gnome LGPL
gnet1 - A network library1.1.9gnome LGPL
gngeo - A NeoGeo emulator for Linux0.6.12emulators GPL
gnocl - A Tcl package for GTK and Gnome libraries0.9.91gnome BSD
gnofract4d - Anopen source fractal image generator with animation capabilities3.13graphic GPL
gnokii - Tools and a user space driver for use with Nokia phones under Linux0.6.31gnome GPL
gnome-applets - GNOME panel applets3.54.0gnome GPL
gnome-audio14 - GNOME audio tools1.4.0gnome1 GPL
gnome-autoar - Methods for GNOME to transfer directories over the Internet0.4.5gnome LGPL
gnome-backgrounds - Backgrounds for the GNOME desktop43gnome GPL
gnome-blog - A applet that can post to blogs0.9.2gnome GPL
gnome-bluetooth - GNOME Bluetooth subsystem47.1gnome GPL
gnome-boxes - Gnome gnome-boxes package48.0gnome LGPL
gnome-build - Gnome Build Framework2.24.1gnome GPL
gnome-calculator - Gnome gnome-calculator package48.0gnome LGPL
gnome-calendar - Gnome gnome-calendar package48.1gnome LGPL
gnome-characters - Gnome gnome-characters package48.0gnome LGPL
gnome-clocks - Gnome gnome-clocks package48.0gnome LGPL
gnome-color-manager - Gnome gnome-color-manager package3.36.2gnome LGPL
gnome-commander - GNOME Commander1.18.2gnome GPL
gnome-common - Gnome autoconf helper files3.18.0gnome GPL
gnome-contacts - Gnome gnome-contacts package48.0gnome LGPL
gnome-control-center - The GNOME Control Center48.0gnome GPL
gnome-cups-manager - Gnome cups interface0.33gnome GPL
gnome-desktop - The GNOME Desktop44.1gnome LGPL
gnome-desktop-sharp - .NET language binding for assorted GNOME libraries from the desktop release2.26.0gnome LGPL
gnome-disk-utility - Gnome gnome-disk-utility package46.1gnome LGPL
gnome-doc-utils - Documentation utilities for the Gnome project0.20.10gnome LGPL
gnome-font-viewer - Gnome gnome-font-viewer package48.0gnome LGPL
gnome-games - The GNOME games3.38.0gnome GPL
gnome-icon-theme - GNOME icon theme3.12.0gnome GPL
gnome-initial-setup - Gnome gnome-initial-setup package48.0gnome LGPL
gnome-keyring - Gnome password (and other secrets) manager48.0gnome LGPL
gnome-keyring-manager - A keyring management program for the GNOME Desktop2.20.0gnome GPL
gnome-launch-box - Launch Box is generally an application launcher0.4gnome GPL
gnome-libs14 - This are the core libraries for the GNOME desktop environment1.4.2gnome1 LGPL
gnome-logs - Gnome gnome-logs package3.36.0gnome LGPL
gnome-mag - Gnome magnifying glass0.16.3gnome GPL
gnome-maps - Gnome gnome-maps package48.0gnome LGPL
gnome-media - The GNOME multimedia programs3.4.0gnome GPL
gnome-menus - An implementation of the freedesktop menu specification for GNOME3.36.0gnome LGPL
gnome-mime-data - GNOME MIME database2.18.0gnome GPL
gnome-music - Gnome gnome-music package47.1gnome LGPL
gnome-netstatus - Network status for the GNOME panel2.28.2gnome GPL
gnome-nettool - GNOME interface for various networking tools42.0gnome GPL
gnome-online-accounts - GNOME terminal emulation application3.54.0gnome LGPL
gnome-online-miners - Gnome gnome-online-miners package3.34.0gnome LGPL
gnome-panel - The GNOME Panel basics3.54.0gnome LGPL
gnome-photos - Gnome gnome-photos package44.0gnome LGPL
gnome-pilot - Gnome Pilot connectivity2.91.93gnome GPL
gnome-pilot-conduits - Gnome-Pilot conduits2.91.93gnome GPL
gnome-power-manager - Is for managing the power environment of your laptop43.0gnome GPL
gnome-print10 - The GNOME printer framework0.35gnome1 GPL
gnome-python - Python interfaces to gnome-libs2.28.1gnome GPL
gnome-python-desktop - Python interfacing modules for some GNOME libraries2.32.0gnome GPL
gnome-python-extras - Python interfaces to gnome-libs not part of platform2.25.3gnome GPL
gnome-remote-desktop - Gnome gnome-remote-desktop package48.0gnome LGPL
gnome-screensaver - Screensaver for the GNOME desktop3.6.1gnome GPL
gnome-screenshot - Gnome gnome-screenshot package41.0gnome LGPL
gnome-session - The GNOME Session manager47.0.1gnome LGPL
gnome-settings-daemon - GNOME settings daemon48.0gnome LGPL
gnome-sharp - Dot Net language binding for GNOME2.24.2gnome GPL
gnome-shell - GNOME terminal emulation application48.0gnome LGPL
gnome-shell-extensions - Gnome gnome-shell-extensions package48.0gnome LGPL
gnome-software - Gnome gnome-software package48.0gnome LGPL
gnome-speech - Speech generation library0.4.25gnome LGPL
gnome-spell - GNOME/Bonobo component for spell checking1.0.8gnome GPL
gnome-system-monitor - The GNOME System Monitor48.0gnome LGPL
gnome-system-tools - Gnome system tools3.0.0gnome GPL
gnome-system-tools-backends - Gnome system tools backends2.10.2gnome GPL
gnome-terminal - GNOME terminal emulation application3.56.0gnome LGPL
gnome-themes - Gnome themes3.0.0gnome GPL
gnome-user-docs - Gnome gnome-user-docs package47.2gnome LGPL
gnome-user-share - Gnome gnome-user-share package48.0gnome LGPL
gnome-utils - GNOME utility programs3.2.1gnome GPL
gnome-vfs - Gnome virtual file system2.24.4gnome LGPL
gnome-vfs-moniker - Gnome virtual file system monikers2.15.3gnome LGPL
gnome-vfsmm - C++ wrappers for gnome-vfs lib2.26.0gnome LGPL
gnome-video-effects - Gnome gnome-video-effects package0.6.0gnome LGPL
gnome-volume-manager - Gnome Volume Manager2.24.1gnome GPL
gnome-weather - Gnome gnome-weather package48.0gnome LGPL
gnome2-user-docs - Gnome-2 user documentation2.8.1gnome FDL
gnomebaker - A CD/DVD burning application for Gnome0.6.4gnome LGPL
gnomeicu - Formerly GtkICQ, now Gnome Internet Communication Utility0.99.16gnome GPL
gnomemm12 - C++ bindings for the GNOME library1.2.4gnome1 GPL
gnomesu - GNOME Super User0.3.1gnome GPL
gnomesword - Bible Study Software for GNOME2.0.0attic GPL
gnonlin - Gnonlin is a library for writing non-linear audio and video editing1.4.0gnome GPL
gnopernicus - Low-vision and blind users access to standard Gtk+21.1.2gnome LGPL
gnormalize - A ripper, encoder, audio converter, MetaInfo editor, and front end to normalize0.63audio GPL
gns3-converter - GNS3 topology converter1.3.0contrib GPL3
gnu-efi - Library for EFI applications3.0.12boot GPL
gnubg - A Backgammon implementation - to lay and analys games and matches1_08_003games GPL
gnucash - A personal account management package5.10office GPL
gnuchess - GNU chess6.2.9games GPL
gnucobol - A free/libre COBOL compiler3.2develop GPL
gnue-appserver - Application Server for the GNUe tools0.5.3gnue GPL
gnue-common - Common Library for the GNUe tools0.6.9gnue GPL
gnue-designer - IDE for the GNUe tools0.5.7gnue GPL
gnue-forms - GNUe's data-aware user-interface generator0.6.3gnue GPL
gnue-navigator - Menuing system for GNUe Forms and Reports0.1.0gnue GPL
gnue-reports - Platform and output-independent reporting system for GNUe0.2.0gnue GPL
gnugo - Plays the game of Go3.8games GPL
gnugts - The GNU Triangulated Surface Library0.7.6graphic LGPL
gnumail - A OpenStep mail application1.4.0gnustep GPL
gnumeric - A computer spreadsheet program used to manipulate and analyze numeric data1.12.59gnome GPL
gnunet - A peer-to-peer framework focusing on security0.24.0network GPL
gnupg - The GNU Privacy Guard1.4.23security GPL
gnupg2 - The GNU Privacy Guard v22.4.7security GPL
gnuplot - The GNU Plotting Utility6.0.2scientific OpenSource
gnuplotpy - Gnuplot interface for Python1.8develop GPL
gnupod - Manage your music on the iPod0.99.8audio GPL
gnupth - GNU Portable Threads2.0.7develop GPL
gnuradius - An extensible SQL/SNMP-enabled Radius server with Scheme scripting interface1.6.1security GPL
gnustep-back - The GUI for a GNUstep system0.30.0gnustep LGPL
gnustep-base - The base for a GNUstep system1.29.0gnustep GPL
gnustep-gui - The GUI for a GNUstep system0.30.0gnustep LGPL
gnustep-make - The base for a GNUstep system2.9.1gnustep GPL
gnutls - Development Library for TLS applications3.7.10security LGPL
go - The Go programming language1.24.0go MIT
go-task - A task runner, Make alternative, written in Go3.42.1contrib MIT
goaccess - Real-time web log analyzer and interactive viewer1.9.3contrib GPL
goawk - A POSIX-compliant AWK interpreter written in Go1.29.1textproc MIT
gob - Preprocessor for building GTK+ Object2.0.20gnome GPL
gobject-introspection - Introspection for GObject libraries1.84.0gnome LGPL
gocr - Open source Optical Character Recognition program0.52graphic GPL
goffice - A library of document-centric objects and utilities0.10.59gnome GPL
gok - Gnome Onscreen Keyboard2.30.1gnome LGPL
golangci-lint-langserver - Linters runner for Go language server0.0.10go MIT
gom - Gnome gom package0.4gnome LGPL
goocanvas - Goocanvas a cairo-based canvas widget for GTK+3.0.0gnome GPL
gopls - The official Go language server developed0.15.3go MIT
gorm - Graphical Object Relationship Modeller1.3.1gnustep LGPL
gossip - A GNOME Jabber client0.31gnome GPL
govc - VSphere CLI built on top of govmomi0.49.0contrib APL
gpa - GNU Privacy Assistant0.9.0security GPL
gpac - A multimedia framework for MPEG-4, VRML, and X3D2.4.0multimedia GPL
gpart - Partition table recovery tool0.1hfilesystem GPL
gparted - Gnome Partition Editor1.7.0gnome GPL
gpdf - A PDF viewer for GNOME2.10.0gnome GPL
gperf - GNU Perfect Hash Function3.1base GPL
gpgme - GnuPG Made Easy1.24.2security GPL
gphoto - The GNU Digital Still Camera Programs2.5.5graphic GPL
gphotofs - Mount your camera on Linux based on the FUSE technology0.5graphic GPL
gpm - General Purpose Mouse Daemon1.20.7base GPL
gpptp - Linux PPTP Client2.0-jafadminnetwork GPL
gprbuild - GNAT Project Manager25.0.0ada GPL
gpsd - Listens to a GPS and provides clients with the data3.25network BSD
gpsdrive - GPS Navigation Software2.10pre7x11 GPL
gptfdisk - GPT fdisk is a disk partitioning tool for GUID Partition Table disks1.0.10filesystem GPL
gputils - GNU PIC Utilities1.5.0.1develop GPL
gq - LDAP client based on GTK+/GTK21.2.3network GPL
gqview - A graphics file viewer2.1.5graphic GPL
graalvm - A high-performance JDK distribution24.1.1java GPL
grace - Grace graphing tool5.1.25scientific GPL
gradle - A build tool with a focus on build automation and multi-language development8.14.0-M5java APL
grafana - Open source, feature rich metrics dashboard and graph editor11.5.2contrib AGPL3
granatier - KDE Bomberman game24.12.3kde GPL
grande - An action shooter0.6games GPL
grandr - A GTK+-based tool to configure the X output using RandR 1.20.1x11 OpenSource
grantlee - Text Templating Library for Qt5.1.0kde LGPL
grantlee-editor - KMail Theme Editor24.12.3kde GPL
grantleetheme - KDE PIM library for Grantlee template system24.12.3kde GPL
graphene - A thin layer of types for graphic libraries1.10.6gnome MIT
graphicsmagick - Image processing system1.3.38contrib MIT
graphite2 - A smart font system for lesser-known languages1.3.14x11 MIT
graphviz - Library and helper programs for graph creation8.1.0scientific Free-to-use
grass - Geographic Resources Analysis Support System6.4.6scientific GPL
greetd - Minimal and flexible login manager daemon0.10.3wayland MIT
grep - This is GNU grep, the "fastest grep in the west"3.11textproc GPL
grepmail - Search meailboxes for a particular mail5.3033mail GPL
greycstoration - GREYCstoration Gimp plugin0.2graphic OpenSource
grilo - Gnome grilo package0.3.16gnome LGPL
grilo-plugins - Gnome grilo-plugins package0.3.16gnome LGPL
grim - Screenshot utility for wayland1.4.1wayland MIT
grisbi - A personal account management package1.0.0office GPL
groff - The GNU groff document formatting system1.23.0textproc GPL
groupuserfolder - A Zope Product that manages Groups of Users3.3zope OpenSource
grsecurity - Innovative security model for 2.4 and 2.6 Linux Kernels2.1.6security GPL
grub - The GRand Unified Bootloader0.97-os.8boot GPL
grub2 - The GRand Unified Bootloader version 22.12boot GPL
grufspaces - Add Group Spaces to Plone, in which group members can work together0.6zope OpenSource
grzip - A high-performance and fast general purpose file compressor0.3.0archiver LGPL
gsasl - A Simple Authentication and Security Layer library2.2.1security LGPL
gscmxx - A gtk-frontend to scmxx written in perl0.4.1x11 GPL
gsettings-desktop-schemas - GNOME settings daemon47.1gnome LGPL
gsl - The GNU Scientific Library2.8scientific GPL
gsm - GSM 06.10 lossy speech compression1.0.22audio OpenSource
gsmd - A GSM daemon and client libraryr3088network GPL LGPL
gsmlib - A library for GSM modem access1.10network LGPL
gsoap - A cross-platform open source C and C++ software development toolkit2.8.132develop GPL
gsound - Gnome gsound package1.0.3gnome LGPL
gspell - Gnome gspell package1.14.0gnome LGPL
gssdp - Gnome gssdp package1.6.3gnome LGPL
gst-ffmpeg - GStreamer FFmpeg Plug-in1.26.0multimedia LGPL
gst-plugins-bad - A Set of bad GStreamer Plug-ins1.26.0multimedia LGPL
gst-plugins-base - GStreamer Base Plug-ins1.26.0multimedia LGPL
gst-plugins-good - A Set of well supported GStreamer Plug-ins1.26.0multimedia LGPL
gst-plugins-ugly - A Set of ugly GStreamer Plug-ins1.26.0multimedia LGPL
gst-python - Python bindings for GStreamer1.26.0python LGPL
gstreamer - Multi-media framework1.26.0multimedia LGPL
gstreamer-vaapi - A Set of VAAPI GStreamer Plug-ins1.26.0attic LGPL
gsview - A graphical interface for Ghostscript4.9graphic OpenSource
gtest - C++ testing utility based on the xUnit framework1.16.0contrib BSD
gthumb - An image viewer and browser for the GNOME environment3.12.7gnome GPL
gtk - The Gimp ToolKit (GTK) v44.18.2gnome LGPL
gtk+ - The Gimp ToolKit (GTK) v33.24.49gnome LGPL
gtk+12 - The Gimp ToolKit (GTK)1.2.10gnome1 LGPL
gtk+2 - The Gimp ToolKit (GTK)2.24.33gnome LGPL
gtk+extra10 - A library of gtk+ widgets0.99.17gnome1 LGPL
gtk-chtheme - Select GTK theme0.3.1themes GPL
gtk-doc - GTK+ DocBook Documentation Generator1.34.0gnome GPL
gtk-engines - Default GTK+ theme engines2.91.1gnome GPL
gtk-engines10 - Default GTK+ theme engines0.12gnome1 GPL
gtk-layer-shell - A library to build panels for Wayland0.9.0wayland GPL3
gtk-perl10 - Perl bindings for GTK+ and GNOME0.7008perl LGPL
gtk-sharp - Dot Net language binding for the Gtk+ toolkit1.0.10gnome GPL
gtk-sharp2 - Dot Net language binding for the Gtk+ toolkit v22.12.9gnome GPL
gtk-vnc - VNC viewer widget for GTK1.3.1x11 LGPL
gtk-xfce-engine2 - Port of xfce engine to GTK+- GPL
gtk2mp - A GTK2 front-end for Music Player Daemon0.8.0audio GPL
gtkada - Ada bindings for the GTK+ graphical library25.0.1ada GPL
gtkam - Graphical front end for gphoto21.1graphic GPL
gtkdialog - A utility for creating X11 dialog boxes0.8.3x11 GPL
gtkextra - A library of gtk+ widgets2.0.0gnome LGPL
gtkglext - An OpenGL extension to GTK+1.2.0gnome GPL
gtkglextmm - An C++ OpenGL extension to GTK+1.2.0gnome GPL
gtkhtml - HTML widget for GTK4.10.0gnome GPL
gtklp - A graphical Frontend to CUPS1.3.4gnome GPL
gtkmm - The C++ bindings for Gtk+4.16.0gnome LGPL
gtkmm12 - The C++ bindings for the Gtk+1.2.10gnome1 LGPL
gtkmm3 - The C++ bindings for Gtk+3.24.9gnome LGPL
gtkmozembed-sharp - Gecko bindings for Mono0.13gnome LGPL
gtkpbbuttons - A Gtk+ frontend for PBButtons0.6.10powerpc GPL
gtkpod - A graphical utility using gtk2 for managing your iPod2.1.5x11 GPL
gtksourceview - An extension to the GTK+ multiline text editing5.16.0gnome LGPL
gtksourceview4 - An extension to the GTK+ multiline text editing4.8.4gnome LGPL
gtksourceviewmm - C++ wrapper for the gtksourceview widget library1.9.5gnome LGPL
gtkspell - A spell checker for GtkTextView widgets2.0.14gnome GPL
gtkterm - A serial port terminal written in GTK+1.1.1gnome GPL
gtkwave - A fully featured GTK+ based wave viewer3.3.121develop GPL
gtoaster - A full CD creation suite for X111.0Beta6filesystem GPL
guacamole-server - Clientless remote desktop gateway server1.4.0contrib GPL3
gucharmap - A Unicode/ISO10646 character map and font viewer12.0.1gnome GPL
gudev - UDev GObject bindings238filesystem GPL
guess_fs - Determines filesystem in a partition20130215filesystem GPL
guile - GNU extension language library3.0.10develop GPL
gum - A tool for glamorous shell scripts0.16.0contrib MIT
gumbo-parser - An HTML5 parsing library in pure C990.10.1contrib APL
gupnp - Gnome gupnp package1.6.8gnome LGPL
gupnp-av - Gnome gupnp-av package0.14.3gnome LGPL
gupnp-dlna - Gnome gupnp-dlna package0.12.0gnome LGPL
gutenprint - High quality drivers for Canon, Epson, Lexmark, Sony, Olympus, and PCL5.3.4printing GPL
gv - A PostScript and PDF previewer3.7.4x11 GPL
gvfs - Gnome virtual file system try 21.57.2gnome LGPL
gview - A tiny simple gtk image viewer0.9.1agraphic GPL
gvpe - GNU Virtual Private Ethernet3.1contrib GPL
gwenhywfar - A multi-purpose system abstraction library3.10.1develop GPL
gwenview - An image viewer24.12.3kde GPL
gwhere - Small gtk-based disk cataloger0.2.3-patcheddatabase GPL
gworkspace - The GNUstep workspace1.1.0gnustep GPL
gworldclock - Gnome world clock1.4.4gnome GPL
gxemul - A machine emulator (CPUs and surrounding hardware components)0.7.0emulators BSD
gxine - GTK+-based media player0.5.11multimedia GPL
gxmessage - A utility for creating X11 dialog boxes3.4.3x11 GPL
gyp - Generate Your Projects Meta-Build system20210831contrib BSD
gyrus - A small IMAP/Cyrus administration tool0.3.12gnome GPL
gzdoom - Feature centric port for all Doom engine games4.14.1games GPL3
gzip - The zip compression utility1.13archiver GPL
h11 - A pure-Python, bring-your-own-I/O implementation of HTTP/ MIT
hal-cups-utils - Utilities to link CUPS to HAL0.6.19printing GPL
half - Half-precision floating point library6.3.3rocm MIT
hamlib - Library to control radio transceivers and receivers4.6.2contrib LGPL
hamster-time-tracker - Time tracking for individuals3.0.3contrib GPL3
haproxy - A high performance TCP and HTTP load balancer3.1.6network GPL
hardinfo - HardInfo is a system profiler and benchmark for Linux systems0.5.2pre-2014contrib GPL
hare - Systems programming language designed to be simple, stable, and robust0.24.0hare GPL3
hare-compress - Compression algorithms for Haref6c43ffahare MIT
harec - Reference compiler for the Hare programming language0.24.0hare GPL3
harfbuzz - Text shaping library10.1.0x11 MIT
haserl - A tiny CGI interpreter using PHP-like syntax for shell scripts0.9.36network GPL
hashcat - World's fastest and most advanced password recovery utility6.2.6security MIT
hatch-fancy-pypi-readme - Fancy PyPI READMEs with Hatch24.1.0python MIT
hatch-vcs - Hatch plugin for versioning with your preferred VCS0.4.0python MIT
hatchling - Standards compliant build backend used by Hatch1.27.0python MIT
haveged - Entropy harvesting daemon using CPU timings1.9.19contrib GPL3
hd-idle - Spin down idle hard disks1.21contrib GPL3
hddtemp - A tiny utility to just read the disk temerature via S.M.A.R.T0.3-beta15filesystem GPL
hdf5 - NCSA Hierarchical Data Format v51.16develop OpenSource
hdparm - Get/set hard disk parameters9.65filesystem BSD
hdrhistogram-c - High Dynamic Range Histogram in C0.11.8contrib BSD
hedron - The Hedron Microhypervisorc8aaf76kernel GPL
heimdal - A Kerberos 5 implementation7.8.0security BSD
heimdall - Free implementation of Samsung Galaxy devices flashing protocol2.1.0contrib MIT
helix - A post-modern modal text editor25.01.1editors MPL
helm - Kubernetes Package Manager3.17.1containers APL
helmfile - Declaratively deploy your Kubernetes manifests1.0.0-rc.10containers MIT
help2man - GNU Help 2 Man1.49.3develop GPL
helpsurfer - A tiny web browser, for viewing local html files0.6www GPL
helvum - A GTK patchbay for pipewire0.5.1multimedia GPL
hercules - The Hercules System/370, ESA/390 and z/Architecture Emulator3.05emulators OpenSource
hermes - A Graphics Library1.3.3graphic LGPL
hexchat - HexChat is a X11 (X Window System) IRC client, using the GTK+ toolkit2.14.3gnome GPL
hexedit - A simple, efficient binary editor1.2.10editors OpenSource
hfsplusutils - HFS+ filesystem utilities332.25filesystem APSL
hfst - Helsinki Finite-State Transducer Technology toolkit3.16.2contrib LGPL3
hfsutils - Utilities to access Macintosh disks in Unix3.2.6filesystem GPL
hhpc - An utility to automatically hide the mouse pointer after a specified delay of inactivity0.3.2contrib BSD
hiawatha - A tiny secure HTTP web server11.5network GPL
hicolor-icon-theme - Default icon theme0.18x11 GPL
hidapi - HIDAPI library for Windows, Linux, FreeBSD and macOS0.14.0develop GPL3 BSD
highway - Efficient and performance-portable SIMD1.2.0develop APL
hinsightd - Hinsightd a http/1.1 webserver with minimal goals0.9.20contrib BSD
hip-rocclr - AMD Compute Language Runtime6.3.3rocm MIT
hip-tests - A C++ Runtime API and Kernel Language tests6.3.3rocm MIT
hipblas - A Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS) marshalling library6.3.3rocm MIT
hipblas-common - Common files shared by hipBLAS and hipBLASLt6.3.3rocm MIT
hipblaslt - A library that provides general matrix-matrix operations6.3.3rocm MIT
hipcc - AMD Fork of The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure6.3.3rocm MIT
hipcub - A thin wrapper library on top of rocPRIM or CUB6.3.3rocm MIT
hipfft - A FFT marshalling library6.3.3rocm MIT
hipfort - A FORTRAN interface library for accessing GPU Kernels6.3.3rocm MIT
hipify - A set of tools that you can use to automatically translate CUDA to HIP6.3.3rocm MIT
hipother - Support for non-AMD specific back-end implementation for HIP6.3.3rocm MIT
hiprand - A RAND marshalling library with multiple supported backends6.3.3rocm MIT
hiprompt-gtk-py - A GTK+ Himitsu prompter for Wayland0_git20220616contrib GPL3
hipsolver - A LAPACK marshalling library6.3.3rocm MIT
hipsparse - A SPARSE marshalling library6.3.3rocm MIT
hipsparselt - A SPARSE marshalling library6.3.3rocm MIT
hiptensor - A C++ library for accelerating tensor primitives using GPU matrix cores6.3.3rocm MIT
hiredis - Minimalistic C client for Redis >= BSD
hivex - A library for working with Windows Registry "hive" binary files1.3.24develop LGPL
hnterm - Hacker News in the Terminal0.4contrib MIT
hocon - Hocon data parser for C1.0-35cc180econtrib MIT
honeyd - Honeyd is a small daemon that creates virtual hosts on a network1.5bnetwork GPL
hostap-utils - Is a tool for configuring encryption keys to the Host AP driver0.4.7network GPL
hostapd - Is a user space daemon for access point and authentication servers2.11network GPL
hotplug2stdout - Read kernel uevents, write them to stdout1.2.1contrib GPL
hotwire - A replacement for the interactive command execution portion of a Unix shell0.721gnome GPL
howl - A Zeroconf networking IP networking1.0.0attic GPL
howtos - The LDP HOWTOs and Mini-HOWTOs20071021doc OpenSource
hp2xx - HP-GL converter and viewer3.4.4graphic GPL
hpgl-distiller - An HPGL distiller for vinyl cutters0.9.1graphic BSD
hpijs - HP Linux InkJet Driver Project2.1.4printing BSD
hping - A network auditing and testing tool2.0.0-rc3network GPL
hplip - HP Linux Imaging and Printing3.20.11printing GPL MIT BSD
hsetroot - A tool which allows you to compose wallpapers for X1.0.5contrib GPL
htcflasher - A ROM update utility (RUU) for HTC devices20080615-2develop GPL
htdig - WWW Search Engine Software3.2.0b6textproc GPL
hte - File editor/viewer/analyzer for executables2.1.0develop GPL
html5lib - A library for parsing and serializing HTML1.1python MIT
htmldoc - Converts HTML files into indexed HTML, Adobe PostScript, or Adobe PDF files1.9.20textproc GPL
htmlmin - A configurable HTML Minifier with safety features0.1.12contrib BSD
htmlq - Command-line HTML processor0.4.0textproc MIT
htop - Htop is an interactive process viewer for Linux3.4.0contrib GPL
htslib - C library for high-throughput sequencing data formats1.21contrib MIT BSD
httpcore - A minimal low-level HTTP client1.0.7python BSD
httplib2 - Small, fast HTTP client library for Python0.22.0python MIT
httpx - The next generation HTTP client0.28.1python BSD
httrack - Website Copier - Free Software Offline Browser3.49.2contrib GPL3
huggingface_hub - The official Python client for the Huggingface Hub0.28.1python APL
hugin - A tool to stitch panoramas0.8.0graphic GPL
hugo - A fast and flexible static site generator0.145.0go MIT
hunspell - The Spelling Checker1.7.2dictionary GPL
hunspell-pt - Portuguese hunspell dictionaries20220621contrib GPL LGPL MPL
hw-probe - A tool to probe for hardware and upload result to the Linux Hardware Database1.6.6contrib LGPL
hwdata - Hardware ID database0.391base GPL
hwids - Hardware identification databases20210613contrib BSD GPL
hwloc - Portable Hardware Locality2.11.2develop BSD
hydra - Fast network logon cracker with support for many different services9.5contrib AGPL3
hydrogen - A drum machine/rhythm programmer1.2.3audio GPL
hylafax - A telecommunication system for UNIX systems7.0.10network OpenSource
hyperfine - A command-line benchmarking tool1.19.0.contrib APL
hyperlight - A lightweight Virtual Machine Manager (VMM)0.2.0contrib APL
hyperscan - A high-performance regular expression matching library5.4.2develop BSD
hyphen - Library for high quality hyphenation and justification2.8.8contrib GPL LGPL MPL
hyprcursor - The hyprland cursor format, library and utilities0.1.12wayland BSD
hyprgraphics - The hyprland graphics library and utilities0.1.2wayland BSD
hypridle - Hyprland's idle daemon0.1.5wayland BSD
hyprland - A dynamic tiling wayland window manager0.47.2wayland BSD
hyprland-protocols - Wayland protocol extensions for Hyprland0.6.2wayland BSD
hyprlang - The official implementation library for the hypr config language0.6.0wayland BSD
hyprlock - Hyprland's GPU-accelerated screen locking utility0.7.0wayland BSD
hyprpaper - A blazing fast wayland wallpaper utility with IPC controls0.7.4wayland BSD
hyprpicker - A wlroots-compatible Wayland color picker that does not suck0.4.2wayland BSD
hyprutils - Hyprland utilities library used across the ecosystem0.5.1wayland BSD
hyprwayland-scanner - A Hyprland implementation of wayland-scanner, in and for C++0.4.4wayland BSD
i18nfolder - A Plone content type to manage i18n folder2.02zope OpenSource
i18nlayer - A fully transparent multilingual content solution for zope/plone0.7.0zope OpenSource
i2c-tools - I2C Tools for Linux4.4develop LGPL
i3 - A tiling window manager4.24x11 BSD
i3status - Status bar for i32.15x11 BSD
i8krellm - A GKrellM plugin to control fan speeds on Dell notebooks2.5gnome GPL
i8kutils - Tools for accessing the SMM BIOS of Dell Inspiron and Latitude laptops1.25contrib GPL
iana-protocols - IANA protocols and services2024-03-18base PublicDomain
iat - A tool for detecting the structure of a CD-ROM image0.1.7filesystem GPL
icc - The Intel C/C++ Compiler9.0.030x86 Commercial
iceauth - ICE authority file utility1.0.10xorg OpenSource
icecast - A streaming media broadcasting system2.4.4audio GPL
icecream - A fast, free distributed C/C++/... compiler frontend1.4.0develop GPL
icestorm - A reverse engineering and documenting the FPGA bitstream format1a40ae7develop ISC
icewm - A small, but powerful X11 window manager3.7.2x11 LGPL
ico - Animates an icosahedron or other polyhedron1.0.6xorg OpenSource
icon-naming-utils - Icon naming utility (Tango project)0.8.90gnome GPL
icon-slicer - A utility for generating icon themes and libXcursor cursor themes0.3x11 GPL
icoutils - A set of programs to convert and create MS Windows icons and cursors0.32.3archiver GPL
icu4c - International Components for Unicode for C/C++76-1develop OpenSource
id-utils - The GNU ID utilities4.6base GPL
id3lib - Library for ID3 tags manipulation3.8.3multimedia LGPL
idesk - A program that provides icons on an X11 desktop0.7.5x11 GPL
ideviceinstaller - Manage apps of iOS devices1.1.1develop GPL
idevicerestore - Restore/upgrade firmware of iOS devices1.1.1develop GPL
idle3-tools - Get/set hard disk parameters0.9.1filesystem GPL3
idris - A Language for Type-Driven Development0.6.0develop BSD
ifenslave - Bonding userspace configuartion tool2.11network GPL
ifhp - General purpose print filter3.5.22printing OpenSource
ifplugd - A daemon to automatically configure a ethernet device on state change0.28network GPL
ifrextractor-rs - Utility to extract UEFI IFR data into human-readable text1.6.0firmware BSD
ifstat - Console-based network statistics utility1.1network GPL
iftop - A tool to display bandwidth usage on an interface0.17contrib GPL
ifuse - A fuse filesystem to access the contents of iOS devices1.1.4filesystem GPL
igmpproxy - A simple dynamic Multicast Routing Daemon using only IGMP signalling0.3contrib GPL
igt-gpu-tools - Collection of tools for development and testing of the DRM drivers1.28xorg MIT
ihotfix - iHotfix bugfix product0.7.0zope LGPL
ijs - A protocol for transmission of raster page images0.35printing MIT
ikaaro - IKAARO Content Management System0.14.0zope LGPL
ilmbase - Base library for OpenEXR3.1.12graphic BSD
imagemagick - Image manipulation tools and libraries7.1.1-43graphic OpenSource
imager - A Perl extension for generating 24-bit images1.024perl Artistic GPL
imagesize - Library to parse images and return their dimension properties1.4.1python MIT
imake - A make preprocessor1.0.10xorg OpenSource
img2iso - A IMG to ISO converter0.06.00filesystem GPL
imhex - A tool to display, decode and analyze binary data to reverse engineer1.37.4editors GPL
imlib - Image loading and rendering library for X111.9.15x11 LGPL
imlib2 - Image loading and rendering library for X11R6 - Version 21.12.4enlightenment LGPL
imlib2_loaders - Several image format loader backends for imlib21.4.4enlightenment LGPL
imms - An advanced adaptive playlist framework3.0.2audio GPL
importlib_metadata - A Library to access the metadata for a Python package8.6.1python APL
imv - Image viewer for X11/Wayland4.5.0multimedia MIT
imx_loader - Serial loader for i.MX5/6/7/8 series0_git20201102contrib LGPL
inadyn - Internet Automated Dynamic DNS Client2.9.1network GPL
incidenceeditor - KDE PIM incidence editor24.12.3kde GPL
incus - Powerful system container and virtual machine manager6.0.0containers MIT
indent - Indent and transform a C program2.2.13develop GPL
inetutils - A collection of common network programs2.5network GPL
inih - INI Not Invented Here58textproc BSD
iniparser - A free stand-alone ini file parsing library4.2.6textproc MIT
ink - A command line tool for displaying the ink level0.5.3printing GPL
inkscape - A Gtk-- SVG (Scaleable Vector Graphic) application1.4graphic GPL
inotify-tools - Command line utilities for the Linux inotify system4.23.9.0filesystem GPL
input-utils - Linux Input sub-system utilities2005-05-15base GPL
installwatch - Monitor package installationinstallwatch-0.7.0beta7develop GPL
intel-gmmlib - Intel graphics memory management library22.7.1xorg OpenSource
intel-media-driver - Intel media driver for VA-API25.1.4xorg MIT
intel-media-sdk - Hardware-accelerated video processing on Intel integrated GPUs23.2.2contrib MIT
intel-microcode - Intel Processor Microcode Package for Linux20250211firmware Free-to-use
intel-onevpl - Intel graphics memory management library25.1.4xorg MIT
intel-vaapi-driver - The VA-API user mode driver for Intel GEN Graphics family2.4.1xorg OpenSource
intelmetool - Tool for working with Intel Management Engine24.12security GPL
interrogate - Interrogate a codebase for docstring coverage1.5.0contrib MIT
intltool - Gnome international tools0.51.0develop GPL
iodine - IP over DNS tunnel0.8.0contrib ISC
ion - A tiling tabbed window manager designed with keyboard users in mind3ds-20061223x11 GPL
ioping - A simple disk i/o latency measurement tool1.3contrib GPL3
ioquake3 - A popular First Person Shooter by ID-Games93abc60games GPL
iotop-c - Simple top-like I/O monitor1.27contrib GPL
iozone - A filesystem benchmark tool3_491filesystem GPL
ipa - A Perl library of image processing algorithms1.08perl BSD
ipconfig - Kinit ipconfig2006-06-26network GPL
iperf - A modern alternative for measuring maximum TCP and UDP bandwidth3.9network Free-to-use
iperf3 - A tool to measure IP bandwidth using UDP or TCP3.18contrib BSD
ipmiutil - IPMI Management Utilities3.2.1base BSD
ipod-sharp - A library that allows manipulation of the iTunesDB0.8.1audio LGPL
iproute2 - Tools for advanced Linux IP Configuration6.13.0network GPL
ipsec-tools - Linux 2.6+ IPsec utilities0.8.2network BSD
ipset - Manage Linux IP sets7.15contrib GPL
ipsvd - Internet protocol service daemons1.0.0network GPL
iptables - IP packet filter administration1.8.11network GPL
iptraf - Console-based network statistics utility3.0.1network GPL
iptraf-ng - An IP Network Monitoring tool1.2.1contrib GPL
iputils - A basic set of ipv4 and ipv6 networking tools20240905network BSD
ipvsadm - An utility to administer the IPVS kernel module for Linux 2.41.21-11network GPL
ipvsadm2 - An utility to administer the IPVS kernel module for Linux 2.61.26network GPL
ipw3945d - Intel® PRO/Wireless 3945 regulatory daemon1.7.22network Free-to-use
ircii - Internet Relay Chat system client20240918network OpenSource
irclog2html - Script to convert IRC logs to HTML and other formats2.17.3contrib GPL
irda-utils - IrDA Utilities0.9.18network GPL
irssi - A ncurses IRC-Client1.4.4network GPL
isakmpd - An ISAKMP/Oakley (a.k.a. IKE) implementation20041012network BSD
isdn4k-utils - Bundled Utilities for configuring an using ISDN4Linux2007-10-03network GPL
isl - Library for manipulating sets and relations of integer points0.27develop MIT
iso-codes - ISO-639 and 3166 code lists and gettext translations4.15.0textproc LGPL
isoimagewriter - Write an ISO Image to a USB Disk24.12.3kde GPL
isomaster - Create or customise CD/DVD images, make Bootable CDs/DVDs1.3.17multimedia GPL
ispc - Intel Implicit SPMD Program Compiler1.26.0contrib BSD
isync - IMAP and MailDir mailbox synchronizer1.5.1contrib GPL3
itcl - Incremental TCL (TCL extension)4.0.4develop BSD
itinerary - Itinerary and boarding pass management application24.12.3kde GPL
itools - Itools Python tools for web development0.20.4python LGPL
itstool - Allows you to translate your XML documents with PO files2.0.7develop GPL3
iulib - Easy-to-use image and video I/O functions0.3develop APL
iverilog - A Verilog simulation and synthesis tool11.0develop GPL
ivman - A generic handler for HAL events0.6.14contrib GPL
ivykis - Library for asynchronous I/O readiness notification0.42.4contrib LGPL
iw - New configuration tools for Linux wireless networking6.9network GPL
iwd - Wireless daemon for Linux3.4network GPL
j4-dmenu-desktop - A fast desktop menu2.18contrib GPL3
jabberd - Jabber server2.0s11network GPL
jack - The audio connection kit0.126.0audio GPL
jack2 - The audio connection kit1.9.22audio GPL
jadetex - TeX for Jade3.13textproc OpenSource
jahshaka - A Cross platform, Open Source, Realtime Editing and Effects System2.0multimedia GPL
jakarta-bsf - Jakarta BSF - Bean Scripting Framework2.3.0java APL
jakarta-oro - Jakarta ORO2.0.8java APL
jakarta-regexp - 100% Java Regular Expressions Package1.5java APL
jam - A make-like program2.6.1develop OpenSource
jamin - A JACK Audio Mastering interface0.95.0audio GPL
janet - Dynamic Lisp dialect and bytecode VM1.38.0contrib MIT
jansson - C library for encoding, decoding and manipulating JSON data2.14develop MIT
jasper - JPEG-2000 Part-1 standard (i.e., ISO/IEC 15444-1) implementation4.2.4graphic MIT
java-dirtree - Java tree framework0000java GPL
javawm - A new, small Java Virtual Machine conforming to the JVM specification1.4.5java GPL
jbig2dec - A decoder for JBIG20.19graphic AGPL
jbig2enc - An encoder for JBIG20.27graphic APL
jbigkit - Lossless image compression library2.1graphic GPL
jboss-as - JBoss J2EE Application Server4.0.4.GAjava LGPL
jed - The JED Editor0.99-19editors GPL
jemalloc - A malloc implementation5.3.0develop GPL
jetbrains-mono - A typeface for developers2.242fonts OpenSource
jetporch - The Jet Enterprise Professional Orchestrator0.0.1-40f8151dcontrib GPL3
jetty - A 100% Java based HTTP Server and Servlet Container6.1.4java APL
jfsutils - JFS filesystem utilities1.1.15filesystem GPL
jhead - Exif Jpeg camera setting parser and thumbnail remover3.08graphic OpenSource
jikes - A compiler for the Java language1.22java IBM-Public-License
jinja2 - A fast, expressive, extensible templating engine3.1.2python BSD
jinja2-cli - CLI for Jinja20.8.2contrib BSD
jmf - Java Media Framework (JMF)2.1.1ejava Restricted
jms-spec - Java Message Service (JMS)1.1java Restricted
jo - JSON output from a shell1.9contrib GPL
joe - Joe's Own Editor4.6editors GPL
john - A password cracker to detect weak Unix (and other) passwords1.9.0-j1security GPL
john-stracke-fonts - Freely available font by John Stracke2fonts LGPL
jool-modules-lts - SIIT and NAT64 for Linux5.15.65contrib GPL
jose - C-language implementation of Javascript Object Signing and Encryption11contrib APL
joystick - Joystick utilities1.2.14contrib GPL
jpeg2ps - JPEG to PostScript Level 2 (or PostScript 3) wrapper1.9graphic OpenSource
jpeginfo - A utility to generate informative listings from jpeg files1.7.1graphic OpenSource
jpegoptim - JPEG optimization utility1.5.5contrib GPL
jpilot - Palm pilot desktop software for Linux1.8.1network GPL
jpilot-syncmal - SyncMAL plugin for J-Pilot0.73network GPL
jq - A JSON command line utility1.7.1textproc OpenSource
jshon - SON parser designed for maximum convenience within the shell20131105contrib MIT
json-c - A JSON implementation in C0.18develop MIT
json-glib - Json glib1.10.6gnome LGPL
jsonnet - The data templating language0.20.0contrib APL
juk - Music player24.12.3kde GPL
julia - The Julia Language1.11.4develop GPL
julius - A two-pass large vocabulary continuous speech recognition engine3.5.3text2speech BSD
junit - JUnit4.4java OpenSource
junit2html - Simple self-contained python tool to produce a single html file from a single junit xml file0.1.0contrib MIT
just - A command runner1.40.0develop CC0
jwm - Joe's Window Manager2.4.6x11 MIT
k10ctl - An AMD Family 10h P-State, frequency and voltage modification utility090709x86 GPL3
k3b - A KDE cd-writting application24.12.3kde GPL
k9s - Kubernetes TUI client0.32.7containers GPL
kaccounts-integration - Small system to administer web accounts across the KDE desktop24.12.3kde GPL
kaccounts-providers - Additional service providers for KAccounts framework24.12.3kde GPL
kactivities - A KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 3 to organize user work into separate activities5.106.0kde GPL
kactivities-stats - A KDE 5 library for accessing the usage data collected by the activities system5.106.0kde GPL
kactivitymanagerd - Plasma service to manage user's activities6.3.3kde GPL
kaddressbook - Contact Manager24.12.3kde GPL
kaffe - Clean room implementation of the Java virtual machine1.1.7java GPL
kaffeine - KDE media player2.0.18kde GPL
kajongg - Classical Mah Jongg game for four players24.12.3kde GPL
kakoune - Visual text editor inspired by vim with fewer keystrokes2024.05.18editors OpenSource
kakoune-lsp - Kakoune Language Server Protocol Client18.1.3contrib UNL
kalarm - Personal Alarm Scheduler24.12.3kde GPL
kalarmcal - The KAlarm client library21.12.3kde GPL
kaleido - Image export libraryd493bpython MIT
kalendar - The KDE Kalendar application23.04.3kde GPL
kalgebra - 2D and 3D Graph Calculator24.12.3kde GPL
kalk - Kalk is a convergent calculator for Plasma24.12.3kde GPL
kalm - KDE breath teaching app24.12.3kde GPL
kalzium - Periodic Table of Elements24.12.3kde GPL
kamera - Digital camera support for KDE24.12.3kde GPL
kamoso - Application for taking pictures and videos from a webcam24.12.3kde GPL
kanagram - Letter Order Game24.12.3kde GPL
kanatest - Drill program for Hiragana and Katakana0.4.8dictionary GPL
kanjipad - Japanese Handwriting recognition1.2.3dictionary GPL
kapidox - KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 4 scripts and data for building API documentation6.12.0kde GPL
kapman - A collecting game24.12.3kde GPL
kapptemplate - KDE Template generator24.12.3kde GPL
karchive - Qt 5 addon providing access to numerous types of archives6.12.0kde GPL
kasts - A convergent podcast application that looks good on desktop and mobile24.12.3kde GPL
kate - Advanced Text Editor24.12.3kde GPL
katomic - A fun and educational game built around molecular geometry24.12.3kde GPL
kauth - KDE Frameworks 5 integration module to perform actions as privileged user6.12.0kde GPL
kazehakase - GTK+ web browser with Gecko engine0.4.6contrib GPL
kbackup - Back up your data in a simple24.12.3kde GPL
kbarcode - A barcode and label printing application2.0.7kde GPL
kbd - Keyboard and console utilities for Linux2.7.1base GPL
kblackbox - A game of hide and seek played on a grid of boxes24.12.3kde GPL
kblocks - A classic falling blocks game24.12.3kde GPL
kblog - The KBlog Library18.12.2kde GPL
kbookmarks - KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 3 addon for bookmarks manipulation6.12.0kde GPL
kboot - Kexec based Linux kernel booting2020-03-23boot GPL
kbounce - Ball bouncing game24.12.3kde GPL
kbreakout - A Breakout-like game24.12.3kde GPL
kbruch - Practice Fractions24.12.3kde GPL
kcachegrind - GUI to profilers such as Valgrind24.12.3kde GPL
kcalc - Scientific Calculator24.12.3kde GPL
kcalcore - KDE calendar access library18.12.2kde GPL
kcalendarcore - The KDE calendar access library6.12.0kde GPL
kcalutils - The KDE calendar utility library24.12.3kde GPL
kcharselect - Character selector24.12.3kde GPL
kclock - A universal clock application for desktop and mobile.24.12.3kde GPL
kcmutils - KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 3 addon with extra API to write KConfigModules6.12.0kde GPL
kcodecs - KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 1 addon with string manipulation methods6.12.0kde GPL
kcolorchooser - A color chooser24.12.3kde GPL
kcolorscheme - A color chooser6.12.0kde GPL
kcompletion - KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 2 addon with auto completion widgets and classes6.12.0kde GPL
kconfig - KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 1 addon with advanced configuration system6.12.0kde GPL
kconfigwidgets - KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 3 addon for creating configuration dialogs6.12.0kde GPL
kcontacts - Address book API for KDE6.12.0kde GPL
kcoreaddons - KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 1 addon with various classes on top of QtCore6.12.0kde GPL
kcrash - KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 2 addon for handling application crashes6.12.0kde GPL
kcron - Configure and schedule tasks24.12.3kde GPL
kdav - A DAV protocol implementation with KJobs6.12.0kde GPL
kdb - Database Connectivity and Creation Framework3.2.0kde GPL
kdbusaddons - KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 1 addon with various classes on top of QtDBus6.12.0kde GPL
kde-cli-tools - Tools based on KDE Frameworks 5 to better interact with the system6.3.3kde GPL
kde-dev-scripts - Scripts and setting files useful during development of KDE software24.12.3kde GPL
kde-dev-utils - Small utilities for developers using KDE/Qt libs/frameworks24.12.3kde GPL
kde-gtk-config - Configure the appearance of GTK apps in KDE6.3.3kde GPL
kde-inotify-survey - Tooling for monitoring inotify limits24.12.3kde GPL
kdebugsettings - An application to enable/disable qCDebug24.12.3kde GPL
kdeclarative - KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 3 addon for Qt declarative6.12.0kde GPL
kdeconnect-kde - Multi-platform app that allows your devices to communicate24.12.3kde GPL
kdecoration - Plugin based library to create window decorations6.3.3kde GPL
kded - KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 3 addon with extensible daemon for system-level services6.12.0kde GPL
kdeedu-data - Shared icons24.12.3kde GPL
kdegraphics-mobipocket - A collection of plugins to handle mobipocket files24.12.3kde GPL
kdegraphics-thumbnailers - Thumbnailers for various graphics file formats24.12.3kde GPL
kdelibs4support - KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 4 module with porting aid from KDELibs 45.106.0kde GPL
kdenetwork-filesharing - Network filesharing24.12.3kde GPL
kdenlive - KDE Non-Linear Video Editor25.03.80kde GPL
kdepim-addons - Addons for KDE PIM applications24.12.3kde GPL
kdepim-apps-libs - KDE PIM common libraries20.08.3kde GPL
kdepim-runtime - KDE PIM Runtime Environment24.12.3kde GPL
kdeplasma-addons - Plasmoids for KDE Plasma - main package6.3.3kde GPL
kdesdk-kio - KIO workers useful for software development24.12.3kde GPL
kdesdk-kioslaves - KDESDK KIOslaves22.04.3kde GPL
kdesdk-thumbnailers - Thumbnailers for KDE24.12.3kde GPL
kdesignerplugin - KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 3 integration module for Qt Designer5.106.0kde GPL
kdesu - KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 3 integration with su6.12.0kde GPL
kdetv - TV-Application for KDE0.8.9multimedia GPL
kdev-php - PHP Language Plugin for KDevelop24.12.3kde GPL
kdev-python - KDevelop Python language support24.12.3kde GPL
kdevelop - Integrated Development Environment for C++/C24.12.3kde GPL
kdevplatform - Base Package for Integrated Development Environments5.1.2kde GPL
kdf - View disk usage24.12.3kde GPL
kdiagram - Powerful libraries (KChart, KGantt) for creating business diagrams3.0.1kde GPL
kdialog - Nice dialog boxes from shell scripts24.12.3kde GPL
kdiamond - A single player puzzle game24.12.3kde GPL
kdiff3 - A graphical text and directory diff and merge tool1.12.1kde GPL
kdnssd - KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 1 integration module for DNS-SD services (Zeroconf)6.12.0kde GPL
kdoctools - KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 2 addon for generating documentation6.12.0kde GPL
kea - Open source software system suite for networking2.7.6network MPL
keditbookmarks - Bookmark organizer and editor24.12.3kde GPL
keepalived - Keepalive facility for the IPVS kernel module2.3.2network GPL
kexec-tools - Kexec-tools2.0.30boot GPL
keybinder - Keybinding library0.3.2contrib MIT
keychain - Helps to manage ssh and GPG keys in a convenient and secure manner2.8.5network GPL
keynote - KeyNote trust management library2.3security BSD
keysmith - Keysmith generates tokens for your two-factor logins24.12.3kde GPL
keyutils - Tools used to control the Linux key management system1.6.3security GPL
kfilemetadata - A library for extracting file metadata6.12.0kde GPL
kfind - KDE Find File Utility24.12.3kde GPL
kfloppy - Floppy formatting tool23.04.2kde GPL
kfourinline - A four-in-a-row game24.12.3kde GPL
kgamma - Kgamma is a KDE base package6.3.3kde GPL
kgeography - Geography Trainer24.12.3kde GPL
kget - Download manager24.12.3kde GPL
kglobalaccel - KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 3 integration module for global shortcuts6.12.0kde GPL
kglobalacceld - KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 3 integration module for global shortcuts6.3.3kde GPL
kgoldrunner - A game of action and puzzle solving24.12.3kde GPL
kgpg - Manage GPG encryption keys24.12.3kde GPL
kgraphviewer - KDE Graph Viewer24.12.3kde GPL
kguiaddons - KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 1 addon with various classes on top of QtGui6.12.0kde GPL
khangman - Hangman game24.12.3kde GPL
khealthcertificate - Handling of digital vaccination, test and recovery certificates24.12.3kde GPL
khelpcenter - Show documentation for KDE applications24.12.3kde GPL
kholidays - KDE library for regional holiday information6.12.0kde GPL
khotkeys - Application to configure hotkeys in KDE5.22.5kde GPL
khtml - KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 4 solution with KHTML5.106.0kde GPL
ki18n - KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 1 addon for localization6.12.0kde GPL
kicad - A Cross Platform and Open Source Electronics Design Automation Suite9.0.0cad GPL
kicad-library - Kicad libraries8.0.8cad OpenSource
kiconthemes - KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 3 integration module with icon themes6.12.0kde GPL
kid - A simple Python based template language for XML vocabularies0.9.6textproc MIT
kidentitymanagement - The KIdentityManagement Library24.12.3kde GPL
kidletime - KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 1 integration module for idle time detection6.12.0kde GPL
kig - Interactive Geometry24.12.3kde GPL
kigo - An open-source implementation of the popular Go game24.12.3kde GPL
kile - An integrated LaTeX environment2.1.3textproc GPL
killbots - A simple game of evading killer robots24.12.3kde GPL
kimageformats - KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 1 addon with additional image plugins for QtGui6.12.0kde GPL
kimagemapeditor - HTML Image Map Editor24.12.3kde GPL
kimap - Job-based API for interacting with IMAP servers24.12.3kde GPL
kinfocenter - KDE Info Center6.3.3kde GPL
kino - A non-linear DV editor for IEEE1394-DV1.3.4multimedia GPL
kio - The KDE basic system6.12.0kde GPL
kio-admin - Manage files as administrator using the admin:// KIO protocol24.12.3kde GPL
kio-extras - Additional components to increase the functionality of KIO24.12.3kde GPL
kio-gdrive - KIO Worker to access Google Drive24.12.3kde GPL
kio-zeroconf - KIO Zeroconf24.12.3kde GPL
kipi-plugins - A collection of plugins extending the KDE graphics and image applications24.05.2kde GPL
kirigami - Kirigami is a KDE base package6.12.0kde GPL
kirigami-addons - Add-ons for the Kirigami framework1.7.0kde GPL
kirigami-gallery - Gallery application built using Kirigami24.12.3kde GPL
kiriki - An addictive and fun dice game24.12.3kde GPL
kismet - An 802.11 wireless network sniffer2010-07-R1network GPL
kiss - The Keep It Simple Shell0.21shells GPL
kitemmodels - KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 1 addon with item models6.12.0kde GPL
kitemviews - KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 1 addon with item views6.12.0kde GPL
kiten - Japanese Reference/Study Tool24.12.3kde GPL
kitinerary - Data model and extraction system for travel reservation information24.12.3kde GPL
kitty - Cross-platform, fast, feature-rich, GPU based terminal0.40.1x11 GPL3
kiwi - A framework for developing graphical applications in Python and PyGTK1.9.29python GPL
kjobwidgets - KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 2 addon for KJobs6.12.0kde GPL
kjournald - A flexible tool to browse in local, remote and offline journald databases24.12.3kde GPL
kjs - KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 3 functional module with JavaScript interpreter5.106.0kde GPL
kjsembed - KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 3 addon for binding JS objects to QObjects5.106.0kde GPL
kjumpingcube - Territory capture game24.12.3kde GPL
kldap - LDAP access API for KDE24.12.3kde GPL
kleopatra - Certificate manager and GUI for OpenPGP and CMS cryptography24.12.3kde GPL
klettres - Learn the alphabet and read some syllables in different languages24.12.3kde GPL
klickety - An adaptation of the Clickomania game24.12.3kde GPL
klines - A simple but highly addictive one player game24.12.3kde GPL
klone - An embeddable Web server and SDK to write dynamic HTML pages using C/C++2.1.0network GPL
kmag - A screen magnifier24.12.3kde GPL
kmahjongg - A tile matching game24.12.3kde GPL
kmail - Email client24.12.3kde GPL
kmail-account-wizard - KMail account wizard24.12.3kde GPL
kmailtransport - The KMailTransport Library24.12.3kde GPL
kmbox - The KMbox Library24.12.3kde GPL
kmediaplayer - KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 3 module with interface for media player features5.106.0kde GPL
kmenuedit - KDE menu editor6.3.3kde GPL
kmime - Library for handling mail messages and newsgroup articles24.12.3kde GPL
kmines - A classic Minesweeper game24.12.3kde GPL
kmix - KDE volume control24.12.3kde GPL
kmod - The programs needed to load and unload Linux Kernel Modules33base GPL
kmousetool - A program that clicks the mouse for you24.12.3kde GPL
kmouth - Speech Synthesizer Frontend24.12.3kde GPL
kmplot - Mathematical Function Plotter24.12.3kde GPL
kmscube - KMS 3D demob2f97f53contrib OpenSource
kmymoney - A KDE finance software with homebanking features5.1-890kde GPL
knavalbattle - A ship sinking game24.12.3kde GPL
knetconf - Graphical T2 network configurationr281network GPL
knetwalk - Network construction game24.12.3kde GPL
knewstuff - KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 3 module for downloading application assets6.12.0kde GPL
knights - A chess board for KDE24.12.3kde GPL
knotes - Popup notes24.05.2kde GPL
knotifications - KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 2 solution with abstraction for system notifications6.12.0kde GPL
knotifyconfig - KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 3 module for KNotify configuration6.12.0kde GPL
ko - Build containers from go projects0.17.1contrib APL
kobo_deluxe - Kobo Deluxe0.5.1games GPL
kodi - The ultimate entertainment center21.2-Omegamultimedia GPL
koko - An Image gallery application24.12.3kde GPL
kolf - A miniature golf game24.12.3kde GPL
kollision - A simple ball dodging game24.12.3kde GPL
kolourpaint - An easy-to-use paint program24.12.3kde GPL
kompare - Diff tool24.12.3kde GPL
kongress - Kongress is a companion application for conferences made by KDE24.12.3kde GPL
konqueror - Webbrowser and file-management and file previewing24.12.3kde GPL
konquest - Galactic conquest game24.12.3kde GPL
konsole - KDE Terminal emulator24.12.3kde GPL
kontact - Personal Information Manager24.12.3kde GPL
kontactinterface - Kontact Plugin Interface Library24.12.3kde GPL
kontrast - Tool to check contrast for colors that allows verifying that your colors are correctly accessible24.12.3kde GPL
konversation - An IRC client for KDE24.12.3kde GPL
kopeninghours - Library for parsing and evaluating OSM opening hours expressions24.12.3kde GPL
kopete - Instant messenger23.08.4kde GPL
kopete-cryptography - Message encryption and signing for Kopete1.3.0kde GPL
kops - Kubernetes Operations1.31.0contrib APL
korganizer - Personal Organizer24.12.3kde GPL
kosmindoormap - OSM multi-floor indoor map renderer24.12.3kde GPL
kotlin - The Kotlin Programming Language2.1.0java BSD
koules - Multiplayer action game1.0.0games OpenSource
kpackage - KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 2 library to load and install packages as plugins6.12.0kde GPL
kparts - KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 3 solution for KParts6.12.0kde GPL
kpat - A selection of solitaire card games24.12.3kde GPL
kpeople - KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 3 library for contact and people aggregation6.12.0kde GPL
kphone - An Internet Protocol phone using the SIP protocol4.2multimedia GPL
kpimtextedit - A textedit with PIM-specific features24.12.3kde GPL
kpipewire - A set of convenient classes to use PipeWire in Qt projects6.3.3kde GPL
kpkpass - Library to deal with Apple Wallet pass files24.12.3kde GPL
kplotting - KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 1 addon for plotting6.12.0kde GPL
kpmcore - Library for managing partitions24.12.3kde GPL
kpty - KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 2 module providing Pty abstraction6.12.0kde GPL
kpublictransport - Library to assist with accessing public transport timetables and other data24.12.3kde GPL
kqtquickcharts - A QtQuick plugin to render beautiful and interactive charts24.12.3kde GPL
kquickcharts - A QtQuick plugin providing high-performance charts6.12.0kde GPL
kquickimageeditor - QtQuick Image editing components0.5.1kde GPL
krb5 - A network authentication protocol1.21.3security MIT
krdc - Remote desktop client24.12.3kde GPL
krecorder - A simple, cross-platform audio recording application24.12.3kde GPL
kreversi - Reversi board game24.12.3kde GPL
krfb - Desktop sharing24.12.3kde GPL
krita - A professional FREE and open source painting program5.2.9kde GPL
kross - KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 3 solution for multi-language application scripting5.106.0kde GPL
kross-interpreters - Kross interpreters24.12.3kde GPL
kruler - A screen ruler and color measurement tool24.12.3kde GPL
krunner - Framework for providing different actions given a string query6.12.0kde GPL
krusader - An advanced twin panel (commander style) file manager for KDE2.9.0kde GPL
ksanecore - KDE SANE Core24.12.3kde GPL
kscannerbuttons - A monitor which responds to scanner button presses0.9.5contrib GPL
kscreen - KDE Display Management software6.3.3kde GPL
kscreenlocker - Library and components for secure lock screen architecture6.3.3kde GPL
kservice - Advanced plugin and service introspection6.12.0kde GPL
ksh93 - KornShell2020.0.0shells OpenSource
kshisen - Shisen-Sho Mahjongg-like tile game24.12.3kde GPL
ksirk - Conquer-the-world strategy game24.12.3kde GPL
ksmtp - Job-based library to send email through an SMTP server24.12.3kde GPL
ksnakeduel - Snake duel game24.12.3kde GPL
kspaceduel - Space arcade game24.12.3kde GPL
ksplice - Rebootless Linux kernel security updates0.9.9develop GPL
ksquares - Connect the dots to create squares24.12.3kde GPL
ksshaskpass - A ssh-add helper that uses kwallet and kpassworddialog6.3.3kde GPL
kstatusnotifieritem - KDE Frameworks solution with abstraction for system notifications6.12.0kde GPL
ksudoku - A logic-based symbol placement puzzle24.12.3kde GPL
ksvg - A library for rendering SVG stylesheet re-coloring and on-disk caching6.12.0kde GPL
ksymoops - A utility to decode Linux kernel Oops2.4.11develop GPL
ksysguard - KDE Process Management application5.21.90kde GPL
ksystemlog - System log viewer tool24.12.3kde GPL
ksystemstats - KDE System Stats6.3.3kde GPL
ktcpvs - Kernel TCP Virtual Server0.0.18network GPL
kteatime - Handy timer for steeping tea24.12.3kde GPL
kterm - Xterm with additional Japanese and Korean Support6.2.0x11 GPL
ktextaddons - KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 3 with advanced embeddable text editor1.5.4kde GPL
ktexteditor - KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 3 with advanced embeddable text editor6.12.0kde GPL
ktexttemplate - Library to allow to separate the structure of documents from data6.12.0kde GPL
ktextwidgets - KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 3 addon with advanced text editing widgets6.12.0kde GPL
ktimer - Task Scheduler24.12.3kde GPL
ktnef - API for handling TNEF data24.12.3kde GPL
ktoblzcheck - A library to check account numbers and bank codes of german banks1.53contrib LGPL
ktorrent - A BitTorrent program24.12.3kde GPL
ktouch - Touch Typing Tutor24.12.3kde GPL
ktp-accounts-kcm - KDE Configuration Module for Telepathy Instant Messaging Accounts23.04.3kde GPL
ktp-approver - KDE Channel Approver for Telepathy23.04.3kde GPL
ktp-auth-handler - Provide UI/KWallet Integration23.04.3kde GPL
ktp-call-ui - Voice/Video Call UI for Telepathy23.04.3kde GPL
ktp-common-internals - Common internals for KDE Telepathy23.04.3kde GPL
ktp-contact-list - Telepathy contact list application23.04.2kde GPL
ktp-contact-runner - KRunner plugin for KDE Telepathy23.04.3kde GPL
ktp-desktop-applets - KDE Telepathy desktop applets23.04.3kde GPL
ktp-filetransfer-handler - Telepathy file transfer handler23.04.3kde GPL
ktp-kded-module - KDE Telepathy workspace integration23.04.2kde GPL
ktp-send-file - A File manager plugin to launch file transfer jobs23.04.3kde GPL
ktp-text-ui - Telepathy text chat handler23.04.2kde GPL
ktrip - Navigate in public transport24.12.3kde GPL
ktsuss - Ktsuss is a graphical version (frontend) of su written in C and GTK+ 220140304security GPL
ktuberling - Picture game for children24.12.3kde GPL
kturtle - Educational Programming Environment24.12.3kde GPL
kubectl - A command line tool for communicating with a Kubernetes cluster1.30.2containers GPL
kubrick - Puzzle cube solving game24.12.3kde GPL
kunifiedpush - UnifiedPush client components24.12.3kde GPL
kunitconversion - KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 2 addon for unit conversions6.12.0kde GPL
kupu - A WYSIWYG Theme editor for CMF, CPS and Plone1.2.1zope OpenSource
kuserfeedback - Collecting KDE feedback from application users6.12.0kde GPL
kvirc - A free portable Internet Relay Chat client based Qt GUI toolkit5.2.6kde GPL
kwallet - KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 3 solution for password management6.12.0kde GPL
kwallet-pam - KWallet PAM integration6.3.3kde GPL
kwalletmanager - Manage KDE passwords24.12.3kde GPL
kwave - A sound editor for KDE24.12.3kde GPL
kwayland - KDE Frameworks 5 library that wraps Client and Server Wayland libraries6.3.3kde GPL
kwayland-integration - Provides integration plugins for various KDE Frameworks for Wayland6.3.3kde GPL
kwayland-server - Wayland server components built on KDE Frameworks5.24.4kde GPL
kweather - A weather application for Plasma24.12.3kde GPL
kweathercore - Library to facilitate weather forecasts and alerts24.12.3kde GPL
kwidgetsaddons - KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 1 addon with various classes on top of QtWidgets6.12.0kde GPL
kwin - The KDE Plasma window manager6.3.3kde GPL
kwindowsystem - KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 1 integration module with classes for windows management6.12.0kde GPL
kwordquiz - Flash Card Trainer24.12.3kde GPL
kwrited - KDE Write Daemon6.3.3kde GPL
kxmlgui - KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 3 solution for user-configurable main windows6.12.0kde GPL
kxmlrpcclient - KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 3 library for interaction with XML RPC services5.106.0kde GPL
kyotocabinet - Library of routines for managing a database1.2.80contrib GPL3
kzenexplorer - Manages tracks and playlist on any mp3 player supported by libnjb0.6kde OpenSource
l7-filter - Application Layer Packet Classifier for Linux2.22network GPL
lablgtk - An Objective Caml interface to gtk+2.12.0gnome GPL
labwc - A stacking Wayland compositor0.8.3wayland GPL
ladspa - Linux Audio Developer's Simple Plugin API1.17audio LGPL
ladspa-caps - LADSPA plugins for amp modeling, stomp-boxes and others0.9.26audio GPL
ladspa-cmt - CMT LADSPA Plugins1.18audio LGPL
ladspa-mcp - LADSPA plugins - phaser, chorus, voltage controlled lowpass filter0.3.0audio GPL
ladspa-njl - Nick Lamb's LADSPA plugins0.2.1audio GPL
ladspa-rev - A stereo reverb LADSPA plugin0.3.1audio GPL
ladspa-swh-plugins - A set of LADSPA plugins0.4.14audio GPL
ladspa-tap - Tom's Audio Processing LADSPA plugins1.0.0audio GPL
ladspa-vcf - LADSPA Plugin0.0.5audio GPL
ladspa-vco - Anti-aliased oscillator plugins for LADSPA0.3.0audio GPL
ladspa-vlevel - A dynamic audio compressor0.5audio GPL
ladspa-vocoder - LADSPA Vocoder Plugin0.4audio GPL
ladspa-vst - LADSPA VST Plugin0.1.6attic GPL
ladspa-wasp - Wave Sculpting LADSPA plugins0.1.4audio GPL
ladybird - A web browser built on the LibWeb and LibJS enginesc33d72bwww BSD
lagrange - A graphical browser for the Gemini protocol1.18.5www MIT
lame - LAME Ain't an Mp3 Encoder3.100audio LGPL
lasem - A library for rendering SVG and Mathml, implementing a DOM like API0.5.1contrib LGPL GPL
laszip - LASzip point cloud compression library3.4.4contrib LGPL
lat - LDAP Administration Tool written on Gtk#1.2.3network GPL
latex2html - A LaTeX to HTML converter2024textproc OpenSource
layer-shell-qt - QT Layer Shell6.3.3kde GPL
laz-perf - Alternative LAZ implementation for C++ and JavaScript3.4.0contrib LGPL
lazyfs - LazyFS kernel module for Zero Install0.1.25filesystem GPL
lazygit - Simple terminal UI for git commands0.48.0contrib MIT
lbreakout2 - A breakout like game in the style of Arkanoid clone2.6.5games GPL
lcap - Linux Kernel Capability Bounding Set Editor0.0.6base GPL
lcdemu - Liquid Cristal Display emulator0.6.0emulators GPL
lcdproc - Software to display system information from your Linux/*BSD box on a LCD0.5.7contrib GPL
lcdutils - Small utilities to play with cobalts front panel buttons and lcd0.2mips GPL
lcms - A little Color Management System1.19graphic MIT
lcms2 - A little Color Management System2.17graphic MIT
lcov - LCOV is an extension to GCOV. It provides a graphical frontend for converage information2.3contrib GPL
ldap2dns - A tool to generate DNS data from an LDAP database0.4.1network GPL
ldapdiff - A ldif generator1.4.1contrib GPL
ldapdns - A tiny, fast authoritative nameserver using LDAP as backend2.06network GPL
ldapuserfolder - A user folder replacement for Zope that authenticates Zope users against LDAP2.5zope OpenSource
ldoc - Documentation tool for Lua1.5.0contrib MIT
leafnode - An NNTP server for small leaf sites1.12.0network GPL
leafpad - A GTK+ based simple text editor0.8.19gnome GPL
lensfun - Image manipulation library to rectify lens defects0.3.4contrib LGPL3
leptonlib - C library for some basic image processing operations1.85.0graphic APL
less - A paginator similar to "more" or "pg"668textproc GPL
lesspipe - A preprocessor for less2.11contrib GPL
lesstif - An OpenSource OSF/Motif Clone0.95.2x11 GPL
level-zero - oneAPI Level Zero Specification Headers and Loader1.21.2develop MIT
lexbor - Open source HTML Renderer library2.4.0contrib APL
lftp - A ftp client4.9.3network GPL
lgeneral - A Panzer General clone1.4.3games GPL
lgi - Dynamic Lua binding to GObject based libraries0.9.2lua MIT
lib765 - Lib765 is a floppy controller emulation library0.4.2emulators GPL
libaac - Fraunhofer FDK AAC code from Android2.0.3audio OpenSource
libaacs - A implementation of the Advanced Access Content System specification0.11.1multimedia LGPL
libadwaita - Building blocks for modern GNOME applications1.7.0gnome LGPL
libaec - Adaptive Entropy Coding library1.1.3contrib BSD
libaio - Asynchronous I/O library0.3.113filesystem LGPL
libantlr3c - C runtime for the ANTLR parsing library3.4contrib BSD
libao - A cross platform audio library1.2.2audio GPL
libaom - The AOMedia encoder for AV1, an open source & royalty-free video codec3.12.0graphic BSD
libappimage - Implements functionality for dealing with AppImage files1.0.4-5containers MIT
libarc - Tiny C decompression library for several popular compression formats2.02archiver GPL
libarchive - Library for several streaming archive formats3.7.7archiver BSD
libart - A library for high-performance 2D graphics2.3.21x11 LGPL
libass - A portable library for SSA/ASS subtitles rendering0.17.3xorg ISC
libassuan - GnuPG standalone IPC library3.0.2security LGPL
libast - A multi-purpose utility library0.7develop BSD
libasyncns - Asynchronous Name Service Library0.8contrib LGPL
libatasmart - ATA S.M.A.R.T. Reading and Parsing Library0.19contrib LGPL
libatomic_ops - The atomic_ops project7.8.2develop GPL
libaudec - Lib audio decoder0.3.4contrib GPL3
libavc1394 - 1394 AV/C command set library0.5.4multimedia GPL
libavif - Library for encoding and decoding .avif files1.2.1graphic BSD
libbaseencode - Library for encoding decoding data use base32 or base641.0.15contrib APL
libbdplus - A implementation of the BD+ System Specifications0.2.0multimedia LGPL
libblockdev - A library for manipulating block devices3.1.0gnome LGPL
libbluray - An open-source library designed for Blu-Ray Discs playback1.3.4multimedia LGPL
libbonobo - The GNOME component and compound document system2.32.1gnome LGPL
libbonobomm - C++ wrappers for bonobo2005-05-25attic LGPL
libbonoboui - The UI for the GNOME component and compound document system2.24.5gnome LGPL
libbonobouimm - C++ wrapper for libbonoboui2005-05-25attic LGPL
libbpf - A userspace library for loading and interacting with bpf programs1.5.0develop LGPL BSD
libbs2b - Unofficial fork of Bauer stereophonic-to-binaural DSP library3.1.0contrib MIT
libbsd - A library providing functions commonly found on BSD systems0.12.2develop GPL
libbtctl - Bluetooth control library for GNOME Bluetooth subsystem0.11.1gnome GPL
libburn - A burn library for CD, DVD, BD and a cdrecord emulator1.5.6filesystem GPL
libbytesize - A library that facilitate the common operations with sizes in bytes2.11gnome LGPL
libcaca - A graphics library that outputs text instead of pixels0.99.beta19graphic PublicDomain
libcamera - An open source camera stack and framework for Linux, Android, and ChromeOSv0.4.0multimedia GPL
libcanberra - Implementation of the XDG Sound Theme and Name Specifications0.30gnome GPL
libcap - A library for getting and setting POSIX.1e capabilities2.75base GPL
libcap-ng - POSIX capabilities library0.8.5contrib GPL LGPL
libcapnp - The capnp Tool1.1.0develop MIT
libcapplet15 - GNOME Config Applet library v1.4 (compat)1.5.11gnome1 GPL
libcbor - CBOR protocol implementation for C0.12.0contrib MIT
libcdaudio - A cddb and cd playing library0.99.12p2audio GPL
libcddb - Libcddb is a C library to access at a CDDB server1.3.2contrib GPL
libcdio - A CD-ROM reading and control library2.2.0multimedia GPL
libcdio-paranoia - A CD-ROM reading and control library10.2+2.0.2multimedia GPL
libcdr - A library for reading and converting Corel DRAW files0.1.8contrib MPL
libchamplain - Gnome libchamplain package0.12.21gnome LGPL
libchewing - Intelligent Chinese phonetic input method0.5.1contrib LGPL
libchipcard - Accessing chipdrives4.2.8security GPL
libchipcard1 - Accessing chipdrives0.9.1security GPL
libcinnamon-desktop - The cinnamon-desktop library6.4.1cinnamon GPL
libclc - A OpenCL C programming language library implementation20.1.0develop BSD MIT
libcloudproviders - A library that allows cloud storage expose their services0.3.6gnome GPL
libcmis - A C/C++ client library for the CMIS protocol0.6.2office GPL
libcoap - A CoAP implementation4.3.5contrib BSD
libconfig - A simple library for manipulating structured configuration files1.7.3contrib LGPL
libconfuse - A configuration file parser library3.3textproc ISC
libcotp - Library for generating TOTP and HOTP3.1.0contrib APL
libcoyotl - A Collection of "Interesting" Classes3.1.0develop GPL
libcpptest - A portable and powerful unit testing framework for handling automated tests in C++2.0.0develop LGPL
libcpuid - C library for x86 CPU detection and feature extraction0.5.1contrib BSD
libcroco - A CSS parsing and manipulation toolkit0.6.13gnome GPL
libcss - CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) parser and selection engine0.9.2www GPL
libcuckoo - High-performance concurrent hash table library0.3.1contrib APL
libcue - Library for parsing CUE sheet files2.3.0contrib GPL
libcxx - C++ Standard Library20.1.0develop BSD MIT
libcxxabi - C++ Standard Library Support20.1.0develop BSD
libcyaml - Library for reading and writing YAML1.4.2develop ISC
libcypher-parser - Parsing library for the Cypher query language0.6.2contrib APL
libdaemon - A lightweight C library which eases the writing of UNIX daemons0.14base GPL
libdap - The C++ DAP2 library from OPeNDAP3.20.11contrib LGPL
libdaq - The Data AcQuisition Library3.0.18develop GPL
libdatrie - Library for double-array trie0.2.13contrib LGPL
libdazzle - Gnome libdazzle package3.44.0gnome LGPL
libdbi - A database-independent abstraction layer written in C0.9.0develop GPL
libdbusmenu - DBus menu library16.04.0develop GPL
libdbusmenu-qt - A library providing Qt implementation of DBusMenu specification0.3.0develop LGPL
libdc1394 - 1394 DC command set library2.2.7multimedia GPL
libde265 - A free H.265 decoder1.0.15multimedia LGPL
libdecor - A client side decoration library for Wayland0.2.2wayland MIT
libdeflate - Fast, whole-buffer DEFLATE-based compression and decompression1.23archiver OpenSource
libdex - GNOME library for deferred execution0.10.0gnome LGPL
libdiscid - C library for creating MusicBrainz DiscIDs from audio CDs0.6.4contrib LGPL
libdispatch - Grand Central Dispatch4.2.2develop APL
libdisplay-info - EDID and DisplayID library0.2.0wayland MIT
libdmx - X Window System DMX (Distributed Multihead X) extension1.1.5xorg OpenSource
libdnet - A simplified, portable interface to several low-level networking routines1.18.0develop OpenSource
libdnsres - A non-blocking DNS resolver library0.1adevelop GPL
libdockapp - A library that provides a framework for developing dockapps0.6.2x11 OpenSource
libdrm - Userspace interface to kernel DRM services2.4.124xorg OpenSource
libdsk - LibDSK is a library for accessing discs and disc image files1.2.1emulators GPL
libdsme - Libraries for programs that communicate with the Device State Management Entity0.67.0contrib LGPL
libdv - Quasar DV codec library1.0.0multimedia GPL
libdvb - DVB library0.5.5.1multimedia GPL
libdvbcsa - Free implementation of the DVB Common Scrambling Algorithm1.1.0contrib GPL
libdvbpsi3 - A library for DVB and PSI decoding and generating0.1.4multimedia GPL
libdvdcss - Implements the CSS decryption1.4.3multimedia GPL
libdvdnav - A DVD Navigator library6.1.1multimedia GPL
libdvdplay - A library for DVD navigation support1.0.1multimedia GPL
libdvdread - A library for accessing DVD drives6.1.3multimedia GPL
libeatmydata - An LD_PRELOAD library that disables all forms of writing data safely to disk130contrib GPL3
libebml - Library for EBML1.4.5multimedia GPL
libebt - Elegant C++ backtraces1.3.0develop BSD
libebur128 - Library implementing the EBU R128 loudness standard1.2.6contrib MIT
libeconf - Enhanced Config File Parser0.7.7contrib MIT
libedit - BSD replacement for libreadline20240517-3.1develop BSD
libei - A library for Emulated Input1.4.0wayland MIT
libelf - ELF object file access library0.192base LGPL
libemf2svg - MS EMF to SVG conversion library1.1.0contrib GPL
liberation-fonts - High quality "open-sourced" vector fonts2.1.5fonts GPL
libesmtp - A library for posting Electronic Mail1.1.0mail GPL
libestr - Essentials for string handling0.1.11contrib LGPL
libetpan - A portable, efficient middleware for accessing mails1.9.4mail GPL
libev - A high performance and full-featured C event loop4.33develop BSD
libevdev - A wrapper library for evdev devices1.13.3xorg OpenSource
libevent - A library for asynchronous event notification2.1.12develop BSD
libevhtp - Flexible replacement for libevent's httpd API1.2.18contrib BSD
libevocosm - A C++ framework for evolutionary computing and genetic algorithms3.1.0develop GPL
libewf - Library to support the Expert Witness Compression Format20201230contrib LGPL
libexif - A EXIF tag and data access library0.6.24graphic GPL
libexif-gtk - GTK frontend to the libexif library0.3.5graphic GPL
libexo - Extension library to Xfce4.20.0xfce4 GPL
libexosip2 - The eXtended osip Library4.1.0multimedia GPL
libextractor - A meta-data extraction library1.13filesystem GPL
libexttextcat - An N-Gram-Based Text Categorization library3.4.6contrib MPL
libfakekey - X Virtual Keyboard Library0.3matchbox GPL
libfame - A video encoding library0.9.1multimedia GPL
libffi - A portable, high level programming interface to various calling conventions3.4.6develop MIT
libfido2 - Library for FIDO 2.0 functionality1.10.0contrib BSD
libfishsound - Simple programming interface for decoding and encoding audio data using the Xiph.org codecs1.0.1contrib BSD
libfm - Core library of PCManFM file manager1.4.0lxqt LGPL
libfm-qt - Qt port of libfm2.0.0lxqt LGPL
libfoma - A finite-state compiler and C librarya2d32b3contrib APL
libfontenc - X11 font encoding library1.1.8xorg OpenSource
libfort - Simple crossplatform library to create formatted text tables0.4.2contrib MIT
libfreeaptx - Free implementation of Audio Processing Technology codec (aptX)0.2.2contrib LGPL
libfreehand - A library that parses the file format of FreeHand documents0.1.2contrib MPL
libfs - Library Interface to the X Font Server1.0.10xorg OpenSource
libftdi - FTDI USB driver with bitbang mode0.20develop LGPL
libftdi1 - FTDI USB driver with bitbang mode1.5develop LGPL
libfwbuilder - Fwbuilder library4.1.2security OpenSource
libgail-gnome - The GNOME accesssibility interface library1.20.4gnome LGPL
libgalago - A desktop presence framework0.5.2develop GPL
libgcrypt - General purpose cryptographic library1.11.0security GPL
libgd - A graphics library for fast image creation2.3.3graphic OpenSource
libgda - GNOME database access6.0.0gnome LGPL
libgdata - Gnome libgdata package0.18.1gnome LGPL
libgdiplus - Library for using System.Drawing with Mono6.0.5develop LGPL
libgee - Data-type extension library for Vala0.20.8develop LGPL
libgeotiff - TIFF based interchange format for georeferenced raster imagery1.7.4contrib PublicDomain
libggz - An online gaming center with multiple rooms and game modules0.0.14.1games GPL
libghthash - An extensible hash table in C for storing arbitrary data0.6.2develop LGPL
libghttp10 - Gnome library for HTTP 1.1 requests1.0.9gnome1 GPL
libgif - Reading and writing gif images5.2.1graphic OpenSource
libgift - Filesharing tool0.11.8.1network GPL
libgit2 - A portable, pure C implementation of the Git core methods1.9.0develop GPL
libgksu - A library that provides simple su and sudo functionality2.0.12gnome GPL
libgksuui - A Gtk+ convenience widget for authorization dialogs1.0.7gnome GPL
libglade - A GUI creation library for Gtk+2.6.4gnome GPL
libglade10 - Libglade library0.17gnome1 GPL
libglademm - C++ wrapper for libglade2.6.7gnome LGPL
libgli - A toolkit to create OpenGL User Interfaces0.4x11 LGPL
libglibutil - Library of glib utilities1.0.79gnome BSD
libglpng - A library to load PNG and bind them to OpenGL textures1.45graphic LGPL
libglvnd - The GL Vendor-Neutral Dispatch library1.7.0x11 MIT
libgmail - A pure Python binding to provide access to Google's Gmail0.1.11python GPL
libgme - Video game music file emulation/playback library0.6.3contrib LGPL
libgnome - The GNOME core libraries2.32.1gnome LGPL
libgnome-keyring - GNOME keyring client library3.12.0gnome LGPL
libgnomecanvas - Vector drawing widget for GTK+/Gnome2.30.3gnome LGPL
libgnomecanvasmm - C++ wrapper for libgnomecanvas2.26.0gnome LGPL
libgnomecups - GNOME cups library0.2.3gnome LGPL
libgnomedb - GNOME database access library3.99.7gnome LGPL
libgnomekbd - Is an API to manage the keyboard in GNOME applications3.28.1gnome GPL
libgnomemm - C++ wrapper for libgnome2.30.0gnome LGPL
libgnomeprint - The GNOME printer access library2.18.8gnome LGPL
libgnomeprintui - The UI GNOME printer access library2.18.6gnome LGPL
libgnomeui - The UI GNOME core libraries2.24.5gnome LGPL
libgnomeuimm - C++ wrapper for libgnomeui2.28.0gnome GPL
libgovirt - GObject wrapper for the oVirt REST API0.3.9gnome LGPL
libgpg-error - Library that defines common error values for GnuPG components1.51security GPL
libgphoto - The GNU Digital Still Camera Library2.5.31graphic GPL
libgpod - A library to access the contents of an iPod0.7.2audio LGPL
libgravatar - Gravatar support library24.12.3kde GPL
libgsasl - An implementation of the Simple Authentication and Security Layer framework1.10.0contrib LGPL
libgsf - The GNOME Structured File Library1.14.53gnome GPL
libgss - An implementation of the Generic Security Service Application Program Interface1.0.4contrib GPL3
libgssglue - Exports a gssapi interface which calls other random gssapi libraries0.4contrib BSD
libgtkhtml - A HTML engine for GNOME2.12gnome GPL
libgtop - CPU and memory usage library2.41.3gnome GPL
libgusb - A GObject wrapper for libusb10.4.9contrib LGPL
libgweather - Library to access weather information from online services for numerous locations4.4.4gnome LGPL
libgxps - Gnome libgxps package0.3.2gnome LGPL
libhandy - Gnome libhandy package1.8.3gnome LGPL
libharu - A free, cross platform, open source library for generating PDF files2.4.4office ZLIB
libhdhomerun - Library for Silicon Dust HD HomeRun20200225contrib LGPL
libheif - An ISO/IEC 23008-12:2017 HEIF and AVIF file format decoder and encoder1.17.6graphic LGPL
libhid - A user-space USB HID access library written in C0.2.17base GPL
libhx - Library for queue, tree, I/O and utility functions4.27contrib GPL3
libiax - A Library for the Inter-Asterisk eXchange (IAX) protocol0.2.2develop GPL
libibumad - Interface to ib_umad module library1.3.10.2contrib GPL BSD
libical - A iCal standard (RFC 2445) implementation3.0.18office LGPL MPL
libice - X Inter-Client Exchange (ICE) protocol library1.1.2xorg OpenSource
libicns - A library for manipulating MacOS X .icns icon format0.8.1graphic GPL
libiconv - Library converting between character encodings1.17base GPL
libid3tag - A MP3 ID3 tag editing library0.16.3audio GPL
libideviceactivation - A library to handle the activation process of iOS devices1.1.1develop GPL
libidl - Library for creating trees of CORBA IDL files0.8.14gnome LGPL
libidn - Stringprep, Punycode and IDNA implementation1.42network LGPL
libidn2 - Encode/Decode library for internationalized domain names2.3.8contrib GPL LGPL3
libiec61883 - Library for capturing video (dv or mpeg2) over the IEEE 1394 bus1.2.0multimedia LGPL
libieee1284 - A parallel port library0.2.11base GPL
libimobiledevice - A library to communicate with services of Apple iOS devices1.3.0multimedia GPL
libimobiledevice-glue - Common code used by libraries and tools around the libimobiledevice project1.0.0multimedia GPL
libinklevel - A library for retrieving the ink level0.9.7printing GPL
libinput - A library to handle input devices1.27.1base GPL
libipoddevice - A device-specific layer for the Apple iPod0.5.3audio LGPL
libiptcdata - Libiptcdata is a C library for manipulating IPTC metadata within multimedia1.0.5contrib LGPL
libirecovery - Library and utility to talk to iBoot/iBSS via USB1.0.0develop GPL
libiriverdb - A library for maintaining the database on iRiver jukeboxes1.5audio GPL
libiscsi - A client-side library to implement the iSCSI protocol1.20.0filesystem GPL
libisoburn - A library and an application for multi-session ISO 9660 filesystems1.5.6filesystem GPL
libisofs - A library to create an ISO-9660 filesystem1.5.6filesystem GPL
libite - That missing frog DNA you've been looking for2.5.2contrib MIT
libixp - A C library that implements the 9P distributed file system protocol0.5network MIT
libjpeg - The Independent JPEG Group's JPEG software9fgraphic OpenSource
libjpeg-turbo - The Independent JPEG Group's JPEG software with SIMD enhancements3.1.0graphic OpenSource
libjxl - JPEG XL image format reference implementation0.11.1graphic BSD
libkarma - A C library for managing the Rio Karma0.1.0audio GPL
libkcddb - KDE CDDB library24.12.3kde GPL
libkcompactdisc - A KDE compact disc library24.12.3kde GPL
libkdcraw - A C++ interface around LibRaw library24.12.3kde GPL
libkdegames - Common code and data for many KDE games24.12.3kde GPL
libkdepim - Library for common kdepim apps24.12.3kde GPL
libkeduvocdocument - Library to parse24.12.3kde GPL
libkexiv2 - A wrapper around Exiv2 library24.12.3kde GPL
libkgapi - Library to access to Google services24.12.3kde GPL
libkgeomap - A wrapper around different world-map components18.12.2kde GPL
libkipi - Common plugin infrastructure for KDE image applications24.05.2kde GPL
libkleo - KDE PIM cryptographic library24.12.3kde GPL
libkmahjongg - Common code24.12.3kde GPL
libkomparediff2 - Library to compare files and strings24.12.3kde GPL
libks - Foundational support for signalwire C products2.0.6contrib MIT
libksane - SANE Library interface for KDE24.12.3kde GPL
libksba - API to create and parse X.509 and CMS related objects1.6.7security GPL
libkscreen - KDE display configuration library6.3.3kde GPL
libksieve - Sieve support library24.12.3kde GPL
libksysguard - Library for managing processes running on the system6.3.3kde GPL
libktorrent - Library providing torrent downloading code24.12.3kde GPL
libkxl - Gaming library1.2.4games GPL
liblangtag - Interface library to access/deal with tags for identifying languages0.6.7contrib LGPL3 MPL
liblc3 - Low Complexity Communication Codec (LC3)1.1.2contrib APL
liblcf - Library to handle RPG Maker 2000/2003 and EasyRPG projects0.8contrib MIT
libldac - Lossy audio codec for Bluetooth connections2.0.2.3audio APL
libliftoff - Lightweight KMS plane library0.5.0develop MIT
liblo - An implementation of the Open Sound Control protocol0.32audio GPL
liblockfile - NFS-safe locking library, includes dotlockfile program1.17base LGPL
liblogging - An easy to use logging library1.0.7contrib BSD
liblouis - Braille translator and back-translator3.32.0contrib GPL3
liblrdf - The LADSPA plugin description library0.6.1audio GPL
libltc - Provides functionality to encode and decode LTC audio1.3.2contrib LGPL3
libluv - Bare libuv bindings for lua1.44.2.0lua APL
liblxqt - Common base library for LXQt components2.0.0lxqt LGPL
liblzf - A small, fast, real-time data compression library3.6archiver BSD
libmaa - A library providing many low-level data structures1.4.3develop GPL
libmad - MPEG Audio Decoder0.15.1baudio GPL
libmanette - The simple GObject game controller library0.2.11gnome LGPL
libmatchbox - Base libraries of the Open Source Matchbox environment1.9matchbox LGPL
libmatekbd - Keyboard management library for MATE1.28.0mate GPL
libmatemixer - Mixer library for MATE Desktop1.28.0mate GPL
libmateweather - Library to access weather information1.28.0mate GPL
libmatroska - Library for the .mkv video format1.7.1multimedia GPL
libmaxminddb - Maxmind GeoIP2 database library1.6.0contrib APL
libmbim - MBIM modem protocol helper library1.31.6contrib GPL LGPL
libmcrypt - A library for encryption. It can be built into PHP2.5.8security LGPL
libmd - Message Digest functions from BSD systems1.1.0security BSD
libmdf - Millistream Data Feed API library1.0.23contrib LGPL3
libmediaart - Gnome libmediaart package1.9.7gnome LGPL
libmemcache - Memcache C API1.4.0-rc2develop OpenSource
libmemcached - A C client library for interfacing to a memcached server1.0.18network BSD
libmhash - A free library for uniform access to hash algorithms0.9.9.9develop LGPL
libmicrohttpd - Small C library that is supposed to make it easy to run an HTTP server as part of another application1.0.1contrib LGPL
libmikmod - Library for sound files in various MOD formats3.3.12multimedia GPL
libmms - MMS stream protocol library0.6.4contrib LGPL
libmng - A library of functions for manipulating MNG imaage files2.0.3graphic OpenSource
libmnl - A minimal netlink library1.0.5network LGPL
libmodbus - RTU communication over a serial line or a TCP link3.1.10contrib LGPL
libmodplug - A mod-like music player ported into an XMMS Plugin0.8.9.0audio GPL
libmowgli - C library framework designed to reduce writing of boilerplate code2.1.3contrib ISC
libmp3splt - Library to split mp3 and ogg files without decoding0.9.2contrib GPL
libmpack - Simple implementation of msgpack in C1.0.5contrib MIT
libmpcdec - Musepack is an audio compression format with a strong emphasis on high quality1.2.6audio Unknown
libmpd - An abstraction around libmpdclient11.8.17audio GPL
libmpdclient - An abstraction around libmpd2.22audio BSD
libmpeg - The MPEG Library1.3.1multimedia OpenSource
libmpeg2 - The MPEG Library - version 20.5.1multimedia GPL
libmpeg3 - The MPEG Library - version 31.7multimedia GPL
libmrss - A C library for parsing, writing, and creating RSS feeds0.19.2textproc LGPL
libmspack - A library for Microsoft compression formats0.11archiver LGPL
libmspub - A library that parses the file format of Microsoft Publisher documents0.1.4office MPL
libmtp - An implementation of the Media Transfer Protocol1.1.22filesystem LGPL
libmusicbrainz - MusicBrainz Client Library5.1.0audio LGPL
libmustache - C++ implementation of Mustache intended mainly for use as a PHP extension0.5.0contrib MIT
libmypaint - MyPaint brush engine library1.6.1graphic ISC
libmysofa - Set of C functions to read AES SOFA files1.3.3contrib BSD
libndp - Neighbor Discovery library1.9network LGPL
libnemesi - An rtsp client librarygit-20070710multimedia LGPL
libneo4j-client - Client library for the Neo4j graph database2.2.0contrib APL
libnet - A toolkit for the construction and injection of network packets1.3network BSD
libnetfilter_acct - Userspace library providing interface to extended accounting infrastructure1.0.3contrib GPL
libnetfilter_cthelper - A Netfilter netlink library for connection tracking helpers1.0.1contrib GPL
libnetfilter_cttimeout - Library for the connection tracking timeout infrastructure1.0.1contrib GPL
libnetmd - NetMD, HiMD access library20060701filesystem GPL
libnfnetlink - Low-level library for netfilter related kernel/userspace communication1.0.2contrib GPL
libnfs - Client library for accessing NFS shares6.0.2filesystem LGPL
libnftnl - Low-level API to transform netlink messages to objects1.2.8network LGPL
libnice - An implementation of the Interactice Connectivity Establishment standard (ICE)0.1.18multimedia LGPL
libnids - A e-component of network intrusion detection systems1.26security GPL
libnjb - A C library and API for communicating with the Creative Nomad JukeBox and Dell DJ digital audio players2.2.7develop OpenSource
libnl - A netlink library3.11.0network LGPL
libnma - Gnome libnma package1.10.6gnome LGPL
libnotify - A Freedesktop Notifications Library0.8.4develop GPL
libnpupnp - UPnP library based on libupnp, but extensively rewritten6.2.1contrib BSD
libnumbertext - Number to number name and money text conversion library1.0.11contrib BSD
libnvme - C Library for NVM Express on Linux1.12filesystem LGPL
libnxml - A C library for parsing, writing, and creating XML 1.0 and 1.1 files0.18.3textproc LGPL
libodiosacd - SACD decoder library22.7.4contrib GPL3
libofx - A parser and API for OFX command responses0.10.4office GPL
libogg - Open source bitstream container format1.3.5audio BSD
liboggz - Provides a simple programming interface for reading and writing Ogg files and streams1.1.3contrib BSD
liboil - A simple function library optimized for various CPUs0.3.17develop OpenSource
libol - C support library0.3.18base OpenSource
liboldx - The oldX Library1.0.1xorg OpenSource
libole - Structured Storage OLE2 library2.2.8gnome GPL
liboobs - Is a wrapping library to the System Tools Backends3.0.0gnome GPL
libopenraw - A free software library for camera RAW files decoding0.0.8graphic LGPL
libopenshot - OpenShot Video Library0.4.0multimedia LGPL3
libopenshot-audio - OpenShot Audio Library0.4.0multimedia LGPL3
liboping - A C library to generate ICMP echo requests1.10.0contrib LGPL
libopus - Opus audio codec1.5.2audio BSD
libopusenc - Library for encoding .opus audio files and live streams0.2.1contrib BSD
libosinfo - Library for managing OS information for virtualization1.10.0contrib LGPL
libosip - The GNU oSIP library is used in VoIP applications0.9.7multimedia GPL
libosip2 - The GNU oSIP2 library is used in VoIP applications5.3.0multimedia GPL
libostree - Operating system and container binary deployment and upgrades2024.8develop LGPL
libotr - This is the portable OTR Messaging Library4.1.1network GPL
libowfat - A GPL reimplementation of libdjb0.34develop GPL
libpanel - Dock/panel library for GTK 41.10.0gnome LGPL
libpano - Panorama backend library2.9.21graphic GPL
libpcap - System-independent packet captureing library1.10.5network OpenSource
libpciaccess - X.org libpciaccess library0.18.1xorg OpenSource
libpeak - A library for parallel events and asynchronous tasking0.1.2develop BSD
libpeas - Gnome libpeas package2.0.7gnome LGPL
libpg_query - C library for accessing the PostgreSQL parser outside of the server6.0.0contrib BSD
libpinyin - Library to deal with pinyin2.6.2contrib GPL3
libpipeline - Pipeline manipulation library1.5.8develop GPL
libplacebo - Reusable library for GPU-accelerated video/image rendering primitives6.338.2multimedia LGPL
libplasma - Plasma library and runtime components6.3.3kde GPL
libplist - A library to handle Apple Property List format in binary or XML2.3.0develop GPL
libpng - Portable Network Graphics (PNG) Reference Library1.6.47graphic OpenSource
libportal - Flatpak portal library0.7.1gnome LGPL
libprelude - The central library for Prelude-IDS framework5.2.0security OpenSource
libpreludedb - Library that provides easy access to the Prelude database5.2.0security OpenSource
libpri - Primary Rate ISDN (PRI) library for the Asterisk PBX1.6.1develop GPL
libproxy - Library that provides automatic proxy configuration management0.5.9develop LGPL
libpsl - C library for the Public Suffix List0.21.5develop MIT
libpthread-stubs - A library providing weak aliases for pthread functions0.5xorg OpenSource
libptp - A library implementing the PTP protocol1.2.0graphic GPL
libptytty - An unicode improved version of rxvt2.0develop GPL
libpwquality - Password quality checking library1.4.4security GPL BSD
libqalculate - Library implementing a multi-purpose desktop calculator5.5.2contrib GPL
libqb - Library providing high performance logging, tracing, ipc, and poll2.0.8contrib LGPL
libqmi - QMI modem protocol helper library1.35.6contrib GPL LGPL
libqrencode - A QR Code encoding library4.1.1graphic GPL
libqrtr - Lib to use and manage QRTR1.2.2contrib LGPL
libqtxdg - Qt implementation of freedesktop.org xdg specifications4.0.0lxqt LGPL
libquicktime - A library for reading and writing quicktime files1.2.4multimedia OpenSource
libquotient - A Qt library to write cross-platform clients for Matrix0.9.3qt LGPL
libquvi-scripts - Scripts for libquvi - the library for parsing video download links0.9.20131130contrib LGPL
libraw - A library for reading raw photo images0.21.3graphic GPL
libraw1394 - Library for direct IEEE 1394 bus access2.1.2base GPL
librelp - The Reliable Event Logging Protocol library1.11.0contrib GPL3
libreoffice - Libre Open Office Suite25.2.2.1office OpenSource
librep - An embeddable LISP environment0.92.7develop GPL
libressl - Open Source toolkit for Secure Sockets Layer and Transport Layer Security4.0.0security OpenSource
librest - A library to make it easier to access RESTful web services1.0.0gnome LGPL
libretls - Port of libtls from libressl to openssl3.8.1contrib ISC BSD MIT
libretro-bsnes - Super Nintendo Entertainment System core115contrib GPL3
libretro-core-info - Libretro core info files1.20.0contrib MIT
libretro-database - Libretro core info files1.20.0contrib MIT
librevenge - A library for writing document import filters0.10.3office LGPL
librfid - Low-level RFID access libraryr1963rfid GPL
librist - Reliable Internet Stream Transport0.2.7contrib BSD
librsvg - A library implementing the SVG image format2.60.0gnome LGPL
librsync - Network-delta library2.3.4network GPL
librtas - library for Linux on Power systems2.0.6powerpc LGPL
librtlsdr - Software defined radio receiver for Realtek RTL2832U2.0.2contrib GPL
libsafe - Detection and protection against stack smashing attacks2.0-16base GPL
libsamplerate - A Sample Rate Converter library for audio0.1.9audio BSD
libsass - Sass compiler written in C++3.6.6develop MIT
libsbsms - Library for time stretching and pitch scaling of audio2.3.0contrib GPL
libsdl - A cross-platform Graphic API1.2.15graphic GPL
libsdl2 - A cross-platform Graphic API2.32.2graphic GPL
libsdl2_gfx - A graphics primitive toolkit for SDL (Version 2)1.0.4graphic GPL
libsdl2_image - A cross-platform Graphic API2.8.8graphic GPL
libsdl2_mixer - Simple Directmedia Layer - Mixer2.8.1graphic GPL
libsdl2_ttf - A library to use TrueType fonts in SDL2 applications2.24.0graphic GPL
libsdl3 - A cross-platform Graphic API3.2.8graphic GPL
libsdl_console - A drop-down console window for SDL programs2.1graphic GPL
libsdl_gfx - A graphics primitive toolkit for SDL2.0.27graphic GPL
libsdl_image - A cross-platform Graphic API1.2.12graphic GPL
libsdl_mixer - Simple Directmedia Layer - Mixer1.2.12graphic GPL
libsdl_net - A simple cross-platform network library1.2.8graphic GPL
libsdl_pango - Pango font layout engine connection to SDL0.1.2graphic LGPL
libsdl_perl - The glue between SDL and perl1.20.0perl GPL
libsdl_sound - A library to decode popular audio formats1.0.3graphic LGPL
libsdl_ttf - A library to use TrueType fonts in SDL applications2.0.11graphic GPL
libsdlmm - A C++ class-based wrapper for SDL0.1.8graphic GPL
libseccomp - A platform independent interface to the Linux syscall filtering2.6.0develop GPL
libsecret - GNOME terminal emulation application0.21.7gnome LGPL
libselinux - SELinux library and simple utilities3.7selinux PublicDomain
libsemanage - SELinux Policy Management tool3.7selinux PublicDomain
libsepol - SELinux binary policy manipulation library3.7selinux LGPL
libserial - C++ classes to program serial ports on POSIX systems0.6.0rc1develop GPL
libserialport - A minimal library for using serial ports0.1.2develop GPL3
libsexy - A collection of GTK+ widgets0.1.11gnome LGPL
libshout - A library for streaming to icecast2.4.6audio GPL
libsigc++ - Typesafe Signal Framework for C++3.6.0develop LGPL
libsigc++1 - Typesafe Signal Framework for C++1.0.4develop LGPL
libsigc++12 - Typesafe Signal Framework for C++1.2.5develop LGPL
libsigc++2 - Typesafe Signal Framework for C++2.10.8develop LGPL
libsignal-protocol-c - Signal Protocol C Library2.3.3contrib GPL3
libsigrok - A library providing basic hardware access drivers for logic analyzers0.5.2develop GPL3
libsigrokdecode - A library providing (streaming) protocol decoding functionality0.5.3develop GPL3
libsigsegv - A library for handling page faults2.14develop GPL
libsimage - The simage Library1.7.0multimedia GPL
libsixel - SIXEL encoder/decoder implementation1.10.3_git20211017contrib MIT
libslirp - A general purpose TCP-IP emulator4.8.0network BSD
libsm - X11 Inter-Client Exchange library1.2.6xorg OpenSource
libsmbios - A cross-platform library to access SMBIOS/DMI information2.4.3x86 OpenSource
libsmi - Library to access SMI management information0.5.0contrib BSD MIT
libsndfile - A library for accessing various audio file formats1.0.28audio LGPL
libsodium - A NaCl-based crypto library1.0.20contrib ISC
libsoundio - C library for cross-platform real-time audio input and output2.0.0contrib MIT
libsoup - HTTP library implementation in C2.74.3gnome LGPL
libsoup3 - HTTP library implementation in C3.6.4gnome LGPL
libspatialindex - Extensible framework for robust spatial indexing methods0_git20210205contrib MIT
libspe - SPE Runtime Management Library for the Cell Broadband Engine2.1.0-85powerpc GPL
libspectre - Postscript rendering library0.2.12graphic GPL
libspectrum - Libspectrum is a library used by FUSE to handle various file formats1.4.4emulators GPL
libspice - A remote-display system built for virtual environments0.15.2x11 LGPL
libspiro - Library to simplify the drawing of beautiful curves20220722contrib GPL3
libspnav - Library for communicating with spacenavd or 3dxsrv1.1contrib BSD
libspng - Modern alternative to libpng0.7.4graphic BSD
libsrt - Secure Reliable Transport1.5.4contrib MPL
libsrtp - Implementation of the Secure Real-time Transport Protocol2.7.0contrib BSD
libssh - A working SSH implementation by means of a library0.11.1security OpenSource
libssh2 - A client-side C library implementing the SSH2 protocol1.11.1security OpenSource
libstatgrab - Cross platform library for accessing system statistics0.92.1contrib LGPL
libstdc++-v3 - libstdc++ v3 (compatibility package)3.3.6compat GPL
libstdc++-v3-32 - Libstdc++ v3 (compatibility package)v3compat GPL
libstemmer - A small string processing language for creating stemming algorithms2.2.0textproc BSD
libstroke - A stroke (pushes) interface library0.5.1fvwmgraphic GPL
libstrophe - Simple, lightweight C library for writing XMPP clients0.14.0contrib GPL3 MIT
libsvg - A library for SVG files0.1.4x11 LGPL
libsvg-cairo - Render SVG content using cairo0.1.6x11 LGPL
libsysstat - Library used to query system info and statistics0.4.6lxqt LGPL
libsystem - A system library needed by surfer web browser0.1.6-patched1network GPL
libtar - A C library API for manipulating tar archives1.2.20archiver BSD
libtasn1 - Library for ASN.1 and DER manipulation4.20.0develop LGPL
libtextcat - A library for efficient, lightweight text classification2.2develop BSD
libthai - Thai language library0.1.29contrib LGPL
libtheora - An open video codec being developed by the Xiph.org Foundation1.1.1multimedia GPL
libthreadar - A C++ library that provides several classes to manipulate threads1.4.0contrib LGPL3
libtiff - A library for reading and writing TIFF files4.7.0graphic OpenSource
libtins - A high-level, multiplatform C++ network packet sniffing and crafting library4.5contrib BSD
libtirpc - Transport Independent RPC Library1.3.3network GPL
libtomcrypt - A comprehensive, modular, and portable cryptographic toolkit1.17develop GPL PublicDomain
libtomfastmath - A library that provides highly optimized and portable math routines0.12develop GPL PublicDomain
libtomfloat - A variable radix for the mantissa floating point library0.02develop GPL PublicDomain
libtommath - A library that provides highly optimized and portable math routines1.2.0develop GPL PublicDomain
libtompoly - Provides access to polynomials of finite characteristic of varying degrees0.40develop GPL PublicDomain
libtool - Generic library support script2.5.4develop GPL
libtorrent - A BitTorrent library written in C++0.15.1network GPL
libtpms - Software emulation of a Trusted Platform Module0.10.0emulators BSD
libtraceevent - Linux kernel trace event library1.8.4develop GPL
libtracefs - Linux kernel trace file system library1.8.1develop GPL
libtubo - Library needed by xfdiff-cut5.0.15contrib GPL
libtwin - Twin window system library0.0.3graphic LGPL
libtxc-dxtn - Open source S3 Texture Compression (S3TC) library070518graphic BSD
libucontext - Ucontext function implementations1.3.2contrib ISC
libuecc - Very small Elliptic Curve Cryptography library7contrib BSD
libultrahdr - Image compression library1.4.0develop APL
libunicode - Library for manipulating Unicode characters and strings0.4.gnometextproc LGPL
libuninameslist - A Library of Unicode names and annotation data20200413contrib BSD
libuninum - A library for converting strings to numbers2.7develop LGPL
libunique - Library for writing single instance application3.0.2gnome LGPL
libunistring - Library for Unicode C strings according to the Unicode standard1.3develop GPL
libunwind - LLVM Unwinder20.1.0develop BSD
libupnp - Portable SDK for UPnP Devices1.14.20network GPL
libupnpp - C++ wrapper for libupnp0.26.8contrib LGPL
liburcu - A userspace read-copy-update library0.15.1develop LGPL
liburing - A library to setup and teardown io_uring instances2.9filesystem LGPL MIT
libusb - OS independent USB device access1.0.27base GPL
libusb-compat - OS independent USB device access0.1.6base GPL
libusbmuxd - A client library to multiplex connections from and to iOS devices2.0.2filesystem GPL
libusrsctp - Portable SCTP userland stack0.9.5.0contrib BSD
libuv - A multi-platform support library with a focus on asynchronous I/O1.50.0filesystem Free-to-use
libv4l - Collection of video4linux userspace libraries1.28.0multimedia LGPL
libva - Video Acceleration (VA) API for Linux2.22.0xorg OpenSource
libva-utils - Video Acceleration (VA) API for Linux2.18.2multimedia OpenSource
libvdpau - The Video Decode and Presentation API for UNIX1.5xorg MIT
libvirt - A virtualization API11.1.0emulators GPL
libvirt-glib - GLib bindings for libvirt5.0.0emulators GPL
libvirt-python - Python bindings for libvirt11.1.0python GPL
libvncserver - Library for easy implementation of a RDP/VNC server0.9.15x11 GPL
libvolk - The Vector Optimized Library of Kernels3.2.0develop LGPL
libvorbis - Lossy audio compression tools using the ogg-vorbis algorithms1.3.7audio BSD
libvpl - Frontend library for intel onevpl2.14.0xorg MIT
libvpx - A free VP8 codec1.14.1multimedia BSD
libvserver - A syscall wrapper library for the Linux-VServer syscall interfacer210security OpenSource
libwacom - Tablet description library2.14.0x11 OpenSource
libwbxml2 - A WBXML parser and encoder0.9.2develop LGPL
libwebp - WebP codec1.5.0graphic OpenSource
libwebsockets - C library for lightweight websocket clients and servers4.3.5contrib MIT
libwmf - A library to convert Microsoft's wmf file format to something useful0.2.8.4graphic LGPL
libwnck - Window Navigator Construction Kit43.2gnome LGPL
libwpd - A library for importing WordPerfect (tm) documents0.10.3office LGPL
libwpe - A library for the WPE-flavored port of WebKit1.14.1gnome LGPL
libx11 - The X11 library1.8.12xorg OpenSource
libx86 - A hardware-independent library for executing real-mode x86 code1.1base BSD
libxau - X authorization file management libary1.0.12xorg OpenSource
libxaw - X Athena Widgets1.0.16xorg OpenSource
libxaw3dxft - XPaint version of libxaw3d library1.6.2hcontrib MIT
libxcb - X C-language Bindings library1.17.0xorg OpenSource
libxcomposite - X Composite Library0.4.6xorg OpenSource
libxcrypt - Extended crypt library4.4.36security LGPL
libxcursor - X11 Cursor management library1.2.3xorg OpenSource
libxcvt - VESA CVT standard timing modelines generator0.1.3xorg OpenSource
libxdamage - X11 damaged region extension library1.1.6xorg OpenSource
libxdg-basedir - An implementation of the XDG Base Directory specification1.2.3x11 MIT
libxdmcp - X11 authorization library1.1.5xorg OpenSource
libxdp - A library for attaching XDP programs and using AF_XDP sockets1.5.3develop BSD
libxevie - X Event Interception Extension1.0.3xorg OpenSource
libxext - X11 miscellaneous extensions library1.3.6xorg OpenSource
libxfce4ui - Various gtk widgets for xfce4.20.0xfce4 LGPL
libxfce4util - Utility library for the Xfce4 desktop environment4.20.0xfce4 BSD
libxfce4windowing - Windowing library for the Xfce4 desktop4.20.2xfce4 LGPL
libxfixes - X Fixes Library6.0.1xorg OpenSource
libxfont - X font Library1.5.4xorg OpenSource
libxfont2 - X font Library 22.0.7xorg OpenSource
libxfontcache - X-TrueType font cache extension client library1.0.5xorg OpenSource
libxft - X FreeType library2.3.8xorg OpenSource
libxi - X11 Input extension library1.8.2xorg OpenSource
libxinerama - The Xinerama Library1.1.5xorg OpenSource
libxkbfile - X11 keyboard file manipulation library1.1.3xorg OpenSource
libxkbui - X11 keyboard UI presentation library1.0.2xorg OpenSource
libxklavier - Utility library to make XKB stuff easier5.4gnome LGPL
libxmi - 2-D rasterization library1.2graphic GPL
libxml - XML parser library for Gnome2.13.6textproc MIT
libxml++ - Libxml++ is a C++ wrapper for the libxml XML parser library5.0.4textproc GPL
libxml1 - XML parser library for Gnome1.8.17textproc LGPL
libxmlb - Library to help create and query binary XML blobs0.3.22textproc LGPL
libxmp - Library for XMP music players4.6.1audio OpenSource
libxmu - X11 miscellaneous utility library1.2.1xorg OpenSource
libxo - A Library for Generating Text, XML, JSON, and HTML Output1.7.5develop BSD
libxp - X Print Library1.0.4xorg OpenSource
libxpm - X11 pixmap library3.5.17xorg OpenSource
libxpresent - A Xlib-compatible API for the Present extension1.0.1contrib MIT
libxprintapputil - The XprintAppUtil Library1.0.1xorg OpenSource
libxprintutil - The XprintUtil Library1.0.1xorg OpenSource
libxramdac - X.org RAMDAC library0.1.0xorg OpenSource
libxrandr - X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension client library1.5.4xorg OpenSource
libxrender - X Rendering Extension client library0.9.12xorg OpenSource
libxres - X-Resource extension client library1.2.2xorg OpenSource
libxscrnsaver - The XScrnSaver Library1.2.4xorg OpenSource
libxshmfence - A library that exposes a event API on top of Linux futexes1.3.3xorg OpenSource
libxslt - A XSLT library1.1.43textproc LGPL
libxspf - A library for reading and writing XSPF playlists1.2.1multimedia BSD
libxt - X11 toolkit intrinsics library1.3.1xorg OpenSource
libxtrap - X Trap Library1.0.1xorg OpenSource
libxtst - The Xtst Library1.2.5xorg OpenSource
libxv - The Xv Library1.0.13xorg OpenSource
libxvmc - X-Video Motion Compensation library1.0.14xorg OpenSource
libxxf86dga - Client library for the XFree86-DGA extension1.1.6xorg OpenSource
libxxf86misc - Extension library for the XFree86-Misc X extension1.0.4xorg OpenSource
libxxf86vm - Extension library for the XFree86-VidMode X extension1.1.6xorg OpenSource
libyaml - A C library for parsing and emitting YAML0.2.5textproc MIT
libyuv - YUV scaling and conversion library1fad3abgraphic BSD
libzdb - A high level multi-database API3.4.0database GPL
libzim - Reference implementation of the ZIM file format9.2.3contrib GPL
libzip - A C library for reading, creating, and modifying zip archives1.11.3archiver BSD
libzmf - A library that parses the file format of Zoner Callisto/Draw documents0.0.2office MPL
libzmq - Lightweight messaging library4.3.5network MPL
libzrtpcpp - A free implimentation of the ZRTP protocol2.3.4network GPL
libzvbi - The Zapzilla VBI library0.2.35multimedia GPL
libzvt - Pseudo terminal handling library2.0.1gnome LGPL
licenseheaders - Add/Replace license headers in a directory tree of source files0.8.6contrib MIT
licq - A Client for the ICQ-Instant-Messenger1.8.2network GPL
lief - Library to Instrument Executable Formats0.16.4develop APL
liferea - A FeedReader clone for GNU/Linux1.6.3network GPL
light - A program to control backlights8e162c5acontrib MIT
lightdm - LightDM is a cross-desktop display manage1.32.0x11 GPL
lightdm-gtk-greeter - A GTK greeter for LightDM2.0.9x11 GPL
lightning - A library that generates assembly code at run time2.2.3develop LGPL
lighttpd - A light HTTP server1.4.77network BSD
lilo - Generic boot loader for Linux on ix86 based PCs24.2boot GPL
lilv - C library for simpler use of LV2 plugins0.24.26contrib ISC
limine - Advanced multiprotocol x86/x86_64 BIOS/UEFI Bootloader4.0contrib BSD
limnoria - A robust, full-featured, and user/programmer-friendly Python IRC bot, with many existing plugins2022-08-14contrib BSD
linc - Library for easing the writing of networked servers & clients1.1.1gnome LGPL
lincity-ng - A city simulation game2.0games GPL
linesrv - LineServer deamon2.1.21network GPL
linguaplone - An easy-to-use, powerful add-on for multilingual content management in PLone0.8.5zope OpenSource
link-grammar - Grammar checking for abiword5.9.1office GPL
links - A text and graphics mode portable WWW browser2.30www GPL
linphone - An Internet Protocol phone using the SIP protocol3.10.2multimedia GPL
linux - The Linux kernel image and loadable modules6.13.7kernel GPL
linux-firmware - The Linux kernel device firmware files20250311firmware Free-to-use
linux-header - "Sanitized" Linux kernel headers6.6kernel GPL
linux-igd - Linux Internet Gateway Device2008-07-20network Free-to-use
linuxwacom - Replacement driver for wacom tablets0.7.6-4x11 GPL
liquid-dsp - Signal processing library for software-defined radios1.7.0contrib MIT
liquidctl - Liquid cooler control1.14.0contrib GPL3
liquidwar - A unique multiplayer wargame5.6.5games GPL
lirc - Linux Infrared Remote Control0.10.2multimedia GPL
listres - Lists resources in widgets1.0.6xorg OpenSource
live - A set of C++ libraries for RTSP multimedia streaming2025.01.17multimedia LGPL
lives - The Linux Video Editing System2.2.7multimedia GPL
livestreamer - Command-line utility that extracts streams from various services and pipes them into a video player of choice1.12.2contrib BSD MIT
llama-cpp - LLM inference in C/C++b4798contrib MIT
lld - The LLVM Linker20.1.0develop BSD
lldb - The LLDB Debugger20.1.0develop BSD
llmnrd - Link-Local Multicast Resolution Daemon for Linux0.7contrib GPL
llvm - Low Level Virtual Machine20.1.0develop BSD
llvm-lua - A JIT and static Lua compiler that uses Low Level Virtual Machine, LLVM1.2.0lua MIT
lm_sensors - Hardware monitoring via the SMBus3-6-0base GPL
lmarbles - An Atomix clone1.0.8games GPL
lmdb - Lightning Memory-Mapped Database0.9.31database OpenSource
localsearch - Offers a series of D-Bus services to index filesystem resources3.9.0gnome GPL
log4c - A logger1.2.4develop LGPL
log4cplus - Logging Framework for C++2.0.8contrib APL
log4cpp - Log library for C++1.1.3develop LGPL
log4cxx - A free C++ logging library0.9.7develop APL
logcheck - Bash scripts used to monitor system log files for anomalies1.4.3contrib GPL
loginx - A complete tty login experience, replacing getty, login, and xinit1.4x11 ISC
logrotate - Tool to rotate logfiles3.22.0contrib GPL
lokalize - Computer-aided translation system24.12.3kde GPL
loki - A C++ library that demonstrates generic programming and design patterns0.1.7develop MIT
loksh - A Linux port of OpenBSD's ksh7.6shells ISC
longrun - Transmeta crusoe cpu energy management userspace utility0.9-22.1x86 GPL
loudmouth - A Jabber client library1.5.3gnome GPL
lpairs - A Memory-like strategy game1.0.5games GPL
lpeg - A New Pattern-Matching Library for Lua1.1.0lua MIT
lprng - Next Generation Line-Printer-Spooler3.8.35printing OpenSource
lprof - An open source ICC profiler with an graphical interface1.11.4.1graphic GPL
lrzsz - X/Y/ZModem tools0.12.20base GPL
lsb-release-minimal - Minimal fake lsb-release that uses os-release0.6contrib ISC
lsdvd - Shows information about the contents and structure of a DVD0.17multimedia GPL
lshell - Python3-based limited Shell0.10.10contrib GPL3
lshw - A small tool to provide detailed hardware configuration informationB.02.20contrib GPL
lskat - A fun and engaging card game24.12.3kde GPL
lsmash - MP4 and MOV muxer/demuxer2.14.5contrib ISC
lsof - List open files4.91develop GPL
lsscsi - Obtain information of attached SCSI devices030base GPL
ltmm - C++ interface to libltdl1.5develop LGPL
ltrace - Library call tracer0.7.3develop GPL
ltris - A Tetris clone1.3.2games GPL
lttng-ust - LTTng 2.0 Userspace Tracer2.13.8contrib LGPL
lua - A lightweight, extensible programming language5.4.7lua MIT
lua-asn1 - ASN.1 framework for Lua2.2.0lua MIT
lua-bitlib - A tiny Lua library for bitwise operations26lua MIT
lua-cqueues - Lua event loop using coroutines20200726lua MIT
lua-curl - Lua bindings to cURL library0.3.13lua MIT
lua-curses - LUA (n)curses module0.1lua Unknown
lua-editorconfig - EditorConfig Core bindings for Lua0.3.0lua BSD
lua-ffi - A portable lightweight C FFI for Lua1.1.0lua LGPL
lua-iconv - Lua binding to the POSIX 'iconv' library7lua MIT
lua-lanes - Multithreading in Lua3.17.1lua MIT
lua-libmodbus - Lua bindings to libmodbus0.8lua MIT
lua-linotify - Inotify bindings for Lua0.5lua MIT
lua-lub - Lubyk base module for Lua1.1.0lua MIT
lua-lut - Lubyk base module for Lua1.2.1lua MIT
lua-mpack - Libmpack bindings for Lua1.0.12lua MIT
lua-ossl - Comprehensive OpenSSL Lua module20220711lua MIT
lua-pcre - PCRE lua module base on lrexlib2.4.0lua MIT
lua-posix - A POSIX library for Lua35.1lua MIT
lua-rapidjson - A JSON module for Lua based on the very fast RapidJSON library0.7.1lua MIT
lua-rx - POSIX regex lua module base on lrexlib2.4.0lua MIT
lua-socket - Networking library for Lua3.1.0lua MIT
lua-sqlite3 - An SQLite 3 binding for Lua0.4.1lua MIT
lua-system - Platform independent system calls for Lua0.2.1lua MIT
lua-term - Terminal operations for Lua0.8lua MIT
lua-yaml - LibYaml binding for Lua1.1.2lua MIT
luabitop - Lua bit manipulation library1.0.1lua OpenSource
luacurl - A Lua binding providing Internet capabilities based on CURL1.2.1lua MIT
luadoc - Documentation Generator Tool for the Lua language3.0.1lua OpenSource
luaexpat - A Lua SAX XML parser based on Expat1.1.0lua OpenSource
luafilesystem - A Lua library with enhanced file system functions1.5.0lua OpenSource
luajit - A Just-In-Time Compiler for the Lua programming language2.1-a4f56a4lua MIT
lualdap - A simple interface from Lua to LDAP client functions1.1lua OpenSource
lualogging - A simple API to use logging features in Lua1.1.4lua OpenSource
luaprofiler - LuaProfiler is a time profiler for Lua2.0.2lua MIT
luarocks - The package manager for Lua modules3.11.1lua MIT
luasec - TLS/SSL Support for Lua0.4.1lua OpenSource
luasocket - A Lua extension library for the TCP and UDP transport layers2.0.2lua OpenSource
luasql - A simple interface from Lua to a DBMS2.1.1lua OpenSource
luatar - LUA-module for accessing TAR archives0.0lua LGPL
lucene++ - C++ port of the popular Java Lucene library3.0.9contrib LGPL3 APL
luit - Locale and ISO 2022 support for Unicode terminals1.1.1xorg OpenSource
luma - GUI for accessing and managing LDAP servers2.4network GPL
lunit - A Unit Testing Framework for Lua0.5lua MIT
lutok - Lightweight C++ API for Lua0.4contrib BSD
lutris - A unified game launcher0.5.19games GPL3
lv2 - Extensible open standard for audio plugins1.18.10contrib ISC
lvm2 - Logical Volume Management (Version 2)2.03.30filesystem GPL
lxappearance - A desktop-independent theme switcher for GTK+0.6.3lxde GPL
lxde-common - A set of default configuration for LXDE0.99.2lxde GPL
lxdream - A Dreamcast emulator for Linux-based systems0.9.1emulators GPL
lximage-qt - The image viewer and screenshot tool for LXQt2.0.0lxqt LGPL
lxmenu-data - A spec-compliant desktop menus for LXDE0.1.5lxde GPL
lxpanel - A lightweight X11 desktop panel0.10.1lxde GPL
lxqt-about - Information provider about LXQt and the system2.0.0lxqt LGPL
lxqt-admin - LXQt system administration tool2.0.0lxqt LGPL
lxqt-archiver - Simple and lightweight desktop-agnostic Qt file archiver0.6.0lxqt LGPL
lxqt-build-tools - Various packaging tools and scripts for LXQt applications2.0.0lxqt BSD
lxqt-config - Tools to configure LXQt and the underlying operating system2.0.0lxqt LGPL
lxqt-globalkeys - Daemon used to register global keyboard shortcuts2.0.0lxqt LGPL
lxqt-menu-data - Lxqt menu data2.0.0lxqt LGPL
lxqt-notificationd - LXQt notification daemon2.0.0lxqt LGPL
lxqt-openssh-askpass - GUI to query passwords on behalf of SSH agents2.0.0lxqt LGPL
lxqt-panel - The LXQt desktop panel2.0.0lxqt LGPL
lxqt-policykit - LXQt PolicyKit agent2.0.0lxqt LGPL
lxqt-powermanagement - Power management module for LXQt2.0.0lxqt LGPL
lxqt-qtplugin - Qt-LXQt plugin integration2.0.0lxqt LGPL
lxqt-runner - Tool used to launch programs quickly by typing their names2.0.0lxqt LGPL
lxqt-session - The LXQt session manager2.0.0lxqt LGPL
lxqt-sudo - Tools to sudoure LXQt and the underlying operating system2.0.0lxqt LGPL
lxqt-themes - Themes for LXQt2.0.0lxqt LGPL
lxr - A versatile cross-referencing tool for relatively large code repositories0.3develop GPL
lxrandr - XRandR GUI tools0.3.2lxde GPL
lxsession - Default session manager of LXDE0.5.5lxde GPL
lxsplit - Split up huge files into smaller pieces without compression0.1.1archiver GPL
lxtask - Lightweight and desktop-independent task manager0.1.10lxde GPL
lxterminal - A VTE-based terminal emulator with support for multiple tabs0.4.0lxde GPL
lynx - Web Browser for the Terminal2.9.2www GPL
lyx - An advanced LaTeX-based typesetting and text editing program2.4.3editors GPL
lz4 - A fast compression library1.10.0archiver BSD
lzdoom - Feature centric port for all Doom engine games3.88agames GPL3
lzip - A lossless data compressor1.25archiver GPL
lziprecover - Recovery tool and decompressor for lzip1.25contrib GPL
lzlib - A Lua library to access the zlib library and read/write gzip files0.3lua MIT
lzma - A file compression utility using the LZMA algorithm4.32.7archiver LGPL
lzo - A fast compression library2.10archiver GPL
lzop - A LZO frontend1.04archiver GPL
m1n1 - A bootloader and experimentation playground for Apple Silicon1.4.17boot MIT
m4 - The m4 macro processor1.4.19develop GPL
mac - Monkey's Audio support library (for .ape files)3.99-u4-linuxaudio GPL LGPL
mac-fdisk - Macintosh specific partitioning utility0.1-18powerpc GPL
macchanger - A utility for manipulating MAC addresses of network interfaces1.6.0network GPL
macchina - A system information fetcher with an emphasis on performance6.4.0contrib MIT
macosd - An X application to visualize Apple laptop events0.3.2powerpc GPL
maddy - Composable all-in-one mail server0.8.1mail GPL3
madplay - A MPEG audio decoder program0.15.2baudio GPL
magicolor2430dl - Rasterizer for Konica Minolta 2430 DL1.6.1printing GPL
magicpoint - A X11 presentation tool1.13agraphic GPL
magpie - Budgie Desktop Environment0.9.4budgie MPL
mahjong - A chinese board game1.16games GPL
mailcap - Helper application and MIME type associations for file types2.1.54contrib PublicDomain MIT
mailcommon - Mail applications support library24.12.3kde GPL
maildrop - Mail delivery agent with filtering abilities3.1.4mail GPL
mailimporter - Mail importer library24.12.3kde GPL
mailman - Mailman, the GNU Mailing List Manager3.3.8mail GPL
mailscanner - An email virus scanner, vulnerability protector, and spam handler5.5.3-2mail GPL
mailx - The debian port of the BSD mailx package8.1.1-11mail OpenSource
make - GNU make utility to maintain groups of programs4.4.1develop GPL
makebootfat - Creates bootable FAT filesystem and populates it with files and boot tools1.4-patched1-1boot GPL
makedepend - Creates dependencies in makefiles1.0.9xorg OpenSource
makehuman - Open source parametrical modelling of 3d humanoid characters0.9graphic GPL
mako - A super-fast templating language1.2.4python MIT
mame - Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator0275emulators GPL
man - Format and display the on-line manual pages2.13.0doc GPL
man-pages - Over 1100 man pages for Linux6.13base OpenSource
man-pages-posix - A large collection of Posix man pages2017-abase OpenSource
mangohud - Vulkan and OpenGL overlay for monitoring performance and hardware0.8.1graphic MIT
mapnik - Free Toolkit for developing mapping applications0.7.1develop LGPL
marble - Virtual globe and world atlas24.12.3kde GPL
marco - MATE default window manager1.28.1mate GPL
mariadb - A fast SQL database server10.11.3contrib GPL
mariadb-connector-c - The MariaDB Native Client library3.2.7contrib LGPL
markdown - A Python implementation of John Gruber's Markdown3.7python BSD
markdownpart - KPart for rendering Markdown content24.12.3kde GPL
markupsafe - A text object that escapes characters2.1.5python BSD
marlin - A sample editor for Gnome0.9audio GPL
marxan - Systematic reserve design for conservation planning4.0.7contrib MIT
masscan - TCP port scanner, spews SYN packets asynchronously, scanning entire Internet in under 5 minutes1.3.2contrib AGPL3
massif-visualizer - Data visualization tool24.12.3kde GPL
matchbox-common - Common confiuguration and tools for the Matchbox WM0.9.1matchbox GPL
matchbox-desktop - The desktop and minimal file browser for the Matchbox WM0.9.1matchbox GPL
matchbox-keyboard - A virtual keyboard for the Matchbox WM0.1matchbox GPL
matchbox-panel - A minimal panel for the Matchbox WM0.9.3matchbox GPL
matchbox-panel-manager - A panel manager for the Matchbox WM0.1matchbox GPL
matchbox-themes-extra - Additional themes for the Matchbox WM0.3matchbox GPL
matchbox-window-manager - A minimal Open Source base environment for the X Window System1.1matchbox GPL
mate-applets - Applets for use with the MATE panel1.28.1mate GPL
mate-backgrounds - Backgrounds for the MATE desktop1.28.0mate GPL
mate-calc - Calculator for MATE1.28.0mate GPL
mate-common - Common scripts and macros to develop with MATE1.28.0mate GPL
mate-control-center - Utilities to configure the MATE desktop1.28.1mate GPL
mate-desktop - Library with common API for various MATE modules1.28.2mate GPL
mate-icon-theme - MATE default icon theme1.28.0mate GPL
mate-indicator-applet - Applet to display information in MATE1.28.0mate GPL
mate-media - Media tools for MATE1.28.1mate GPL
mate-menus - Library for the Desktop Menu freedesktop.org specification1.28.0mate GPL
mate-notification-daemon - Daemon to display passive pop-up notifications in MATE1.28.3mate GPL
mate-panel - Panel for the MATE Desktop Environment1.28.4mate GPL
mate-power-manager - Power management tool for the MATE desktop1.28.1mate GPL
mate-screensaver - MATE screen saver and locker1.28.0mate GPL
mate-sensors-applet - Display readings from hardware sensors in your MATE panel1.28.0mate GPL
mate-session-manager - MATE session manager1.28.0mate GPL
mate-settings-daemon - MATE settings daemon1.28.0mate GPL
mate-system-monitor - Process viewer and system resource monitor for MATE1.28.1mate GPL
mate-terminal - The MATE Terminal Emulator1.28.1mate GPL
mate-utils - Utilities for the MATE Desktop Environment1.28.0mate GPL
mate-wayland-session - MATE wayland session manager1.28.3mate GPL
materia-gtk-theme - Material Design theme for GNOME/GTK desktops20210322contrib GPL
materialx - Open standard for representing rich material1.39.1multimedia APL
matplotlib - Python plotting package3.10.1python OpenSource
matrixssl - An embedded SSL implementation for small footprint devices4.6.0security GPL
matrox-m9x - Matrox M9X (M-Series) Linux driver1.4.3x11 Free-to-use
matrox-mtx - Matrox MTX (Parhelia) Linux driver1.4.7x11 Free-to-use
matterbridge - Bridges between a growing number of chat protocols1.25.2contrib APL
mausezahn - A versatile and fast packet generator0.34.9network GPL
mav_player - A simple MPEG and AC3 player for Linux, BSD, and Windows systems1.1.4multimedia GPL
maven - Apache Maven3.9.8java APL
maven1 - Apache Maven1.1java APL
maverik - A Virtual Reality micro kernel6.2multimedia GPL
mawk - Mike Brennan's Awk1.3.4-20230808textproc GPL
maxima - A sophisticated computer algebra system5.47.0scientific GPL
mbedtls - Light-weight cryptographic and SSL/TLS library3.6.2security APL
mbox-importer - MBox Importer24.12.3kde GPL
mbpfan - Simple daemon to control fan speed on MacBooks, other macs2.4.0contrib GPL
mbuffer - Tool for measuring and buffering data streams20220418contrib GPL3
mc - GNU Midnight Commander4.8.33shells GPL
mc-mp - The Midnight Commander visual shell4.1.40-pre9shells GPL
mcabber - Small Jabber console client1.1.2contrib GPL
mce-dev - Mers mce-dev1.32.0contrib LGPL
mcelog - A user space backend for logging machine check errors204x86 GPL
mcjoin - Tiny multicast testing tool2.9contrib ISC
mcs - A library and set of userland tools to manage configuration settings0.4.1develop BSD
mcstrans - SElinux Translation Daemon3.7selinux GPL
md4c - Fast Markdown parser written in C0.5.2contrib MIT
mda-lv2 - Port of the MDA VST plugins to LV21.2.10contrib GPL3
mdadm - Raid Configuration Tool4.3filesystem GPL
mdbtools - Library for reading MS Access database files1.0.0contrib GPL
mdds - Multi-dimensional data index algorithm2.0.3contrib MIT
mdf2iso - A MDF to ISO converter0.3.1filesystem GPL
mdmh - A command-line email interface for Maildir folders0.7mail OpenSource
mdnsresponder - The Apple reference Zeroconf implementation108.6network APSL
mdyndns - A small DynDNS client0.2.2network GPL
meanwhile - An implementation of the Sametime client protocol1.0.2network LGPL
med - MED Fields Module5.0.0contrib GPL
mednafen - A command-line multi-system emulator1.27.1contrib GPL
megatools - Collection of programs for accessing Mega.nz service1.10.3contrib GPL
meld - Meld visual diff and merge tool3.22.3gnome GPL
memcached - A high-performance, distributed memory object caching system1.6.37network BSD
memprof - A Tool for memory profiling and leak detection0.5.9develop GPL
memtest86 - A stand-alone memory diagnostic program for x867.20x86 GPL
memtester - Userspace utility for testing the memory subsystem4.7.1base GPL
menu-cache - A library creating and utilizing caches to speed up the defined application menus1.1.0lxqt GPL
menumaker - Heuristics-driven menu generator for Deskmenu, FluxBox, IceWM, OpenBox, WindowMaker and XFCE0.99.14contrib BSD
mepo - Fast, simple, and hackable OSM map viewer for Linux1.3.3zig GPL
mercurial - A fast and lightweight distributed source control management system6.9.4develop GPL
mercury - Compiler for the Mercury language22.01.8contrib GPL
mergeant - GNOME database front-end0.67gnome LGPL
mergerfs - A featureful union filesystem2.40.2filesystem ISC
merkuro - A calendar application that allows you to manage your tasks and events24.12.3kde GPL
mesa - 3-D graphics library with OpenGL API25.0.2x11 OpenSource
mesa-demos - Mesa 3D demos9.0.0x11 OpenSource
mesa-legacy - 3-D graphics library with OpenGL API with non-Gallium drivers21-775d1267x11 OpenSource
meson - Meson yet another build system1.7.0develop APL
meson-python - A Python build back-end built on top of the Meson build system0.17.0python MIT
mess822 - A library for parsing Internet mail messages0.58mail OpenSource
messagelib - KDE Message libraries24.12.3kde GPL
metacity - Yet another window manager for the GNOME project3.54.0gnome LGPL
metakit - The database that fits in the palm of your hand2.4.9.7database GPL
metamail - MIME decoder2.7mail GPL
metasploit - A platform for developing and using exploit code6.3.19security Artistic
metisse - An experimental X desktop with OpenGL capacity0.4.1x11 GPL
mew - Message client for Emacs6.9mail GPL
mflip - MFlip is a flipbook, an image sequence player0.30graphic GPL
mfs - A unlimited and fault tolerant space for your files4.57.5filesystem GPL
mhwaveedit - A graphical program for editing, playing and recording sound files1.4.23audio GPL
micq - A ICQ Client0.5.4.1network BSD
micro-tetris - Micro Tetris, based on 1989 IOCCC Obfuscated Tetris1.4.0contrib ISC
micropython - The micro Python programming language1.19python MIT
microsoft-web-core-fonts - Freely available web core fonts from Microsoft(R)0.1fonts Free-to-use
midish - An open-source MIDI sequencer/filter1.3.3audio BSD
midori - A lightweight web browser based on webkit/gtk0.1.8www LGPL
mikmod - Mikmod Sound System Player3.2.8multimedia GPL
milou - A dedicated search application built on top of Baloo6.3.3kde GPL
mimalloc - A compact general purpose allocator with excellent performance3.0.1develop MIT
mimetreeparser - A parser for a MIME tree and is based on KMime24.12.3kde GPL
mine - The ROCK Linux Package Manager0.23archiver GPL
mined - A text-mode editor with extensive Unicode support2022.27editors GPL
mingetty - A very small getty for Linux1.08base GPL
mingwrt - Header and library interface definitions for win32 run-time5.0.2mingw Free-to-use
mini_sendmail - A sendmail-like command that feeds its stdin to SMTP relays1.3.9mail BSD
minicom - Friendly serial communication program2.8network GPL
minidisc-utils - Linux MiniDisc transfer tools0.9.16-2b82dd7audio GPL
mininet - Very small network utilities2005-12-26network GPL
minised - This is a implementation of the POSIX stream editor1.16editors BSD
minisign - Tool to sign and verify file signatures0.11security ISC
minissdpd - MiniSSDP Daemon1.6.0contrib BSD
minit - A very small replacement for SysVinit0.10init OpenSource
miniupnpc - Library and tool to control NAT in UPnP-enabled routers2.3.2contrib BSD
miniupnpd - Lightweight UPnP IGD daemon2.3.7contrib BSD
minixcal - Calendar applet, written in gtk2. Excellent as tray applet1.1.1contrib GPL
minizip-ng - Fork of the zip manipulation library found in the zlib distribution4.0.7archiver OpenSource
minuet - A KDE Software for Music Education24.12.3kde GPL
miopen - A library for high-performance machine learning primitives6.3.3rocm MIT
mirdir - Compare two directory trees, copy differences2.1contrib GPL
miscfiles - The GNU miscfiles distribution1.5base OpenSource
misctools - Various small UNIX utilities2.5.5contrib GPL
mitmproxy - Interactive TLS-capable intercepting HTTP proxy11.1.3contrib MIT
mivisionx - A set of comprehensive computer vision and machine intelligence libraries6.3.3rocm MIT
mixmagic - Harddisc sound mixing program for Gnome0.1.7audio GPL
mjpegtools - Programs for MJPEG recording and playback2.2.1multimedia GPL
mkcomposecache - Creats global (system-wide) Compose cache files1.2.2xorg OpenSource
mkfontscale - Creates an index of scalable font files for X1.2.3xorg OpenSource
mkinitcpio - Mkinitcpio39.2contrib GPL
mkinitrd - T2 initrd implementation2025-01-10base GPL
mksh - MirBSD Korn ShellR59cshells BSD
mktemp - Make temporary filename (unique)1.8contrib BSD
mkttfontdir - Generates the font information for TrueType fonts0.1x11 OpenSource
mldonkey - An eDonkey p2p client3.1.5network GPL
mlir - Multi-Level Intermediate Representation20.1.0develop BSD
mlt - Multimedia framework designed for television broadcasting7.30.0multimedia LGPL
mlview - An xml editor for Gnome0.9.0editors GPL
mm-common - Gnome mm-common package1.0.6gnome LGPL
mmarchitect - Mind Mapping application0.5.0office BSD
mmc-utils - Configure MMC storage devices from userspace73d6c59afilesystem GPL
mms - My Media System1.1.1multimedia GPL
mmv - A program to move/copy/append/link multiple files by wildcard patterns1.01bcontrib OpenSource
mnemosyne - A flash-card tool with a sophisticated card review algorithm2.11.0.2contrib GPL3 AGPL3
moarvm - Metamodel On A Runtime2025.02raku Artistic
mobpass - A mobile interface for gopass0.2contrib GPL3
mod_auth_cas - An Apache httpd module for integrating with Apereo CAS Server project1.2contrib APL
mod_auth_krb5 - Kerberos authentication for Apache5.4security BSD
mod_mono - The mono apache module (ASP.NET)2.10develop GPL
mod_perl - The marriage of Apache and Perl2.0.13perl APL
mod_python - Apache/Python Integration3.5.0.4python GPL
mod_ruby - The ruby apache module1.3.0ruby GPL
mod_security - An embedded intrusion detection and prevention engine for web applications3.0.13network GPL
modemmanager - D-Bus daemon to control broadband devices1.23.12gnome LGPL
modemmanager-qt - Qt wrapper for ModemManager DBus API6.12.0kde GPL
mods - AI on the command line1.7.0contrib MIT
moe - A powerful and user-friendly console text editor1.15editors GPL
mol - Mac On Linuxr171powerpc GPL
mold - A Modern Linker2.37.0develop MIT
monetdb - Column-oriented database management system11.51.7contrib MPL
moneypenny - Homebanking Interface based on the German common HBCI Standard1.2office GPL
mongo-c-driver - Client library written in C for MongoDB1.29.2contrib APL
monit - A utility for monitoring Unix system services5.34.4network GPL
monitoring-plugins - Plugins for Icinga, Naemon, Nagios, Shinken, Sensu and other monitoring applications2.4.0contrib GPL3
monkeysphere - Openpgp web of trust certification tools for SSH and TLS servers0.44contrib GPL3
mono - Unix version of the Microsoft .NET development platform6.12.0.199develop GPL
mono-addins - A framework for creating extensible applications in C#0.6.1develop MIT
mono-basic - Visual Basic Compiler and Runtime2.10develop GPL
mono-develop - Graphical debugger written in c# for Mono2.4.2develop GPL
mono-xsp - Small web server for running what is known as ASP.NET2.10.2develop GPL
monotone - A distributed version control system1.1develop GPL
moon-buggy - Simple character graphics game where you drive some kind of car across the moon's surface1.0.51contrib GPL
moosefs - Open Source, Petabyte, Fault-Tolerant, Highly Performing, Scalable Network Distributed File System3.0.116contrib GPL
mopidy - Mopidy is an extensible music server4.0.0a4contrib APL
mosh - Mobile Shell1.4.0security GPL3
most - A most powerful paging program5.2.0textproc GPL
motif - The Motif library2.3.8contrib LGPL
motor - A text mode based programming environment for Linux3.4.0develop GPL
mouseemu - Mouse Emulation Daemon0.16base GPL
mousepad - A text editor for Xfce0.6.3xfce4 GPL
mowitz - ("More widgets") library0.3.1x11 GPL
mozjs - Mozilla JavaScript Engine128.3.1develop LGPL
mozplugger - Streaming Multimedia Plugin for Unix Mozilla2.1.6www GPL
mp - Text editor clone with enhancements. Compiling console mode only3.2.13editors GPL
mp3info - A MP3 techical info viewer and ID3 1.x tag editor0.8.5aaudio GPL
mp3splt - A command-line, AlbumWrap and mp3wrap file exctractor2.6.2contrib GPL
mpc - A C library for the arithmetic of high precision complex numbers1.3.1scientific LGPL
mpcli - A command-line tool for interfacing Music Player Daemon (MPD)0.35audio GPL
mpd - A jukebox server that controls music playback (MP3, Ogg and Flac)0.23.16audio GPL
mpfr - Multiple-precision floating-point computations with exact rounding4.2.2scientific LGPL
mpg123 - A real time MPEG Audio Player for Layer 1, 2 and 31.32.10audio LGPL
mpg321 - A simple CML mp3 player0.3.1audio GPL
mpgtx - A command line MPEG audio/video/system file toolbox1.3.1multimedia GPL
mpich2 - Message Passing Interface - Argonne National Laboratories1.2.1p1develop OpenSource
mpir - Multiple Precision Integers and Rationals3.0.0contrib LGPL3
mplayer - A powerful movie player for Linux with subtitles and console support1.5attic GPL
mplayer-fonts - Additional fonts for MPlayer1.0.3fonts GPL
mplayerplug-in - A browser plugin that uses mplayer to play digital media from websites3.55attic GPL
mpop - Retrieves mail from pop3 mailboxes1.4.20contrib GPL3
mproxy - A small non-caching HTTP/HTTPS proxy0.3.1network GPL
mpscan - Parallel network scanner that checks for open ports0.1.0network GPL
mpv - A media player for the command line0.39.0multimedia GPL
mpvqt - MpvQt is a libmpv wrapper for Qt Quick 2/Qml1.0.1kde LGPL
mrab-regex - Alternative regular expression module2025.2.13python APL
mrhlpr - PostmarketOS tools for interacting with gitlab MRs1.4.1contrib GPL3
mrsh - Minimal POSIX shell0_git20210518shells MIT
mrtg - MRTG Network Latency Monitoring2.17.10contrib GPL
mrustc - Alternative rust compiler (re-implementation)0.10rust MIT
mrxvt - Lightweight Xterm replacement0.5.4x11 GPL
msgpack-c - An efficient object serialization library for C4.0.0develop BSL
msgpack-cxx - An efficient object serialization library for C++4.1.1develop BSL
msgpuck - A simple and efficient MsgPack binary serialization library2.0contrib BSD
msgsl - C++ Guideline Support Library implementation by Microsoft4.2.0contrib MIT
msitools - A set of programs to inspect and build Windows Installer files0.101archiver GPL
msmtp - An SMTP client1.8.27mail GPL
msntp - A full-featured, compact, portable SNTP library1.6network OpenSource
msort - A sophisticated and flexible sort utility8.53textproc GPL
msr-tools - X86 MSR tools1.3x86 GPL
mt-st - Tape control programs for Linux SCSI tapes1.1filesystem GPL
mtcps - A small and fast inetd replacement0.2.2network GPL
mtd-utils - A generic Linux subsystem for memory devices, especially Flash devices2.3.0filesystem GPL
mtdev - Multitouch Protocol Translation Library1.1.7x11 OpenSource
mtex2mml - A Bison grammar to convert TeX math into MathML1.3.1contrib GPL MPL LGPL
mtkclient - Unofficial MTK reverse engineering and flash tool2.0.1contrib MIT
mtools - Utilities to directly access DOS disks in Unix4.0.48filesystem GPL
mtpaint - A simple GTK+1/2 painting program3.50graphic GPL
mtpfs - A FUSE filesystem based on libmtp1.1filesystem GPL3
mtr - Matt's TraceRoute0.95network GPL
mtx - SCSI Media Changer and Backup Device Control1.3.12contrib GPL
muacme - A convenient wrapper for the ACMEv2 client uacme0.6.0contrib MIT
muffin - The window management library for the Cinnamon desktop6.2.0cinnamon GPL
mujs - An embeddable JavaScript interpreter1.3.3contrib ISC
multican - A Canon EOS class camera remote control utility0.0.5graphic GPL
multitail - Lets you view several files at once in a window, with colors7.1.5base GPL
munt - A software synthesiser emulating pre-GM MIDI devices2.7.0audio GPL
muon - A meson-compatible build system239-g41a05ff93contrib GPL3 APL
muparser - Fast math parser library2.3.5contrib BSD
mupdf - A rendering engine for PDF, XFS, and EPUB1.25.2graphic AGPL
mupen64plus - A cross-platform plugin-based N64 emulator2.5.9emulators GPL
murrine - Murrine Gtk+ theme0.53.1themes GPL
murrine-configurator - Murrine Gtk+ theme configurator0.5themes GPL
muse - A digital audio workstation with support for both Audio and MIDI4.2.1audio GPL
musicbrainz-trm - MusicBrainz TRM Generator0.2.1audio LGPL
musl - A new standard library to power a new generation of Linux-based devices1.2.5base MIT
mustach - C implementation of the mustache template specification1.2.10contrib APL
mutt - A mail reader2.2.14mail GPL
mutter - Gnome mutter package48.0gnome LGPL
muttprint - Pretty mail printing for your mailreader0.73mail GPL
mxml - An extremely small XML parsing library for C4.0.4develop GPL
mygui - Library for creating GUIs for games and 3D applications3.4.3contrib MIT
myman - A text-mode videogame inspired by Pac-Man0.7games MIT
mypaint - A fast and easy open-source graphics application for digital painters2.0.1graphic GPL
mypaint-brushes - Brushes used by MyPaint and other software using libmypaint2.0.2graphic PublicDomain
myrepos - A multiple repository management tool1.20180726contrib GPL
mysecureshell - A solution which has been made to bring more features to sftp/scp protocol given by OpenSSH2.00contrib GPL
mysql - A database server8.4.0database LGPL
mysql++ - A C++ wrapper for MySQL3.3.0database LGPL
mysqlcc - MySQL Control Center0.9.4database GPL
mythes - A simple thesaurus1.2.4contrib GPL LGPL MPL
mythtv - A powerful TV application0.21multimedia GPL
mythtv-plugins - A powerful TV application - Plugins0.21multimedia GPL
mythtv-themes - A powerful TV application - Themes0.21multimedia OpenSource
n2n - Peer-to-peer VPN3.0contrib GPL3
nagios - Nagios host and service monitor4.5.9network OpenSource
nagios-plugins - Plugins for Nagios host and service monitor1.4.16network OpenSource
nail - An enhanced mailx command11.25mail BSD
nano - Pico editor clone with enhancements8.3editors GPL
nanomsg - Socket library that provides several common communication patterns1.2.1contrib MIT
nanosvg - A single-header-file SVG parser9da543econtrib OpenSource
nao - A powerful, flexible, and utterly configurable file manager0.4.1x11 GPL
narwhals - Extremely lightweight compatibility layer between dataframe libraries1.31.0python MIT
nas - A network-transparent, client/server audio transport system1.9.4audio MIT
nasm - A 80x86 assembler which can create a wide rande of object formats2.16.03x86 GPL
nast - A packet sniffer and LAN analysis tool0.2.0network GPL
nautilus - The new GNOME file and web browser48.0gnome GPL
nautilus-actions - Nautilus Actions3.2.4gnome GPL
nautilus-eiciel - Nautilus ACL extensions0.9.6.1gnome GPL
nbd - Tools for network block devices3.24contrib GPL
nbtscan - Scans for open NETBIOS nameservers on a local or remote TCP/IP network1.0.35network GPL
ncc - A C flow analysis compiler2.8develop Artistic
ncdu - Text-based disk usage viewer2.8contrib MIT
ncftp - A cool FTP client3.2.5network OpenSource
ncmpc - A fully featured MPD client running in a text terminal0.14audio GPL
ncompress - An improved version of compress5.0archiver OpenSource
ncp - A fast file copy tool for LANs1.2.4network OpenSource
ncurses - The ncurses (new curses) library6.5base MIT
nd - Tiny little command line WebDAV interface0.8.2network LGPL
ndctl - Managing the libnvdimm (non-volatile memory) sub-system in the Linux kernel80filesystem LGPL
ndesk-dbus - C# implementation of D-Bus0.6.1anetwork MIT
ndesk-dbus-glib - D-Bus for .NET: GLib integration module0.4.1network MIT
ndisc6 - A small collection of useful tools for IPv6 networking1.0.8contrib GPL
ndiswrapper - NDIS wrapper for Linux1.63network GPL
ne - A nice console text editor3.3.4editors GPL
neatvnc - A liberally licensed VNC server library with a clean interface0.9.3contrib ISC
nedit - Advanced multi-language programmers' text editor5.7editors GPL
nelua - Minimal, statically-typed and meta-programmable programming language20240113develop MIT
nemo - File browser for Cinnamon6.4.5cinnamon GPL
nenscript - Converts text files to PostScript1.13.3graphic GPL
neochat - A KDE chat app for the Matrix network24.12.3kde GPL
neofetch - A command-line system information tool7.1.0contrib GPL
neon - A HTTP and WebDAV client library0.34.0network LGPL
neovim - A refactor for Vim0.10.4editors APL
nesla - A scripting language for C programmers0.9.4develop GPL
nessus - A security scanner2.3.1network GPL
net-snmp - NET-SNMP (UCD-SNMP)5.9.4network OpenSource
net-tools - Configuration tools for Linux networking1.60network GPL
netboot - Tools to make images to boot from network0.10.2boot GPL
netcat - A network piping program0.7.1network GPL
netcdf - Network Common Data Form4.1.1scientific OpenSource
netembryo - Network abstraction library0.0.8develop LGPL
nethack - A single player dungeon exploration game361games OpenSource
nethogs - A mall 'net top' tool that groups bandwidth by process0.8.8network GPL
netkit-base - Netkit-base for Linux0.17network OpenSource
netkit-ftp - Netkit-ftp for Linux0.17network OpenSource
netkit-ntalk - Netkit-ntalk for Linux0.17network OpenSource
netkit-routed - Netkit-routed for Linux0.17network OpenSource
netkit-rsh - Netkit-rsh for Linux0.17network OpenSource
netkit-telnet - Netkit-telnet for Linux0.17network OpenSource
netkit-tftp - Netkit-tftp for Linux0.17network OpenSource
netpbm - Collection of primitive graphics tools (converters, etc)10.86.44graphic OpenSource
netperf - Performance measurement of many different types of networking2.7.0network Free-to-use
netsniff-ng - Versatile tool for Linux network plumbing0.6.9network GPL
netspeed_applet - A GNOME applet that shows network traffic for a specified device0.15.2gnome GPL
netsurf - A multi-platform web browser3.11www GPL
nettle - Low-level cryptographic library that is designed to fit easily in many contexts3.10.1security LGPL
network_tray - Displays network connection status, for desktop tray3.1contrib GPL
networkmanager - The standard Linux network configuration tool suite1.52network LGPL
networkmanager-qt - Qt wrapper for NetworkManager API6.12.0kde GPL
neutral - An neutral but modern X11 Xcursor theme1.13athemes Artistic
neverlang - Statically typed, embeddable functional programming language2.3.9develop MIT
newlib-spe - A C library intended for use on embedded systems4.0.0powerpc GPL
newsbeuter - An RSS feedreader for text terminals2.9network MIT
newt - A programming library for color text mode0.52.25develop GPL
nextaw - A replacement library for the Athena (libXaw) widget set0.15.1x11 GPL
nextpnr - A portable FPGA place and route tool0.7develop ISC
nexuiz - A 3d open source deathmatch game252games GPL
nfs-utils - Linux NFS client and server utilities2.8.2filesystem GPL
nftables - The utility that provides a user interface to configure nftables1.1.0network GPL
nghttp2 - HTTP/2 C Library1.49.0network BSD
nghttp3 - HTTP/3 library written in C0.7.0contrib MIT
nginx - A high perfomance http and reverse proxy server1.27.4network GPL
ngircd - Next Generation IRC Daemon27contrib GPL
ngrep - A grep for network traffic1.45network GPL
ngspice - An next gen electrical circuit simulator44.2scientific OpenSource
nicotine-plus - Graphical client for the SoulSeek peer-to-peer system3.3.10contrib GPL3
nicstat - Network traffic statics utility for Solaris and Linux1.95network Artistic
nilfs-utils - A file system supporting versioning and continuous snapshotting2.2.11filesystem GPL
nim - A statically typed compiled systems programming language2.2.2develop MIT
ninja - Yet another small build system with a focus on speed1.12.1develop APL
nip2 - Nip2 is a GTK frontend for VIPS, an image processing library/suite7.10.21graphic GPL
niri - A scrollable-tiling Wayland compositor25.02wayland GPL3
nload - Network traffic visualizer0.7.4network GPL
nlohmann-json - JSON for Modern C++3.11.3contrib MIT
nlopt - Library for nonlinear optimization, wrapping many algorithms for global and local, constrained or unconstrained, optimization2.10.0contrib LGPL
nmap - Advanced network audit tool/portscanner7.95security GPL
nmh - Nmh is a powerful electronic mail handling system1.8contrib BSD
nncf - Neural Network Compression Framework2.15.0python APL
nng - Lightweight brokerless messaging library1.10.1contrib MIT
noad - Noad - no advertising!0.6.0multimedia GPL
nodejs - A software system designed for writing scalable internet application23.10.0develop MIT
noia-icons-gnome - The NOIA Icon theme for GNOME1.0themes LGPL
noia-icons-kde - The NOIA Icon theme for KDE1.00themes LGPL
noise-suppression-for-voice - Real-time noise suppression plugin for voice1.10contrib GPL3
noobaa-operator-cli - Object data service for hybrid and multi cloud environments5.18.0containers APL
normalize - An audio file volume normalizer0.7.7audio GPL
normalmap - GIMP normalmap plugin1.2.2graphic GPL
notcurses - Blingful TUIs and character graphics3.0.13base APL
notecase - NoteCase is a hierarchical note manager (aka. outliner)1.9.8office BSD
noteedit - A Musical Score Editor2.8.1audio GPL
notification-daemon-xfce - Notification-daemon-xfce is a port of Gnome's notification-daemon0.3.7xfce4 GPL
notify-python - Libnotify bindings for Python0.1.1gnome LGPL
notion - Tabbed tiling, window manager4.0.3x11 LGPL
noto-cjk-fonts - Google Noto CJK fonts2.003fonts OFL
noto-emoji-fonts - Google Noto emoji fonts2.047fonts OFL
npapi-sdk - Netscape Plugin API0.27.2contrib MPL
nprolog - Interpreter and compiler to be compatible with ARITY/PROLOG4.05develop BSD
npth - The New GNU Portable Threads Library1.8develop GPL
nqp - Not Quite Perl2025.01raku Artistic
nrg2iso - A NRG to ISO converter0.4.1filesystem GPL
nsd - Authoritative only, high performance and simple DNS server4.11.1contrib BSD
nspr - Netscape Portable Runtime4.35develop MPL
nss - Network Security Services3.93security MPL
nss_ldap - LDAP Nameservice Switch (NSS) module264network LGPL
nssdb - The Berkeley DB NSS (name service switch) module2.2.3pre1base GPL
nsxiv - Neo Simple X Image Viewer33contrib GPL
ntfs-3g - NTFS-3G Read/Write userspace driver2022.10.3filesystem GPL
ntfs2btrfs - A tool for in-place conversion of Microsoft's NTFS to Btrfs20240115filesystem GPL
ntfsprogs - NTFS filesystem libraries and utilities2022.5.17filesystem GPL
ntop - A network traffic probe that shows the network usage4.0.1network GPL
ntp - Network Time Protocol utilities4.2.8p18network OpenSource
nudelstats - An irssi log beautifier0.5network GPL
nullmailer - Simple relay-only mail transport agent2.2mail GPL
numactl - A numactl implements simple NUMA policy support2.0.19base GPL
numexpr - Fast numerical array expression evaluator for Python and NumPy2.10.2python MIT
numlockx - A small tool to start X with NumLock turned on1.2x11 MIT
numpy - Numerical Python2.1.3develop Free-to-use
nushell - A new type of shell0.103.0shells MIT
nuspell - Free and open source C++ spell checking library5.1.6contrib LGPL3
nut - NUT Network UPS Tools2.7.4network GPL
nvi - The vi (nvi) editor1.81.6editors BSD
nvidia - Nvidia Linux driver195.36.24x11 Free-to-use
nvidia-legacy - Nvidia Linux driver1.0-7676x11 Free-to-use
nvidia-open - Nvidia Open Linux driver570.124.06x11 GPL MIT
nvidia-vaapi-driver - An VA-API implementation that uses NVDEC0.0.9xorg MIT
nvme-cli - NVM-Express user space tooling for Linux2.11filesystem GPL
nvrec - High performance audio/video capture engine20041227multimedia GPL
nwcc - A small C compiler for Unix systems0.8.3develop BSD
nwg-displays - Output management utility for sway Wayland compositor0.3.23contrib MIT
nxcomp - A library for X11 compression3.4.0-7x11 GPL
nxproxy - A X11 proxy with extensive compression support3.4.0-2x11 GPL
nyx - Terminal status monitor for Tor2.1.0contrib LGPL3
nzbget - Usenet downloader21.1contrib GPL
oaf10 - The GNOMEs Object Activation Framework0.6.10gnome1 GPL
oath-toolkit - OATH Toolkit One-time password components2.6.12contrib GPL3
obconf-qt - Qt port of obconf, the Openbox configuration tool0.16.2lxqt LGPL
oberon-risc-emulator - Emulator for the Oberon RISC machine2016.1emulators ISC
obex-capabilities - Script to generate Bluetooth OBEX capabilities XML files at runtime0.2.1contrib GPL3
obexd - OBEX Server and Client0.48network GPL
obexftp - An application for file copying over the OBEX protocol0.23network GPL
obs-backgroundremoval - Portrait Background Removal, Virtual Green-screen & Low-Light Enhancement1.1.13multimedia GPL
obs-shaderfilter - OBS Studio filter for applying an arbitrary shader to a source2.4.2multimedia GPL
obs-studio - Free and open source software for video recording and live streaming31.0.1multimedia LGPL
ocaml - Objective Caml is the latest implementation of the Caml dialect of ML5.3.0develop LGPL
ocaml-findlib - O'Caml library manager1.2.2develop MIT
ocean-sound-theme - Ocean Sound Theme for Plasma6.3.3kde BSD
oclock - A round X clock1.0.6xorg OpenSource
ocrad - The GNU OCR0.29graphic GPL
ocre - An optical character recognition tool0_038graphic GPL
ocropus - Open source document analysis and OCR system0.3.1graphic APL
ocs - Opal Compiler Suite2.3mdevelop OpenSource
octave - High-level language based on LAPACK Fortran libraries9.4.0scientific GPL
octave-forge - Extensions to GNU Octave2006.07.10scientific GPL
odin - The Odin Programming Language2025-03develop BSD
odyssey - PIC programming software for Linux0.5develop GPL
oed - Portable version of the OpenBSD ed text editor7.4contrib BSD ISC
offpunk - An offline-first browser for the small internet2.2contrib BSD
ogmtools - Tools for OGG media streams1.5audio OpenSource
ogre3d - A realtime 3D enginev1-4-7graphic LGPL
oh-my-posh - Shell prompt theme engine25.5.0go MIT
oidentd - Configurable IDENT server that supports NAT/IP masq3.1.0contrib GPL
oksh - Portable OpenBSD ksh, based on the Public Domain KornShell7.6shells BSD
okular - A document viewer24.12.3kde GPL
olm - Implementation of the Olm and Megolm cryptographic ratchets3.2.16security APL
one-dnn - OneAPI Deep Neural Network Library3.7.2contrib APL
onig - A regular expressions library5.9.0textproc BSD
oniguruma - Perl Compatible Regular Expressions6.9.10textproc OpenSource
opal - Open Phone Abstraction Layer3.8.3network MPL
opal-utils - Utility programs for OpenPower systems7.0powerpc APL
opcd-test - A small tool for tweaking individual bits of OpenPCDr291rfid GPL
open-iscsi - iSCSI tools for Linux2.1.11filesystem GPL
open-isns - ISNS server and client for Linux0.103filesystem LGPL
open-supaplex - A 1:1 reimplementation of the game Supaplex7.1.2games GPL
open-vm-tools - The open source VMware tools21.4.0emulators LGPL
openal - Open Audio Library1.23.1audio LGPL
openaptx - Reverse-engineered apt-X2.0.0audio LGPL
openblas - Fast BSD-licensed BLAS based on gotoBLAS2, with LAPACK0.3.29scientific BSD
openboardview - Software for viewing .brd files9.95.1cad MIT
openbox - A standards compliant, fast, light-weight, extensible window manager3.6.1x11 GPL
opencascade - The Open Source 3D Modeling Libraries7_8_1graphic LGPL
opencdk - Open Crypto Development Kit0.6.6security OpenSource
opencl-headers - OpenCL Headers2024.10.24develop APL
opencl-loader - OpenCL ICD Loader2024.10.24develop APL
opencolorio - A color management framework for visual effects and animation2.4.2graphic BSD
openconnect - Open client for proprietary SSL VPNs9.12network LGPL
opencore-amr - Adaptive Multi Rate Narrowband and Wideband (AMR-NB, AMR-WB) speech codec0.1.5multimedia GPL
openct - A framework for smart card readers0.6.20security BSD
opencv - The world's biggest computer vision library4.11.0graphic GPL
opencv-python - Wrapper package for OpenCV python bindings4.11.0.86python APL
opendbx - A unified database API and C library1.4.6database GPL
openexr - A high dynamic-range (HDR) image file format3.3.2graphic BSD
openfst - A library for constructing, combining, optimizing, and searching FSTs1.8.4develop APL
openglad - A Linux Port of Gladiator0.98games GPL
openglide - Glide 2 to OpenGL wrapper0.09rc9x11 LGPL
opengroupware - Open source groupware server for SOPE1.0beta.2-rockoffice LGPL
openh264 - OpenH264 is a codec library which supports H.264 encoding and decoding2.6.0contrib BSD
openhbci - Client-side implementation of the HBCI specification0.9.18security GPL
openhbci2 - Client-side implementation of the HBCI specification2.1security GPL
openimageio - Reading, writing, and processing images in a wide variety of file formats3.0.4.0graphic APL
openjade - A DSSSL implementation, an ISO standard for formatting SGML/XML documents1.3.2textproc BSD
openjdk - Open-source implementation of the Java Platform, Standard Edition21.0.3-gajava GPL
openjpeg - An open-source JPEG 2000 codec2.5.3graphic BSD
openjph - A High-throughput JPEG2000 (JPH or HTJ2K) implementation0.21.0graphic BSD
openldap - An open source implementation of the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol2.6.9network GPL
openlibm - High quality system independent, portable, open source libm implementation0.8.6contrib MIT BSD ISC LGPL
openmotif - Open Motif implementation2.3.3attic OpenSource
openntpd - A free, and easy to use implementation of the Network Time Protocol6.8p1network GPL
openobex - Object Exchange (OBEX) protocol implementation1.7.2network GPL
openocd - Open On-Chip Debugger0.10.0develop ISC
openoffice - OpenOffice.org Office Suite4.1.13-281f0d3533office OpenSource
openpgl - Intel(R) Open Path Guiding Library0.7.0contrib APL
openresty - Scalable Web Platform by Extending NGINX with Lua1.27.1.1contrib BSD
openrgb - RGB lighting control that doesn't depend on manufacturer software0.9contrib GPL
opensbi - Open Source Supervisor Binary Interface1.3boot BSD
opensc - A general SmartCard library and applications with PKCS #15 support0.26.1security GPL
openscenegraph - An open source high peformance 3D graphics toolkit3.6.5multimedia LGPL
openseachest - Utilities for various operations on SATA, SAS, NVMe, and USB storage devices23.03.1filesystem MPL
openshadinglanguage - Advanced shading language for production GI renderers1.14.2.0-devdevelop BSD
openshot - OpenShot is an open source video editor3.3.0multimedia GPL
opensips - A fork of the SIP Express Router for open development3.5.4network GPL
openslide - C library for reading virtual slide images3.4.1contrib LGPL
openslp - Open implementation of the Service Location Protocol v2 (RFC 2608)2.0.0network BSD
opensmtpd - Secure, reliable, lean, and easy-to configure SMTP server7.6.0p1contrib ISC
opensp - A DSSSL implementation, an ISO standard for formatting SGML/XML documents1.5.2textproc BSD
openspecfun - A collection of special mathematical functions0.5.7contrib MIT PublicDomain
opensph - SPH/N-body for astrophysical simulations0.4.1scientific MIT
openssh - An open re-implementation of the SSH package9.9p2security OpenSource
openssl - Open Source toolkit for Secure Sockets Layer and Transport Layer Security3.4.1security OpenSource
openthreads - Object-Oriented thread interface library1.5.0-200701012325develop GPL
opentofu - Declaratively manage your cloud infrastructure1.9.0develop MPL
openttd - An open source simulation game14.1games GPL
openvdb - Sparse volume data structure and tools12.0.0contrib MPL
openvino - Toolkit for AI inference2024.6.0develop APL
openvpn - A VPN daemon2.6.12network GPL
openvswitch - Production quality, multilayer virtual switch3.4.1contrib APL
openvz - An Operating System-level server virtualization solution, built on Linux2.6.22-ovz003.2security GPL
openvz-utils - Userspace tools for OpenVZ3.0.23-3.0.12security OpenSource
openzfs - An open-source storage platform2.3.1filesystem CDDL
openzone-cursors - A mouse cursor theme for X11 and Wayland1.2.9themes MIT
opera - A lightweight full-featured web browser10.10www Free-to-use
oprofile - System-wide profiler for Linux systems1.4.0develop GPL
opus-tools - Opus Audio Tools0.2audio GPL
opusfile - Ogg/Opus file support0.12audio BSD
opustags - Ogg Opus tags editor1.10.1contrib BSD
orage - Calendar application for the Xfce desktop environment4.20.0xfce4 GPL
orbit10 - A high-performance CORBA ORB (object request broker)0.5.17gnome1 GPL
orbit2 - A high-performance CORBA ORB (object request broker)2.14.19gnome GPL
orbitcpp - C++ support for ORBit 21.3.9gnome LGPL
orc - The Oil Runtime Compiler0.4.41develop OpenSource
orca - Gnome orca package48.0gnome LGPL
orjson - Library supporting dataclasses, datetimes, and numpy3.10.15python APL MIT
orsa - Orbit reconstruction, simulation and analysis0.7.0scientific GPL
osmo - Diary, organiser, planner0.4.4gnome GPL
ospd - Collection of scanner wrappers for OpenVAS21.4.4contrib GPL
otf2bdf - OpenType to BDF Converter3.1_p1contrib MIT
overlay-tools - Maintenance tools for overlay-filesystem291c7f4filesystem PublicDomain
ovos-skill-installer - Mycroft skill installer from .zip or .tar.gz urls0.0.2contrib MIT
owb - Origyn Web Browser designed for CE devices1.0www GPL
oxine - A purely OSD-based xine frontend0.7.1multimedia GPL
oxygen - KDE Oxygen style6.3.3kde GPL
oxygen-icons - Oxygen icon theme6.1.0kde LGPL
oxygen-sounds - Oxygen Sounds6.3.3kde GPL
p0f - A passive OS fingerprinting tool3.09bsecurity GPL
p11-kit - Load and enumerate PKCS#11 modules0.25.5develop OpenSource
p3nfs - Tools for mounting a symbian phone over nfs5.18filesystem GPL
p8-platform - Platform support library used by libCEC and binary add-ons for Kodi2.1.0.1contrib GPL
packaging - Core utilities for Python packages24.2python APL BSD
packer - Virtual machine creation tool1.12.0go MPL
packeth - An ethernet packet generator2.0network GPL
palapeli - Jigsaw puzzle game24.12.3kde GPL
palcal - A CLI calendar0.4.3office GPL
palemoon - Goanna-based web browser33.6.1www MPL
palo - PA-RISC bootLOader2.25boot GPL
pam - Pluggable Authentication Modules for Linux1.5.2base GPL
pam-u2f - Pluggable Authentication Module for U2F1.3.2contrib BSD
pam_krb5 - A PAM module for authenticating against a Kerberos 5 server1.3-rc7security GPL
pam_ldap - LDAP Pluggable Authentication Module184network LGPL
pam_pkcs11 - A PAM library for authentication with PKCS#11 compliant tokens0.6.8security GPL
pamtester - A program for testing pluggable authentication modules (PAM) facility0.1.2security BSD
pan - A newsreader for GNOME0.161gnome GPL
pandas - Powerful data structures for data analysis, time series, and statistics2.2.3python BSD
pango - Library for layout and rendering of internationalized text1.56.1gnome GPL
pangomm - The C++ bindings for Pango2.56.1gnome LGPL
pangomm1 - The C++ bindings for Pango2.46.2gnome LGPL
pantomime - A set of Objective-C classes that model a mail system1.4.0mail LGPL
paperkey - Archive OpenPGP keys on paper1.6contrib GPL3
papirus-icon-theme - Papirus icon theme20250201contrib GPL3
pappl - Printer Application Framework1.4.9printing APL
par2cmdline - PAR 2.0 compatible file verification and repair tool0.8.1contrib GPL
parallel - Shell tool for executing jobs in parallel20250222contrib GPL3
paraview - Parallel Visualization Application3.8.1scientific OpenSource
parley - Vocabulary Trainer24.12.3kde GPL
parole - A new modern media player for Xfce4.18.2xfce4 GPL
parrot - A virtual machine for all dynamic languages8.1.0develop Artistic
parted - GNU partition editor3.6filesystem GPL
particle-deposition - A GIMP plugin that simulates particle deposition on surfaces1.3graphic GPL
partimage - A utility to save partitions into an image file0.6.9archiver GPL
partitionmanager - A KDE utility that allows you to manage disks24.12.3kde GPL
pass - The standard password manager1.7.4security GPL
pass-git-helper - Git credential helper interfacing with pass, the standard unix password manager3.3.0contrib LGPL3
pass-otp - A pass extension for managing one-time-password tokens1.2.0contrib GPL3
pass2csv - Export pass, "the standard unix password manager", to CSV0.3.2contrib MIT
pastebinc - Utility to pipe data into a paste on pastebin.com or a similar site0.9.1contrib APL
patch - Apply a diff file to an original2.7.6develop GPL
patchelf - A small utility to modify the dynamic linker and RPATH of ELF executables0.18.0develop GPL
patchutils - A collection of tools that operate on patch files0.4.2develop GPL
patool - A Python archive file manager3.1.0python GPL3
pavucontrol - PulseAudio Volume Control6.1audio GPL
pavucontrol-qt - Pulseaudio mixer in Qt2.0.0lxqt LGPL
pawn - A simple, typeless, 32-bit extension language with a C-like syntax4.1.7152develop APL
pax-utils - ELF related utils for ELF 32/64 binaries1.3.8contrib GPL
paxctl - Manage PaX related program header flags0.9contrib GPL
pbbuttonsd - Program suite for laptop specific functions0.8.1powerpc GPL
pcb - A Printed Circuit Board Editor20060822cad GPL
pcc - The Portable C Compiler1.1.0develop BSD
pcc-libs - The Portable C Compiler Libs1.1.0develop BSD
pcem - PCem emulates PC XT and AT machines71b9347emulators GPL
pciutils - Linux PCI Utilities3.13.0base GPL
pclcomp - Compresses PCL graphics files0.99.2xorg OpenSource
pcmanfm - A fast and lightweight file manager developed with GTK+ 20.5x11 GPL
pcmanfm-qt - Qt port of pcmanfm2.0.0lxqt LGPL
pcmciautils - The (new) Linux PCMCIA (PC-Card) Utilities018base GPL
pcre - Perl Compatible Regulat Expressions8.45textproc OpenSource
pcre2 - Perl Compatible Regulat Expressions10.42textproc OpenSource
pcsc-cyberjack - PCSC driver for Reiner SCT cyberjack card reader3.99.5_p15contrib GPL
pcsc-lite - Middleware to access a smart card using SCard API (PC/SC)2.3.1security GPL
pcsc-tools - PC/SC CLI Tools1.7.2security GPL
pcsx2 - PS2 Emulator and debugger2.0.2emulators GPL
pdd - Tiny date, time diff calculator with piggybacked timers1.7contrib GPL3
pdfcube - A way to display your PDF presentation on a rotating OpenGL cube0.0.2graphic GPL
pdfedit - A editor for manipulating PDF documents0.4.5office GPL
pdfjam - A small set of utilities for simple operations on PDF files4.1textproc GPL
pdfposter - Tool for scaling and tiling PDFs to multiple pages for printing0.8.1contrib GPL3
pdftk - A handy tool for manipulating PDF2.02graphic OpenSource
pdi2iso - A PDI to ISO converter0.1filesystem GPL
pdisk - A low-level Apple partition table editor for Linux0.8a2powerpc Free-to-use
pdksh - The Public domain Korn shell5.2.14attic OpenSource
pdnsd - A simple DNS proxy cache for small networks and dialin accounts1.2.8network GPL
pearpc - A PowerPC architecture emulator0.5emulators GPL
peasyscale-exec - Image scaler utility1.4graphic GPL
pegasus - DMTF CIM/WBEM Manageability Services Broker2.3.2develop GPL
pekwm - A X11 Window Manager0.1.11x11 GPL
perceptualdiff - A tool that uses a model of human vision to diff images1.0graphic GPL
perf - The Linux kernel kernel perf tool6.13.7develop GPL
perl - Practical Extraction and Report Language5.40.1perl Artistic GPL
perl-algorithm-diff - Compute `intelligent' differences between two files / lists1.201perl Artistic GPL
perl-alien-libxml2 - Install the C libxml2 library on your system0.20perl Artistic GPL
perl-anyevent - Provide framework for multiple event loops7.17perl Artistic GPL
perl-appconfig - Perl module AppConfig1.66perl Artistic GPL
perl-archive-zip - A Archive::Zip module for Perl1.68perl GPL
perl-asterisk - Asterisk Perl Modules1.03perl Artistic GPL
perl-authen-sasl - SASL Authentication framework for Perl2.16perl Artistic GPL
perl-bit-vector - Perl module Bit-Vector7.4perl Artistic GPL
perl-cairo - Perl interface for the cairo graphics library1.101perl Artistic GPL
perl-carp-clan - Perl module Carp-Clan6.04perl GPL
perl-cgi-ajax - Perl module CGI-Ajax0.701perl Artistic GPL
perl-chipcard-pcsc - Perl interface to the PC/SC smart card library1.4.16perl GPL
perl-class-accessor - Perl module Class-Accessor0.51perl Artistic GPL
perl-class-data-inheritable - Perl module - Inheritable, overridable class data0.08perl Artistic GPL
perl-convert-asn1 - Encodes and decodes ASN.1 data structures using BER/DER rules0.27perl Artistic GPL
perl-crypt-des - Perl DES encryption module2.07perl Artistic GPL
perl-date-calc - Perl module Date-Calc6.4perl Artistic GPL
perl-date-time - A date and time object1.65perl Artistic GPL
perl-dbd-mysql - The MySQL Perl (DBI/DBD) Driver2.9008perl LGPL
perl-dbd-postgresql - The PostgresSQL Perl (DBI/DBD) Driver1.32perl GPL
perl-dbi - The Perl DBI Driver for accessing SQL Databases1.631perl LGPL
perl-devel-stacktrace - Perl module - Stack trace and stack trace frame objects2.05perl Artistic GPL
perl-digest-hmacmd5 - A perl module for HMAC MD51.03perl Artistic GPL
perl-digest-md5 - A module for MD51.9perl Artistic GPL
perl-digest-nilsimsa - Perl version of Nilsimsa code0.06perl GPL
perl-digest-sha1 - A module for SHA12.13perl Artistic GPL
perl-error - Perl module Error0.15perl Artistic GPL
perl-event-execflow - High level API for event-based execution flow control0.64perl Artistic GPL
perl-event-rpc - Event based transparent Client/Server RPC framework1.10perl Artistic GPL
perl-exception-class - Perl module Exception-Class1.45perl Artistic GPL
perl-extutils-depends - Easily build XS extensions that depend on XS extensions0.404perl Artistic GPL
perl-extutils-pkgconfig - A super-simplistic front-end to pkg-config for Makefile.PLs1.12perl Artistic GPL
perl-file-fcntllock - Perl file locking with fcntl0.22perl Artistic
perl-finance-quote - Perl module Finance::Quote1.59perl GPL
perl-forkmanager - A simple parallel processing fork manager2.03perl Artistic GPL
perl-gd - Perl interface for the gd graphics library2.56perl Artistic GPL
perl-gd-graph - Graph Plotting Module for Perl 51.43perl Artistic GPL
perl-gd-graph3d - Perl module GD-Graph3d0.63perl Artistic GPL
perl-gd-text - A font-independent way of dealing with text in GD0.86perl Artistic GPL
perl-getopt-mixed - Perl module Getopt::Mixed1.12perl GPL
perl-gettext - Perl module for internationalization1.07perl GPL
perl-glib - Perl wrappers for the GLib utility and Object libraries1.3294perl Artistic GPL
perl-gtk2 - Perl interface to the 2.x series of the Gimp Toolkit library1.244perl Artistic GPL
perl-gtk2-ex-formfactory - Makes building complex GUI's easy0.67perl Artistic GPL
perl-html-parser - A HTML::Parser module from CPAN3.83perl GPL
perl-html-table - A HTML::Table module from CPAN2.08perl Artistic GPL
perl-html-tagset - Perl module HTML-Tagset3.24perl Artistic GPL
perl-html-template - Perl module to use HTML Templates from CGI scripts2.97perl Artistic GPL
perl-image-info - Perl module Image-Info1.28perl GPL
perl-image-size - Reads the dimensions of an image in several popular formats3.2perl Artistic GPL
perl-io-socket-ssl - Nearly transparent SSL encapsulation for IO::Socket::INET2.015perl Artistic GPL
perl-io-stringy - I/O on in-core objects like strings and arrays2.111perl Artistic GPL
perl-json - Perl module implementing a JSON encoder/decoder4.10contrib GPL Artistic
perl-latexml - Perl module LaTeXML0.6.0perl Free-to-use
perl-libintl - An internationalization library for Perl1.35perl LGPL
perl-libwww - Perl module for accesing the web6.05perl Artistic GPL
perl-libxml - Perl module that implements DOM Level 2 API2.0206perl GPL
perl-mail-box - Powerful methods to handle e-mail in Perl3.010perl Artistic GPL
perl-mail-imapclient - A Perl IMAP client API2.2.9perl Artistic GPL
perl-mail-pop3client - A POP3 IMAP client API2.21perl Artistic GPL
perl-mail-sender - Perl module for sending mails with attachments0.8.23mail OpenSource
perl-mail-sendmail - A module for platform independent mail0.79perl Artistic GPL
perl-mailtools - A set of perl modules related to mail applications2.20perl Artistic GPL
perl-mime-base64 - Encoding and decoding of quoted-printable strings1.00perl Artistic GPL
perl-mime-types - Data-structure to keep knowledge about various MIME types2.27perl Artistic GPL
perl-moo - A Minimalist Object Orientation2.005005perl Artistic GPL
perl-mp3-info - Perl module MP3::Info1.26perl GPL
perl-net-dns - A DNS resolver module0.82perl Artistic GPL
perl-net-ipv4addr - Perl module for manipulating IPv4 addresses0.1perl Artistic GPL
perl-net-ipv6addr - Perl module for checking validity of IPv6 addresses0.2perl Artistic GPL
perl-net-ldap - Implements a LDAP services API for Perl0.43perl Artistic GPL
perl-net-mysql - Pure Perl MySQL network protocol interface0.09perl Artistic GPL
perl-net-smtp-ssl - SSL support for Net::SMTP1.01perl Artistic GPL
perl-net-snmp - Perl module Net::SNMP5.2.0perl GPL
perl-net-ssleay - Perl extension for using OpenSSL1.85perl Free-to-use
perl-net-telnet - Perl library to make client connections to a TCP ports3.05perl Artistic GPL
perl-netaddr-ip - Perl module for managing IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and subnets4.007perl Artistic GPL
perl-openssl - Perl interface to OpenSSL0.10perl Artistic GPL
perl-parse-recdescent - Perl module Parse-RecDescent1.95.1perl Artistic GPL
perl-parse-yapp - A perl frontend to the Parse::Yapp module1.21perl Artistic GPL
perl-pod-pom - Perl module Pod-POM0.17perl Artistic GPL
perl-reform - Less awkward syntax for Perl 5 OOP0.3perl Artistic GPL
perl-regexp-common - Provide commonly requested regular expressions2024080801perl Artistic GPL
perl-role-tiny - A minimalist role composition tool2.002004perl Artistic GPL
perl-sax-exception - Perl module XML::SAX::Exception1.09perl GPL
perl-sax-parser - Perl module XML::SAX::ParserFactory1.02perl GPL
perl-spreadsheet-write-excel - Perl module Spreadsheet-WriteExcel2.40perl Artistic GPL
perl-sub-quote - Efficient generation of subroutines via string eval2.006008perl Artistic GPL
perl-template-toolkit - Perl module Template-Toolkit2.51perl Artistic GPL
perl-term-readkey - Perl module for simple terminal control2.37perl Artistic GPL
perl-term-readline-gnu - A Perl extension for the GNU Readline/History Library1.46perl Artistic GPL
perl-test-manifest - Perl module Test-Manifest2.021perl Artistic GPL
perl-test-number-delta - Perl module Test-Number-Delta1.06perl GPL
perl-text-autoformat - Perl module Text-Autoformat1.14.0perl Artistic GPL
perl-text-iconv - Perl interface to iconv() codeset conversion function1.7perl Artistic GPL
perl-text-reform - Perl module Text-Reform1.12.2perl Artistic GPL
perl-tie-dbi - Perl module Tie-DBI1.02perl Artistic GPL
perl-time-date - Perl module to parse date strings into time values2.30perl Artistic GPL
perl-ui-dialog - Perl dialog module1.08perl Artistic GPL
perl-unicode - Perl module Unicode::String2.10perl GPL
perl-uri - Perl URI module5.31perl Artistic GPL
perl-user-identity - A Perl module that maintains info about a physical person1.02perl Artistic GPL
perl-xml-checker - Perl module for validating XML0.13perl Artistic GPL
perl-xml-dom - Perl module XML-DOM1.46perl Artistic GPL
perl-xml-libxml-xpathcontext - Perl module XML-LibXML-XPathContext0.07perl Artistic GPL
perl-xml-libxslt - Perl module XML-LibXSLT1.58perl Artistic GPL
perl-xml-namespace-support - Perl module XML::NamespaceSupport1.12perl GPL
perl-xml-parser - Perl module XML::Parser2.47perl GPL
perl-xml-regexp - Perl module XML-RegExp0.04perl Artistic GPL
perl-xml-rss - Perl module XML-RSS1.0.5perl Artistic GPL
perl-xml-simple - Perl module XML::Simple2.25perl GPL
perl-xml-xpath - Perl module XML-XPath1.13perl Artistic GPL
perl-yaml - Is a generic data serialization language1.23perl Artistic GPL
perltidy - A Perl script beautifier20250311perl GPL
pesign - Signing tool for PE-COFF binaries116security GPL
pessulus - Is a lockdown editor for GNOME2.30.4gnome GPL
petitboot - A kexec based, graphical bootloader for the PS30.2boot GPL
pev - PE file analysis toolkit0.81contrib GPL MIT BSD
pexpect - A Pure Python Expect-like module4.9python ISC
pfqueue - Queue scanner for postfix0.5.6contrib GPL
pfscalibration - A set of tools for photometric calibration of HDR and LDR cameras1.4graphic GPL
pfstmo - A set of tone mapping operators for image processing1.4.0graphic GPL
pfstools - A set of utilities to process high dynamic range images1.8.4graphic GPL
pgadmin3 - A WXWindows-based PostgreSQL administration utility1.8.4database Artistic
pgbouncer - A lightweight connection pooler for PostgreSQL1.19.1contrib ISC
pgsanity - Check the syntax of Postgresql SQL files0.2.9contrib MIT
phodav - Gnome phodav package3.0gnome LGPL
phonon - KDE Media Framework4.12.0kde LGPL
php - Scripting language especially suited for Web development8.4.5php OpenSource
php-imagick - Provides a PHP wrapper to the ImageMagick library2.3.0php OpenSource
phpagi - A PHP class for writing Asterisk AGI scripts2.20php GPL
phpldapadmin - Web-based LDAP administration tool1.1.0.7php GPL
phppgadmin - A PHP-based PostgreSQL administration utility7.13.0php GPL
physfs - A library to provide abstract access to various archives3.0.2filesystem OpenSource
picard - Official MusicBrainz tagger2.13.3contrib GPL
picmi - A nonogram logic game for KDE24.12.3kde GPL
picpuz - Picpuz is a free Linux "jigsaw puzzle" program2.4games GPL
picscale - Scale png images from the command line0.1bgraphic GPL
pida - Python Integrated Development Application0.5.0editors GPL
pidentd - An RFC1413 identification server3.0.19security OpenSource
pidgin - A multi-protocol instant messaging (IM) client2.14.10gnome GPL
pidgin-otr - OTR pidgin plugin4.0.2network GPL
pigz - A parallel implementation of gzip2.8archiver OpenSource
pike - Interpreted, object-oriented programming language with a syntax similar to C7.6.112develop GPL LGPL MPL
piklab - An IDE for applications based on PIC and dsPIC microcontrollers0.16.2develop GPL
piknik - Copy/paste anything over the network0.10.1contrib BSD
pil - Imaging handling/processing for Python11.1.0python MIT
pillow - Python Imaging Library11.1.0python MIT
pilot-link - A suite of tools for connecting to PalmOS handheld devices0.12.5network GPL
pim-data-exporter - Pim Data Exporter24.12.3kde GPL
pim-sieve-editor - Sieve Editor24.12.3kde GPL
pimcommon - PIM common libraries24.12.3kde GPL
pine - A mail/news client and related programs4.64mail Free-to-use
pinentry - An Interfaces to enter Passphrases1.3.1security GPL
pinfo - A ncurses based lynx style info documentation browser0.6.8base GPL
pip - A Package manager for Python25.0.1python MIT
pipe-viewer - Lightweight YouTube client that does not require an YouTube API key0.5.4contrib Artistic
pipectl - A simple named pipe management utility0.3.0contrib GPL3
pipewire - Yet another sound server for Unix1.4.1audio MIT
pipexec - Handling pipe of commands like a single command2.6.2contrib GPL
pipx - Install and run Python applicatoins in isolated environments1.7.1python MIT
pithos - GTK+ player for pandora web radio1.5.1contrib GPL3
pitivi - Pitivi non-linear audio video editor2023.03gnome GPL
pixie - A Renderman(tm) like photorealistic renderer2.2.6graphic GPL
pixman - Pixel manipulation library0.44.2xorg OpenSource
pkgconfig - A library configuration management system0.29.2base GPL
pkgview - Gnome interface to pkgconfig1.0.6gnome GPL
placelesstranslationservice - PlacelessTranslationService is a ZopeProduct to help you translate your zope sites1.2-rc3zope GPL
plan9port - Port of many Plan 9 libraries and programs to Unixbe7c68femulators MIT
planner - A project management application (Gnome frontend)0.14.6gnome GPL
plasma-activities - Plasma library and runtime components6.3.3kde GPL
plasma-activities-stats - Plasma library and runtime components6.3.3kde GPL
plasma-browser-integration - Components necessary to integrate browsers into the Plasma Desktop6.3.3kde GPL
plasma-desktop - Plasma Desktop shell6.3.3kde GPL
plasma-disks - Monitors S.M.A.R.T. capable devices for imminent failure6.3.3kde GPL
plasma-firewall - Control Panel for your system firewall6.3.3kde GPL
plasma-framework - Plasma library and runtime components5.106.0kde GPL
plasma-integration - Qt Platform Theme integration plugins for the Plasma workspaces6.3.3kde GPL
plasma-mobile - Plasma Mobile6.3.3kde GPL
plasma-nano - A minimal Plasma shell package intended for embedded devices6.3.3kde GPL
plasma-nm - Plasma applet written in QML for managing network connections6.3.3kde GPL
plasma-pa - Plasma applet for audio volume management using PulseAudio6.3.3kde GPL
plasma-phone-components - Modules providing phone functionality for Plasma5.24.0kde GPL
plasma-sdk - Development tools for Plasma 56.3.3kde GPL
plasma-systemmonitor - An application for monitoring system resources6.3.3kde GPL
plasma-tests - Plasma-tests is a KDE base package5.27.2kde GPL
plasma-thunderbolt - Plasma integration for controlling Thunderbolt devices6.3.3kde GPL
plasma-vault - Plasma applet and services for creating encrypted vaults6.3.3kde GPL
plasma-wayland-protocols - Plasma Wayland Protocols1.16.0kde GPL
plasma-welcome - KDE Plasma Welcome Center6.3.3kde GPL
plasma-workspace - Plasma workspace6.3.3kde GPL
plasma-workspace-wallpapers - Additional wallpapers for Plasma workspace6.3.3kde GPL
plasma2 - An advanced plasma fractal pattern generation GIMP plugin2.11graphic GPL
plasma5support - Migration aids for KF5 -> KF6 migration6.3.3kde GPL
plasmatube - Allows you to watch YouTube videos on your phone or KDE desktop24.12.3kde GPL
platinum - A portable C++ application support frameworkr178develop LGPL
playerctl - MPRIS media player command line controller2.4.1audio LGPL
plib - A Suite of Portable Game Libraries1.8.5games GPL
plocate - Alternative to locate, faster and compatible with mlocate's database1.1.23base GPL
plone - Plone Content Management System2.1.4zope OpenSource
plonearticle - A Plone content type to store ellaborated content3.18zope OpenSource
plonecollectorng - A Plone-based bugtracking solution and framework1.2.7zope OpenSource
ploneexfile - A Plone/AT content type with an attachment3.01zope OpenSource
ploneextendednavigation - Plone Product for managing dynamic navigation slots0.5zope OpenSource
ploneicalendar - PloneiCalendar handles calendar files in Plone1.0zope OpenSource
plonelanguagetool - Allows you to set the available languages in your Plone site0.5zope OpenSource
plonenewsletter - PloneNewsLetter sends newsletters based on new Plone content2.0zope OpenSource
plonepopoll - A Plone poll tool2.3zope OpenSource
plonersssearch - PloneRSSSearch allows searching external Plone sites1.1zope OpenSource
plonesitemap - A Plone product that generates a site map for your website2.4zope OpenSource
ploticus - Data display engine242scientific GPL
plotille - Plot in the terminal using braille dots5.0.0python MIT
plotutils - A library and programs for exporting 2-D vector graphics2.6scientific GPL
plplot - Scientific graphics plotting library5.15.0contrib LGPL
plptools - Psion Link Protocol library and tools1.0.13network GPL
pluma - A powerful text editor for MATE1.28.0mate GPL
ply - Yet another implementation of lex and yacc for Python3.11python BSD
plymouth-kcm - Plymouth configuration module for systemsettings6.3.3kde GPL
pm-utils - Small collection of scripts that handle suspend and resume on behalf of HAL1.4.1contrib GPL
pmacct - A libpcap, NetFlow, and sFlow IPv4/IPv6 accounting package1.7.9network GPL
pmbootstrap - Sophisticated chroot/build/flash tool to develop and install postmarketOS2.3.1contrib GPL3
pmccabe - McCabe-style complexity and line counting for C and C++2.8contrib GPL
pmount - Mount removable devices as normal user0.9.23base GPL
pmud - System daemon for power-management on PowerPC systems0.10.1powerpc GPL
pngnq - A RGBA PNG quantization utility1.1graphic BSD
pnscan - Parallel network scanner1.14.1network OpenSource
po4a - A system to translate documents and other materials with gettext0.73textproc GPL
pocl - Portable Computing Language6.0develop MIT
poco - A collection of useful C++ class libraries1.3.6p2develop OpenSource
podofo - A C++17 PDF manipulation library0.10.4contrib MIT
podsleuth - A tool to discover detailed model information about an Apple(TM) iPod(TM)0.6.3audio BSD
poetry - Python packaging and dependency management made easy2.1.1python MIT
poke - The extensible editor for structured binary data4.3develop GPL3
policycoreutils - SELinux policy core utilities3.7selinux GPL
polkit - Authorization Toolkit126develop MIT
polkit-gnome - PolicyKit integration for the GNOME desktop0.105gnome LGPL
polkit-kde-agent-1 - PolicyKit authentication agent for KDE6.3.3kde GPL
polkit-qt-1 - Polkit-Qt provides an API to PolicyKit in the Qt environment0.200.0kde GPL
polyglot - Protocol adapter to run UCI chess engines under XBoard2.0.4contrib GPL
polyml - ML97 compatible Standard ML implementation5.9.1contrib LGPL
ponymix - Command line mixer for PulseAudio5audio MIT
poppler - PDF rendering library based on xpdf25.03.0graphic GPL
poppler-data - PDF rendering library based on xpdf0.4.12graphic GPL
popt - A command-line option parsing library1.19develop OpenSource
portablexdr - External data representation library4.9.1contrib GPL
portaudio - A portable cross-platform Audio API190600.20161030audio BSD
portfolio - Minimalist file manager for those who want to use Linux mobile devices1.0.1contrib GPL3
portmap - RPC portmapper6.0network OpenSource
portmidi - PortMidi is a platform independent library for MIDI input/output2.0.4contrib MIT
portsmf - C++ library for reading and writing Standard MIDI Files239contrib MIT
postfix - It is an alternative to the widely-used Sendmail program3.6.7mail OpenSource
postgresql - A Database Management System15.3database OpenSource
postgresql-autodoc - Utility to autodocument PostgreSQL databases1.31database OpenSource
potrace - Transforms bitmaps into vector graphics1.16graphic GPL
pound - A Reverse-Proxy and Loadbalancer2.8anetwork OpenSource
povray - A free raytracer3.6.1graphic OpenSource
poweralertd - UPower-powered power alerter0.2.0contrib GPL3
powerapplet_tray - Displays battery state-of-charge, applet for desktop tray2.6contrib GPL
powerdevil - Manages the power consumption settings of a Plasma Shell6.3.3kde GPL
powermanga - 2D shooting game0.90games GPL
powerpc-utils - PowerPC specific utilities1.3.13powerpc GPL
powerstat - Tool to measure power consumption0.04.04contrib GPL
powertop - A tool that helps you find what software is using the most power2.15x86 GPL
poxml - Translates DocBook XML files using gettext po files24.12.3kde GPL
ppl - Parma Polyhedra Library1.2develop GPL
ppp - The PPP user level programs2.5.1network OpenSource
pppd - An open source PPTP server1.4.0network OpenSource
ppracer - PlanetPenguin Racer (Tuxracer fork)0.3.1games GPL
pptp-linux - Linux PPTP Client1.10.0network OpenSource
pre-commit - Framework for managing and maintaining multi-language pre-commit hooks4.2.0contrib MIT
prelude-lml - Prelude Sensor for analyzing logs and collecting Syslog events1.0.0security OpenSource
prelude-manager - Collects and normalize events from Prelude sensors1.0.0security OpenSource
previous - A NeXT computer hardware emulatorr1288emulators GPL
prewikka - Prelude Management Console1.0.0security OpenSource
prima - A Perl GUI toolkit1.75perl BSD
primecount - Fast prime counting C/C++ library7.15contrib BSD
print-manager - Printer management for KDE6.3.3kde GPL
printproto - Print extension headers1.0.5xorg OpenSource
prison - KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 1 barcode library6.12.0kde GPL
privoxy - Privoxy is a web proxy based on Internet Junkbuster (tm)4.0.0network OpenSource
prjtrellis - Documenting the Lattice ECP5 bit-stream format35f5affdevelop MIT
prngd - A daemon designed to act as an entropy source0.9.29base OpenSource
procinfo - Procinfo, lsdev and socklist2.0.304base GPL
procmail - A mail processing program3.22mail GPL
procps - Utilities for monitoring your system and processes on your system4.0.3base GPL
proftpd - Advanced, incredibly configurable and secure FTP daemon1.3.9network GPL
progman - A simple X11 window manager1.0x11 MIT
proj - Cartographic Projections Library9.6.0develop MIT
projectcenter - ProjectCenter is GNUstep IDE0.7.0gnustep LGPL
prometheus - The Prometheus monitoring system and time series database3.2.1network APL
prosody - Lua based Jabber/XMPP server13.0.0network MIT
protobuf - Google's data interchange format30.1develop MIT
protobuf-c - Protocol Buffers implementation in C1.4.1contrib BSD
protothreads - Extremely lightweight stackless threads in C1.4develop BSD
protozero - Minimalist protocol buffer decoder and encoder in C++1.8.0contrib BSD APL
prozilla - A download accelerator for Linux2.0.4network GPL
prusa-slicer - G-code generator for 3D printers2.6.0_287e1e2graphic AGPL3
ps3vuart-tools - PS3 Linux VUART Toolsaf8af4c6d4bd47c8de5d3ab37d5bdb1e430d415epowerpc GPL
ps_mem - A utility to report core memory usage per program3.14contrib LGPL
psautohint - Standalone version of AFDKO's autohinter2.4.0fonts APL
psftools - Tools to manipulate fixed-width bitmap fonts1.1.2contrib GPL
psi - A client for the Jabber network1.5network GPL
psmisc - Little utilities that use the proc FS23.7base OpenSource
pspg - A unix pager optimized for psql5.8.8contrib BSD
pspresent - Display full-screen PostScript presentations1.3graphic GPL
pssh - PSSH provides parallel versions of OpenSSH and related tools: pssh, pscp, prsync, pnuke, and pslurp2.3.5contrib BSD
pstoedit - Converts Postscript(TM) and PDF files to other vector formats4.02graphic GPL
psutil - Cross-platform lib for process and system monitoring in Python5.8.0python BSD
psutils - PostScript Utilitiesp17graphic OpenSource
psyco - The Python specializing compiler1.6python OpenSource
psycopg - Python/PostgreSQL database adapter1.1.21python GPL
psycopg2 - Python/PostgreSQL database adapter2.9.10python GPL
pt2-clone - A portable ProTracker 2 clone1.70audio BSD
ptex - Texture mapping system by Walt Disney Animation Studios2.4.3contrib BSD
ptlib - Network focused portable C++ class library providing high level functions2.8.3develop MPL
ptouch-driver - CUPS driver for the P-touch Printer family1.2printing GPL
ptylie - Record a terminal session with automatic keyboard entry0.2contrib GPL
ptyprocess - Run a subprocess in a pseudo terminal0.7.0python OpenSource
ptyxis - A terminal for a container-oriented desktop48.0gnome GPL3
pugixml - Light-weight, simple and fast XML parser for C++ with XPath support1.12.1contrib MIT
pulseaudio - Yet another sound server for Unix17.0audio LGPL GPL
pulseaudio-ctl - Control pulseaudio volume from the shell or mapped to keyboard shortcuts1.70contrib MIT
pulseaudio-qt - Qt bindings for libpulse1.7.0kde LGPL
pulsemixer - CLI and curses mixer for PulseAudio1.5.1contrib MIT
pulseview - A Qt based logic analyzer0.4.2develop GPL3
pump - A Bootp and DHCP client for automatic IP configuration0.8.24network GPL
pure-ftpd - A secure FTP daemon1.0.52network OpenSource
purpose - Framework for providing abstractions to get the developer's purposes fulfilled6.12.0kde GPL
putty - A Telnet and SSH client0.83security MIT
pv - A pipeline data transfer meter1.9.31filesystem OpenSource
pwdutils - Utilities to manage/change user passwd information3.1.3base GPL
pwgen - Pronounceable password generator2.08security GPL
py-mx - EGenix.com mx Extensions - BASE Package2.0.6python OpenSource
py-smbpasswd - Samba password module for Python1.0.2python GPL
pyatspi - Gnome pyatspi package2.46.1gnome LGPL
pybind - Seamless operability between C++11 and Python2.13.6python MIT
pybliographer - A tool for bibliographic database manipulation1.4.0gnome GPL
pycairo - The Python bindings for Cairo1.27.0gnome LGPL
pycparser - A complete C99 parser in pure Python2.22python Unknown
pycrypto - A cryptographic toolkit for Python2.6.1python OpenSource
pycups - Pycups is a set of Python bindings for the CUPS API1.9.73python GPL
pycurl - A Python module interface to the cURL library7.45.4python GPL
pydantic - Data validation using Python type hints2.10.5python MIT
pydantic-core - Core functionality for Pydantic validation and serialization2.27.2python MIT
pydbus - Python bindings for D-Bus1.4.0python GPL
pydistro - Linux OS platform information API1.9.0python APL
pydns - A DNS module for Python2.3.0python OpenSource
pydub - Manipulate audio with an simple and easy high level interface0.25.1python MIT
pyfatfs - FAT12/FAT16/FAT32 implementation with VFAT support1.1.0python MIT
pyftdi - A user-space driver for modern FTDI device0.54.0python BSD
pygments - Pygments is a syntax highlighting package written in Python2.19.1python BSD
pygobject - The Python bindings for GObject3.51.0gnome LGPL
pygoocanvas - Python binding goocanvas a cairo-based canvas widget for GTK+0.14.1gnome GPL
pygraphviz - Python interface to Graphviz graph drawing package1.12python GPL
pygresql - A Python interface for PostgreSQL6.1.0python BSD
pygtk - The Python bindings for the Gtk+2.24.0gnome LGPL
pyidna - Internationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA) for Python33.10python BSD
pymongo - Python driver for MongoDB4.11.2python APL
pynumarray - Numerical Python1.5.2develop OpenSource
pyopengl - OpenGL bindings for Python 3.0.1python BSD
pyorbit - Python/ORBit (CORBA) Bindings2.24.0gnome GPL
pypanel - A lightweight panel/taskbar for X11 window managers2.4x11 GPL
pyparsing - Python library for creating PEG parsers3.1.2python MIT
pyproject-metadata - Generate PEP 643 compliant metadata files from PEP 621 metadata0.9.1python MIT
pyqt - Python bindings for the Qt toolkit3.18.1python GPL
pyqt-builder - The PyQt build system1.16.4python BSD
pyqt4 - Python bindings for the Qt toolkit4.12.3python GPL
pyqt5 - Python bindings for the Qt toolkit5.15.11python GPL
pyqt5-sip - Sip extension module for PyQt512.15.0python BSD
pyrequests - Python HTTP for Humans2.28.2python GPL
pyrexc - A language for writing Python extension modules0.9.9python GPL
pyslsk - A SoulSeek filesharing client1.2.7cpython GPL
pysqlite - Python DB-API 2.0 Compliant Interface Module for SQLite1.1.8apython OpenSource
pysqlite2 - Python DB-API 2.0 Compliant Interface Module for SQLite2.8.3python OpenSource
pystring - A collection of C++ functions which match the interface1.1.4python BSD
pytables - HDF5 interface for Python2.2develop Free-to-use
python - The Python programming language3.12.5python OpenSource
python-annotated-types - Reusable constraint types to use with typing.Annotated0.7.0python MIT
python-argocomplete - Easy, extensible command line tab completion of arguments for your Python script3.6.0python APL
python-arpy - Library for accessing ar files2.3.0python BSD
python-babel - The Python Internationalization Library2.15.0python GPL
python-build - A simple, correct Python packaging build frontend1.2.2.post1python MIT
python-certifi - Python3 package for providing Mozilla's CA Bundle2025.01.31python GPL
python-cffi - Foreign Function Interface for Python calling C code1.17.1python MIT
python-click - Composable command line interface toolkit8.1.8python BSD
python-configargparse - A drop-in replacement for argparse1.7python MIT
python-configobj - Simple python config file reader and writer5.0.8python BSD
python-cryptography - Python library provides crypto primitives44.0.0python BSD
python-dash - A Python framework for building reactive web-apps2.18.2python MIT
python-dash-bootstrap-components - Bootstrap themed components for use in Plotly Dash1.7.1python APL
python-dash-svg - SVG support library for Plotly/Dash0.0.12python MIT
python-databases - Simple Python asyncio support for a range of databases0.2.6python MIT
python-dateutil - Extensions to the standard Python datetime module2.9.0.post0python BSD APL
python-dissect-cstruct - A Dissect module implementing a parser for C-like structures4.3python APL
python-empy - Templating Engine4.2python BSD
python-flit-core - Simple python packaging tool3.11.0python MIT
python-freecell - Ncurses implementation of the freecell solitaire game0d242bcgames MIT
python-fvs - File Versioning System in Python0.3.4python MIT
python-gpep517 - Minimal backend script to aid installing Python packages through PEP 517-compliant build systems16python GPL
python-incremental - A library that versions your Python projects24.7.2python MIT
python-installer - A low-level library for installing from a Python wheel distribution0.7.0python MIT
python-jedi - A static analysis tool for Python that is typically used in IDEs/editors0.19.2python MIT
python-jefferson - JFFS2 filesystem extraction tool0.4.5python MIT
python-josepy - JOSE protocol implementation in Python1.13.0python APL
python-jsonschema - An implementation of the JSON Schema specification for Python4.23.0python MIT
python-jsonschema-specifications - The JSON Schema meta-schemas and vocabularies, exposed as a Registry2024.10.1python MIT
python-lark - A modern parsing library1.2.2python MIT
python-ldap - LDAP API for Python3.4.4python OpenSource
python-lief - Library to instrument executable formats0.16.2python APL
python-lsp-docstring-to-markdown - On the fly conversion of Python docstrings to markdown0.15python LGPL
python-lsp-jsonrpc - Fork of the python-jsonrpc-server project1.1.2python MIT
python-lsp-server - Python 3.7+ implementation of the Language Server Protocol1.11.0python MIT
python-lxml - A Python binding for the libxml2 and libxslt libraries5.3.1python BSD
python-lz4 - LZ4 Bindings for Python4.3.3python BSD
python-magic - File type identification using libmagic0.4.27python MIT
python-maturin - Build crates with pyo31.8.1python MIT
python-multipart - A streaming multipart parser for Python0.0.20python APL
python-mutagen - Audio tagger implemented in Python1.47.0python GPL
python-mysqldb - A Python interface for MySQL1.2.4b4python OpenSource
python-networkx - Network Analysis in Python3.3python GPL
python-pathspec - Utility library for pattern matching of file paths0.12.1python MPL
python-platformdirs - Python library to determine platform-specific system directories4.3.7python MIT
python-plotext - plotext plots directly on terminal5.3.2python MIT
python-pluggy - Crystallized core of plugin management and hook calling for pytest1.5.0python MIT
python-poetry-core - Poetry PEP 517 Build Backend & Core Utilities1.9.0python MIT
python-pymemcache - A comprehensive, fast, pure-Python memcached client4.0.0python APL
python-pyopenssl - Python wrapper around the OpenSSL library25.0.0python APL
python-pyperscan - Python binding for Hyperscan0.3.0python MIT
python-rarfile - RAR archive reader for Python4.2python ISC
python-rich - Library for rich text and formatting in the terminal13.9.4python MIT
python-semantic-version - Python SemVer Library2.10.0python BSD
python-structlog - Library for structured logging24.4.0python MIT
python-toml - Python lib for TOML0.10.2python MIT
python-tomli - A little TOML parser2.2.1python MIT
python-treelib - A Python implementation of tree structure1.7.0python APL
python-trove-classifiers - Canonical source for classifiers on PyPI2025.3.3.18python APL
python-typing-extensions - Backported and Experimental Type Hints for Python 3.8+4.12.2python OpenSource
python-userpath - Cross-platform python tool to add locations to the user PATH1.9.2python MIT
python-versioneer - Easy VCS-based management of project version strings0.29python UNL
python-virtinst - Python modules for starting virtualized guest installations0.600.4python GPL
python-websockets - An implementation of the WebSocket Protocol (RFC 6455 & 7692)14.2python BSD
python-wheel - The official binary distribution format for Python0.42.0python MIT
python-xlib - The Python X Library0.14develop GPL
python2 - The Python programming language2.7.18python OpenSource
pytorch - A machine learning library based on the Torch library2.6.0python BSD
pytorch-audio - PyTorch Audio is a library for audio and signal processing2.6.0python BSD
pytorch-vision - Datasets, Transforms and Models specific to Computer Vision0.21.0python BSD
pytz - World timezone definitions, modern and historical2025.1python MIT
pyudev - A pure Python binding for libudev0.24.3python LGPL
pyurllib3 - Python HTTP library1.26.12python MIT
pyusb - Easy USB access for Python1.2.1python BSD
pyweblib - A web programming framework for Python1.3.13python GPL
pyxdg - PyXDG is a python library0.28python GPL
pyxml - A collection of libraries to process XML with Python0.8.4python OpenSource
pyyaml - A YAML parser and emitter for Python6.0.2python MIT
pyzor - A spam detection and filtering network0.7.0mail GPL
qalculate-gtk - GTK UI for the libqalculate multi-purpose desktop calculator5.5.1contrib GPL
qbankmanager - Qt based multibank-capable homebanking program using AqBanking0.9.50office GPL
qbe - A simple C compiler backend1.2develop MIT
qbootctl - Tool for interacting with Android A/B slots0.2.0contrib GPL3
qca2 - A Qt Cryptographic Architecture (QCA) ver22.3.9kde LGPL
qca2-cyrus-sasl - A Qt Cryptographic Architecture (QCA) ver2 plugin for SASL capability2.0.0-beta3security LGPL
qca2-ossl - A Qt Cryptographic Architecture (QCA) ver2 OpenSSL plugin2.0.0-beta3security LGPL
qcad - A Qt based 2D CAD application2.0.5.0-1cad GPL
qcoro - C++ Coroutine Library for Qt5 and Qt60.11.0qt MIT
qdvdauthor - GUI frontend for dvdauthor and other related tools2.3.1multimedia GPL
qemu - A FAST! processor emulator9.2.2emulators GPL
qhimdtransfer - Qt-based Linux Hi-MD MiniDisc transfer tools0.9.16-2b82dd7audio GPL
qhull - A general dimension code for computing convex hulls and related structures8.0.2contrib OpenSource
qingy - Qingy is not getty1.0.0graphic GPL
qiv - Quick Image Viewer2.0graphic GPL
qjackctl - A simple Qt application to control the JACK sound server daemon1.0.3audio GPL
qjson - A library for mapping JSON data to QVariant objects0.9.0develop LGPL
qmail - A secure, reliable, efficient, simple message transfer agent004400mail Restricted
qmail-autoresponder - Rate-limited autoresponder for qmail2.0mail GPL
qmail-scanner - Content Scanner for Qmail2.00st-20060416mail GPL
qmatplot - A gnuplot-like plotting tool with Qt frontend0.4.2scientific GPL
qmlkonsole - A Terminal app for Plasma Mobile24.12.3kde GPL
qmqtool - Qmail queue manipulation program1.15mail Artistic
qpdf - A utility for structural, content-preserving transformations on PDF files11.10.1printing Artistic
qpopper - A POP3 server4.1.0mail OpenSource
qps - LXQt process manager2.5.0lxqt LGPL
qpwgraph - A graph manager dedicated to PipeWire0.7.5multimedia LGPL
qqc2-breeze-style - QtQuickControls2 breeze style6.3.3kde GPL
qqc2-desktop-style - QtQuickControls2 style for consistency between QWidget and QML apps6.12.0kde GPL
qqwing - Sudoku generating and solving software1.3.4contrib GPL
qscanq - Virus Scanning for Qmail0.43mail OpenSource
qt-qca - A Qt Cryptographic Architecture (QCA)1.0security LGPL
qt-qca-sasl - A Qt Cryptographic Architecture plugin for SASL capability1.0security LGPL
qt3 - A portable widget library3.3.8bqt GPL
qt4 - A portable widget library4.8.7qt LGPL
qt53d - Qt3D project for Qt55.15.14qt LGPL
qt5activeqt - ActiveQt for Qt55.15.14qt LGPL
qt5androidextras - Android extras for Qt55.15.14qt LGPL
qt5base - A portable widget library5.15.14qt LGPL
qt5charts - A set of easy to use Qt chart components5.15.14qt LGPL
qt5coap - Qt CoAP client module5.15.14qt LGPL
qt5connectivity - Qt5 Bluetooth and NFC Connectivity5.15.14qt LGPL
qt5datavis3d - Qt5 Data Visualization module5.15.14qt LGPL
qt5declarative - Qt5 Declarative (Quick 2)5.15.14qt LGPL
qt5doc - The main Qt5 Reference Documentation5.15.14qt LGPL
qt5gamepad - A Qt5 module that adds support for getting events from gamepad devices5.15.14qt LGPL
qt5graphicaleffects - Graphical Effects for Qt55.15.14qt LGPL
qt5imageformats - Additional Image Format plugins for Qt55.15.14qt LGPL
qt5knx - Qt5 implementation of the KNX protocol stack5.15.14qt LGPL
qt5location - Qt5 Location5.15.14qt LGPL
qt5lottie - Qt5 Lottie5.15.14qt LGPL
qt5macextras - Mac Extras for Qt55.15.14qt LGPL
qt5mqtt - Qt5 Module to implement MQTT protocol5.15.14qt LGPL
qt5multimedia - Qt5 Multimedia5.15.14qt LGPL
qt5networkauth - Qt5 Network Authenticators5.15.14qt LGPL
qt5opcua - Qt5 wrapper for existing OPC UA stacks5.15.14qt LGPL
qt5purchasing - Qt5 In-App Purchasing API5.15.14qt LGPL
qt5quick3d - A module and API for defining 3D content in Qt5 Quick5.15.14qt LGPL
qt5quickcontrols - Qt5 Quick Controls5.15.14qt LGPL
qt5quickcontrols2 - Qt5 Quick Controls 25.15.14qt LGPL
qt5quicktimeline - A Qt5 module for keyframe-based timeline construction5.15.14qt LGPL
qt5remoteobjects - Qt5 distributed object system5.15.14qt LGPL
qt5script - Qt5 Script5.15.14qt LGPL
qt5scxml - Qt5 SCXML (state machine notation) compiler and related tools5.15.14qt LGPL
qt5sensors - Qt5 Sensors5.15.14qt LGPL
qt5serialbus - Qt5 support for serial buses5.15.14qt LGPL
qt5serialport - Qt5 Serial Port support5.15.14qt LGPL
qt5speech - Qt5 Speech support5.15.14qt LGPL
qt5svg - Qt5 SVG5.15.14qt LGPL
qt5tools - Qt5 Tools5.15.14qt LGPL
qt5translations - Qt5 Translations5.15.14qt LGPL
qt5virtualkeyboard - Qt5 Quick virtual keyboard5.15.14qt LGPL
qt5wayland - A toolbox for making Qt based Wayland compositors5.15.14qt LGPL
qt5webchannel - The Qt5 WebChannel module5.15.14qt LGPL
qt5webengine - Qt5 Chromium WebEngine5.15.14qt LGPL
qt5webglplugin - QPA plugin for running an application via a browser5.15.14qt LGPL
qt5websockets - A pure Qt5 implementation of WebSockets5.15.14qt LGPL
qt5webview - Qt5 Web View5.15.14qt LGPL
qt5winextras - Qt5 Extras for Windows5.15.14qt LGPL
qt5x11extras - Qt5 Extras for X115.15.14qt LGPL
qt5xmlpatterns - Qt5 XmlPatterns5.15.14qt LGPL
qt63d - Qt3D project for Qt66.8.2qt LGPL
qt65compat - Qt6 compatibility6.8.2qt LGPL
qt6activeqt - ActiveQt for Qt66.8.2qt LGPL
qt6base - A portable widget library6.8.2qt LGPL
qt6charts - A set of easy to use Qt chart components6.8.2qt LGPL
qt6connectivity - Qt6 Bluetooth and NFC Connectivity6.8.2qt LGPL
qt6datavis3d - Qt6 Data Visualization module6.8.2qt LGPL
qt6declarative - Qt6 Declarative (Quick 2)6.8.2qt LGPL
qt6doc - The main Qt6 Reference Documentation6.8.2qt LGPL
qt6graphs - Qt6 Graphs6.8.2qt LGPL
qt6grpc - Qt6 Grpc6.8.2qt LGPL
qt6httpserver - Qt6 HTTP Server6.8.2qt LGPL
qt6imageformats - Additional Image Format plugins for Qt66.8.2qt LGPL
qt6languageserver - Qt6 LanguageServer6.8.2qt LGPL
qt6location - Qt6 Location6.8.2qt LGPL
qt6lottie - Qt6 Lottie6.8.2qt LGPL
qt6multimedia - Qt6 Multimedia6.8.2qt LGPL
qt6networkauth - Qt6 Network Authenticators6.8.2qt LGPL
qt6positioning - Qt6 Positioning Libraries6.8.2qt LGPL
qt6quick3d - A module and API for defining 3D content in Qt6 Quick6.8.2qt LGPL
qt6quick3dphysics - Qt6 Quick3DPhysics6.8.2qt LGPL
qt6quickeffectmaker - Qt6 Quickeffectmaker6.8.2qt LGPL
qt6quicktimeline - A Qt6 module for keyframe-based timeline construction6.8.2qt LGPL
qt6remoteobjects - Qt6 distributed object system6.8.2qt LGPL
qt6scxml - Qt6 SCXML (state machine notation) compiler and related tools6.8.2qt LGPL
qt6sensors - Qt6 Sensors6.8.2qt LGPL
qt6serialbus - Qt6 support for serial buses6.8.2qt LGPL
qt6serialport - Qt6 Serial Port support6.8.2qt LGPL
qt6shadertools - Qt6 API and tools for the Quick shader pipeline6.8.2qt LGPL
qt6speech - Qt6 Speech6.8.2qt LGPL
qt6svg - Qt6 SVG6.8.2qt LGPL
qt6tools - Qt6 Tools6.8.2qt LGPL
qt6translations - Qt6 Translations6.8.2qt LGPL
qt6virtualkeyboard - Qt6 Quick virtual keyboard6.8.2qt LGPL
qt6wayland - A toolbox for making Qt based Wayland compositors6.8.2qt LGPL
qt6webchannel - The Qt6 WebChannel module6.8.2qt LGPL
qt6webengine - Qt6 Chromium WebEngine6.8.2qt LGPL
qt6websockets - A pure Qt6 implementation of WebSockets6.8.2qt LGPL
qt6webview - Qt6 Web View6.8.2qt LGPL
qtchooser - Wrap the other Qt tools by searching for different instances of Qt on the system66contrib GPL3 LGPL
qtcurve - A KDE theme engine based on RedHat's BlueCurve0.69.0themes GPL
qte - A portable widget library3.3.8qt GPL
qterminal - Lightweight Qt-based terminal emulator1.4.0lxqt LGPL
qtermwidget - Terminal widget for QTerminal1.4.0lxqt LGPL
qtkeychain - Platform-independent Qt API for storing passwords securely0.15.0qt BSD
qtparted - A Qt frontend for GNU Parted0.4.5filesystem GPL
qtxdg-tools - Qt implementation of freedesktop.org xdg specifications4.0.0lxqt LGPL
quagga - TCP/IP Routing Software Suite0.99.21network GPL
quake2 - A popular First Person Shooter by ID-Games0.2.1games GPL
quick-lounge-applet - A GNOME quick-lounge-applet2.14.1gnome GPL
quickjs - Small and embeddable Javascript engine0.20210327contrib MIT
quik - Disk bootstrap and installer for Linux/PPC2.0eboot GPL
quilt - Quilt allows you to easily manage large numbers of patches by keeping track of the changes each patch makes0.68contrib GPL
quota - Userlevel tools for Linux diskquotas4.03base GPL
quotatool - A utility for setting filesystem quota from the command line1.6.2base GPL
qutebrowser - Keyboard-driven, vim-like browser based on PyQT52.5.2contrib GPL3
r - Project for Statistical Computing4.4.3scientific GPL
r1000 - Realtek r1000 gigabit network driver1.05network GPL
rabbitmq-c - RabbitMQ C client0.15.0contrib MIT
racket - Racket, the Language-Oriented Programming Language8.15develop MIT APL
radare2 - Libre and Portable Reverse Engineering Framework5.9.8develop GPL3
radeonstats - TUI tool for monitoring your AMD Radeon GPUs1.0.0contrib OpenSource
radeontop - Amd gpu utilization monitor1.4contrib GPL3
radiusclient-ng - RADIUS /bin/login replacement0.5.6network OpenSource
radsecproxy - Generic RADIUS proxy that supports both UDP and TLS RADIUS transports1.9.1contrib BSD
radvd - IPv6 Router Advertisement Daemon2.19network GPL
raft - Asynchronous C implementation of the Raft consensus protocol0.22.1develop LGPL3
rage - Enlightenment media center application0.4.0enlightenment GPL
ragel - Finite state machine compiler6.10contrib GPL
raku-file-find - Get a lazy list of a directory tree0.2.1raku MIT
raku-file-which - Raku Object-oriented port of File::Which (CPAN)1.0.4raku MIT
raku-librarymake - An attempt to simplify building native code for a perl6 module1.0.5raku MIT
raku-linenoise - Raku bindings for Linenoise0.1.2raku Artistic
raku-shell-command - Cross-platform routines emulating common *NIX shell commands1.1raku MIT
rakudo - The most mature, production-ready implementation of the Raku language2025.02raku Artistic
rancid - RANCID - Really Awesome New Cisco confIg Differ3.13contrib BSD
ranger - VIM-inspired filemanager for the console1.9.4contrib GPL3
rapidjson - Fast JSON parser/generator for C++ with both SAX/DOM style API1.1.0contrib MIT
rapidsvn - Multi-platform GUI front-end for the Subversion revision system0.9.8develop GPL
rapidyaml - Fast library for manipulating YAML0.3.0contrib MIT
raptor - A RDF parser library in C2.0.16textproc LGPL
rarian - A Scrollkeeper replacement0.8.1gnome GPL
rarpd - Reverse Address Resolution Protocol daemonap1network GPL
raspberry-pi-firmware - Raspberry Pi Firmware1.20250305firmware Free-to-use
rasqal - A RDF Query Library0.9.33textproc LGPL
rat - Library for simplifying common tasks of PyGtk and gnome-python0.1python MIT
ratpoison - A window manager that lets you say good-bye to the rodent1.4.9x11 GPL
rauc - Safe and secure software updates for embedded Linux1.13contrib LGPL
rav1e - The fastest and safest AV1 encoder0.7.1multimedia BSD
rawcooked - Easily archive RAW audio-visual content into a lossless format24.11multimedia BSD
raylib - A simple and easy-to-use library to enjoy videogames programming5.5graphic Unknown
razercfg - Razer mouse configuration tool0.43contrib GPL
razor - A spam detection and filtering network2.85mail GPL
rbdoom3bfg - Doom 3 BFG source port with modern engine features685e02agames GPL
rc - The Plan 9 Shell1.7.1shells GPL
rccl - ROCm Communication Collectives Library6.3.3rocm MIT
rclone - Rsync for cloud storage1.69.1network MIT
rcm - Rc file management1.3.6contrib BSD
rcon - Source RCON client for command line0.6contrib BSD
rcs - Revision Control System5.10.1develop GPL
rdate - Rdate connects to an RFC 868 time server over a TCP/IP network1.5network GPL
rdc - The ROCm™ Data Center Tool6.3.3rocm MIT
rdesktop - A Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) client1.9.0network GPL
rdfind - A tool to find duplicate files1.7.0contrib GPL
re2 - Efficient, principled regular expression library2024-07-02contrib BSD
re2c - A tool for writing fast and flexible lexers4.0.2develop MIT
reaction - A daemon that scans program outputs for repeated patterns and takes action1.4.1security AGPL3
read-edid - Read and parse monitor EDID3.0.2contrib GPL
readline - A command line parsing library8.2-010base GPL
readosm - Library to extract valid data from an Open Street Map input file1.1.0contrib MPL GPL LGPL
recode - A library to convert between character sets and usages3.7.14textproc GPL
recordmydesktop - Produces a OGG encapsulated Theora/Vorbis recording of your desktop0.3.8.1contrib GPL
recoverjpeg - A tool which finds lost pictures in device images2.6.3graphic GPL
recutils - Set of tools and libraries to access plain text databases called recfiles1.9contrib GPL3
redet - Regular expression development8.26develop GPL
redis - A data structure server7.2.4database BSD
redland - A set of Redland RDF (Resource Description Framework) C libraries1.0.17.1textproc GPL
redshift - Adjusts the color temperature of your screen1.12x11 GPL
referencing - Cross-specification JSON referencing0.36.2python MIT
refocusit - Refocusing plugin for GIMP2.0graphic GPL
regexxer - A nifty GUI search/replace tool using Perl regexps0.10gnome GPL
regionset - A tool that adjusts or shows the region code of DVD drives0.2filesystem GPL
reiser4progs - Filesystem utilities for Reiser41.1.0filesystem GPL
reiserfsprogs - Filesystem utilities for ReiserFS3.6.27filesystem GPL
remind - Sophisticated calendar and alarm program05.03.04contrib GPL
renaissance - A program that allows you to describe your user interfaces0.9.0gnustep LGPL
rendercheck - A program to test a Render extension implementation1.5xorg OpenSource
rep-gtk - A binding of the GTK+ and GDK libraries for the librep Lisp environment0.90.8.3gnome GPL
rep-gtk01 - Using librep (lisp) with GTK/GDK0.90.2gnome1 GPL
repo - Repository management tool built on top of git2.53develop APL
reproc - Cross-platform process library14.2.5contrib MIT
rest - Gnome rest package0.9.1gnome LGPL
restorecond - SELinux restorecond utilities3.7selinux GPL
resynthesizer - A GIMP plugin for texture synthesis0.14graphic GPL
retawq - A multi-threaded Web browser for text terminals0.2.6cwww GPL
retrovol - A retro-looking volume setting program for Linux0.14audio GPL
revprog - CLI tool for REVELPROG-IS programmer0.92contrib GPL3
rezound - A sound wave editor0.12.3betaaudio GPL
rfc - Request for Comments - The Internet Standards and more20221011doc Unknown
rgb - X.org RGB database and applications1.1.0xorg OpenSource
rhythmbox - A music player for GNOME3.4.8gnome GPL
rinutils - C11 / gnu11 utilities C library0.10.0contrib MIT
ripgrep - A fast line-oriented search tool14.1.1textproc MIT
ripmime - MIME file extractor1.4.0.10mail BSD
ripperx - Yet another CD ripping application2.7.3multimedia GPL
ristretto - Image Viewer for the Xfce desktop environment0.13.3xfce4 GPL
rivatv - Driver set for nVidia based graphics card with video-in feature0.8.6x11 GPL
river - A dynamic tiling Wayland compositor0.3.5wayland GPL
rkdeveloptool - Opensource client for rockusb devices1.1.0contrib GPL
rlog - A flexible message logging facility for C++ programs and libraries1.4contrib LGPL
rmagick - An interface to the ImageMagick image processing libraries1.15.4ruby OpenSource
rman - A manual page translator to HTML, ASCII, TkMan, DocBook, ...3.2develop Artistic
rnc2rng - RELAX NG Compact to regular syntax conversion library2.6.6contrib MIT
rng-tools - Random Number Generator Deamon6.17base GPL
robin-hood-hashing - Fast & memory efficient hashtable based on robin hood hashing for C++11/14/17/203.11.5contrib MIT
robin-map - C++ implementation of a fast hash map1.3.0contrib MIT
rocal - The AMD ROCm Augmentation Library6.3.3rocm MIT
rocalution - A sparse linear algebra library6.3.3rocm MIT
rocblas - Tthe ROCm Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS) library6.3.3rocm MIT
rocdbgapi - AMD Debugger API6.3.3rocm MIT
rocdecode - A high-performance video decode SDK for AMD GPUs6.3.3rocm MIT
rocfft - A software library for computing fast Fourier transforms6.3.3rocm MIT
rocgdb - The ROCm source-level debugger for Linux6.3.3rocm MIT
rocjpeg - A high-performance jpeg decode SDK for decoding jpeg images6.3.3rocm MIT
rock-kernel-driver - AMDGPU Driver with KFD used by the ROCm project6.3.3rocm MIT
rocknet - Network configuration2024-09-19network GPL
rocksndiamonds - A Boulderdash clone4.3.8.1-linuxgames GPL
rocm-cmake - A a collection of CMake modules for the ROCm project6.3.3rocm MIT
rocm-core - A package to get ROCm release version, and path information6.3.3rocm MIT
rocm-device-libs - ROCm device libs6.3.3rocm MIT
rocm-examples - A collection of examples to enable new users to start using ROCm.6.3.3rocm MIT
rocm-flang - A Fortran compiler targeting ROCm6.3.3rocm MIT
rocm-llvm - AMD Fork of The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure6.3.3rocm MIT
rocm-transferbench - A utility for benchmarking copies between user-specified CPU and GPU6.3.3rocm MIT
rocm_bandwidth_test - Capture the performance of buffer copying and kernel read/write operations6.3.3rocm MIT
rocm_smi_lib - The AMD System Management Interface (AMD SMI) library6.3.3rocm MIT
rocminfo - ROCm Application for Reporting System Info6.3.3rocm MIT
rocmvalidationsuite - The ROCm Validation Suite6.3.3rocm MIT
rocprim - A header-only library that provides HIP parallel primitives6.3.3rocm MIT
rocprofiler - ROC profiler librar with perf-counters and derived metrics6.3.3rocm MIT
rocprofiler-compute - Advanced Profiling and Analytics for AMD Hardware6.3.3rocm MIT
rocprofiler-register - A helper library to intercept API table(s) of the HSA/HIP/ROCTx runtime6.3.3rocm MIT
rocprofiler-sdk - AMD’s new and improved ROCm tooling infrastructure6.3.3rocm MIT
rocprofiler-systems - ROCm Systems Profiler: Application Profiling, Tracing, and Analysis6.3.3rocm MIT
rocpydecode - A set of Python bindings to rocDecode C++ library6.3.3rocm MIT
rocr-runtime - ROCr a HPC market enhanced HSA based runtime6.3.3rocm MIT
rocr_debug_agent - AMD ROCm Debug Agent Library (ROCdebug-agent)6.3.3rocm MIT
rocrand - Functions that generate pseudorandom and quasirandom numbers6.3.3rocm MIT
rocs - Graph Theory IDE24.12.3kde GPL
rocsolver - A work-in-progress implementation of a subset of LAPACK6.3.3rocm MIT
rocsparse - A common interface that provides Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines (BLAS)6.3.3rocm MIT
rocthrust - A parallel algorithm library6.3.3rocm MIT
roctracer - ROCm Tracer Callback/Activity Library for Performance tracing AMD GPUs6.3.3rocm MIT
rocwmma - A library for accelerating mixed-precision matrix multiply-accumulate operations6.3.3rocm MIT
roman-numerals-py - A library for manipulating well-formed Roman numerals3.1.0python CC0
root - An Object-Oriented Data Analysis Framework6.34.02scientific Free-to-use
rosegarden - General-purpose music composition and editing environment24.12.1audio GPL
rosetta - A handwriting recognition engine for the X Window System2007-10-02x11 GPL
roundup - A simple-to-use and -install issue-tracking system2.0.0develop OpenSource
rox-filer - Drag-and-drop based filemanager2.10x11 GPL
rp-pppoe - A PPPoE client. PPPoE is used by many ADSL Internet Service Providers4.0network GPL
rpcbind - RPC portmapper1.2.5network BSD
rpcs3 - PS3 emulator/debugger0.0.34emulators GPL
rpcsvc-proto - RPC headers previously in glibc1.4.4network GPL
rpcsx - An experimental PlayStation 4 emulator for Linux84026f1emulators GPL
rpds - Python bindings to Rust's persistent data structures (rpds)0.23.1python MIT
rpki-client - RPKI validator to support BGP Origin Validation9.4contrib ISC
rpm - RPM Package Manager4.17.1.1archiver GPL
rpp - AMD ROCm Performance Primitives (RPP) library6.3.3rocm MIT
rr - Efficient reverse execution under gdb5.9.0develop BSD
rrdcollect - Read system statistical data and feed it to RRDtool0.2.10contrib GPL
rrdtool - Round Robin Database and graph generation1.8.0contrib GPL
rsbac - Rule Set Based Access Control for Linux1.2.6security GPL
rsnapshot - Local and remote filesystem snapshot utility1.5.1contrib GPL
rspamd - Fast, free and open-source spam filtering system3.7.4mail APL
rss2email - Forward RSS feeds to your email address, community maintained3.13.1contrib GPL
rss_glx - Really Slick Screensavers Port to GLX1.0x11 GPL
rssh - Restricted ssh2.3.4security GPL
rst2html5 - Generates (X)HTML5 documents from standalone reStructuredText2.0.1python MIT
rstart - A sample implementation of a Remote Start client1.0.6xorg OpenSource
rsync - A replacement for rcp that has many more features3.4.1network GPL
rsynth - A mini-text-to-speech system2.0text2speech OpenSource
rsyslog - An enhanced syslog daemon8.2304.0base GPL
rtai - Realtime Linux Application Interface for Linux3.6contrib GPL
rtai-xml - It is a server component of the Real Time Application Interface (RTAI)0.8.2contrib LGPL
rte - The Zapzilla rte library0.5.6multimedia GPL
rtkit - D-Bus system service that enables real time scheduling on request0.13contrib GPL3 MIT
rtl_433 - Program to decode transmissions on the ISM bands22.11contrib GPL
rtmidi - C++ classes that provide a common API for realtime MIDI input/output6.0.0contrib MIT
rtorrent - A BitTorrent client written in C++0.9.8network GPL
rtrlib - Open-source C implementation of the RPKI/Router Protocol client0.8.0contrib MIT
rubberband - Library for audio time-stretching and pitch-shifting4.0.0contrib GPL
rubiclox - Ultra Power Rubick's Clock Max II2.0.0games GPL
rubix - Rubix is a Rubik's cube system for the Linux/X11 operating system1.0.6games GPL
ruby - The Ruby programming language3.4.2ruby GPL
ruby-postgres - The ruby postgresql extension0.7.1ruby GPL
rubygems - A package management framework for the Ruby programming language3.5.23ruby OpenSource
runc - CLI tool for spawning and running containers according to the OCI specification1.2.5containers APL
runit - An UNIX init scheme with service supervision2.2.0init OpenSource
runit-logacct - Runit companion for user related tasks0.0contrib GPL
runit-shutdown - Runit companion for process related tasks0.2contrib GPL
rust-analyzer - A Rust compiler front-end for IDEs2025-02-24rust APL
rust-bindgen - Automatically generates Rust FFI bindings to C and C++ libraries0.71.1rust BSD
rust-clippy - A bunch of lints to catch common mistakes and improve Rust code1.85.0rust APL
rust-src - The Rust standard library source1.85.0rust MIT APL
rustc - The Rust compiler1.85.0rust MIT APL
rustfmt - Format Rust code1.8.0rust APL
rxvt - Lightweight Xterm replacement2.7.10x11 GPL
rxvt-unicode - An unicode improved version of rxvt9.31x11 GPL
ry - The simplest ruby version manager0.5.2contrib MIT
rygel - Gnome rygel package0.44.2gnome LGPL
rzip - An precompressor using bzip2 as backend2.1archiver GPL
s-nail - SysV mail/BSD Mail/POSIX mailx: send and receive Internet mail14.9.25contrib BSD
s-tui - Terminal-based CPU stress and monitoring utility1.1.6contrib GPL
s2geometry - Computational geometry and spatial indexing on the sphere0.9.0contrib APL
s3cmd - Command-line tool for managing Amazon S3 and CloudFront services2.4.0contrib GPL
sabayon - Is a system administration tool to manage GNOME desktop settings2.30.1gnome GPL
sablot - XSLT, DOM and XPath processor1.0.3textproc GPL
sad - CLI search and replace0.4.32contrib MIT
safehttpx - Help protect application from SSRF attacks0.1.6python APL
safetensors - Simple, safe way to store and distribute tensors0.5.3python APL
sakura - A terminal emulator based on the VTE library1.3.0gnome GPL
salsa-lib - Small ALSA Library0.2.0audio GPL
sam7utils - AT91SAM7 USB specific firmware flasher0.1.0develop GPL
samba - The free SMB / CIFS fileserver and client4.22.0network GPL
samhain - A file integrity checker and host-based intrusion detection2.7.1security OpenSource
sancp - A network connection profiler1.6.1bnetwork OpenSource
sane-backends - The Scanner Access Now Easy backends1.2.1graphic GPL
sane-frontends - The Scanner Access Now Easy example frontends1.0.14graphic GPL
sanlock - Lease manager that uses shared storage3.9.5contrib LGPL GPL GPL
sash - A stand-alone shell with many built-in commands3.8shells OpenSource
sassc - A wrapper around libsass3.6.2develop MIT
sauerbraten - A 3d open source first person shooter2020_12_29games OpenSource
sawfish - An extensible window manager1.13.0gnome GPL
sbc - SBC, or low-complexity subband codec2.0audio LGPL
sbt - A simple build tool2.0.0-M4develop APL
scala - A scalable multiplatform programming language3.5.1develop GPL
scale2x - Scale PNG images x2, x43.1graphic GPL
scanlogd - Check if you are portscanned2.2.8security GPL
scansnap-firmware - Fujitsu ScanSnap SANE epjitsu firmware96c3a8bfirmware Free-to-use
scapy - Powerful interactive packet manipulation2.6.1contrib GPL
sccache - Shared compilation cache for C/C++ and Rust0.10.0contrib APL
scdoc - A simple man page generator for POSIX systems written in C991.11.2textproc MIT
schismtracker - An oldschool sample-based music composition tool20240308audio GPL
schroedinger - A fast implementation of the Dirac codec1.0.11multimedia MIT
scientificpy - Scientific Python2.4.9develop GPL
scikit-build - Improved build system generator for CPython extensions0.18.1python MIT
scikit-build-core - A next generation Python CMake adaptor and Python API for plugins0.10.7python APL
scilab - Free Scientific Software Package5.2.2scientific Free-to-use
scmxx - Console Tool for Siemens Mobile Phones0.9.0network GPL
scons - A make-like program4.8.1develop OpenSource
scope - A serial-line eavesdropping tool0.04network GPL
scorched3d - A 3D remake of the popular 2D artillery game Scorched Earth41.3games GPL
scponly - A user shell for restricting remote access to scp and sftp4.8shells BSD
screen - Screen manager with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation5.0.0shells GPL
screengrab - Crossplatform tool for fast making screenshots2.4.0lxqt GPL
scribus - A desktop page layout program with high quality PDF output1.6.2graphic GPL
scripts - Some accumulated, X related scripts1.0.1xorg OpenSource
scrypt - A password-based encryption utility1.3.3contrib BSD
scummvm - A 'virtual machine' for several classic adventure games2.9.0games GPL
sdcc - Retargettable, optimizing ANSI-C compiler for the 8051 MCU4.1.0develop GPL
sddm-kcm - SDDM KDE configuration module6.3.3kde GPL
sdl12-compat - An SDL-1.2 compatibility layer that uses SDL 2.0 behind the scenes1.2.68graphic ZLIB
sdl2_pango - Pango SDL binding2.1.5contrib LGPL
sdlmame - A port of the MAME emulator to run on top of the SDL0126emulators GPL
sdparm - Get/set hard disk parameters for SCSI discs1.12filesystem BSD
seahorse - A Gnome GUI for GnuPG47.0.1gnome GPL
seamonkey - The most full-featured and standard compliant web browser2.53.19www MPL
seamstress - The seam carving library1.0.2graphic GPL
seatd - A minimal seat management daemon0.9.1wayland MIT
secilc - The SELinux CIL Compiler3.7selinux BSD
secpanel - A graphical user interface for managing and running SSH0.5.1x11 GPL
sed - This is the GNU implementation of the POSIX stream editor4.9editors GPL
selinux-dbus - SELinux policy core DBUS api3.7selinux GPL
selinux-doc - SELinux documentation1.26selinux GPL
selinux-gui - SELinux core policy utilities (graphical utilities)3.7selinux GPL
selinux-python - SELinux core policy utilities (Python utilities)3.7selinux GPL
selinux-sandbox - SELinux core policy utilities3.7selinux GPL
semodule-utils - A collection of utilities for dealing with policy modules3.7selinux GPL
sendmail - Electronic mail transport agent8.18.1mail OpenSource
sentencepiece - Unsupervised text tokenizer for Neural Network-based text generation0.2.0python APL
ser - SIP Express Router is a high-performance, configurable SIP server0.9.4network GPL
ser2net - A proxy that allows telnet/tcp connections to serial ports on a machine4.3.11network GPL
serd - Lightweight C library for RDF syntax0.32.4contrib ISC
serf - High-performance asynchronous HTTP client library1.3.10network APL
serpnp - Serial / COM PnP detection0.0.2base GPL
sessreg - Manage utmp/wtmp entries for non-init clients1.1.3xorg OpenSource
setconf - Utility for easily changing settings in configuration files0.7.7contrib GPL
setools - SELinux Tools4.5.1selinux GPL
setserial - Utility for doing run-time configuration of the serial driver2.17base GPL
setuptools - A collection of enhancements to the Python distutils77.0.3python MIT
setuptools-rust - Setuptools plugin for rust1.10.2python MIT
setuptools-scm - The blessed package to manage your versions by scm tags8.1.0python MIT
setvol - A simple commandline volume control1.1audio GPL
setxkbmap - Sets the keyboard using the X Keyboard Extension1.3.4xorg OpenSource
sfwbar - A taskbar for wayland compositors1.0_beta15wayland GPL3
sge - SUN Grid Engine5.3p3network OpenSource
sgutils - Multiple utilities to send one one more SCSI commands to a device1.48base BSD
shaderc - A collection of tools, libraries, and tests for Vulkan shader compilation2025.1develop OpenSource
shadow - Utils for managing users and (shadow) passwords4.14.2base BSD
shady - The Vulkan Clang Compiler38c4678develop BSD
shared-desktop-ontologies - Shared OSCAF desktop ontologies0.11.0develop BSD
shared-mime-info - The freedesktop.org shared MIME database2.4x11 GPL
sharpconstruct - SharpConstruct is a 3D modelling program for real-time sculpting0.12-rc3graphic GPL
sharutils - This is the set of GNU shar utilities4.6.3base GPL
shine - Shine: fast fixed-point mp3 encoding3.1.1contrib LGPL
shntool - A multi-purpose WAVE data processing and reporting utility3.0.10contrib GPL
shorewall - An iptables-based firewall for Linux systems3.2.4security GPL
shotcut - A free, open-source, cross-platform video editor25.03.13multimedia GPL3
showfont - Font dumper for X font server1.0.6xorg OpenSource
siag - A Free Office Package for Unix3.6.1office GPL
siefs - A user-space filesystem for Siemens mobile phones0.5filesystem GPL
signon-kwallet-extension - KWallet integration for Sign-on framework24.12.3kde GPL
sigrok-cli - A command-line frontend for sigrok0.7.2develop GPL3
sigrok-firmware-fx2lafw - A open-source firmware for Cypress FX20.1.7develop GPL3
silc-client - A secure chat SILC protocol client1.1.8network GPL
silc-toolkit - Secure Internet Live Conferencing1.1.12network GPL
silo - Generic boot loader for Linux on SPARC Computers9277bfdboot GPL
silvercity - SilverCity is a lexing package, based on Scintilla0.9.7python OpenSource
simdjson - Parsing gigabytes of JSON per second3.12.2textproc APL
simdutf - SIMD accelerated Unicode routines (UTF8, UTF16, UTF32) and Base646.4.0textproc OpenSource
simgear - Library for quickly assembling 3d simulations, games, and visualization applications2020.3.19games GPL
simh - A highly portable, multi-system simulator37-1emulators OpenSource
simple-scan - A simple GNOME scan application46.0gnome GPL3
simplesnap - Simple and powerful network transmission of ZFS snapshots1.0.4contrib GPL3
simutrans - An Economy and Transport Simulation Game0_84_21_2games GPL
sip - Tool to create Python bindings for C and C++6.10.0python OpenSource
sipcalc - Advanced console based ip subnet calculator1.1.6contrib BSD
sipgrep - Display and Troubleshoot SIP signaling over IP networks in console2.2.0contrib GPL3
sipp - A test tool / traffic generator for the SIP protocol3.6.1contrib GPL
sipsak - A command line test tool for SIP servers and applications0.9.6network GPL
sircbot - Minimalistic IRC bot0.4contrib GPL
six - Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities1.16.0python MIT
sjinn - Simple command-line tool to send and receive data on a serial port1.01network GPL
sjog - Nice configurable jogdial menu with brightness and volume control for X0.6x86 GPL
skalibs - Set of general-purpose C programming libraries for skarnet.org software2.14.3.0contrib ISC
skanlite - Lightweight scanning program24.12.3kde GPL
skanpage - A simple scanning application designed for multi-page scanning24.12.3kde GPL
skencil - A vector drawing program implemented in Python0.6.17graphic GPL
ski - An ia64 instruction set simulator27595f2emulators GPL
skia - 2D graphics library whit common APIs for variety of platforms133graphic OpenSource
skladnik - Japanese warehouse keeper game24.12.3kde GPL
skopeo - Work with remote container registries1.18.0containers APL
slang - The S-Lang embedded interpreted language2.3.2develop OpenSource
slat - Security-Enhanced Linux Analysis Tools2.0selinux GPL
sleep-inhibitor - Simple program to inhibit sleep/suspend when using elogind1.24contrib GPL3
slidentd - A secure and lightweight ident (RFC1413) daemon for Linux1.0.0network GPL
slim - A simple desktop-independent graphical login manager for X111.3.6x11 GPL
slint - The fast and easy UI Toolkit1.10.0rust GPL
slmodem - Driver for SmartLink modems2.9.11-20061021network OpenSource
slncrypto - A general purpose lua crypto support library1.1lua MIT
slnunicode - A general purpose lua unicode support library1.1lua MIT
sloccount - Source Lines of Code (SLOC) Counter2.26develop GPL
slrn - A console news reader1.0.1news OpenSource
slsnif - A serial-line sniffing tool0.4.4network GPL
slurm - Yet another network load monitor0.4.4contrib GPL
slurp - Screen zone selection for wayland1.5.0wayland MIT
smalltalk - A Smalltalk interpreter and libraries3.2.5develop GPL
smartmontools - Control and monitor storage systems using the S.M.A.R.T system7.4filesystem GPL
smartypants - Translate plain ASCII punctuation characters into “smart” typographic punctuation HTML entities2.0.1contrib BSD
smbc - Samba Commander1.2.2network GPL
smbldap-tools - Scripts to manage Samba users on LDAP0.9.2network OpenSource
smenu - A standard input word picker1.4.0contrib GPL
smpeg - A MPEG-1 and MP3 playback library2_0_0multimedia LGPL
smproxy - Session Manager Proxy1.0.7xorg OpenSource
snappy - A fast compressor/decompressor1.2.1develop OpenSource
snapraid - A backup program for disk arrays12.4contrib GPL3
snd - A sound editor21.0audio GPL
snes9x - A Super Nintendo emulator1.63emulators OpenSource
sngtc_client - Sangoma Media Transcode client and lib1.3.11contrib LGPL
sniffio - Sniff out which async library your code is running under1.3.1python MIT APL
sniffnet - Comfortably monitor your Internet traffic1.3.2network MIT APL
snmpsession - SNMP_Session1.00perl Artistic GPL
snort - An open source network intrusion detection system3.6.1.0security GPL
snowballstemmer - Stemming library for python2.2.0python BSD
snowbox - A POP3 server written in Perl2.0.2mail GPL
snownews - Text-Mode RSS Newsreader for Linux and Unix1.5.12network GPL
soapysdr - Software Defined Radio support library0.8.1contrib BSL
socat - "netcat++" (extended design, new implementation) OpenSource
socket - Program to access TCP sockets at shell level1.2p1network BSD
socklog - System and kernel logging services2.1.0base GPL
soft-serve - Self-hostable Git server0.8.4contrib MIT
softdog - Software watchdog timer1.21base GPL
softhsm - Cryptographic store accessible through a PKCS #112.6.1contrib BSD
solaar - Linux device manager for a wide range of Logitech devices1.1.14x11 GPL
solid - Solid is a KDE base package6.12.0kde GPL
sonata - An elegant Gtk+ music client for MPD1.6.2.1multimedia GPL
sonnet - KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 1 solution for spell checking6.12.0kde GPL
sonypid - Utility for vaio computers, that makes the jogdial availible in X1.9.1x86 GPL
sope - SKYRiX (SOPE) Application Server4.4.0gnustep LGPL
soprano - Library which provides a nice QT interface to RDF storage solutions2.9.4attic GPL
sord - C library for storing RDF data in memory0.16.18contrib ISC
sound-juicer - CD ripping tool3.40.0gnome GPL
sound-theme-freedesktop - Freedesktop sound theme0.8audio OpenSource
soundmodem - Allows a standard PC soundcard to be used as a packet radio "modem"0.18network GPL
soundtouch - A audio library for changing the Tempo, Pitch and Playback Rates2.3.2audio GPL
soundtracker - A music tracking tool0.6.8audio GPL
soup - A SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) implementation in C0.7.11gnome1 GPL LGPL
sourcenav - An IDE with source code comprehension features6.0develop GPL
sourcenav-ng - A source code exploration suiteSVN-r669develop GPL
sox - Sound eXchange14.5.0audio LGPL
soxr - High quality, one-dimensional sample-rate conversion library0.1.3contrib LGPL
spacearyarya - A shooting game1.0.3games GPL
spacenavd - User-space driver for 6-dof space-mice1.3.1contrib GPL3
spamassassin - A mail filter to identify spam4.0.1mail APL
spandsp - A library which provides many of the DSP functions needed for telephony0.0.6pre21audio GPL
sparc-utils - SPARC specific utilities1.9-2sparc GPL
sparkey - Simple key/value storage library1.1database APL
sparse - A semantic parser of source files0.6.4develop OpenSource
sparsehash - Library that contains several hash-map implementations2.0.4contrib BSD
spawn-fcgi - Spawn FastCGI applications1.6.4contrib BSD
spdlog - Fast C++ logging library1.15.1contrib MIT
speakersafetyd - Linux speaker safety daemon0.1.9audio MIT
spectacle - Spectacle is a KDE base package24.12.3kde GPL
spectemu - ZX Spectrum emulator0.99.3emulators GPL
specter - A user-space logging facility for netfilter1.4network GPL
speex - A free Audio Codec optimized for speech1.2.1audio BSD
speexdsp - DSP library derived from speex1.2.1audio BSD
spheres-and-crystals - Spheres and Crystal theme0.7gnome Unknown
sphinx - A full-text search engine2.3.2-betatextproc GPL
sphinx-doc - Sphinx Documentation generator8.2.3textproc BSD
sphinxcontrib-applehelp - Sphinx extension to generate apple help books2.0.0python BSD
sphinxcontrib-devhelp - Sphinx extension to generate Devhelp docs2.0.0python BSD
sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp - Sphinx Extension to generate HTML help files2.1.0python BSD
sphinxcontrib-qthelp - Sphinx Extension to generate QtHelp docs2.0.0python BSD
spicctrl - Sony vaio spic controller userland utility (regulate brightness, etc.)1.9x86 GPL
spice - An electrical circuit simulator3f5scientific Free-to-use
spice-gtk - A GTK+3 SPICE widget0.42x11 LGPL
spice-html5 - A html5 client for the spice protocol0.3.0contrib GPL3 LGPL3
spice-protocol - A remote-display system built for virtual environments0.14.4x11 LGPL
spice-vdagent - Spice guest agent for Linux0.22.1contrib GPL3
spiralsynthmodular - Spiral Synth Modular0.1.1audio GPL
spirv-headers - Machine-readable files for the SPIR-V Registry54a521ddevelop GPL3
spirv-llvm-translator - Bi-directional translation between SPIR-V and LLVM IR20.1.0develop BSD
spirv-tools - An API and commands for processing SPIR-V modules2025.1.rc1develop GPL3
splint - C Syntax Checker - a successor to lint3.1.2develop GPL
sqlcipher - SQLCipher is an SQLite extension that provides 256 bit AES encryption of database files4.6.1contrib BSD
sqlite - An Embeddable SQL Database Engine3490100database PublicDomain
sqlite2 - An Embeddable SQL Database Engine2.8.17database PublicDomain
sqlmap - Automatic SQL injection and database takeover tool1.6.8contrib GPL
squashfs-tools - A compressed read-only filesystem for Linux4.6.1filesystem GPL
squashfs-tools-ng - A new set of tools and libraries for working with SquashFS images1.3.2filesystem GPL3
squashfuse - FUSE filesystem to mount squashfs archives0.6.0filesystem OpenSource
squeak - A portable Smalltalk 80-based language3.9-9develop OpenSource
squid - Internet Object Cache6.13network GPL
squirrel - The squirrel programming language3_2develop OpenSource
sqwebmail - A Webmail server using maildirs6.0.10mail GPL
sratom - Library for serialising LV2 atoms to and from RDF0.6.16contrib ISC
srecord - A collection of powerful tools for manipulating EPROM load files1.64develop GPL
srm - Secure file deletion for POSIX systems1.2.15security MIT
ssh-audit - SSH server and client configuration auditing3.3.0contrib MIT
ssh-gui - SSH-GUI is a front-end for ssh0.7.1network GPL
sshfs - A filesystem client based on the SSH File Transfer Protocol3.7.3filesystem GPL
sshguard - Protects hosts from brute-force attacks against SSH and other services2.4.2contrib ISC
sshpass - Non-interactive SSH authentication utility1.09contrib GPL
sslh - Applicative Protocol Multiplexer1.22ccontrib GPL
ssmtp - Extremely simple MTA2.64mail GPL
ssss - An implementation of Shamir's secret sharing scheme for UNIX systems0.5.7contrib GPL
ssu-sysinfo - Mer's ssu-sysinfo1.5.0contrib LGPL BSD
st - A simple terminal implementation for X0.9.2x11 MIT
stalld - Daemon that finds starving tasks and gives them a temporary boost1.6contrib GPL
starship - Minimal, blazing-fast and infinitely customizable prompt for any shell1.22.1contrib ISC
startup-notification - A startup notification library for GNOME0.12gnome LGPL
statifier - Creates a static executable from a dynamic executable and required libraries1.7.4develop GPL
stella - A multi-platform Atari 2600 VCS emulator7.0emulators GPL
stellarium - Renders realistic skies in real time with openGL23.2graphic GPL
step - Step is a KDE base package24.12.3kde GPL
steptalk - Objective-C / GNUstep scripting support0.10.0gnustep LGPL
stern - Multi pod and container log tailing for Kubernetes1.32.0containers APL
stfl - A curses-based widget set for text terminals0.24contrib LGPL
stgit - Manage a stack of patches using GIT as a backend2.5.3contrib GPL
stlport - A superior implementation of the C++ Standard Template Library (STL)5.2.1develop OpenSource
stm32flash - Flash STM32 ARM SoCs using built-in ST serial bootloader over UART or I2C0.7contrib GPL
stockfish - A free and strong UCI chess engine17games GPL
stone - Setup Tool ONE2023-04-18base GPL
stow - Manage installation of multiple softwares in the same directory tree2.4.1contrib GPL3
strace - Trace system calls and signals6.13develop BSD
straw - A GNOME 2.0 desktop RSS aggregator0.27gnome GPL
streamripper - A shoutcast-compatible stream ripper1.64.6audio GPL
streamtuner - A GTK+ 2.0 stream directory browser0.99audio BSD
stress - Stress test unix-like systems1.0.4contrib GPL
stress-ng - Stress-ng will stress test a computer system in various selectable ways0.18.11contrib GPL
stressapptest - Stressful application test1.0.11contrib APL
strigi - A desktop and indexer independent desktop search engine0.7.8attic LGPL
strongswan - An IPsec implementation for Linux6.0.1security GPL
stunnel - SSL encryption wrapper between client and server5.74network GPL
subversion - A compelling replacement for CVS1.14.5develop OpenSource
sudo - A system to execute programs as superuser1.9.16p2base BSD
suil - C library for loading and wrapping LV2 plugin UIs0.10.22contrib ISC
sunbird - Mozilla's stand-alone calendar client0.3x11 MPL
supertux - Classic 2D jump'n run sidescroller game featuring Tux0.1.3games GPL
supertuxkart - A kart racing game1.4games GPL
supervisor - System for controlling process state under UNIX4.2.5contrib BSD BSD
surfer - An Extensible and Snappy Waveform Viewer0.2.0develop EUPL
surfraw - A unix command line interface to various search engines2.3.0www OpenSource
surgescript - Scripting language for games0.6.1contrib APL
suricata - A leading threat detection engine7.0.9security GPL
sushi - Gnome sushi package3.38.1gnome LGPL
suspend - Some userland tools to suspend a Linux system2007-02-23base GPL
svgpart - SVG KPart24.12.3kde GPL
svt-av1 - Scalable Video Technology for AV13.0.0multimedia BSD
svt-hevc - Scalable Vector Technology for HEVC encoder1.5.1contrib BSD
svt-vp9 - Scalable Vector Technology for VP9 encoder0.3.0contrib BSD
swappy - Wayland native snapshot editing tool1.5.1wayland GPL3
swatch - A simple syslog monitoring utility/daemon watchdog3.2.4security GPL
sway - A Wayland Compositor1.10.1wayland MIT
swaybg - Background for Wayland compositors1.2.1wayland MIT
swayidle - Idle management daemon for Wayland1.8.0wayland MIT
swaykbdd - Keyboard layout switcher for Sway1.4contrib MIT
swaylock - A Wayland screen locking utility1.7.2wayland MIT
swaylock-effects - A Wayland screen locking utility with additional effects1.6-3wayland MIT
sweep - A sound wave editor0.9.3audio GPL
sweeper - Clean unwanted traces the user leaves on the system24.12.3kde GPL
swfdec - A Flash rendering library0.8.4multimedia LGPL
swftools - A collection of SWF manipulation and creation utilities0.9.2multimedia GPL
swi-prolog - A Prolog System9.2.9develop GPL
swift - The Swift Programming Language6.0.1develop GPL
swig - Toolkit for connecting C and C++ programs with script languages4.3.0develop BSD
sword - Research and manipulation API for Biblical texts1.6.2religion GPL
swtpm - Software TPM Emulator0.10.0emulators BSD
swuniq - Streaming sliding window uniq1.0.1contrib MIT
sylpheed - A lightweight Gtk+ eMail client3.7.0mail GPL
synaptics - A Synaptics Touchpad driver for X0.14.6x11 GPL
syncplay - Synchronize watching movies on mplayer2, vlc, mpv, and mpc-hc across many computers1.7.3contrib APL
syncthing - Open Source Continuous File Synchronization1.29.3go MPL
syndication - The Syndication Library6.12.0kde GPL
synergy - Cross-platform mouse/keyboard/clipboard sharing1.3.1x11 GPL
syntax-highlighting - KDE Frameworks 5 Syntax highlighting engine for Kate syntax definitions6.12.0kde GPL
sysfiles - System files2024-01-07base GPL
sysfsutils - SysFS utilities2.1.0filesystem GPL
sysklogd - Linux system logging utilities2.7.1base GPL
syslinux - Linux bootloader collection6.04-pre1x86 GPL
syslog-ng - A syslogd replacement with enhanced, flexible configuration scheme4.2.0base OpenSource
sysprof - A sampling systemwide CPU profiler for Linux on x8648.0develop GPL
sysstat - The sar and iostat commands for Linux12.7.6base GPL
system-config-printer - The printer administration tool in Fedora 6 (and later)0.9.93printing GPL
systemc - C++ library for modeling and describing complex hardware systems2.3.3contrib APL
systemd - System and Service Manager257.2init LGPL
systemsettings - Plasma system manager for hardware6.3.3kde GPL
systemtap - Infrastructure for gathering Linux system information5.2develop GPL
sysvinit - This is the Linux System V init3.04init GPL
t1lib - A Type1 font rasterizer library5.1.2graphic GPL
t2-debug - The SDE Internal Debug Package0000develop GPL
t2-src - The SDE's source code0000develop GPL
t2sz - T2sz compress a file into a seekable zstd with special handling for tar archives1.1.1contrib GPL3
tabulate - Pretty-print tabular data0.9.0python MIT
taglib - Audio Meta-Data Library2.0.2audio LGPL
taglib-extras - Taglib support for other formats1.0.1kde GPL
taglib-sharp - A .NET 2.0 and Mono tagging library2.0.3.7audio LGPL
tailscale - The easiest, most secure way to use WireGuard and 2FA1.80.3contrib BSD
talloc - A hierarchical, reference counted memory pool system with destructors2.4.3develop GPL
tang - Server for binding data to network presence15contrib GPL3
tanidvr - A CLI tool for accessing DVRs and IP cameras based on the proprietary DVR-IP protocol1.4.1contrib GPL3
taper - Tape backup and restore program with a friendly user interface6.9barchiver GPL
tar - The GNU Tape ARchiver program1.35archiver GPL
targetcli - Administration shell for storage targets3.0.1filesystem AGPL3
task - Command-line to-do list manager3.3.0contrib MIT
taskd - Taskserver synchronises taskwarrior across multiple clients1.1.0contrib MIT
tasksh - A shell command that wraps Taskwarrior commands1.2.0contrib MIT
tbb - Intel Threading Building Blocks2022.0.0develop APL
tcc - The smallest Linux C compiler0.9.27-ca061f3develop GPL
tcl - The Tcl scripting language8.6.14develop OpenSource
tcl-lib - Tcl standard library1.21contrib BSD
tclap - Templatized C++ Command Line Parser1.2.5contrib MIT
tclx - TclX extension to Tcl8.6.3contrib BSD
tcp_wrappers - The TCP/IP daemon wrapper package7.6.q-31network OpenSource
tcpdump - A tool for network monitoring and data acquisition4.99.5network OpenSource
tcpflow - A TCP flow recorder0.21network GPL
tcpreplay - A tool which edits and replays captured network traffic back onto the wire4.5.1network BSD
tcptrace - A TCP connection analysis tool6.6.7network BSD
tcptraceroute - A traceroute implementation using TCP packets1.5beta7network GPL
tcsh - C shell with file name completion and command line editing6.24.10shells OpenSource
tdb - A trivial database1.4.13database LGPL
tea - Powerful but extremely small text editor for GTK+217.6.6editors GPL
teatime - A GNOME tea timer applet2.8.0gnome GPL
teensy_loader - Command line Teensy Loader2.3develop GPL3
telegraf - A plugin-driven server agent for collecting & reporting metrics, part of the InfluxDB project1.34.0contrib MIT
telly-skout - A convergent Kirigami TV guide24.12.3kde GPL
tensile - A tool for creating benchmark-driven backend libraries6.3.3rocm MIT
tepl - A library that eases the development of GtkSourceView-based text editors and IDEs6.9.0gnome LGPL
termcolor - Header-only C++ library for printing colored messages to the terminal2.1.0contrib BSD
terminology - Terminal emulator for enlightenment1.13.0enlightenment BSD
terminus-font - A clean fixed width console and X11 font4.49.1fonts GPL
termit - A vte-based terminal emulator2.3.0gnome GPL
termutils - The GNU terminal control utilities2.0base GPL
terraform - Infrastructure orchestration tool1.11.2contrib MPL
terraform-ls - Terraform Language Server0.36.4containers MPL
tesseract - An OCR Engine that was developed at HP Labs between 1985 and 19955.5.0graphic APL
testdisk - A partition recovery utility7.1filesystem GPL
tetex - A LaTeX distribution3.0textproc OpenSource
tetradraw - Ansi ascii art editor2.0.2graphic GPL
tex-ttf - The TeX metafonts in TrueType form0.3fonts OpenSource
tex4ht - A LaTeX to HTML converterr1textproc OpenSource
texi2html - Texinfo to HTML Conversion Script5.0textproc GPL
texinfo - The texinfo documentation system7.2doc GPL
texlive - A TeX distribution2024textproc OpenSource
texmacs - A structured "wysiwyg" technical text editor1.0.7.8editors GPL
text2pdf - A text file to PDF converter53textproc OpenSource
texturize - Texturize plugin for GIMP2.0graphic GPL
tfblib - A Tiny Linux Framebuffer Library0.1.1contrib BSD
tftp-hpa - A portable tftp server and client5.2network OpenSource
thefuck - The Fuck is a magnificent app that corrects errors in previous console commands3.32contrib MIT
thermald - A thermal daemon2.5.9x86 GPL
thin-provisioning-tools - A suite of tools for the dm-thin device-mapper target1.0.13filesystem GPL3
thinkfan - A simple, lightweight fan control program1.3.1contrib GPL
threadweaver - KDE Frameworks 5 Tier 1 addon for advanced thread management6.12.0kde GPL
thttpd - A simple, small, portable, fast, and secure HTTP server2.29network BSD
thunar - A new modern file manager for Xfce4.20.2xfce4 GPL
thunar-media-tags-plugin - A plugin for the new modern file manager for Xfce0.5.0xfce4 GPL
thunar-shares-plugin - Thunar Shares Plugin0.4.0xfce4 GPL
thunar-thumbnailers - A plugin for the new modern file manager for Xfce0.4.1xfce4 GPL
thunar-vcs-plugin - Thunar Version Control System Plugin0.3.0xfce4 GPL
thunar-volman - Automatic management of removable drives and media for XFCE4.20.0xfce4 LGPL
thunderbird - A full-featured graphical mail client136.0mail MPL
thunderbolt-utils - Thunderbolt/USB4 utilities0.1-rc1base GPL LGPL
tidy - HTML validator and cleaner051026network OpenSource
tiff2png - TIFF to PNG convertion utility0.91graphic OpenSource
tig - Text-mode interface for git2.5.11develop GPL
tightvnc - An enhanced VNC distribution1.3.10x11 GPL
time - Measuring program resource use1.9base GPL3
timew - Timewarrior is a command line time tracking application1.7.1contrib MIT
timidity++ - A software synthesizer2.15.0audio GPL
tinc-pre - Virtual Private Network1.1.18contrib GPL
tini - A tiny but valid init for containers0.19.0containers MIT
tint - A photo editor for colour-select effects1.0.1graphic BSD
tint2 - A simple panel/taskbar unintrusive and light17.0.2x11 GPL
tinyalsa - Tiny library to interface with ALSA in the Linux kernel2.0.0contrib BSD
tinycbor - Concise Binary Object Representation Library0.6.1contrib MIT
tinycompress - A userspace library for anyone who wants to use the ALSA compressed APIs1.2.13audio GPL
tinydm - Wayland/X11 session starter for single user machines1.2.0contrib GPL3
tinyfugue - Powerful curses-based MUD client5.1.6contrib GPL
tinygl - A Small, Free and Fast Subset of OpenGL0.4.1x11 MIT
tinylogin - Very small login utilities1.4base GPL
tinyproxy - Lightweight HTTP proxy1.11.2contrib GPL
tinysparql - Low-footprint RDF triple store library with SPARQL 1.1 interface3.8.2gnome LGPL
tio - Simple TTY Terminal I/O Application1.47contrib GPL
tiptop - Hardware Performance Counters for the Masses2.3.1contrib GPL
tk - The Tk toolkit8.6.14x11 OpenSource
tkdiff - Graphical diff/merge tool for Unix and Windows5.7develop GPL
tkdvd - TkDVD is a TCL/TK GUI to dvd+rw-tools and cdrecord4.0.6contrib GPL
tla - A modern replacemnt for CVS1.3.5develop GPL
tldr - Collaborative cheatsheets for console commands1.11.0doc MIT
tllist - Typed Linked List C header file only library1.1.0develop MIT
tlp - Laptop battery saver1.8.0contrib GPL
tlswrap - A TLS/SSL FTP wrapper/proxy for UNIX and Windows1.04security BSD
tmux - A terminal multiplexer program3.5ashells BSD
tnef - A program for unpacking ms-tnef type MIME attachments1.4.12archiver GPL
tntdb - A C++ class library for database-independent database access1.2database LGPL
tntnet - A Web application server for C++2.1network GPL
tokenizers - Fast State-of-the-Art Tokenizers optimized for Research and Production0.21.1python APL
tokodon - A KDE Mastodon client24.12.3kde GPL
tolua++ - An extended version of tolua, a tool to integrate C/C++ code with Lua1.0.93lua OpenSource
tomboy - A desktop note-taking application1.15.9gnome GPL
tomcat - A Servlet Container6.0.26java APL
tomlkit - Style preserving TOML library0.13.2python MIT
tomlplusplus - Header-only TOML config file parser and serializer for C++173.4.0develop MIT
toot - Mastodon cli & tui0.28.0contrib GPL3
topgit - A different patch queue manager0.19.14contrib GPL
toppler - A jump and run game1.1.6games GPL
tor - An anonymous Internet communication system0.4.8.15network BSD
torcs - A 3D racing cars simulator using OpenGL1.2.4games GPL
torsmo - Displays many system related stats0.18x11 BSD
totem - A simple movie player for the GNOME desktops43.1gnome GPL
totem-pl-parser - Simple GObject-based library to parse a host of playlist formats, as well as save those3.26.6gnome LGPL
tovid - (S)VCD and DVD authoring utilities0.35.2multimedia GPL
towitoko - Unix driver for Towitoko smartcard readers2.0.7security GPL
toybox - Stripped down utilities for embedded use0.8.12base BSD
tpb - ThinkPad Buttons0.6.4x86 GPL
tpm2-tools - Collection of libraries and API implementing the TCG and TSS Software Stack5.7security BSD
tpm2-tss - Collection of libraries and API implementing the TCG and TSS Software Stack4.1.3security BSD
tqdm - A Fast, Extensible Progress Bar for Python and CLI4.67.1python MIT MPL
trac - Trac bug and issue tracking system1.6develop OpenSource
trace-cmd - Iinteracts with Ftrace Linux kernel internal tracer3.3.1develop GPL
traceroute - Print the route packets take to network host2.1.6network OpenSource
trackballs - An arcade game similar to Marble Madness1.1.4games GPL
transcode - A video-stream processing tools1.1.5multimedia GPL
transconnect - Access to the internet through a HTTP proxy1.3-Betanetwork GPL
transfig - Tools for creating TeX documents with graphics3.2.5graphic OpenSource
transformers - State-of-the-art Machine Learning for Pytorch, TensorFlow, and JAX4.49.0python APL
transmission - Multi-platform BitTorrent client4.0.6network MIT
transset - X transparency test application1.0.4x11 OpenSource
trash-cli - Command line interface to the freedesktop.org trashcan0.24.5.26contrib GPL
tre - A lightweight POSIX compatible regexp library, supporting fuzzy matching0.8.0textproc GPL
tree - Tree-like list content of directories2.0.4base OpenSource
tree-sitter - An incremental parsing system for programming tools0.25.3develop MIT
trickle - A portable lightweight userspace bandwidth shaper1.06network BSD
tricorder - Automation the KISS way0.10.0contrib MIT
ts - Simple Unix batch system1.0.3contrib GPL
tsclient - Terminal server client for Windows Terminal Servers0.148network GPL
tse3 - A sequencer engine0.3.1audio GPL
tslib - A touchscreen library1.22contrib LGPL
tsocks - Transparent SOCKS Proxying Library1.8beta5network OpenSource
tt-kmod - Tenstorrent AI Kernel-Mode Driver1.31ai GPL
tty-proxy - Proxy used by the tty-share command for public facing sessions0.0.2contrib MIT
tumbler - A D-Bus thumbnailing service4.20.0xfce4 GPL
tunctl - Utility to create and manage persistent TUN/TAP interfaces1.5network GPL
turtlebeach-firmware - Turtle Beach Classic/Monterey/Tahiti DSP firmware1992firmware Free-to-use
tuxcursor - A XFree cursor theme with Tux0.4x11 GPL
tvtime - High quality television for Linux1.0.2multimedia GPL
twain-dsm - TWAIN Data Source Manager2.5.1graphic LGPL
tweeny - Modern C++ tweening library3.2.0contrib MIT
twin - A text-mode window manager and terminal emulator0.9.0shells GPL
twinkle - A SIP software phone1.10.3kde GPL
twisted - An event-based networking framework for Internet applications2.5.0network MIT
twm - Tab Window Manager for the X Window System1.0.12xorg OpenSource
twoftpd - Simple secure efficient FTP server1.43network GPL
twolame - An MPEG Audio Layer 2 encoder0.4.0audio LGPL
txr - Programming language for convenient data munging299contrib BSD
txt2man - Convert flat ASCII text to man page format1.7.1contrib GPL
txt2regex - RegEx Wizard0.9textproc GPL
txt2tags - A tool that converts text files to HTML, LaTeX, man page, and more2.5textproc GPL
typescript - A superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output5.8.2contrib APL
typespeed - A typing speed tester0.6.5games GPL
typogrify - Filters to enhance web typography2.0.7python BSD
tzdata - The zoneinfo database2025abase PublicDomain
u-boot - Universal Bootloader project2024.01boot GPL
uacme - Lightweight client for the RFC8555 ACMEv2 protocol1.7.2contrib GPL3 ISC MIT
uchardet - Encoding detector library ported from Mozilla0.0.8develop MPL
ucl - A portable lossless data compression library1.03archiver GPL
uclibc - A C library for embedded Linux systems1.0.49base LGPL
uclibc++ - A C++ standard library focused on space0.2.5base LGPL
ucommon - C++ threading for embedded applications7.0.0develop GPL
ucpp - C preprocessor which is embeddable, quick, light and C99 compliant1.3.5contrib BSD
ucspi-tcp - Command-line tools for building TCP client-server applications0.88network GPL
ucspi-unix - UNIX-domain socket client-server command-line tools1.0network GPL
ucview - A video image capture and recording application0.3multimedia GPL
udev - A Userspace Implementation for dynamic /dev nodes257.4filesystem GPL
udftools - Filesystem utilities for UDF2.3filesystem GPL
udhcp - Micro DHCP Server/Client Package0.9.x-9568network GPL
udiskie - Udisks2 frontend that allows managing removable media from userspace2.5.7contrib MIT
udisks - Daemon, tools and libraries to access and manipulate storage devices2.10.1gnome LGPL
udpcast - Port of UDPcast file transfer tool20250223contrib GPL BSD
uefitool - UEFI firmware image viewer and editorA68firmware BSD
ufraw - A utility for converting and manipulating raw images from digital cameras0.22graphic GPL
ufw - An uncomplicated cli firewall frontend0.36.2security GPL3
uget - UGet is a GTK Open Source download manager application2.2.1network GPL
ugrep - Ultra fast grep with interactive TUI, fuzzy search, boolean queries7.3.0textproc GPL
uhttpmock - HTTP web service mocking library0.11.0contrib LGPL
uhubctl - Utility to control USB power per-port on smart USB hubs2.6.0base GPL
uif2iso - A converter for the UIF CD/DVD image format0.1.7cfilesystem GPL
uim - A multilingual input method framework1.8.6textproc BSD
uisp - Atmel AVR In-System Programmer20050207develop GPL
umbrello - UML modeler and UML diagram tool24.12.3kde GPL
umix - An advanced program for adjusting soundcard mixers1.0.2audio GPL
umkalang - Statically typed embeddable scripting language1.5.2develop BSD
uml_utilities - Utilities for user-mode linux kernel20060216base GPL
umoci - Umoci modifies Open Container images0.4.7contrib APL
umockdev - Mock hardware devices for creating unit tests and bug reporting0.19.1contrib LGPL
unblob - Extract files from any kind of container formats25.1.8develop MIT
unblob-native - Performance-critical functionality for Unblob0.1.6python MIT
unbound - Unbound is a validating, recursive, and caching DNS resolver1.22.0contrib BSD
unclutter - A small tool that hides the X cursor after a period of inactivity8x11 PublicDomain
uncrustify - A source code beautifier for C, C++, C#, D, and Java0.80.1develop GPL
unfs3 - A user-space implementation of an NFSv3 server0.9.22filesystem BSD
uni2ascii - A tool that converts between Unicode and various ASCII representations4.20textproc GPL
unicap - A video capture library0.9.12multimedia GPL
uniconvertor - A universal vector graphics translator1.1.3graphic LGPL
unicorn - Lightweight, multi-platform, multi-architecture CPU emulator framework2.1.3develop GPL
unifdef - Selectively remove C preprocessor conditionals2.12develop BSD
unison - Bidirectional backup/sync tool2.53.2filesystem GPL
unit - NGINX Unit is a dynamic web application server1.34.2contrib APL
units - Unit conversion program2.24base GPL
unixodbc - The definitive standard for ODBC on non MS Windows platforms2.3.12database LGPL
unpaper - A tool to enhance scanned book page images6.1graphic GPL
unrar - Extract, test and view RAR archives7.1.5archiver Free-to-use
unreal-ircd - Internet Relay Chat Daemon3.2network GPL
unshield - A program to extract InstallShield cabinet files1.5.1archiver MIT
unudhcpd - Extremely basic DHCP server that only issues 1 IP address to any client0.2.1contrib GPL3
unwind - A portable and efficient library to determine the call-chain1.8.1develop MIT
unzip - PKUNZIP compatible compression utility60archiver OpenSource
upn - Reverse polish notation expr like tool1.5scientific GPL
upower - An abstraction for enumerating power devices1.90.4gnome GPL
upstart - An event-based init system0.3.11init GPL
upx - Powerful executable packer3.08archiver GPL
uranium - A Python framework for building Desktop applications5.10.0contrib LGPL3
uriparser - An RFC 3986 URI parsing library0.9.8www BSD
urlgrabber - Python module for downloading files4.0.0python LGPL
urlscan - Mutt and terminal url selector0.9.10contrib GPL
urlview - A program for extracting URLs from text files0.9contrib GPL
urwid - A console user interface library for Python2.6.14develop LGPL
usb-modeswitch - A mode switching tool for controlling 'multi-mode' USB devices2.6.1network GPL
usbmuxd - A socket daemon to multiplex connections from and to iOS devices1.1.1filesystem GPL
usbredir - USB network redirection protocol libraries0.15.0contrib GPL LGPL
usbutils - Linux USB Utilities007base GPL
ustl - A size-optimized STL implementation1.0develop MIT
utf8proc - UTF-8 library2.7.0textproc BSD
utfcpp - UTF-8 with C++ in a Portable Way4.0.6develop BSL
utftpd - Tftpd daemon with finer grained access control0.2.4network GPL
uthash - C macros for hash tables and more2.3.0contrib OpenSource
util-linux - Miscellaneous system utilities for Linux2.40.4base GPL
util-vserver - Original tools to manage VServer virtual servers0.30.215security GPL
utmps - A secure utmp/wtmp implementation0.1.2.3contrib ISC
uucp - Unix to Unix copy1.07network GPL
uudeview - A powerful decoder for binary files0.5.20textproc GPL
uutils-coreutils - Cross-platform Rust rewrite of the GNU coreutils0.0.30contrib MIT
uxn - A personal computing stack based on a small virtual machine30ac4bdemulators MIT
uzbl - The uzbl web interface tools2010.05.08www OpenSource
vala - A compiler for the GObject type system0.56.18develop LGPL
valgrind - A memory debugger and profiler3.24.0develop GPL
validator - A syntax checker for HTML and XHTML documents1.3.4.14network OpenSource
valknut - Direct Connect Filesharing Client0.4.9network GPL
vamp-sdk - Framework for audio analysis and feature extraction2.10.0contrib BSD
vamps - Fast MPEG requantiser for Linux0.99.2multimedia GPL
vanessa_logger - Logging library0.0.10contrib LGPL
vanessa_socket - User space TCP/IP pipe0.0.13contrib LGPL
vazaar - A GNOME document organizer0.2.6agnome GPL
vbetool - A tool to run real-mode video BIOS code to alter hardware state1.1attic GPL
vbindiff - A visual binary diff3.0_beta5develop GPL
vblade - Export data via ATA over Ethernet25network GPL
vcdimager - Full-featured mastering suite for (Super) Video CDs2.0.1filesystem GPL
vcstool - A command line tool designed to make working with multiple repositories easier0.3.0contrib APL
vdesk - Vdesk is a virtual desktop manager1.2contrib MIT
vdr - A powerful DVB TV application1.7.5vdr GPL
vdr-autosort - VDR Plugin: auto sort channels list0.0.10vdr GPL
vdr-bitstreamout - VDR Plugin: play ac3 sound over SPDIF-port of an alsa-compatible soundcard0.89cvdr GPL
vdr-cdda - VDR Plugin: CD Digital Audio0.1.0vdr GPL
vdr-digicam - VDR Plugin: display and manage digital camera photos1.0.2vdr GPL
vdr-dvd - VDR Plugin: DVD Player2009-04-30vdr GPL
vdr-dxr3 - VDR Plugin: DXR3 decoder card as output device0.2.6vdr GPL
vdr-epgsearch - VDR Plugin: advanced program guide search tool1.0.0vdr GPL
vdr-femon - VDR Plugin: frontend status monitor1.7.1vdr GPL
vdr-graphlcd - VDR Plugin: control a graphical lc display0.1.2-pre6vdr GPL
vdr-image - VDR Plugin: display pictures and digital image0.3.0vdr GPL
vdr-iptv - VDR Plugin: IPTV0.3.0vdr GPL
vdr-mplayer - VDR Plugin: play audio and video files using external mplayer0.10.2vdr GPL
vdr-osdpip - VDR Plugin: OSD picture-in-picture0.0.8vdr GPL
vdr-osdteletext - VDR Plugin: decode and display teletext pages0.5.1vdr GPL
vdr-pcd - VDR Plugin: Photo CD0.9vdr GPL
vdr-pin - VDR Plugin: password protection for channels and recordings0.1.13vdr GPL
vdr-premiereepg - VDR Plugin: parses the extended EPG data0.2.0vdr GPL
vdr-remote - VDR Plugin: remote control0.7.0vdr GPL
vdr-softdevice - VDR Plugin: softdevice0.5.0vdr GPL
vdr-streamdev - VDR Plugin: video streaming server and clientcvs-220409vdr GPL
vdr-text2skin - VDR Plugin: text2skin2009-04-30vdr GPL
vdr-vcd - VDR Plugin: VideoCD0.9vdr GPL
vdr-xine - VDR Plugin: software playback using xine output0.9.3vdr GPL
vdrskin-deepblue - VDR Skin: DeepBlue0.1.4vdr GPL
vdrskin-egalstry - VDR Skin: EgalsTry1.0.4vdr GPL
vdrskin-enelchi - VDR Skin: enElchi0.7.2vdr GPL
vdrskin-enigma - VDR Skin: Enigma0.3vdr GPL
vdrskin-lightblue16 - VDR Skin: Lightblue-16CVS-20051015vdr GPL
vdrskin-soppalusikka - VDR Skin: Soppalusikka1.6.4vdr GPL
venv - Lua Virtual Environment1.1lua OpenSource
verbosesecurity - A product that reveals the reasons for denied security access in Zope0.6zope OpenSource
verovio - Music notation engraving for MEI with MusicXML and Humdrum support5.1.0contrib LGPL3
vhd2vl - Translate synthesizable VHDL into Verilogbbe3198develop GPL
vice - The Versatile Commodore Emulator3.9emulators GPL
vidix - Video Interface for *niX1.0.0contrib GPL
vidstab - Video stabilization library1.1.1contrib GPL
viewnior - A tiny simple gtk image viewer1.8graphic GPL
viewres - A graphical class browser for Xt1.0.7xorg OpenSource
viewvc - A Web-based Subversion and CVS repository browser1.1.26develop BSD
vifm - Ncurses vi-like file manager0.13contrib GPL
vigra - A computer vision library1-12-1graphic MIT
viking - A GPS data editor and topo viewer1.8gnome GPL
vim - Vi IMproved9.1.0707editors OpenSource
vimiv - An image viewer with vim-like keybindings0.9.1contrib GPL3
vino - An integrated VNC server for GNOME3.22.0gnome GPL
vips - VIPS is an image processing suite designed for large images and colorimetry7.10.21graphic GPL
virglrenderer - A research project to creating a virtual 3D GPU1.1.0xorg MIT
virt-manager - A graphical tool for managing virtual machines via the libvirt library5.0.0emulators GPL
virt-viewer - A lightweight UI interface of virtualized guest OS11.0emulators GPL
virt-what - Detect if we are running in a virtual machine1.27contrib GPL
virtiofsd - A virtio-fs vhost-user device daemon written in Rust1.13.1emulators BSD
virtualbox - A general-purpose full virtualizer for x86 hardware7.1.4emulators GPL
vit - Lightweight, fast, curses-based front end to Taskwarrior2.3.3contrib MIT
vkbasalt - A vulkan post processing layer for linux0.3.2.10develop ZLIB
vkbasalt-cli - Command-line utility for vkBasalt3.1.1contrib GPL3
vkd3d - Direct3D 12 to Vulkan translation library1.15contrib LGPL
vkquake - Vulkan Quake port based on QuakeSpasm1.32.1games GPL
vlan - An implementation of the 802.1Q VLAN protocol for Linux1.9network GPL
vlang - Modern Compiled Programming Language0.4.9-36154b8develop MIT
vlc - The cross-platform media player and streaming3.0.21multimedia GPL
vlock - Virtual console locker1.4base GPL
vls - VideoLAN Server0.5.6attic GPL
vmailmgr - Simple virtualizing for qmail0.97mail GPL
vmware - A virtual x86 PC6.0.5emulators Commercial
vnc - Virtual Network Computing2x11 GPL
vnstat - Console-based network traffic monitor2.13contrib GPL
vnuml - Virtualization tool designed to test complex network simulation scenarios1.6.4-1network GPL
vo-aacenc - VisualOn AAC encoder from Android0.1.3contrib APL
vo-amrwbenc - VisualOn AMR-WB encoder from Android0.1.3contrib APL
vobcopy - Rips DVD .vob files to harddisk, with decrypting1.2.0multimedia GPL
voiceone - Web based interface for the Asterisk PBX0_3_1network GPL
volatility - Volatile memory forensics toolkit2.6.1contrib GPL
volk - Meta loader for Vulkan API1.3.295develop MIT
volume_key - Library for volume encryption keys0.3.12contrib GPL
vorbis-tools - Lossy audio compression tools using the ogg-vorbis algorithms1.4.2audio GPL
vorbisgain - A utility that computes the ReplayGain values for Ogg Vorbis files0.37contrib GPL
voronoi - A pattern generation GIMP plugin2.2graphic GPL
vortexge - A software 3D renderer with audio support0.6.7-1multimedia GPL
vpn-slice - Vpnc-script replacement for easy and secure split-tunnel VPN setup0.16.1contrib GPL3
vpnc - Client for Cisco VPN3000 Concentrator, IOS and PIX0.5.3security GPL
vserver - Virtual private servers and security contexts2. GPL
vsftpd - A secure, extremely fast and stable FTP server3.5.0network GPL
vstserver - A VST Server0.3.1attic LGPL
vte - Virtual Terminal Emulator library0.80.0gnome LGPL
vtebench - Terminal benchmarks0.3-ead8003contrib APL
vtk - The Visualization Tool Kit9.4.1scientific BSD
vtoo - A terminal I/O library similar in some respects to curses0.83develop BSD
vtun - VTun provides a method for creating Virtual Tunnels over TCP/IP networks3.0.4network GPL
vulkan-headers - Official Khronos Vulkan headers1.4.309.0develop OpenSource
vulkan-loader - Official ICD loader and validation layers for Vulkan1.4.309.0develop OpenSource
vulkan-tools - Vulkan Utilities and Tools1.4.309.0develop APL
vulkan-utility-libraries - Utility libraries for Vulkan developers1.4.309.0develop APL
vulkan-validation-layers - Vulkan Validation Layers (VVL)1.4.309.0develop APL
vx32 - Portable, efficient, safe execution of untrusted x86 code0.12x86 LGPL
w32api - Header and library interface definitions for win32 development3.13mingw Free-to-use
w32codec - The dlls needed by libavifile and mplayer20071007multimedia Commercial
w3m - WWW capable pager0.5.3www Free-to-use
w_scan2 - Universal ATSC and DVB blind scanner1.0.14contrib GPL
wacomtablet - KDE Wacom support6.3.3kde GPL
wait4ports - A small utility to wait for network peer availability0.3.3contrib MPL
wakkabox - A puzzle game1.1.0games GPL
wasi-compiler-rt - Compiler runtime libraries20.1.0develop BSD
wasi-libc - A libc for WebAssembly programs built on top of WASI system calls25develop APL MIT
wasi-libcxx - C++ Standard Library20.1.0develop BSD MIT
wasmer - Run any code on any client5.0.4develop APL
watchdog - A software watchdog daemon5.16contrib GPL
watchmate - PineTime companion app0.5.3contrib GPL3
wavemon - A ncurses-based monitoring application for wireless devices0.9.6network GPL
wavpack - Audio compression format with lossless, lossy, and hybrid compression modes5.8.1contrib BSD
wavplay - A simple commandline wav file player2.0audio GPL
waybar - Highly customizable Wayland bar0.12.0wayland MIT
waydroid - A container-based approach to boot a full Android system on a regular Linux system1.5.0contrib GPL3
wayfire - A modular and extensible wayland compositor0.9.0wayland MIT
wayfire-plugins-extra - Additional plugins for Wayfire0.9.0wayland MIT
wayland - A simpler replacement for X1.23.1wayland OpenSource
wayland-protocols - A simpler replacement for X1.41wayland OpenSource
wayland-utils - A simpler replacement for X Utilities1.2.0wayland OpenSource
waypipe - Proxy for Wayland clients0.9.1wayland MIT
wayvnc - A VNC server for wlroots based Wayland compositors0.8.0wayland MIT
wcm - Wayfire Config Manager0.9.0wayland MIT
wcp - A super fast file copy thing57c5e64base MIT
wdat - DAT read/write program for linux0.02audio GPL
wdiff - The 'word diff'1.2.2develop GPL
wdisplays - GUI screen configurator for wlroots compositors1.1.1wayland GPL3
webalizer - A fast and free web server log file analysis program2.23-08network GPL
webcdwriter - A tool for network CD/DVD writing2.8.2www GPL
webhook - Lightweight configurable webhooks server2.8.2contrib MIT
webkit - Web browser enginer70732www LGPL
webkitgtk - A full-featured port of the WebKit rendering engine2.48.0gnome LGPL
webkitgtk41 - A full-featured port of the WebKit rendering engine2.46.5gnome LGPL
webmin - A web-based interface for system administration for Unix2.302network BSD
webrtc-audio-processing - AudioProcessing module from the WebRTC project0.3.1contrib OpenSource
webrtc-audio-processing-1 - AudioProcessing module from the WebRTC project1.3contrib OpenSource
weechat-matrix - WeeChat Matrix protocol script0.3.0_git20220304contrib MIT
wesnoth - A turn-based fantasy strategy game1.18.3games GPL
weston - A reference implementation of a Weston compositor14.0.1wayland OpenSource
wev - Wayland event viewer1.0.0wayland OpenSource
wf-config - Configuration file management written for wayfire0.9.0wayland MIT
wf-shell - A GTK3-based panel for wayfire0.9.0wayland MIT
wget - A non-interactive network retriever1.25.0network GPL
whisper-cpp - Automatic speech recognition1.7.4contrib MIT
whois - RFC-812 database - Whois - database access5.5.15network GPL
wicd - Wired and wireless network manager1.7.0network GPL
wideangle - A GIMP plugin for lens distortion correction1.0.10graphic GPL
wildcat - 3Dlabs Wildcat Realizm Driver for Linux2.0.1-05x11 Free-to-use
windowmaker - The X11 windowmanager for the GNU-Step environment0.96.0x11 GPL
wine - A compatibility layer for running Windows applications10.3emulators LGPL
wine-mono - A .NET replacement for use by Wine7.4.1contrib OpenSource
winetricks - Winetricks is an easy way to work around problems in Wine20250102contrib LGPL
wings3d - A subdivision modeler inspired by Nendo and Mirai from Izware2.4.1graphic OpenSource
wipe - A tool that offers secure deletion of files from magnetic media2.3.1security GPL
wireguard - An extremely simple yet fast and modern VPN1.0.20210914network GPL
wireless-tools - Configuration tools for Linux wireless networking29network GPL
wireplumber - Session / policy manager implementation for PipeWire0.5.8multimedia LGPL
wireshark - A network protocol analyzer4.4.5network GPL
wiringx - Modular approach to several GPIO interfaces0_git20191126contrib MPL
witchery - Build distroless images with Alpine tools0.0.3contrib ISC
wl-clipboard - Wayland clipboard utilities2.2.1wayland GPL
wl-clipboard-x11 - A wrapper to use wl-clipboard as a drop-in replacement to X11 clipboard tools5contrib GPL3
wlrobs - An obs plugin to screen capture on wlroots based compositors1.1multimedia GPL3
wlroots - A modular Wayland compositor library0.18.1wayland MIT
wmacpi - A windowmanager dockapp that shows the battery status using acpi2.1x11 GPL
wmbatteries - A windowmanager dockapp that shows the battery status using acpi0.1.3x11 GPL
wmclockmon - A windowmanager dockapp that shows a nice digital clock0.8.1x11 GPL
wmcpuload - A windowmanager dockapp which monitors the CPU load1.1.1x11 GPL
wmctrl - Command line tool to interact with Window Managers1.07x11 GPL
wmdiskmon - A windowmanager dockapp that monitors the disk usage0.0.2x11 GPL
wmenu - A generic menu for wlroots which retains dmenu look0.1.9wayland MIT
wmii - A dynamic window manager3.6x11 MIT
wmint - A simple dockable Interrupts Monitor for WindowMaker0.9x11 GPL
wmmemmon - A windowmanager dockapp which monitors the memory/swap usage1.0.1x11 GPL
wmnetload - A windowmanager dockapp which monitors network interfaces1.3x11 GPL
wmpal - A dockapp for the WindowMaker window manager0.6.1x11 GPL
wmx - A window manager for X based on wm28x11 GPL
wob - Lightweight overlay volume (or anything) bar for Wayland0.15.1wayland ISC
woff2 - Web Open Font Format 2 reference implementation1.0.2fonts MIT
wofi - A launcher/menu program for wlroots based wayland compositors1.4.1wayland GPL3
wol - Wake On LAN functionality in a small program0.7.1contrib GPL
wolfssl - Small, fast implementation of TLS/SSL for embedded devices to the cloud5.6.6security GPL
workbone - A text-mode cd player2.4audio GPL
worker - A file manager for X-Window on UNIX2.19.4x11 GPL
wpa_supplicant - An IEEE 802.11i supplicant implementation2.11network GPL
wpan-tools - Configure and test 802.15.4 devices0.9contrib ISC
wput - A command-line ftp upload utility0.6.2network GPL
wslay - The WebSocket library in C1.1.1contrib MIT
wu3-segments-ttf-fonts - Open source font based on the displays used on the U3 subway line in Vienna0.12fonts OpenSource
wv - Microsoft Word file access library1.2.9office GPL
wv2 - Microsoft Word file access library0.4.2office GPL
wvdial - An internet dialer1.60network LGPL
wvstreams - A C++ network communications layer for rapid application development4.6.1develop LGPL
wwwoffle - World Wide Web Offline Explorer2.9jnetwork GPL
wxmaxima - WxWidgets GUI for Maxima13.04.2scientific GPL
wxpython - WxWindows bindings for Python3.0.2.0python LGPL
wxpython24 - WxWindows bindings for Python2.4.2.4attic LGPL
wxsvg - SVG renderer for WxWidgets1.5.24develop LGPL
wxwidgets - A portable widget library3.2.7x11 LGPL
wxwidgets24 - A portable widget library2.4.2.4x11 LGPL
x-loader - TI OMAP second stage bootloader1.4.4.4-3boot OpenSource
x11perf - A X11 performance test tool1.6.1xorg OpenSource
x11vnc - Virtual Network Computing0.9.16x11 GPL
x264 - A free H.264 codec4613ac3cmultimedia GPL
x265 - A free H.265 codec4.1multimedia GPL
x2x - Control one X display from another1.27x11 BSD
x86info - Report x86 CPU details1.31x86 GPL
xa - A high-speed, two-pass portable cross-assembler2.4.1develop GPL
xalan-c - An XSLT processor1.12textproc APL
xanim - Multiformat animation/video/audio viewer for X2801multimedia Commercial
xaos - A real-time interactive fractal explorer3.4scientific GPL
xapian-bindings - Information retrieval library1.4.25develop GPL
xapian-core - Information retrieval library1.4.25develop GPL
xapian-omega - An extandable website search engine built upon Xapian1.4.25develop GPL
xapp - Cross-desktop libraries and common resources2.8.8cinnamon GPL
xar - An extensible archiver1.5.2archiver BSD
xaralx - A vector drawing and manipulation program0.7r1750graphic GPL
xarchive - A lightweight GTK2 frontend for archives0.2.8-6-i18narchiver GPL
xarchiver - A lightweight GTK2 frontend for archives0.5.4.24xfce4 GPL
xauth - X authority file utility1.1.4xorg OpenSource
xautolock - Automatically locks your X11 after a given time2.2x11 GPL
xaw3d - 3D Athena Widgets1.5x11 OpenSource
xawtv - X (athena widget set) TV (V4L) application3.95multimedia GPL
xbacklight - A command-line utility to set the backlight level via RandR OpenSource
xbiff - A mailbox flag for X1.0.5xorg OpenSource
xbindkeys - An events grabbing program for X windows1.8.2x11 GPL
xbitmaps - Bitmaps that are shared between X applications1.1.3xorg OpenSource
xblasttnt - XBlast TNT0.50games GPL
xboard - A GUI frontend to GNU chess4.9.1games GPL
xbomb - Minesweeper game with triangular, square and hexagonal grids2.2bgames GPL
xcalc - A scientific calculator for X1.1.2xorg OpenSource
xcb-imdkit - X input method support for XCB1.0.9contrib LGPL
xcb-proto - X C-language Bindings protocol headers1.17.0xorg OpenSource
xcb-util - A number of libxcb / libX11 extension / replacement libraries0.4.1xorg OpenSource
xcb-util-cursor - A number of libxcb cursor stuff0.1.5xorg OpenSource
xcb-util-errors - XCB utility library that gives human readable names1.0.1xorg OpenSource
xcb-util-image - A number of libxcb / libX11 extension / replacement libraries0.4.1xorg OpenSource
xcb-util-keysyms - A number of libxcb / libX11 extension / replacement libraries0.4.1xorg OpenSource
xcb-util-renderutils - A number of libxcb renderutils0.3.10xorg OpenSource
xcb-util-wm - A number of libxcb / libX11 extension / replacement libraries0.4.2xorg OpenSource
xcb-util-xrm - Utility functions for the X resource manager1.3xorg OpenSource
xcdroast - A cdrecord GUI1.19filesystem GPL
xchm - A portable viewer for Microsofts ITSS/CHM files1.23graphic GPL
xclip - A command line interface to the X11 clipboard0.13x11 GPL
xclipboard - X clipboard client1.1.5xorg OpenSource
xclock - An analog / digital clock for X1.1.1xorg OpenSource
xcmsdb - Device Color Characterization utility for X Color Management System1.0.7xorg OpenSource
xcompmgr - X Composition Manager1.1.10x11 OpenSource
xconq - A general strategy game system7.5.0games GPL
xconsole - Monitor system console messages with X1.1.0xorg OpenSource
xcur2png - Converter from X cursor to PNG image0.7.0x11 GPL
xcursor-themes - The default XCursor themes1.0.7xorg OpenSource
xcursorgen - X cursor file generator1.0.8xorg OpenSource
xdaf - Shows disk activity by animating the X11 cursorA.01.11.01x11 GPL
xdaliclock - A digital clock for the X Window System2.48x11 OpenSource
xdbedizzy - Demo of DBE creating a double buffered spinning scene1.1.0xorg OpenSource
xdelta - Manages delta-compressed storage1.1.4archiver GPL
xdelta3 - Open-source binary diff, delta/differential compression tools3.1.0archiver APL
xdg-dbus-proxy - Filtering proxy for D-Bus connections0.1.6contrib LGPL
xdg-desktop-portal - Xdg-desktop-portal frontend1.20.0wayland LGPL
xdg-desktop-portal-cosmic - xdg-desktop-portal-cosmicepoch-1.0.0-alpha.6cosmic GPL3
xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland - Xdg-desktop-portal backend for Hyprland1.3.9wayland BSD
xdg-desktop-portal-kde - Backend implementation for xdg-desktop-portal using Qt/KF6.3.3kde GPL
xdg-desktop-portal-wlr - Xdg-desktop-portal backend for wlroots0.7.1wayland MIT
xdg-user-dirs - A set of cli-tools for desktop integration0.18x11 GPL
xdg-utils - A set of cli-tools for desktop integration1.0.2x11 MIT
xdg-utils-cxx - Implementation of the FreeDesktop specifications to be used in c++1.0.1x11 MIT
xdg_puppy - Utilities to translate XDG specifications to window and tray managers0.7.7contrib GPL
xdialog - A utility for creating X11 dialog boxes2.3.1x11 GPL
xditview - Displays ditroff output1.0.7xorg OpenSource
xdm - A basic X display manager1.1.17xorg OpenSource
xdotool - X11 automation tool3.20211022.1x11 OpenSource
xdpyinfo - Display information utility for X1.3.4xorg OpenSource
xdriinfo - DRI information utility for X1.0.7xorg OpenSource
xdtv - XdTV is a software to watch, record and stream TV2.4.1cvs15multimedia GPL
xdu - A Disk Usage (DU) or other tree data display program3.0x11 OpenSource
xedit - A simple text editor for X1.2.4xorg OpenSource
xemacs - X11 (beta) version of Emacs21.5.35editors GPL
xemacs-packages - The XEmacs package collection2010-07-27editors Free-to-use
xen-tools - Xen hypervisor4.0.1base GPL
xenner - A utility to run paravirtualized Xen kernels in KVM0.48emulators GPL
xerces-c - A C++ XML parser3.3.0textproc APL
xev - Prints contents of X events1.2.6xorg OpenSource
xeyes - A follow the mouse X demo1.3.0xorg OpenSource
xf86-input-acecad - The Xorg driver for Acecad Flair devices1.5.0xorg OpenSource
xf86-input-aiptek - The Xorg driver for Aiptek USB digital tablets1.4.1xorg OpenSource
xf86-input-calcomp - The Xorg driver for Calcomp devices1.1.2xorg OpenSource
xf86-input-citron - A Xorg input driver for Citron Infrared Touch devices2.2.2xorg OpenSource
xf86-input-digitaledge - The Xorg driver for digitaledge devices1.1.1xorg OpenSource
xf86-input-dmc - The Xorg driver for DMC FIT10 controller1.1.2xorg OpenSource
xf86-input-dynapro - The Xorg driver for Dynapro1.1.2xorg OpenSource
xf86-input-elo2300 - The Xorg driver for ELO 23001.1.2xorg OpenSource
xf86-input-elographics - The Xorg driver for Elographics touchscreen devices1.4.4xorg OpenSource
xf86-input-evdev - Generic Xorg Linux input driver2.11.0xorg OpenSource
xf86-input-evtouch - Pointer device support for X using the Linux kernel 2.6 event interface0.8.8xorg MIT
xf86-input-fpit - The Xorg driver for Fujitsu Stylistic tablet PCs1.4.0xorg OpenSource
xf86-input-fujitouch - A touchscreen driver for Fujitsu P-Series laptops0.6.4xorg MIT
xf86-input-hyperpen - The Xorg driver for Hyperpens1.4.1xorg OpenSource
xf86-input-jamstudio - The Xorg driver for Jamstudio graphic tablets1.2.0xorg OpenSource
xf86-input-joystick - The Xorg driver for joysticks1.6.4xorg OpenSource
xf86-input-keyboard - The Xorg driver for keyboards2.0.0xorg OpenSource
xf86-input-libinput - The Xorg input driver using libinput1.5.0xorg OpenSource
xf86-input-magellan - The Xorg driver for Magellan 3D input devices1.2.0xorg OpenSource
xf86-input-magictouch - The Xorg driver for magictouch touchscreens1.0.0.5xorg OpenSource
xf86-input-microtouch - The Xorg driver for microtouch devices1.2.0xorg OpenSource
xf86-input-mouse - The Xorg mouse driver1.9.5xorg OpenSource
xf86-input-mtrack - A new multi-touch Xorg Linux input driver0.3.1xorg OpenSource
xf86-input-mutouch - The Xorg driver for microtouch devices1.3.0xorg OpenSource
xf86-input-palmax - The Xorg driver for Palmax (TR88L803) touchscreen1.2.0xorg OpenSource
xf86-input-penmount - The Xorg driver for penmount devices1.5.0xorg OpenSource
xf86-input-sample - The Xorg a sample input driver1.0.0xorg OpenSource
xf86-input-spaceorb - The Xorg driver for Spaceorb devices1.1.1xorg OpenSource
xf86-input-summa - The Xorg driver for Summagraphic tablet devices1.2.0xorg OpenSource
xf86-input-synaptics - A (alternate) Synaptics touchpad X driver1.10.0xorg OpenSource
xf86-input-tek4957 - The Xorg driver for Tektronix 4957 tablets1.2.0xorg OpenSource
xf86-input-ur98 - The Xorg driver for the UR98 (TR88L803) head tracker1.1.0xorg OpenSource
xf86-input-vmmouse - The Xorg driver for the VMWare virtual mouse13.2.0xorg OpenSource
xf86-input-void - The Xorg void input driver1.4.2xorg OpenSource
xf86-input-wacom - The Xorg wacom driver0.36.0xorg OpenSource
xf86-video-amdgpu - The Xorg driver for newer AMD Radeon video chips23.0.0xorg OpenSource
xf86-video-apm - The Xorg Alliance ProMotion video driver1.3.0xorg OpenSource
xf86-video-ark - The Xorg Ark Logic video driver0.7.6xorg OpenSource
xf86-video-ast - The Xorg ASPEED Technology video driver1.2.0xorg OpenSource
xf86-video-ati - The Xorg wrapper driver for ATi Radeon video chips22.0.0xorg OpenSource
xf86-video-chips - The Xorg Chips and Technologies video driver1.5.0xorg OpenSource
xf86-video-cirrus - The Xorg Cirrus Logic video driver1.6.0xorg OpenSource
xf86-video-dummy - The Xorg dummy video driver0.4.1xorg OpenSource
xf86-video-fbdev - The Xorg generic framebuffer video driver0.5.1xorg OpenSource
xf86-video-freedreno - X.Org driver for Adreno mobile GPUs1.4.0xorg OpenSource
xf86-video-geode - The Xorg driver for AMD Geode integrated video chips2.11.20xorg OpenSource
xf86-video-glide - The Xorg 3Dfx Glide/Voodoo video driver1.2.2xorg OpenSource
xf86-video-glint - The Xorg GLINT/Permedia video driver1.2.9xorg OpenSource
xf86-video-gma500 - Another Xorg driver for Intel GMA 500, Poulsbo integrated graphics11c2c93xorg OpenSource
xf86-video-i128 - The Xorg Number Nine i128 video driver1.4.1xorg OpenSource
xf86-video-i740 - The Xorg Intel i740 video driver1.4.0xorg OpenSource
xf86-video-impact - X.org video driver for Sgi Impact boards0.2.0-9ff8dafxorg OpenSource
xf86-video-imstt - The Xorg Integrated Micro Solutions Twin Turbo video driver1.1.0xorg OpenSource
xf86-video-intel - The Xorg driver for Intel video chipsb74b67f0xorg OpenSource
xf86-video-mach64 - The Xorg driver for ATi Mach64 video chips6.10.0xorg OpenSource
xf86-video-mga - The Xorg Matrox video driver2.1.0xorg OpenSource
xf86-video-neomagic - The Xorg Neomagic video driver1.3.1xorg OpenSource
xf86-video-newport - The Xorg Sgi Indy newport video driver0.2.4xorg OpenSource
xf86-video-nouveau - The new Xorg driver for nVidia video chips1.0.18xorg OpenSource
xf86-video-nv - The Xorg driver for nVidia video chips2.1.22xorg OpenSource
xf86-video-openchrome - The alternative Xorg Via video driver0.6.225xorg OpenSource
xf86-video-opentegra - Open-source X.Org video driver for NVIDIA Tegra0.7.0xorg OpenSource
xf86-video-ps3 - An accelerated X.org video driver for Sony's PlayStation 3 RSX74a1894xorg OpenSource
xf86-video-psb - The Xorg driver for Intel GMA 500, Poulsbo integrated graphics0.36.0xorg OpenSource
xf86-video-qxl - Xorg video driver for the QEMU QXL video accelerator0.1.6xorg OpenSource
xf86-video-r128 - The Xorg driver for ATi Rage 128 video chips6.13.0xorg OpenSource
xf86-video-rendition - The Xorg driver for Rendition/Micron based video cards4.2.7xorg OpenSource
xf86-video-s3 - The Xorg video driver for classic S3 chips0.7.0xorg OpenSource
xf86-video-s3virge - The Xorg driver for S3 ViRGE based video cards1.11.1xorg OpenSource
xf86-video-savage - The Xorg driver for S3 Savage family video accelerator chips2.4.1xorg OpenSource
xf86-video-siliconmotion - The Xorg Silicon Motion video driver1.7.10xorg OpenSource
xf86-video-sis - The Xorg SiS and XGI video driver0.12.0-cc2f4d68xorg OpenSource
xf86-video-sisusb - The Xorg SiS USB video driver0.9.7xorg OpenSource
xf86-video-sunbw2 - The Xorg driver for Sun BW2 video cards1.1.0xorg OpenSource
xf86-video-suncg14 - The Xorg driver for Sun CG14 video cards1.2.0xorg OpenSource
xf86-video-suncg3 - The Xorg driver for Sun CG3 video cards1.1.2xorg OpenSource
xf86-video-suncg6 - The Xorg driver for Sun CG6 video cards1.1.2xorg OpenSource
xf86-video-sunffb - The Xorg driver for Sun FFB video cards1.2.3xorg OpenSource
xf86-video-sunleo - The Xorg driver for Sun LEO video cards1.2.3xorg OpenSource
xf86-video-suntcx - The Xorg driver for Sun TCX video cards1.1.2xorg OpenSource
xf86-video-tdfx - The Xorg 3Dfx video driver1.5.0xorg OpenSource
xf86-video-tga - The Xorg driver for DEC TGA graphics adapters1.2.2xorg OpenSource
xf86-video-trident - The Xorg Trident video driver1.4.0xorg OpenSource
xf86-video-tseng - The Xorg Tseng Labs video driver1.2.5xorg OpenSource
xf86-video-v4l - The Xorg V4L video driver0.3.0xorg OpenSource
xf86-video-vermilion - The Xorg driver for Intel vermilion chips1.0.1xorg OpenSource
xf86-video-vesa - The Xorg generic VESA video driver2.6.0xorg OpenSource
xf86-video-vmware - The Xorg driver for VMWare Guest OS based video13.4.0xorg OpenSource
xf86-video-voodoo - The Xorg Voodoo 1 and Voodoo 2 series video driver1.2.6xorg OpenSource
xf86-video-xgi - The Xorg driver for XGI video chips1.6.1-c904d2e1xorg OpenSource
xf86-video-xgixp - The Xorg driver for XGI XP video chips1.8.1-67d5494cxorg OpenSource
xf86dga - A test program for the XFree86-DGA extension1.0.3xorg OpenSource
xfburn - A simple CD burning tool for Xfce0.7.2xfce4 GPL
xfce4-appfinder - Application finder for the Xfce Desktop Environment4.20.0xfce4 GPL
xfce4-battery-plugin - Battery monitor panel plugin for Xfce41.1.6xfce4 BSD
xfce4-calculator-plugin - Calculator plugin for the Xfce4 panel0.7.3xfce4 GPL
xfce4-clipman-plugin - A XFCE clipboard manager panel plugin1.6.7xfce4 BSD
xfce4-cpufreq-plugin - CPU Frequency Information Plugin1.2.9xfce4 GPL
xfce4-cpugraph-plugin - A very complete systemload plugin for the Xfce panel1.2.11xfce4 GPL
xfce4-datetime-plugin - A XFCE date/calendar panel plugin0.8.3xfce4 BSD
xfce4-dev-tools - Tools and macros to build Xfce from Git4.20.0xfce4 GPL
xfce4-dict-plugin - A XFCE panel plugin to query an online dictionary0.8.8xfce4 BSD
xfce4-diskperf-plugin - A XFCE disk performance panel plugin2.7.1xfce4 BSD
xfce4-docklike-plugin - Alternative minimalist taskbar for Xfce0.4.3xfce4 GPL
xfce4-eyes-plugin - A XFCE eyes panel plugin4.6.2xfce4 BSD
xfce4-fsguard-plugin - A XFCE panel plugin to check the chosen mountpoint for free disk space1.1.4xfce4 BSD
xfce4-genmon-plugin - Generic monitor plugin for Xfce4.2.1xfce4 GPL
xfce4-greybird-theme - Desktop Theme Suite for Xfce3.23.4xfce4 GPL
xfce4-mixer - Volume control plugin for Xfce 4 panel and a simple mixer4.18.2xfce4 BSD
xfce4-netload-plugin - Network interfaces load monitor plugin for Xfce41.4.2xfce4 BSD
xfce4-notes-plugin - A plugin for the Xfce panel to add sticky notes for your desktop1.11.2xfce4 GPL
xfce4-notifyd - A Xfce notification-daemon0.9.7xfce4 GPL
xfce4-panel - Next generation panel for xfce4.20.3xfce4 GPL
xfce4-panel-profiles - Simple application to manage Xfce panel layouts1.0.15xfce4 GPL3
xfce4-places-plugin - A XFCE file browser launcher panel plugin1.8.4xfce4 GPL
xfce4-power-manager - This software is a power manager for the Xfce desktop4.20.0xfce4 LGPL
xfce4-quicklauncher-plugin - A XFCE date/calendar panel plugin1.9.4xfce4 BSD
xfce4-radio-plugin - A XFCE panel plugin to control your V4l radio device0.5.1xfce4 BSD
xfce4-screensaver - Screensaver for the Xfce Desktop Environment4.18.4xfce4 LGPL
xfce4-screenshooter-plugin - A screenshot Xfce4 panel plugin1.11.1xfce4 BSD
xfce4-sensors-plugin - A hardware sensors plugin for the Xfce panel1.4.5xfce4 GPL
xfce4-session - Session manager for the Xfce Desktop Environment4.20.0xfce4 GPL
xfce4-settings - Xfce configuration daemon and utilities4.20.1xfce4 LGPL
xfce4-systemload-plugin - System load monitor panel plugin for Xfce41.3.3xfce4 BSD
xfce4-taskmanager - A task manager for the Xfce desktop1.5.8xfce4 GPL
xfce4-terminal - Modern terminal emulator primarly for Xfce1.1.4xfce4 GPL
xfce4-timer-plugin - A XFCE time alarm panel plugin1.7.3xfce4 BSD
xfce4-verve-plugin - Commandline plugin for Xfce2.0.4xfce4 GPL
xfce4-volumed-pulse - Volume manager for the Xfce Desktop Environment0.2xfce4 GPL
xfce4-wavelan-plugin - Wireless lan interface monitor panel plugin for Xfce40.6.4xfce4 BSD
xfce4-weather-plugin - Weather condition panel plugin for Xfce40.11.3xfce4 BSD
xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin - Alternative Xfce Menu2.9.2xfce4 GPL
xfce4-xkb-plugin - Xfce4 XKB Layout Switch panel plugin0.8.5xfce4 BSD
xfce4-xmms-plugin - A simple xmms plugin for the Xfce panel0.5.3xfce4 GPL
xfconf - Xfce configuration daemon and utilities4.20.0xfce4 LGPL
xfd - Displays all the characters in an X font1.1.4xorg OpenSource
xfdesktop - Desktop manager for the Xfce Desktop Environment4.20.1xfce4 GPL
xfdiff - Graphical diff4.5.0contrib GPL
xfe - A file manager for the X Window System2.0.1x11 GPL
xfig - An interactive drawing tool3.2.5graphic OpenSource
xfmedia - A simple and easy-to-use media player for Xfce0.9.2xfce4 GPL
xfmpc - Graphical Music Player Daemon0.3.2xfce4 GPL
xfontsel - Point and click selection of X11 font names1.1.1xorg OpenSource
xforms - A GUI toolkit based on Xlib for X Window Systems1.2.4x11 LGPL
xfprint - Print dialog and printer manager for Xfce 44.6.1xfce4 BSD
xfs - X font server1.2.2xorg OpenSource
xfsdump - Administrative utilities for the XFS filesystem3.1.6filesystem GPL
xfsinfo - X font server information utility1.0.7xorg OpenSource
xfsprogs - XFS filesystem utilities6.13.0filesystem GPL
xfwm4 - Next generation window manager for xfce4.20.0xfce4 GPL
xfwm4-themes - Additionnal themes for xfwm44.10.0xfce4 GPL
xfwp - X firewall proxy1.0.3xorg OpenSource
xgamma - Alter a monitor's gamma correction through the X server1.0.7xorg OpenSource
xgc - X graphics demo1.0.6xorg OpenSource
xhost - Server access control program for X1.0.10xorg OpenSource
xine-lib - A free Vide Player library1.2.11multimedia GPL
xine-ui - A free Video Player0.99.14multimedia GPL
xinetd - An alternative inet implementation2.3.15.4base Free-to-use
xinit - X Window System initializer1.4.4xorg OpenSource
xinput - A primitive command line interface to the Xinput extension1.6.4xorg OpenSource
xinput_calibrator - A generic touchscreen calibration program for X.Org0.7.5contrib MIT
xisxwayland - Detect if X is XWayland2contrib MIT
xjdic23 - Japanese - English Translater2.3dictionary GPL
xkb-switch - Query and change the XKB layout state1.8.5contrib GPL3
xkbcommon - A library to handle keyboard descriptions1.7.0xorg OpenSource
xkbcomp - Compiles XKB keyboard description1.4.7xorg OpenSource
xkbevd - XKB event daemon1.1.6xorg OpenSource
xkbprint - Prints an XKB keyboard description1.0.7xorg OpenSource
xkbutils - Some tiny XKB utilities1.0.6xorg OpenSource
xkcdpass - Generate secure multiword passwords/passphrases1.19.3contrib BSD
xkeyboard-config - X keyboard extension data files2.44xorg OpenSource
xkill - Kills a client by its X resource1.0.6xorg OpenSource
xli - An image display program for X created from xloadimage1.17.0x11 OpenSource
xload - System load average display for X1.2.0xorg OpenSource
xlockmore - A collection of screen-savers and -lockers for X5.81x11 BSD
xlogo - X Window System logo1.0.7xorg OpenSource
xlsatoms - List interned atoms defined on server1.1.4xorg OpenSource
xlsclients - List client applications running on a display1.1.5xorg OpenSource
xlsfonts - Server font list displayer for X1.0.8xorg OpenSource
xmag - Magnify parts of the X screen1.0.8xorg OpenSource
xman - Manual page display program for the X Window System1.2.0xorg OpenSource
xmds - EXtensible Multi-Dimensional Simulator1.6.6scientific GPL
xmessage - Displays a message or query in a window1.0.7xorg OpenSource
xmh - Send and read mail with an X interface to MH1.0.5xorg OpenSource
xml2rfc - Tool for converting XML documents into internet drafts and RFCs3.7.0contrib BSD
xmlada - The XML/Ada toolkit25.0.0ada GPL
xmlrpc-c - An RPC library for C and C++ based on XML and HTTP1-51.06network BSD
xmlsec - Implementation of XML Signature and XML Encryption standards1.3.7textproc MIT
xmlstarlet - A set of command line XML utilities1.6.1textproc MIT
xmlto - A front-end to an XSL toolchain0.0.29textproc GPL
xmltoman - Convert xml to man pages in groff format or html0.6contrib GPL
xmltv - Set of utilities to download tv listings and format them in xml1.3.0contrib GPL
xmms - X Mult-Media System1.2.11audio GPL
xmms-alarm - Alarm-clock plugin for XMMS0.3.7audio GPL
xmms-crossfade - A XMMS output plugin for crossfading and gapless output0.3.14audio GPL
xmms-infinity - XMMS visualization plugin0.6.1audio GPL
xmms-jack - XMMS output plugin to use Jack0.19audio GPL
xmms-nas - XMMS output plugin to use NAS0.2audio GPL
xmms-nebulus - An OpenGL/SDL visual plugin for MP3 players0.8.0audio GPL
xmms-winamp-x-theme - A nice replacement for the dark default XMMS skin1.01audio GPL
xmms2 - A redesign of the XMMS music player0.8DrO_oaudio GPL
xmodmap - A utility for modifying keymaps and pointer button mappings in X1.0.11xorg OpenSource
xmore - Plain text display program for the X Window System1.0.4xorg OpenSource
xmp - A player for various audio formats4.2.0audio GPL
xonsh - Python-powered, cross-platform, Unix-gazing shell0.19.3shells BSD
xorg-server - The Xorg X server21.1.16xorg OpenSource
xorg-util-macros - X.org autoconf utilities1.20.2xorg OpenSource
xorgproto - X.org protocol headers2024.1xorg OpenSource
xosd - Library for displaying shaped text2.2.14x11 GPL
xosview - Displays many system related stats2.3.3x11 GPL
xpdf - A X11 PDF viewer4.04graphic GPL
xplanet - Draws planets in a X11 window - similar to Xearth1.3.0x11 GPL
xplsprinters - Shows a list of Xprint printers and it's attributes1.0.1xorg OpenSource
xpp - X Printing Panel1.5printing GPL
xpr - Print an X window dump1.2.0xorg OpenSource
xprehashprinterlist - Recomputes the list of available printers1.0.1xorg OpenSource
xprintidle - Query X server for user's idle time and print it in stdout0.2.5contrib GPL
xprop - Property displayer for X1.2.8xorg OpenSource
xrandr - A primitive command line interface to RandR extension1.5.3xorg OpenSource
xrdb - X server resource database utility1.2.2xorg OpenSource
xrdp - Open source RDP server0.9.18.1contrib APL
xrefresh - Refresh all or part of an X screen1.1.0xorg OpenSource
xresprobe - Monitor resolution probe0.4.24ubuntu9contrib GPL
xrestop - Top like statistics of each connected X11 client's resource usage0.6xorg OpenSource
xrick - A clone of Rick Dangerous021212games GPL
xrx - A helper program to start remote applications1.0.4xorg OpenSource
xsane - A full SANE environment0.999graphic GPL
xscreensaver - A collection of screen-savers and -lockers for the X window system6.09x11 BSD
xset - User preference utility for X1.2.5xorg OpenSource
xsetmode - Set the mode for an X Input device1.0.0xorg OpenSource
xsetpointer - Set an X Input device as the main pointer1.0.1xorg OpenSource
xsetroot - Root window parameter setting utility for X1.1.3xorg OpenSource
xsimd - C++ wrappers for SIMD intrinsics and parallelized, optimized mathematical functions13.2.0contrib BSD
xskat - The Skat card game4.0-9games OpenSource
xsm - X Session Manager1.0.6xorg OpenSource
xsnow - A X-windows application that will let it snow on your desktop3.7.6x11 Free-to-use
xsoldier - A shoot em up game, X11-based1.8games GPL
xstdcmap - X standard colormap utility1.0.5xorg OpenSource
xsteak - A german english off-line dictionary1.7.3dictionary GPL
xstroke - A fullscreen gesture recognition program for X Windows0.6x11 GPL
xterm - A terminal emulator for the X Window System397x11 MIT
xtrans - Abstract network code for X1.6.0xorg OpenSource
xtrap - X Trap Library1.0.3xorg OpenSource
xtris - A multiplayer version of the classical game of Tetris1.15games GPL
xulrunner - Mozilla runtime package1.9.1.7develop MPL
xv - Interactive image display for the X Window System3.10ax11 Commercial
xva-img - Tool for converting XVA images1.5contrib GPL
xvattr - XVideo command line attribute control1.3x11 GPL
xvid - A high performance and high quality MPEG-4 video de-/encoding library1.3.7multimedia OpenSource
xvid4conf - Xvid4conf creates XviD configuration files1.12multimedia OpenSource
xvidcap - A small tool to capture things going on on an X-Windows display1.1.7multimedia GPL
xvidtune - Video mode tuner for Xorg1.0.4xorg OpenSource
xvinfo - Print out X-Video extension adaptor information1.1.5xorg OpenSource
xvkbd - A virtual keyboard for X3.7x11 GPL
xwayland - The Xorg Xwayland server24.1.6xorg OpenSource
xwd - Dumps an image of an X window1.0.9xorg OpenSource
xwininfo - Window information utility for X1.1.6xorg OpenSource
xwud - Image displayer for X1.0.7xorg OpenSource
xxhash - An extremely fast non-cryptographic hash algorithm0.8.3develop BSD
xyssl - A full featured cryptographic library0.9security LGPL
xz - XZ Utils5.6.4archiver OpenSource
xzgv - Gtk+ image viewer0.8graphic GPL
yabasic - Simple BASIC interpreter2.90.2contrib MIT
yabause - A Saturn emulator0.9.14emulators GPL
yaboot - An OpenFirmware bootloader for PowerPC1.3.17boot GPL
yad - A Gtk+ dialog tool12.3gnome GPL
yaf-splash - Pop up a window of text, auto-sized and centered on the screen1.02x11 GPL
yafray - A free raytracer written in C++3.5.1graphic LGPL
yajl - Yet Another JSON Library (YAJL)2.1.0-fee1ebedevelop ISC
yakuake - An alternative KDE terminal emulator24.12.3kde GPL
yambar - A lightweight and minimalistic Wayland and Xorg bar1.11.0wayland MIT
yaml-cpp - A YAML parser and emitter in C++0.8.0contrib MIT
yamllint - A linter for YAML files1.36.2contrib GPL3
yara - The pattern matching swiss knife4.5.2security BSD
yash - Yet another shell2.58.1shells GPL
yasm - A complete rewrite of the NASM assembler1.3.0x86 BSD
yazi - Terminal file manager25.3.2contrib MIT
ycalc - X11-based scientific calculator based on the Texas TI-59 calculator1.09.1-1x11 GPL
yelp - The GNOME Help Browser42.2gnome LGPL
yelp-tools - Gnome yelp-tools package42.1gnome LGPL
yelp-xsl - Gnome yelp-xsl package42.1gnome LGPL
yersinia - A framework for layer 2 attacks0.7.1security GPL
yle-dl - Download videos from Yle Areena20250126multimedia GPL3
yosys - Open Synthesis suite0.48develop ISC
you-get - Tiny command line utility to download media contents0.4.1620contrib MIT
youtube-dl - Cli program to dowload videos from youtube.com and other sites2025.02.19network PublicDomain
youtube-viewer - Lightweight YouTube client3.11.4contrib Artistic
yp-tools - NIS (YP) clients2.12network GPL
ypbind - A client for the network information system (NIS)3.3network GPL
ypserv - Simple network lookupservice consisting of databases and processes2.26network GPL
yq - A cli for YAML, JSON, XML, CSV, TOML and properties processor4.45.1textproc MIT
yubico-c - YubiKey C low-level library1.13contrib BSD
yubico-c-client - Yubico C client library2.15contrib BSD
yubico-piv-tool - PIV Tools for yubikey2.7.1contrib BSD
yubikey-manager - Python library and command line tool for configuring any YubiKey over all USB interfaces4.0.9contrib BSD
yudit - A free (Y)unicode text editor for all unices3.1.0editors GPL
yyjson - High performance JSON library written in ANSI C0.10.0contrib MIT
zabbix - An enterprise-class distributed monitoring solution5.4.12network GPL
zanshin - Getting Things Done application24.12.3kde GPL
zapping - A TV viewer application for the Gnome desktop0.9.6multimedia GPL
zaptel - Zapata Telephony Interface Drivers for Digium cards1.4.12.1network GPL
zathura - A highly customizable and functional document viewer0.5.11office ZLIB
zathura-cb - Plugin adds comic book support to zathura0.1.11office ZLIB
zathura-djvu - Plugin adds DjVu support to zathura by using the djvulibre library0.2.10office ZLIB
zathura-pdf-poppler - PDF support to zathura by using the poppler rendering engine0.3.3office ZLIB
zathura-ps - Plugin adds Postscript support to zathura by using libspectre0.2.8office ZLIB
zd1201-fw - Firmware files for ZyDAS 12010.14firmware Free-to-use
zdoom - Feature centric port for all Doom engine games2.8.1games GPL3
zebra - TCP/IP based routing protocol implementation0.95network GPL
zed - A high-performance, multiplayer code editor0.178.5editors AGPL GPL3
zeek - A powerful network analysis framework7.1.0security BSD
zef - Raku / Perl6 Module Management0.22.8raku Artistic
zenity - A Gtk+ dialog tool4.0.3gnome LGPL
zeroconf-ioslave - Network Monitor for DNS-SD services (Zeroconf)22.04.3kde GPL
zeroinstall - The Zero Install system0.1.27network GPL
zfs-fuse - Sun ZFS for FUSE on Linux0.6.0filesystem CDDL
zig - General-purpose programming language and toolchain0.14.0zig MIT
zile - Zile is Lossy Emacs2.6.4editors GPL
zip - PKZIP compatible compression and file packaging utility30archiver OpenSource
zipp - A pathlib-compatible Zipfile object wrapper3.21.0python MIT
zipper - A tool for inspecting the contents of a compressed archive and for extracting1.3gnustep GPL
ziproxy - A gzipping, Image compressing, forwarding HTTP Proxy3.3.2network GPL
zisofs-tools - Tools for ISO filesystems with transparent compression1.0.8filesystem GPL
zix - Lightweight C99 portability and data structure library0.6.2contrib ISC
zlib - A general purpose (ZIP) data compression library1.3.1archiver OpenSource
zlib-ng - A more modern zlib compression library2.2.4archiver OpenSource
zls - A Zig language serverb401aabzig MIT
zmusic - Music library for use in GZDoom1.1.14audio GPL
znc - Advanced IRC bouncer1.9.1contrib APL
znc-push - Push notification service module for ZNC2.0.0-devcontrib MIT
zope - Zope application server2.10.10zope OpenSource
zope3 - Zope application server3.4.1zope OpenSource
zopeinterface - Zope.interface package from Zope 34.0.5zope OpenSource
zopfli - Compression algorithm library1.0.3archiver APL
zoxide - A faster way to navigate your filesystem0.9.7shells MIT
zps - Utility for listing and reaping zombie processes2.0.0contrib GPL3
zrythm - A highly automated and intuitive digital audio workstation1.0.0-rc.2audio AGPL3
zsh - Z-Shell5.9shells GPL
zsnes - A Super Nintendo emulator151emulators GPL
zstd - Fast real-time compression algorithm1.5.7archiver BSD GPL
zsync - A file transfer program0.6.2network Artistic
zthread - A platform-independent, multi-threading and synchronization library for C++2.3.2develop MIT
zwiki - A powerful wiki engine for Zope0.61.0zope OpenSource
zxing-cpp - An multi-format linear/matrix barcode image processing library2.3.0graphic APL
zziplib - ZIP file access library0.13.78archiver GPL
zzz - Suspend or hibernate your computer0.2.0contrib MIT