T2 IRC Log: 2007-06-18

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--- Log opened Mon Jun 18 00:00:20 2007
00:16 -!- DeeKey [n=denis@84-50-16-45-dsl.kjj.estpak.ee] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]
00:46 -!- Fatal [i=fatal@debian.as] has joined #t2
01:25 -!- PAVLINUX [n=pavel@ppp85-140-188-252.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has joined #t2
01:25 < PAVLINUX> Hello World
01:26 < PAVLINUX> cleAR
01:26 < PAVLINUX> ?
01:28 -!- mtr_ [n=Michael@pD9E1310B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #t2
01:29 < PAVLINUX> Bug, when compiled glibc-2.6
01:29 < PAVLINUX> in glibc-2.6/csu/Makefile
01:29 < PAVLINUX> list
01:31 -!- yghor [n=yghor@] has left #t2 []
01:31 < PAVLINUX> Мля, тут кто есть
01:33 < PAVLINUX> .рудз
01:34 -!- PAVLINUX [n=pavel@ppp85-140-188-252.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has quit ["epic+tkirc2"]
01:36 -!- PAVLINUX [n=chatzill@ppp85-140-188-252.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has joined #t2
01:37 < PAVLINUX> Ay? piplы
01:40 < PAVLINUX> /msg NickServ set email pavlinux@ya.ru
01:40 < PAVLINUX> /msg nickserv set email pavlinux@ya.ru
01:41 < PAVLINUX> /msg nickserv set unfiltered on
01:42 < PAVLINUX> :)
01:45 -!- mtr [n=Michael@pD9E134C9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
01:45 -!- mtr_ is now known as mtr
01:46 < PAVLINUX> ?
01:46 < PAVLINUX> alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllo
01:46 -!- PAVLINUX [n=chatzill@ppp85-140-188-252.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has quit ["Chatzilla [SeaMonkey 1.1.2/2006110700]"]
01:46 -!- PAVLINUX [n=chatzill@ppp85-140-188-252.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has joined #t2
01:47 -!- PAVLINUX [n=chatzill@ppp85-140-188-252.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has quit [Client Quit]
02:02 -!- sparc-kly [n=mubex@adsl-64-237-248-184.prtc.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
02:03 -!- sparc-kly [n=mubex@adsl-64-237-247-160.prtc.net] has joined #t2
03:22 -!- kic- [n=kicstah@c-67-191-95-53.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has quit []
04:47 -!- pdinoto [n=pdinoto@host159.190-136-224.telecom.net.ar] has joined #t2
04:50 -!- sparc-kly_ [n=mubex@adsl-64-237-247-249.prtc.net] has joined #t2
04:52 -!- sparc-kly [n=mubex@adsl-64-237-247-160.prtc.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
05:31 -!- pdinoto [n=pdinoto@host159.190-136-224.telecom.net.ar] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
08:34 < mtr> moin
08:35 < CIA-9> susan * r24603 /trunk/package/network/bluez-hcidump/bluez-hcidump.desc: * updated bluez-hcidump (1.35 -> 1.36)
08:57 < CIA-9> susan * r24604 /trunk/package/gnome2/pidgin/pidgin.desc: * updated pidgin (2.0.1 -> 2.0.2)
09:11 < mtr> rxr: do we really need avr32 package overlay for uclibc? wouldn't it be sufficient to only add the platform specific patchsets?
09:17 < Fatal> hmm, during stage 0, package make dies and throws this: Created file outside basedir: /root/.bk/bk_keys
09:17 < Fatal> and I can't figure out why on earth it would be messing with my bitkeeper configs
09:21 < rxr> mtr: yes, but then I would need to factor them out, and we probably would loose binary compatibility with what Atmel ships so far
09:21 < rxr> hi mtr, Fatal, et al.
09:21 < CIA-9> susan * r24605 /trunk/package/emulators/wine/wine.desc: * updated wine (0.9.38 -> 0.9.39)
09:22 < rxr> mtr: and there are still some bugs in the avr32 toolchain, see the gzip mail on the list
09:23 < rxr> I rather would work this out with Atmel before we update the AVR32 uclibc
09:26 < rxr> mtr: btw. last afternoon / evening I fould around 80 more packages that just cross compile fine (for my ARM11 testcase)
09:27 < Fatal> argh, found a mailinglist post
09:27 < Fatal> > As bitkeeper is not used widely anymore, I don't think further action is
09:27 < Fatal> > required.
09:27 < Fatal> *gn*
09:27 < Fatal> thanks for nuked file :)
09:29 < Fatal> (ref: http://osdir.com/ml/t2.devel/2006-10/msg00118.html ) anyone has an idea as to what's going on? I can't uninstall bitkeeper as that's the scm we use at work
09:31 < rxr> Fatal: oh - good catch
09:32 < rxr> as I wrote at that time: Hm - nevertheless such stray buld issues are what could potentially annoy new
09:32 < rxr> users. I think it rather deserves a patch.
09:32 < rxr> I think make just tests SCCS for the fun of it
09:32 < rxr> can you just patch the check away from the configure ?
09:32 < rxr> and please, please submit a patch for this to the t2 list :-)
09:32 < Fatal> mm, noted that, trying to figure out how to
09:32 < Fatal> :)
09:33 < CIA-9> rene * r24606 /trunk/package/x86/powertop/powertop.desc: * updated powertop (1.6 -> 1.7)
09:33 < Fatal> on a related note, is non-root builds being worked on? or is it just at planning stage?
09:35 < rxr> planning stage
09:35 < rxr> all the packages installing files with special permissions and co does not make this too easy
09:36 < rxr> also a fake-like thing must work under BSDs, OS X and Cygwin likewise - as T2 is used by companies build there embedded products, and thus they often still run Windows these days :-(
09:36 < Fatal> mm, been doing that in a poor excuse for an enviroment with fakeroot for the time
09:36 < Fatal> ah
09:36 < Fatal> portability breaks the fun
09:38 < mtr> rxr: ok, I understand, so if it's necessary to stay at 0.9.28-avr version, I suggest to add an avr32 platform uclibc.conf
09:39 < rxr> yes, though this is some code duplication I was still thinking to tweak the mainline .conf to work for older and newer uclibc ...
09:39 < rxr> when this becomes too cumbersome I'll add a avr32 copy
09:40 < rxr> mtr: regarding the CROSS build rate, it now starts to become numbers where it makes sense to publish complete, cross built binary pools
09:40 < mtr> this breaks sooner or later again
09:40 < rxr> mtr: :-(
09:40 < Fatal> still can't make heads or tails of why that file gets clobberd during build, the test seems harmless enough
09:41 < mtr> it would be hard to keep .conf compatibility from .28 to 1.0.0 ...
09:41 < rxr> where these binary pools are output by the regression hunter on-the-fly, whith vast binary tarball pools for any architecture with all c-library combinations we support we could potentially attract many many people, especially when they look for some specific binary for say avr32, superh, blackfin or just ARM, MIPS et al.
09:42 < rxr> mtr: ok, you convinced me to save some time and future hassle, I
09:42 < rxr> 'll just copy it
09:42 < mtr> :)
09:42 < rxr> mtr: what do you think about these big binary pools ?
09:44 < Fatal> ah, it was the actual test that fried my file \o/
09:44 < Fatal> damn, I'm frying keys to left and right here :D
09:45 < mtr> I really like the idea of having such binary package repos, not only for the embedded platforms, for the desktop releases as well
09:46 < mtr> btw, last week someone here on IRC offered a VM on a IBM blade center to run build and regressions tests
09:46 < rxr> oh
09:47 < mtr> I told him that you already have some scripts & setups for regression tests, and it would be better to wait until your return from COmputext
09:47 < mtr> ;-)
09:47 < mtr> *Computex
09:49 < rxr> I know Tom Schwaller @ IBM, on the last Linux World Expo or so he also said some root partitions on some big boxes in their Lab are no problem :-)
09:49 < rxr> it really is amazing what stuff we can cross build, and this really also simplifies creating desktop CDs for aging platforms, such as the SPARCs here
09:50 < rxr> (well if Sun would donate a recent big box SPARC would be no problem either, but with the 360MHz box I have here this is not too much of a fun)
09:50 < rxr> too bad Sun wanted the T1000 back :-((
09:52 -!- tri [n=Richter@pd95b2df8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #t2
09:52 < tri> moin
09:53 < mtr> moin tri
09:53 < rxr> hi tri
09:53 < CIA-9> rene * r24607 / (20 files in 11 dirs):
09:53 < CIA-9> * fixed the 10 packages: eg, libiax, liblzf, muttprint, libdvb, flite,
09:53 < CIA-9> xinetd, libsdl, freeimage, and jpeg2ps, to cross build, likewise
09:53 < Fatal> attack of the three-letter-nicks :)
09:55 < tri> :-=
09:57 < CIA-9> rene * r24608 /trunk/package/ (61 files in 61 dirs): * marked 61 more packages to just cross compile, now, likewise
09:57 < mtr> rxr: the current generic embedded has a lot of shared files due to busybox, I already reworked the config.in pkgfilter and added an option to built with or without busybox
09:57 < rxr> in the meantime I also figurred the current embedded target is not the best promotion we can do
09:58 < mtr> rxr: what do you think about adding package template for generic embedded, like the generic system
09:58 < rxr> from feedback I figurred most people want something very minimal, Board Support Package a-like
09:58 < mtr> like: minimal with busybox
09:58 < rxr> that just builds the toolchain, kernel and C library and then really just the init system, a shell and the usual unix cmd-line tools
09:58 < rxr> we currently build way to much for most people and they get stuck before they actually get real work done
09:59 < mtr> ack
09:59 < rxr> and the embedded output should be in a form that "just boots into a shell and opens a telnet or so
09:59 < rxr> "
09:59 < rxr> this is what most companies ship in their BSP for demo and instant toying purposes
09:59 < rxr> yes, something like the templates could help
10:00 < rxr> right now two come into mind: "minimal Board Suport Package", and a "more full-featured one"
10:01 < rxr> CIA does not appear to like posting big commits here
10:01 < mtr> and a template for "network & router purposes"?
10:01 < rxr> I fixed 10 more packages to CROSS build and makred 60 more to just cross build, now
10:01 < rxr> mtr: yes,
10:01 < mtr> :)
10:02 < rxr> mtr: ok - we could even get as far as providing a minimal embedded X template
10:02 < rxr> the only problem though is we tent to not test all the combinations
10:02 < Fatal> yay, == 06/18/07 09:58:29 =[0]=> Finished building package make.
10:02 < mtr> embedded-X :)
10:02 < rxr> we should take more care to make sure the configs we offer (mostly) work-out-of-the-box
10:03 < tri> ++
10:03 < rxr> next to be fixed to CROSS build: mesa and pango
10:03 < rxr> pango has some strange regressions and we really need Gtk+ to cross build for all the PDA use-cases
10:04 < tri> yesterday i do another build-target (generic min+desktop) and build-cd
10:04 < tri> after booting the cd i get into stone but i can't install anythink
10:04 < rxr> # grep CROSS */*/*.desc | wc -l
10:04 < rxr> 771
10:04 < tri> i have to install the packages after mounting (which works in stone) the hda with mine
10:05 < tri> then i reboot and i boot again from cd and now i can install grub change root passwd
10:05 < tri> etc
10:05 < tri> is this a known error ?
10:05 < rxr> I would not say so
10:05 < rxr> the classic install procedure should just work
10:06 < tri> maybe i did something wrong but i have had this issue also the last time i install somethink
10:07 < tri> ah ah not something last time i installed t2 ;-)
10:08 < rxr> I make a mental note to in-depth test it
10:10 < tri> ;-)
10:13 < Fatal> damn, it's monday morning and I'm happy. I got to get me a new job which I hate instead.
10:14 < rxr> :-)
10:14 < rxr> Fatal: so you have a make patch, now ?
10:14 < rxr> could you send it to us?
10:15 < rxr> mailing list or private, whatever you prefer ?
10:16 < Fatal> http://unixangst.com/go-away.patch
10:16 < Fatal> ah
10:16 < Fatal> sure, I'll mail it
10:16 < rxr> download is fine
10:17 < Fatal> wasn't sure what would be least damaging, so i set it to not think it knew of -G
10:19 < rxr> your real name for the commit message ?
10:19 < Fatal> Thomas Nilsson
10:20 < rxr> so - my new replacement battery for the MacBook arrived
10:20 < rxr> Apple managed to deliver batteries that stop working completely after 4 months of use :-(((
10:25 < CIA-9> rene * r24609 /trunk/package/base/make/no-sccs-test.patch:
10:25 < CIA-9> Thomas Nilsson:
10:25 < CIA-9> * fixed make to not test for sccs, and thus not create unwanted files
10:25 < CIA-9> if Bitkeeper is installed
10:33 < Fatal> atleast you got a replacement, some companies just shrugs
10:37 < rxr> I had to discuss with Apple for 1 hour on the phone to send me the battery without getting credit card info
10:37 < rxr> they wanted to charge me if I do not sent the old battery back
10:38 < rxr> without credit card they wanted me to bring in this "business laptop" to some Apple Service Provider (like Gravis in Germany) who would have had the computer lingering around for over a week just to wait for the battery
10:38 -!- write_erase [n=olivier@] has joined #t2
10:38 < rxr> and the biggest joke however is, that in the eletronical note about the shipping batter as well as the paper accompanying the relacement they print that they do not even want the dead battery back
10:39 < rxr> I wonder why the h*ck I had to argue with them for an hour when they do not even want the old thing back
10:39 < rxr> well - big strange companies
10:39 < rxr> not to mention that the MacBook sucks all over anyway, and I only have it because one OS X product we have does not leave me a choice to e.g. use an IBM X60 or so
10:39 < rxr> hi write_erase
10:39 < rxr> write_erase: how are you ?
10:39 [Users #t2]
10:39 [@ChanServ] [ emte ] [ mtr ] [ sepp ] [ TobiX ] [ write_erase]
10:39 [ cbrake ] [ Fatal] [ Ragnarin] [ sparc-kly_] [ tri ]
10:39 [ CIA-9 ] [ LMJ ] [ rxr ] [ Stelz ] [ valentin]
10:39 -!- Irssi: #t2: Total of 16 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 15 normal]
10:40 < tri> hi write_erase
10:41 < write_erase> hi rxr tri
10:42 < write_erase> rxr, soooo much work here ...
10:42 < write_erase> rxr, how was the trip in asia ? You met interesting people ?
10:46 < rxr> yes, even Open Moko folks
10:47 < rxr> write_erase: how is your AVR32 work ?
10:49 < rxr> btw. I should get a NGW100 the next days as well
10:51 < write_erase> Currently, I'm trying to create my own package (ex : irc client BitchX) , which helps me understand T2 internals
10:51 < write_erase> Not much progress on the NGW100 board itself...
10:51 < rxr> http://uk.gizmodo.com/2006/09/11/macbook_joins_the_club_of_igni.html
10:55 < rxr> http://blogs.zdnet.com/Apple/index.php?p=279&page=2
10:58 -!- tr1 [n=Richter@pd95b2df8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #t2
10:58 -!- tri [n=Richter@pd95b2df8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
11:00 < rxr> http://consumerist.com/consumer/macbooks/gird-your-macbooks-fiery-loins-200544.php
11:00 < rxr> quite intersteing what comes op when you google for MacBook batteries
11:04 -!- tri [n=Richter@pd95b2df8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #t2
11:04 -!- tr1 [n=Richter@pd95b2df8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
11:05 -!- idealm [n=ideal@c58-107-18-66.belrs2.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #t2
11:05 -!- idealm [n=ideal@c58-107-18-66.belrs2.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has quit [Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)]
11:06 < rxr> http://www.plasticbag.org/archives/2006/10/the_unusual_flakiness/
11:09 < tri> rxr: try a ibm thinkpad - they are nice :-)
11:10 < rxr> yeah - beside my work position requires that I have a decent Apple laptop (...) I took a look on the not-IBM-anymore-Thinkpads
11:10 < rxr> the X60 is quite fine
11:10 < Fatal> I would go with a thinkpad but since lenovo took over, I'm not too sure
11:10 < rxr> though at the time I needed the last laptop they did not had Core2Duo, though they have now
11:11 < rxr> some new Sony are also nice
11:11 < rxr> Sony G-series and TZ-series
11:11 < rxr> but very expensive
11:11 < Fatal> the tz
11:11 < Fatal> mmm
11:11 < rxr> btw. the X60 also makes high pitch frequencies as most MacBooks do
11:11 -!- sep1 [n=sepp@Z5ee5.z.pppool.de] has joined #t2
11:11 < rxr> this is quite annoying
11:11 < sep1> moin :)
11:11 < rxr> moin sepp
11:11 < sep1> hi rxr
11:12 < mtr> moin sep1 :)
11:12 < tri> hi sepp
11:12 < sep1> hi mtr, tri :)
11:12 < tri> thx for that grep C field command but there isn't any desc file where this field is missing
11:13 < tri> everything works fine so i just ignore it for now...
11:14 < rxr> tri: ?
11:14 < mtr> sep1: do you already know some of the pitfalls when installing the e17 update? I am sure the e17 ppl designed some incompatible updates ... ;)
11:14 < tri> :-)
11:14 < sep1> mtr: no, it works fine
11:15 < tri> rxr: 20:45 < tri> how to solve this lua bash error: scripts/config-functions.lua:37: bad argument #1 to 'match' (string expected, got nil)
11:15 < rxr> btw. what I find really very annoying on the non-Apple PieSea laptops is that most of them just come with a VGA out, ...
11:15 < tri> 20:47 < sepp> while running Config?
11:15 < rxr> tri: ah, yes packages must have a C tag
11:15 < tri> rxr: 20:59 < sepp> maybe some [C] tag is empty?
11:15 < tri> rxr: 21:04 < sepp> grep ^"\[C\]" -L package/*/*/*.desc ...
11:16 < rxr> tri: but we should fix the Lua code to handle this more gracefully, and clearnly print: "parser error $pkg.desc line xyz: [C] tag missing" ...
11:16 < tri> ah this would be nice
11:16 < tri> so i everybody see where the problem is
11:16 < rxr> yeah
11:16 < tri> but sorry i even can't do a "hello world" in lua...
11:16 < rxr> print "hello world"
11:18 < sep1> :)
11:20 < tri> where is this lua script ?
11:21 < sep1> scripts/config-functions.lua
11:21 < rxr> Linux: RIAA Web Site Moved To Linux
11:21 < rxr> http://linux.slashdot.org/linux/07/06/17/1910247.shtml
11:22 < CIA-9> rene * r24610 /trunk/package/network/micq/micq.desc: * updated micq ( ->
11:25 -!- sepp [n=sepp@Z4c3d.z.pppool.de] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
11:25 -!- tri [n=Richter@pd95b2df8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
11:25 < CIA-9> rene * r24611 /trunk/misc/archive/hello.lua: * added a hello world in Lua, now that we even use Lua in T2 :-)
11:25 -!- tri [n=Richter@pd95b2df8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #t2
11:28 < rxr> http://blog.spunlogic.com/index.php/2007/06/14/6-reasons-why-you-should-not-switch-to-safari-for-pc/
11:29 < CIA-9> rene * r24612 /trunk/package/x11/xterm/xterm.desc: * updated xterm (225 -> 226)
11:30 < rxr> MacBook Pro LED: Displays flackern bei geringer Helligkeit
11:30 < rxr> http://www.golem.de/0706/52918.html
11:30 < rxr> .oO
11:30 < rxr> this is a day
11:31 < rxr> I should continue working and stop scrolling over all the news ...
11:36 < tri> if pkg.alias == nil then print "error parsing: ", line...
11:36 < tri> shouldn't that already work ?
11:39 < tri> ah thats for the pkg.alias
11:45 < tri> hm but the error message says line 37 in the lua script
11:46 < tri> so that should be some missing categorie flag
11:46 -!- PAVLINUX [n=pavel@ppp85-140-188-252.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has joined #t2
11:47 < rxr> hi PAVLINUX
11:48 < PAVLINUX> Hi ALL
11:48 < tri> what does this string.match in the lua script ?
11:48 < rxr> it is a built-in Lua function to match parts of a string
11:48 < rxr> tri: I hvae a fixed script here, now
11:50 -!- PAVLINUX [n=pavel@ppp85-140-188-252.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has quit [Client Quit]
11:50 -!- Stelz [n=stealth@unaffiliated/stelz] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
11:51 < rxr> - pkg.categories = string.match (pkg.categories, "(.*%S) *");
11:51 < rxr> + if pkg.categories then
11:51 < rxr> + pkg.categories = string.match (pkg.categories, "(.*%S) *");
11:51 < rxr> + else
11:51 < rxr> + print ("error no Cateory tag - parsing: ", line)
11:51 < rxr> + end
11:52 -!- Stelz [n=stealth@unaffiliated/stelz] has joined #t2
11:53 -!- PAVLIUNX [n=pavel@ppp85-140-188-252.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has joined #t2
11:54 < CIA-9> rene * r24613 /trunk/scripts/config-functions.lua: * fixed the config-functions.lua to print a pretty error for packages without Category tags
11:56 < PAVLIUNX> i686-t2-linux-gnu/bin/ld: -r and -shared may not be used together
11:56 < PAVLIUNX> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
11:56 < rxr> which package ?
11:56 < tri> rxr: ah nice thx
11:56 < PAVLIUNX> glibc-2.6
11:57 < rxr> hm, hm
11:57 < rxr> build quite some times quite fine, here
11:57 < rxr> even for ARM and co
11:58 < PAVLIUNX> Config: x86/generic/minimal package
11:58 < PAVLIUNX> [/usr/src/T2/src.glibc.default.20070618.161320.1900.debian/glibc-2.6/objdir/csu/crt1.o] Error 1
12:04 < CIA-9> rene * r24614 /trunk/package/text2speech/ (espeak/espeak.desc rsynth/destdir.patch rsynth/rsynth.desc):
12:04 < CIA-9> * fixed rsynth to cross build
12:04 < CIA-9> * mrked espeak to just cross build, now, likewise
12:12 < PAVLIUNX> Here full log http://linux.nextmail.ru/1-glibc.err
12:14 < rxr> PAVLIUNX: this is a up-to-date trunk ?
12:14 < rxr> very strange
12:14 < rxr> the trunk glibc was built on my side quite often successfully already, including x86, x86-64 and ARM
12:14 < rxr> ++ others for testing
12:15 < PAVLIUNX> what, for example
12:16 < rxr> maybe this is a pentium3 specific failure
12:16 < rxr> rather strange
12:17 < PAVLIUNX> And pentium3 and pentiumpro and pentium, :)
12:18 < rxr> you tried all of them =
12:18 < rxr> ß
12:18 < rxr> ? even
12:18 < PAVLIUNX> Beta?
12:19 < rxr> 12:17 < PAVLIUNX> And pentium3 and pentiumpro and pentium, :)
12:19 < rxr> you tried pentium3, pentiumpro and pentium ?
12:19 < rxr> and get the same error on all ?
12:19 < PAVLIUNX> Yes
12:19 < rxr> hm - ok
12:19 < rxr> I schedule a testbuild and see if I can reproduce it
12:20 < rxr> any chance you can review the error, like the Makefiles and where this error comes from yourself ?
12:20 -!- Stelz [n=stealth@unaffiliated/stelz] has quit ["There is intelligent life out there..."]
12:21 < PAVLIUNX> gcc -nostartfiles -nostdlib -r -o (in glibc-2.6/csu/Makefile) but no -shared
12:21 < rxr> -shared might be injected by T2
12:22 < PAVLIUNX> No good
12:22 < rxr> hm - ok, just grepped your log
12:23 < rxr> T2 should not inject -shared
12:23 < rxr> PAVLIUNX: I started a test build here
12:23 < rxr> I know more after lunch
12:23 < rxr> cu then
12:24 < PAVLIUNX> i686-t2-linux-gnu/bin/ld: -r and -shared may not be used together
12:25 -!- Stelz [n=stealth@unaffiliated/stelz] has joined #t2
12:26 < PAVLIUNX> I rm -rf ./* && cvn co ......... againg =-O :)
12:30 < PAVLIUNX> \
12:30 < PAVLIUNX> oops
12:32 -!- PAVLIUNX [n=pavel@ppp85-140-188-252.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has quit ["using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/1.3.12"]
12:34 -!- pavlinux [n=pavel@ppp85-140-188-252.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has joined #t2
12:39 -!- pavlinux [n=pavel@ppp85-140-188-252.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has quit ["using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/1.3.12"]
12:47 -!- write_erase [n=olivier@] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
13:13 -!- PAVLINUX [n=root@ppp85-140-188-252.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has joined #t2
13:17 < PAVLINUX> Interestingly, glibc-2.6 it was compiled :)
13:22 < PAVLINUX> To rxr: Interestingly, glibc-2.6 it was compiled :)
13:29 < tri> will mine be able to support dependency
13:30 < tri> in future ?
13:30 < tri> are there any plans ?
13:30 < sep1> yes, the plan is to get rid of it
13:32 < Stelz> and i think it will be not mine but our own pkg-system :)
13:32 < Stelz> hi sep1
13:33 -!- sep1 is now known as sepp
13:33 < Stelz> *sepp
13:33 < Stelz> :)
13:33 < sepp> hi Stelz :)
13:33 < tri> hi stelz
13:33 < Stelz> hello tri :)
13:34 < Stelz> sepp: tell me.. whta you get after pressing shift+arrows in terminal?
13:34 < Stelz> *what
13:35 < sepp> 2C2D2B2A
13:35 < tri> to get rid of mine and use a own pkg-system
13:35 < tri> that would be nice
13:35 < PAVLINUX> Shift-Up/Down/PgUP/PgDown is bash reserved keys
13:37 < PAVLINUX> ... scroll Up/Down one string or Page Up/Down one page (25 strings)
13:37 < Stelz> sepp: any idea how to fix this?
13:37 < Stelz> i'm just unable to select a text in mcedit
13:38 < tri> where is the mine source ?
13:39 < PAVLINUX> to select in mcedit use F3
13:39 < sepp> yes
13:40 < sepp> tri: http://www.t2-project.org/packages/mine.html
13:45 < tri> but the format for the *gem files or tar.gz files will be the same ?
13:46 < tri> even if t2 get rid of mine
13:46 < Stelz> oh, thx, PAVLINUX :)
13:46 < Stelz> i was addicted to shift + ->
13:46 < sepp> just tar.gz or tar.bz2
13:46 < tri> http://www.rocklinux.net/people/clifford/GEM-MINE/GEM-MINE
13:47 < tri> i mine the cdb file ?
13:48 < sepp> better do not use .gem ;)
13:51 < tri> but aren't in the tar files addinional informations ?
13:52 < sepp> what special infos?
13:54 < tri> The package meta data files from /var/adm/ ?
13:54 < rxr> re
13:54 < rxr> tri: yes those are in the tar
13:54 < sepp> they are in the tar
13:55 < rxr> and we specifically craete the tarball so that thos var/adm/ files are directly at the beginning
13:55 < tri> ah ok
13:55 < rxr> this allows for quick extraction as with this properitary .gem junk, likewise
13:55 < rxr> and saves the world from yet-another-properitary-format noone needs
13:55 < rxr> hm - here glibc on trunk still builds fine
13:55 < rxr> PAVLINUX: what exactly did you select ?
13:55 < rxr> PAVLINUX: in the config,
13:55 < tri> so to get a gem file i isn't enough to just rename the package.tar.gz file ?
13:56 < rxr> tri: no, gem is a tarball with bitjunk around
13:56 < rxr> but T2 can still create .gem files if you need them
13:56 < rxr> just select .gem as output format
13:57 < tri> ah ok gem files are bad :-)
13:57 < tri> but mine can use the tar and the gem files ?
13:59 < rxr> yes, our mine is patched to accept .tar.* as well
13:59 < rxr> additionally our mine is patched to not segfault more often than not
13:59 < Stelz> :)
13:59 < Stelz> hi rxr
13:59 < tri> ah ok
13:59 < rxr> and last but not least mine is deprecated, t2-8.0 will ship without it by default
14:00 < rxr> using saner programs, probablly named pkg-add, pkg-remove, et al.
14:00 < rxr> but this only affects end-user T2 flavours, embeded system come as 1 or 2 firmware parts anyway, without any package management at all
14:01 < tri> yes sure
14:01 < tri> but pkg-add etc. sounds cool
14:01 < tri> like the *bsd one's :-)
14:01 < rxr> yes, and Solaris or so
14:01 < tri> and pkg-add will resolve dependencies ?
14:02 < rxr> in fact ROCK Linux pre 1.6 or so had this pkg-* as weell
14:02 < rxr> but as on ROCK Linux everything had to be done the way the only write-commiter wanted gem/mine was invented (needlessly)
14:02 < rxr> tri: yes, Emerge-Pkg and mine already resolve dependencies as well
14:02 < tri> so pkg-* was already there
14:03 < tri> what mine resolve depen ?
14:03 < rxr> on the classic install for example the "gasgui" (a curses frontend part of mine) makes dependencies and dependency resolution possible
14:03 < rxr> though the interface hides this a bit
14:03 < rxr> but in the extra menu stuff like select all dependin packages and checking that all are selected is there
14:03 < tri> hm gasgui is also deprecated
14:04 < rxr> yeah
14:04 < tri> so there will be a new gui for pkg-add as well
14:04 < rxr> additionally (to that the whole "technology" sucks) the user-interface is also not that state-of-the-art
14:04 < tri> but stone isn't deprecated
14:04 < rxr> and we badly need a graphical version anyway
14:05 < tri> and what about the config script - it is quiet slow ?
14:05 < rxr> so the new replacement for mine, using single binary frontends like pkg-add, pkg-remove, etc. will have the classic textual as well as a full blow graphical installer as other Operating Systems do have thise days
14:06 < rxr> tri: STONE will stay for a while, at least until 8.0
14:06 < rxr> the Config is on all roadmaps to be rewritten for speed
14:06 < rxr> (as well as graphical frontend)
14:06 < rxr> in all points any help appreciated
14:06 < tri> isn't it a option to only save changes if i exit the config menu ?
14:06 < rxr> http://www.t2-project.org/releases/
14:07 < tri> right now every option i change i have to wait ?
14:07 < rxr> revisited configuration system, that is magnitudes (at least) faster
14:07 < rxr> http://www.t2-project.org/developer/soc.html
14:07 < rxr> tri: it is not that easy
14:07 < PAVLINUX> rxr: In Config: generic/base sys. without X, use ccache, disable Java in GCC.
14:08 < PAVLINUX> other by default
14:08 < rxr> on each config iteration all the conditional code has to be re-evaluated as other options can change based on the changes the user made as well as new option pop up based on changed options or new packages, etc.
14:08 < rxr> tri: but this should be implemented smarter than just retarting the Config all-over again and again
14:08 < rxr> PAVLINUX: ok - I gonna try test-build that
14:09 < tri> rxr: yes i know just to have a idea were t2 will be going...
14:09 < rxr> well - reading over the roadmap and the SoC should give some hints
14:09 < rxr> personally I predict T2 will get quite a lot more newers and developers in the near short time, bsaed on some stuff:
14:10 < rxr> - we have AVR32 support which many new hobbist want to try out
14:10 < rxr> - 7.0 will be out soon
14:10 < rxr> - the handbook was revisited and still is
14:10 < rxr> - the handbook will go into print by a publisher in Germany (so t2 book in ordinary computer bookstores around the Contry)
14:10 < Stelz> :)
14:11 < rxr> - all the PR we do (specifically ExactCODE) and the resulting embedded projects we are contracted for
14:11 < rxr> in fact I got project inquiries already which specifically required T2 to be used due to good past project or successful internal project tryouts
14:12 < rxr> plus some more stuff like the regular major releases we spin to the public and so on and so on
14:14 < tri> openoffice isn't building without libwpd
14:20 < rxr> hm - it's not in the cache, hm ?
14:21 < rxr> but it downloads a libwpd
14:21 < rxr> I think it wanted this specific version or so
14:21 < tri> version 0.8
14:25 < tri> but anyway there is a new openoffice version
14:25 < tri> i try it and give you provide a desc file update
14:26 < rxr> thanks
14:26 < tri> lol the OpenOffice.org Hackers Pages
14:27 < rxr> btw. the last time I build openoffice-org was before the gcc update and at that time it did not install all files :-(
14:27 < sepp> tomorrow after 23h compiling ooo :p
14:27 < rxr> openoffice-org really is the worst package to maintain, follow and have fun with
14:27 < Stelz> :)
14:28 < Stelz> 23h.. heh
14:28 < tri> thx i thought this after looking at the package dir...
14:28 < Stelz> i had 2.2.0 after 14h..
14:30 < rxr> Stelz: on openbsd or T2 ?
14:30 < PAVLINUX> To ALL: Package selection work in scrips/Config or need manually edit?
14:31 < rxr> yes, scripts/Config
14:31 < Stelz> obsd. but Linux must be faster
14:31 < rxr> works just fine, after you got used to it
14:31 < Stelz> compilation @ T2 i mean
14:31 < rxr> PAVLINUX: do you have a problem with the selection ?
14:31 < PAVLINUX> Yes
14:31 < rxr> Stelz: open office 2.2.0? how did you build it, we have 2.1.x ?
14:32 < Stelz> i didn't try :D
14:32 < Stelz> but i think compilation on T2 >> compilation on obsd
14:33 < Stelz> apropos, rxr
14:33 < Stelz> we have it on mainpage
14:33 < Stelz> Currently the Linux kernel is normally used - but we are expanding to Minix, Hurd, OpenDarwin and OpenBSD - more to come.
14:33 < Stelz> it must be fixed :)
14:33 < rxr> why ?
14:34 < Stelz> cause OpenDarwin is fully dead, no?
14:34 < Stelz> there will be smthng new:
14:34 < Stelz> PureDarwin
14:35 < rxr> yeah - well Apple said ok we drop it != dead :-)
14:36 < Stelz> work is in progress.. they'll make the first iso by the autumn
14:36 < Stelz> as one of odarwins users told me
14:36 < Stelz> rxr: problem isn't in Apple
14:37 < rxr> puredarwin wants a passwd from me :-(
14:37 < Stelz> yes
14:37 < Stelz> they haven't a working site right now
14:37 < Stelz> cause there is no one
14:38 < rxr> maybe ask them if they do not have more fun putting their energy into getting the T2 SDE build there "pure darwin" then reinventing all again .-)
14:39 < Stelz> as i said.. Apple != probem for odarwin's development.. i saw @ their web-site that development is completely dead near by april 2007
14:39 < Stelz> uh :)
14:45 [Users #t2]
14:45 [@ChanServ] [ emte ] [ mtr ] [ rxr ] [ Stelz] [ valentin]
14:45 [ cbrake ] [ Fatal] [ PAVLINUX] [ sepp ] [ TobiX]
14:45 [ CIA-9 ] [ LMJ ] [ Ragnarin] [ sparc-kly_] [ tri ]
14:45 -!- Irssi: #t2: Total of 16 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 15 normal]
14:51 < PAVLINUX> i go to lunch, while glibc-2.6 compiled :)
14:52 < rxr> it compiled, now ?
14:52 < PAVLINUX> Yes
14:53 -!- write_erase [n=olivier@] has joined #t2
14:53 < PAVLINUX> On Debian i386 Etch + Core2Duo T7400 (w. EM64T) what need select: Cross compile or not?
14:54 < PAVLINUX> target is x86_32
14:56 < CIA-9> rene * r24615 /trunk/package/base/pcmciautils/ (pcmciautils.conf pcmciautils.desc): * fixed pcmciautils to cross build
14:56 < rxr> on the same CPU you do not need to select the CROSS_COMPILE option
14:56 < rxr> but for your error it should not matter anyway, as stage 1 is always cross-built
14:56 < rxr> what did you change to make this error go away for you ?
15:05 [Users #t2]
15:05 [@ChanServ] [ emte ] [ mtr ] [ rxr ] [ Stelz] [ valentin ]
15:05 [ cbrake ] [ Fatal] [ PAVLINUX] [ sepp ] [ TobiX] [ write_erase]
15:05 [ CIA-9 ] [ LMJ ] [ Ragnarin] [ sparc-kly_] [ tri ]
15:05 -!- Irssi: #t2: Total of 17 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 16 normal]
15:08 < Fatal> btw is there any target that will only create an initramfs/image of a installed system?
15:12 < rxr> we do this every day here, but that usually is just a line at the end of the custom build.sh in the custom targets
15:12 < rxr> the livecd already does squashfs the system
15:12 < PAVLINUX> >matter away
15:12 < rxr> we certainly could add other output options that create just an image
15:12 < PAVLINUX> just rm -rf ./
15:12 < rxr> PAVLINUX: ?
15:12 < Fatal> I'm not too oriented yet, I'll get there probably :)
15:13 < PAVLINUX> remove svn repo. and again svn co svn://......... t2-trunk
15:14 < rxr> why do you do that ?
15:15 < PAVLINUX> no work
15:15 < PAVLINUX> not work
15:16 < rxr> you could just hav wiped the build/ folder
15:16 < rxr> and use svn to look at modified code / revert to the prestine state
15:16 < PAVLINUX> Neahhh! Not help, i do.
15:17 < PAVLINUX> sorry. I did.
15:19 < tri> hm building openoffice sucks
15:22 < rxr> 15:22 < rxr> yes
15:22 < Stelz> :)
15:23 < Fatal> s/^O/X on a package that's needed for building (stage 0) will that break building or simply make sure it's not sure it's installed?, the correct way of removing a stage 0 package that's also installed is to remove the 5? meh, not up to speed with the terminology .. example: if I don't want this to be installed in my image, what should I do?
15:23 < Fatal> O 01---5---- 102.050 archiver cpio 2.8 / base/tool CROSS DIETLIBC 0
15:23 < Fatal> change O to X or 5 to - ?
15:23 < Stelz> 0-9 are just building levels
15:25 < Fatal> ok, the levels confuse the hell out of me, I was under the impression (faulty?) that level 0 is the toolchain?
15:26 < rxr> yes it is
15:28 < Fatal> ok, then I'll try to rephrase without assumptions: from the config/name/packages, what do I need to do not install a package that's also needed to compile other packages?
15:30 < rxr> hm?
15:30 < rxr> I can not parse this, sorry
15:30 < rxr> what do you want to do or prevent ß
15:30 < Fatal> it's probably my assumptions that mess things up
15:31 < Fatal> are level 0 packages installed?
15:32 < Fatal> and does changing ^O to X prevent the package to build for the toolchain aswell as not being installed?
15:33 < Fatal> (or toss the page describing the packages file my way and I'll read up first)
15:35 < rxr> packages that just build in stage 0 do not end up in the target system
15:35 < rxr> they are just the toolchain installed elsewhere in the build/ direcory used by T2 to build all the stuff
15:35 < rxr> X means selectedf
15:35 < rxr> O means currently unselected
15:45 < PAVLINUX> For use my kernel configuration, needed copy my "config" to config/default/.config?
15:50 < rxr> you need to enable custom linux kernel config inside the Config
15:51 < rxr> and then it is lx_customconf="\$base/config/$config/linux.cfg"
15:51 < rxr> so config/default/linux.cfg
15:52 < Fatal> rxr: ok, so if something that's needed in the toolchain to build other packages is also marked for installation, will unselecting it also break builds?
15:53 -!- write_erase [n=olivier@] has quit ["Leaving"]
15:53 < tri> it might be easier to learn a bit more tex then building openoffice...
15:54 < Fatal> I have a feeling that I'm missing some vital piece of information about levels
15:57 < Fatal> I finally think I have a proper example (sorry for the confusion I'm eminating)
15:57 < Fatal> X 01-3-5---- 102.002 base automake 1.9.6 / base/development CROSS 0
15:58 < rxr> Fatal: maybe read more of the handbook and do some tests .-)
15:58 < Fatal> that implies it will installed?
15:58 < rxr> by default, yes
15:58 < rxr> you can change this in your target, of course
15:58 < rxr> when you select CROSS-build all in the Config then the stage 2-9 are disabled anyway
15:58 < rxr> only the 0 toolchain is built and then the packages cross-build in stage 1
15:58 < Fatal> and will unselecting it break any builds that depends on automake?
16:00 < rxr> when you unselecte automake it will of course break some packages that need it
16:00 < rxr> but you can just build automake for the toolchain, not the resulting system
16:00 < rxr> btw. also note that many (e.g. embedded) targets do post processing and skip files in the firmware image
16:00 < rxr> like documentation and development stuff like headers et al.
16:00 < rxr> Fatal: what are you trying to do :-?
16:01 < Fatal> I'm trying to understand the 'packages' file
16:01 < rxr> in config/.../packages ?
16:01 < Fatal> but am I going about it wrong? I shouldn't be modifying the packages file but rather work with a target?
16:01 < rxr> that is a temporary internal file used by the build system alone
16:01 < rxr> a yes, of course under no conditions should you modify this file
16:02 < rxr> it is regenerated on each Cofig run
16:02 < Fatal> ah, I _KNEW_ I was confused about something further up the chain :)
16:02 < Fatal> thanks :)
16:02 < rxr> if there is something wrong regarding the values of this file you should modify the package's .desc files
16:02 < rxr> and you can overwrite values in your target, like tweaking the build stages, using different versions of the packages
16:03 < rxr> or patching or configuing the package source differently
16:04 < Fatal> what would be a good starting point, the end result I'm aiming for is a initramfs image with a few glibc linked programs installed on it, termcap, ncurses
16:04 < Fatal> s/point/target/
16:04 < Fatal> rescue?
16:05 < rxr> yes, rescue sound good
16:05 < rxr> though it outputs livecd squashfs right now
16:05 < rxr> you can later adapt this to just be an initramfs
16:05 < rxr> we / I can help with that
16:05 < Fatal> yeah, that's ok, that's something I'll adapt later on
16:05 < Fatal> wonderful
16:07 -!- kic- [i=kicstah@adsl-074-246-112-055.sip.bct.bellsouth.net] has joined #t2
16:07 < kic-> theres no USA mirror for t2?
16:07 < rxr> there was
16:08 < rxr> isn't there still one
16:08 < rxr> INFO: Testing
16:08 < rxr> INFO: Testing ... ok 3374.000 B/s
16:08 < kic-> hrm
16:08 < rxr> the url is just .fr because the .fr site is hosted on this miami server ... :-)
16:09 < kic-> ah
16:09 < kic-> miami?!
16:09 < kic-> i'm in Boca Raton
16:09 < kic-> :D
16:09 < kic-> would be a fast mirror for me then
16:09 < rxr> if you want to offer mirror space it is greatly welcome
16:09 < kic-> where can i specify the mirror to use?
16:11 < kic-> oh, also, rxr, i saw your message requesting the filters that my email triggered when i tried to subscribe to the mailing list, it didn't tell me exactly which filters were triggered, just that i scored a 5.2
16:11 < rxr> the mirror is autodetected on the first Download
16:11 < rxr> you can specifiy it manually at Download with the -mirror switch
16:11 < rxr> that should be in the t2 handbook
16:12 < rxr> kic-: can you look into the header of the mail
16:12 < kic-> ah, sorry, i'll make sure i check docs first before asking questions, just got excited is all :D
16:12 < rxr> I think our spamassassin prints the matched rules there
16:12 < kic-> rxr, yes, opening it now
16:12 < rxr> kic-: no problem we like to answer questions here :-)
16:13 < kic-> hrm, doesn't say, i can paste the header, (10 lines) if you want
16:13 < rxr> one second
16:13 < kic-> k
16:13 < tri> hm intressting mickey in the edevelop channel asking questions about e - maybe the openmoko distri would be build by t2 and then use e17 :-)
16:13 < kic-> glad to hear people like to answer questions here, we just changed our entire development department over to using T2 :D
16:13 < kic-> as of, friday evening
16:14 < kic-> heh
16:14 < kic-> moving to T2 from Timesys
16:14 < rxr> kic-: that sounds fantastic :-) !
16:14 < kic-> yep, bit of a learning curve, but the general consensus is 1 point for scripts, 0 for timesys gui
16:14 < kic-> so you won
16:14 < kic-> :D
16:15 < rxr> :-)
16:15 < rxr> kic-: regarding the mail
16:16 < rxr> there should be a X-Spam-Report line
16:16 < rxr> and at the end of this "tag" a ascii table like:
16:16 < rxr> pts rule name description
16:16 < rxr> ---- ---------------------- --------------------------------------------------
16:16 < rxr> -1.5 ALL_TRUSTED Passed through trusted hosts only via SMTP
16:16 < kic-> looking at header now, its not in there
16:16 < kic-> but i'm also using outlook, and had to open the header as an attachment
16:16 < kic-> it might've chopped it off
16:16 < kic-> lemme dig deeper
16:17 < rxr> can you retry to subscribe
16:17 < rxr> maybe I can see enough in the mail server log to diagnose which rules hit you
16:17 < rxr> and re-score the rules so that your mail goes thru
16:17 < rxr> oh - alternatively I could whitelist your domain
16:17 < kic-> sure, i'll send another subscribe request now
16:17 < kic-> that might help too, we'll have atleast 7 people registering
16:17 < kic-> for the list
16:17 < rxr> which domain should I look for ?
16:17 < kic-> safemedia.com
16:18 < kic-> sent
16:19 < rxr> ah - cool - have it on the screen
16:19 < rxr> 2.0 FH_HOST_EQ_D_D_D_D Host starts with d-d-d-d
16:19 < rxr> 0.0 MIME_HTML_MOSTLY BODY: Multipart message mostly text/html MIME
16:19 < rxr> 0.2 HTML_MESSAGE BODY: HTML included in message
16:19 < rxr> 0.1 RDNS_DYNAMIC Delivered to trusted network by host with
16:19 < rxr> dynamic-looking rDNS
16:19 < kic-> heh
16:19 < kic-> damned dynamic rdns
16:19 < kic-> bellsouth dsl :D
16:20 < kic-> hrm, wonder what the FH_HOST_EQ is
16:20 < rxr> the dynamic stuff is rated very low for us
16:20 < rxr> i descreased the 2.x rules
16:20 < rxr> do not sound too intersting anyway
16:20 < rxr> the next mail should go thru
16:20 < rxr> just subsribe now
16:20 < kic-> k
16:22 < kic-> same
16:25 < rxr> hm
16:25 -!- tri [n=Richter@pd95b2df8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #t2 []
16:26 < rxr> kic-: can you retry once again
16:26 < kic-> sure
16:26 < rxr> or one second
16:26 < rxr> so restarted spamd
16:26 < rxr> though I think it reads the rules for each new child, but maybe not
16:26 < rxr> you should also be whitelisted, now
16:26 * rxr crossing fingers
16:26 < kic-> heh
16:27 < kic-> you have subscribed to T2 successfully.
16:27 < kic-> Please note the following:
16:27 < kic-> Welcome to the t2 mailinglist !
16:27 < kic-> Bingo
16:27 < rxr> ok - wonderful
16:27 < kic-> thank you much
16:27 < rxr> your welcome :-)
16:28 < kic-> our dev dept will be filling up your mailing list over the next few weeks most likely :D
16:28 < rxr> no problem :-)
16:28 < kic-> we have immediate embedded systems to produce, x86, ARM, MIPS, PAX270
16:28 < kic-> awesome
16:29 < kic-> thanks again
16:29 < rxr> thanks for choosing T2 :-)
16:35 < PAVLINUX> KIK: Press [Start]->[Setting]->[Control panel]->[System]-> :)
16:36 < CIA-9> rene * r24616 /trunk/package/multimedia/freevo/freevo.desc:
16:36 < CIA-9> Tobias Richter :
16:36 < CIA-9> * fixed freevo lead dev to dirk meyer
16:36 < rxr> kic-: and don't hesitate to bug us with every build glitch you find
16:37 < kic-> rxr, duely noted :D
16:38 < CIA-9> rene * r24617 /trunk/package/gnome2/pidgin/pidgin.desc:
16:38 < CIA-9> Tobias Richter :
16:38 < CIA-9> * fixed pidgin lead dev to Sean Egan
17:03 < PAVLINUX> Wow... Stage2 begin compile :)
17:04 < PAVLINUX> Still never before reached =)
17:11 [Users #t2]
17:11 [@ChanServ] [ emte ] [ LMJ ] [ Ragnarin] [ sparc-kly_] [ valentin]
17:11 [ cbrake ] [ Fatal] [ mtr ] [ rxr ] [ Stelz ]
17:11 [ CIA-9 ] [ kic- ] [ PAVLINUX] [ sepp ] [ TobiX ]
17:11 -!- Irssi: #t2: Total of 16 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 15 normal]
17:12 < PAVLINUX> rxr: I think, bug with "-shared" flags was from ccache. Now Cleaning up ccache enable.
17:16 < PAVLINUX> sdfg
17:17 < PAVLINUX> ©®¥ß
17:17 < rxr> PAVLINUX: ?
17:17 < PAVLINUX> :) test
17:19 < kic-> after doing a Download -required
17:19 < kic-> should i check the src/Download-Errors file for list of packages that weren't downloaded
17:19 < kic-> ?"
17:19 < PAVLINUX> Build-Target
17:20 < rxr> kic-: the Download -required is optional anway, the build system will fetch sources on-demand
17:20 < kic-> ah, hrm
17:20 < kic-> k
17:20 < kic-> thx
17:22 < PAVLINUX> kic: Thanks in garage you will not put. :)
17:22 < kic-> :D
17:23 < PAVLINUX> ... Russian humor :)
17:23 < kic-> i just thought maybe Download -required was needed as a second step
17:23 < kic-> because now..
17:23 < kic-> when i re-run Config -cfg system
17:23 < kic-> no menu comes up
17:23 < kic-> just ends with 'Cleaning up. Configuration finished.'
17:23 < kic-> i'll check docs
17:24 < rxr> did the menu come up before ?
17:24 < kic-> yeah
17:24 < kic-> came up first time,
17:24 < rxr> interesting
17:24 < kic-> then i exited..
17:24 < PAVLINUX> catalog build/system exist?
17:25 < rxr> Download realls hsould not influence it
17:25 < kic-> and rememberd a package i wanted to add
17:25 < kic-> and tried Config -cfg system again
17:25 < kic-> and it gives me 'New config written to config/system/*'
17:25 < kic-> cleaning up. configuration finished
17:25 < kic-> heh
17:26 < kic-> *shrug* it was just a default desktop build
17:26 < kic-> i can prolly delete the config/system dir
17:26 < kic-> and start again
17:26 < rxr> such an error is not known, yet
17:26 < kic-> this was from tarball 7.0-rc
17:27 < kic-> i'll grab svn co maybe
17:27 < PAVLINUX> Maybe, why not!
17:27 < kic-> lemme re-test with tarball
17:28 < kic-> maybe i can re-create error
17:28 < kic-> if that happens again, might wanna check tarball
17:28 < kic-> oh wow
17:28 < kic-> hrm
17:28 < kic-> deleted whole t2* directory
17:28 < kic-> and untar'd t2*7.0-rc.tar file
17:28 < kic-> re-ran, scripts/Config -cfg system
17:28 < kic-> no menu
17:28 < kic-> :D
17:28 < kic-> maybe reading from system file
17:28 < kic-> actually
17:28 < kic-> i think my ncurses is broken
17:29 < rxr> .oO
17:29 < kic-> can't open nano either
17:29 < PAVLINUX> Without -cfg system ?
17:29 < kic-> :D
17:29 < kic-> sigh, i'm a problem magnet
17:29 < kic-> error opening terminal: xterm
17:29 < kic-> nice
17:29 < kic-> :D
17:29 < kic-> err, nxterm even
17:29 < PAVLINUX> mount -o remount /
17:30 < kic-> same
17:30 < PAVLINUX> Immendntly reboot :)
17:30 < rxr> err
17:30 < rxr> second
17:30 < PAVLINUX> init 6
17:30 < kic-> rebooting
17:30 < kic-> we shall see
17:30 < rxr> when you messed something in your filesystem a reboot might probably bring less of the system back than currently is already running
17:31 < kic-> this system is a binary CD install of 6.0.0 T2
17:31 < PAVLINUX> we hope :)
17:31 < rxr> e.g. you might have still have a xterm or terminal in memory while some library got trashed
17:31 < rxr> on a reboot this will not come up again
17:31 < kic-> rxr, ah
17:31 < kic-> to late, we'll see now :)
17:31 < PAVLINUX> rxr: His rebooting :)
17:31 < rxr> I cross finger
17:32 < kic-> its k, this is the fun stuff, nothing important on it yet anyway, so i can wipe and re-install if needed
17:32 < kic-> woo
17:32 < kic-> nice
17:32 < kic-> continous reboot
17:32 < kic-> broken disks, it says
17:32 < kic-> lol
17:33 < kic-> yep, filesystem error
17:33 < kic-> it reset's istelf
17:33 < kic-> :D
17:33 < kic-> i've got the 6.0.0 on cd's
17:34 < CIA-9> rene * r24618 /trunk/package/graphic/jasper/jasper.desc: * marked jasper to cross build
17:34 < kic-> i'll just re-install
17:35 < PAVLINUX> KIC: Compile on system from T2 Live CD is very bad idea.
17:35 < kic-> its not livecd
17:35 < kic-> ?
17:35 < kic-> does console stone installer
17:35 < kic-> upon boot
17:35 < PAVLINUX> installed to HDD&
17:35 < rxr> kic-: 6.0.0 is fine
17:35 < kic-> 7.0-rc was livecd
17:36 < kic-> and i couldn't get installed from cd
17:36 < PAVLINUX> 7.0-trunk better
17:36 < PAVLINUX> ;-P
17:36 < kic-> pav, yes, but base 6.0.0 install will atleast let me get to the 7.0 trunk
17:36 < kic-> disks are blank now :D
17:36 < kic-> no other distro to use to build target
17:36 < PAVLINUX> create partition on HDD
17:37 < PAVLINUX> mkdir /T2 && mount /dev/hdx /T2
17:37 < PAVLINUX> install T2 tarball to this dir
17:37 < kic-> tried that on friday
17:38 < kic-> liveCD compilers seemed broken
17:38 < kic-> couldn't complete build
17:38 < PAVLINUX> I know
17:38 < PAVLINUX> Install you lovely distro
17:38 < PAVLINUX> Install VMWARE
17:39 < PAVLINUX> Install Debian Etch to Vmware
17:39 < rxr> kic-: the livecd's are space reduced and do not ship headers and co intentionally
17:39 < kic-> lol, to much work, our dev department moves fast, no time for clunky vmware, faster to insert 6.0.0 CD, and use stone installer for default desktop
17:39 < kic-> rxr, ahh, makes sense
17:39 < kic-> pav, install of 6.0.0 is fast, after that i can just svn the 7.0 trunk
17:39 < rxr> kic-: yes, your install procedure is fine, 6.0.0 is perfect
17:40 < kic-> going through stone now on my test platform
17:40 < PAVLINUX> Not faster. I tried
17:40 < PAVLINUX> SuSE 10.2, SLES 10, Fedore Core 5, .........
17:41 < kic-> haven't used sles yet
17:41 < kic-> but hate suse and fedora with a passion
17:42 < kic-> suse 9 is OK
17:42 < kic-> not preferred
17:42 < kic-> i miss the old slackware days in '97
17:42 < kic-> mmmm
17:43 < PAVLINUX> RedHat 4.2 also cool :)
17:43 < rxr> probably the classic text install of T2 brings back warm feelings then :-)
17:44 < kic-> mm hrm
17:44 < kic-> :D
17:44 < PAVLINUX> rxr: Stage3 begin.... :)
17:45 < kic-> rxr, just to give you an overview... so you can maybe comment on it if its a good idea or not..
17:45 < kic-> but our development department will be using T2 like this:
17:45 < kic-> first, a T2 desktop install, for their own workstation/dev environment to build their apps..
17:46 < PAVLINUX> rxr: You from where, and how many now time at you.
17:46 < kic-> then the T2 scripts to build the targets that will run their apps..., embedded systems, busyboxes, etc
17:46 < kic-> that should keep library problems to a minimum dontcha think?
17:47 < kic-> so they're not running T2 build scripts on fedora machines for PAX270 targets
17:47 < rxr> building T2 on T2 is not necessary, you could use any Linux - but if you want to T2 on the devel. workstation that is of course very find
17:47 < rxr> T2 builds the targets in this more isloated new sandbox environemtn
17:47 < kic-> just trying to elminate possible problems erupting from an insane host environment
17:47 < rxr> you could even build on Fedora
17:47 < kic-> hrm
17:47 < rxr> yes, if you are free to run T2 on the workstaiotns that is of course perfect
17:48 < kic-> k
17:48 < rxr> PAVLINUX: what did you mean to ask? where I'm from and my local time? Berlin, 17:48
17:48 < kic-> we're so sketchy these days, just wasted a month of dev time messing around with timesys
17:48 < rxr> Berlin, Germany, EU :-)
17:48 < kic-> more problems than solutions
17:48 < kic-> i have friends in Munich
17:48 < kic-> :D
17:49 < rxr> kic-: I can imagine, I helped quite some companies migratng from their own messed up system based on MontaVista, WindRiver, Debian et al. to something saner
17:49 < PAVLINUX> Almost beside with me, Moscow Russia - 19:45
17:49 < rxr> PAVLINUX: Stelz is from Moscow as well
17:50 < Stelz> huh :D
17:50 * Stelz :: Date/Time is now [ Mon Jun 18 19:45:54 ]
17:50 < PAVLINUX> Алах Аккбар... Чатлане.
17:50 < Stelz> ага %)
17:51 < kic-> <-- downloads translator
17:51 < Stelz> so please be EN'ish here :)
17:51 < PAVLINUX> Во, хоть кто порусски бельме, а то за...бали ужо...
17:51 -!- sepp [n=sepp@Z5ee5.z.pppool.de] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
17:52 < PAVLINUX> Ok, english, english....
17:53 < rxr> kic-: PAVLINUX: maybe add you here http://www.t2-project.org/startpage/
17:56 < kic-> added
17:56 < kic-> looks like Safwat already add himself too, heh
17:56 < kic-> his icon covers mine
17:56 < kic-> :D
17:59 < kic-> any recommendation on ROCKPLUG vs hwscan?
18:02 < rxr> on the 6.0 install?
18:02 < kic-> yay, install done
18:02 < kic-> quickie
18:02 < kic-> yeah
18:02 < rxr> err leave this alone, I think it is not really used anymore anyway
18:02 < kic-> i just left it as rockplug
18:02 < rxr> 6.0 comes with udev
18:02 < kic-> ah
18:02 < kic-> k
18:02 < rxr> hal & co
18:02 < kic-> ahh, cool
18:03 < Stelz> udev ftw
18:03 < PAVLINUX> User ID pavlinux added!
18:04 < kic-> so if i want to use the 7.0 trunk as the dev workstation..
18:04 < kic-> i'll need to svn co the 7.0 trunk, configure and build a new target for x86 (their machines)
18:04 < kic-> create the isos
18:04 < kic-> burn em
18:04 < kic-> etc
18:04 < kic-> right?
18:05 < rxr> yes
18:05 < kic-> k
18:05 < rxr> but 6.0 really is quite fine also
18:05 < kic-> ceo wants latest kernel
18:05 < kic-> is there a prob with 6.0.0 install, and re-compiling latest kernel from src?
18:06 < rxr> oh - hm
18:06 < rxr> I think Emerge-Pkg'ing the latest kernel from trunk on the 6.0 should work
18:06 < rxr> but make sure not to update other stuff, like u/dev and co - leave those as they are on 6.0
18:07 < rxr> as u/dev, hal etc. change quite rapidly and in a stable series they are better left the way they are
18:07 < kic-> hrm
18:07 < rxr> otherwise you will get issues like config and API incompatibility with programs already used to the former one
18:07 < kic-> will we be able to specify specific kern configs options?
18:07 < rxr> but kernel should work
18:07 < kic-> we have a couple of required configs needed
18:07 < kic-> like bridging, and netfilter
18:07 < rxr> those are in the T2 default kernel anyway
18:08 < kic-> not as modules though right?
18:08 < rxr> the T2 default kernel, if you do not configure anything, is "fully modular == as many drivers as possible; and auto-loads all on boot, so should boot on any hardware"
18:08 < kic-> we need to have them compiled into the kernel
18:08 < kic-> ah
18:08 < kic-> hrm
18:13 < rxr> well bridge and co is build in, just all drivers are modular
18:13 < kic-> Emerge-Pkg will install a package into the currently running system?
18:13 < rxr> you can of course change this supplying e.g. a fixed config
18:13 < rxr> kic-: yes
18:13 < kic-> or does it install into the new target config
18:13 < kic-> ah
18:13 < kic-> k
18:13 < rxr> I would just leave the 6.0 as it to work on and then define what kernel and so onyou want on your target
18:14 < kic-> right
18:14 < kic-> sounds like a good idea
18:16 < kic-> hrm, kernel has a special package name?
18:16 < kic-> :D
18:16 < kic-> checking the package matrix, don't see any kernel package in there
18:16 < kic-> linux26
18:16 < kic-> there it is
18:21 -!- DeeKey [n=denis@84-50-16-45-dsl.kjj.estpak.ee] has joined #t2
18:21 < DeeKey> hello!
18:24 < kic-> hiya
18:26 < rxr> hi DeeKey
18:26 [Users #t2]
18:26 [@ChanServ] [ DeeKey] [ kic-] [ PAVLINUX] [ sparc-kly_] [ valentin]
18:26 [ cbrake ] [ emte ] [ LMJ ] [ Ragnarin] [ Stelz ]
18:26 [ CIA-9 ] [ Fatal ] [ mtr ] [ rxr ] [ TobiX ]
18:26 -!- Irssi: #t2: Total of 16 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 15 normal]
18:33 -!- APVLINUX [n=root@ppp85-140-190-116.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has joined #t2
18:33 -!- PAVLINUX [n=root@ppp85-140-188-252.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
18:33 -!- APVLINUX [n=root@ppp85-140-190-116.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
18:34 -!- PAVLINUX [n=root@ppp85-140-190-116.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has joined #t2
18:35 -!- sepp [n=sepp@Z5ee5.z.pppool.de] has joined #t2
18:37 < PAVLINUX> I disable in config NLS suppot
18:40 [Users #t2]
18:40 [@ChanServ] [ DeeKey] [ kic-] [ PAVLINUX] [ sepp ] [ TobiX ]
18:40 [ cbrake ] [ emte ] [ LMJ ] [ Ragnarin] [ sparc-kly_] [ valentin]
18:40 [ CIA-9 ] [ Fatal ] [ mtr ] [ rxr ] [ Stelz ]
18:40 -!- Irssi: #t2: Total of 17 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 16 normal]
19:02 < rxr> ok - gotta go - have a good night
19:04 < CIA-9> rene * r24619 /trunk/package/network/mdyndns/mdyndns.desc: * updated mdyndns (0.2.1 -> 0.2.2)
19:11 < kic-> i wonder if i Emerge-Pkg the newest kernel via package linux26, if it will add everything to grub for me or not
19:11 < kic-> :D
19:11 < kic-> we shall see
19:15 < sepp> you can run stone to do that
19:19 < kic-> thats ok
19:19 < kic-> only takes a few seconds to add a few lines to menu.lst in grub
19:47 < LMJ> moin moin
20:06 < PAVLINUX> PATCH For: stage3 base/util-linux (WITHOUT ENABLE_NLS in Config )
20:07 < PAVLINUX> --- ./configure 2007-06-19 00:11:14.704644531 +0400
20:07 < PAVLINUX> +++ ./configure 2007-06-19 00:10:00.000000000 +0400
20:07 < PAVLINUX> @@ -10466,7 +10466,7 @@
20:07 < PAVLINUX> }'
20:07 < PAVLINUX> fi
20:07 < PAVLINUX> ac_libobjs=
20:07 < PAVLINUX> ac_ltlibobjs=
20:08 -!- DeeKey [n=denis@84-50-16-45-dsl.kjj.estpak.ee] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]
20:09 < Stelz> hey ho LMJ
20:11 < sepp> PAVLINUX: maybe you want to send that to the mailinglist?
20:11 < sepp> ;)
20:14 < PAVLINUX> Where is :)
20:15 < sepp> http://www.t2-project.org/contact/
20:22 < sepp> i think you need to subsribe 1st
20:23 < sepp> there was too much spam
20:27 < PAVLINUX> Мля...
20:31 < sepp> sto?
20:34 < PAVLINUX> All fine!
20:38 < sepp> :)
21:14 < PAVLINUX> Wow, how many peoples here =)
21:30 -!- Netsplit orwell.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: mtr, sepp
21:31 -!- Netsplit over, joins: sepp, mtr
21:31 -!- Netsplit orwell.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: PAVLINUX, CIA-9, TobiX, Stelz, kic-
21:31 -!- Netsplit over, joins: PAVLINUX, kic-, Stelz, CIA-9, TobiX
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21:31 -!- mtr [n=Michael@pD9E1310B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #t2
21:39 < CIA-9> ragnar * r24620 /trunk/package/network/mac80211/mac80211.desc: * mac80211: update to 8.0.1
21:46 < PAVLINUX> igpay
21:46 < PAVLINUX> igpay
21:46 < PAVLINUX> igpay
21:46 < PAVLINUX> igpay
21:46 -!- PAVLINUX [n=root@ppp85-140-190-116.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has quit ["using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/1.3.12"]
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22:04 -!- root [n=root@ppp85-140-190-116.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has joined #t2
22:08 < root> help
22:08 -!- root [n=root@ppp85-140-190-116.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has quit [Client Quit]
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22:19 -!- PAVLINUX [n=root@ppp85-140-190-116.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has joined #t2
22:19 < PAVLINUX> Anyone here!!!
22:20 < sepp> yes
22:20 < PAVLINUX> "The use of custmain is deprecated, please use hooks instead".
22:20 < PAVLINUX> What this message, when build
22:21 < sepp> that is a reminder, does not mean something is wrong, rather means 'fix me - i am ugly'
22:22 < CIA-9> ragnar * r24621 /trunk/package/network/iwlwifi/ (KVER.patch iwlwifi.desc): * iwlwifi: update to 0.0.32, remove noop patch
22:24 < PAVLINUX> And it is serious?
22:25 < PAVLINUX> What is - CUSMAIN and HOOKS
22:25 < sepp> no, not serious, nothing will fail because of the custmain use, but in the end it should be cleaned up
22:28 < sepp> t2 detects normal configure; make; make install - setups (also perl and python) - custmain overwrites that behaviour and that is most probably ugly ...
22:29 < sepp> it still works but most of the time it should be fixed ...
22:30 < Ragnarin> sometimes it is necessary
22:30 < sepp> yes
22:31 < sepp> hooks are functions you can use before/after running configure, make ... and most of the time you get the same result with hooks
22:32 < sepp> like 'ohh i have to sed some things away' or whatever
22:34 < sepp> it is just a style warning ...
22:36 < kic-> hrm
22:36 < kic-> build break, yay
22:46 < PAVLINUX> detals...
22:51 < PAVLINUX> It is necessary for me the following: DHCP Server, Samba, MySQL, TFTP a server.
22:52 < PAVLINUX> And still adjusting CD, a marking of disks, a configurator:
22:52 < PAVLINUX> Networks, localizations, passwords....
22:53 < PAVLINUX> Т2 это может?
22:53 < PAVLINUX> Т2 It can?
22:54 < sepp> yes
22:55 < PAVLINUX> At Т2 there is a configurator at installation from CD on a disk?
22:55 < sepp> the installer is dialog based
22:56 < sepp> looks like ncurses ...
22:56 < sepp> or like 'mc'
23:00 < PAVLINUX> Let's look, meanwhile a stage5
23:01 < sepp> :)
23:02 < PAVLINUX> Aha... :)
23:03 < sepp> ?
23:04 < PAVLINUX> MySQL?
23:09 < PAVLINUX> When it will end.... Stage 1 2 3 4 5......A A A A A A A !!!!!!!!!!!!!1
23:09 < sepp> stage 5 is the biggest stage
23:10 < PAVLINUX> Thanks, has calmed =)
23:30 < kic-> hrm
23:30 < kic-> the Config -cfg system
23:30 < kic-> doesn't provide a way to remove packages?
23:31 < sepp> it does, under expert options - custom package selection
23:32 < kic-> hrm
23:32 < kic-> and that lets you add/delete packages right there in the menu
23:32 < kic-> ?
23:33 < kic-> looks like just a selection to me
23:33 < kic-> doesn't lead anywhere
23:34 < kic-> just has a '*' if its selected, and no * if its not selected
23:34 < sepp> that way you can change the packge selection
23:35 < kic-> when do get to edit the package selection though?
23:35 < sepp> 'X foo' <- enable foo - 'O bar' <- disable bar
23:36 < sepp> ?
23:36 < kic-> edit package selection rules option, only allows for adding packages..
23:36 < kic-> and 'show current package list' doesn't let you take anything out
23:37 < sepp> the syntax is: 'X foo' <- enable foo - 'O bar' <- disable bar
23:37 < kic-> lol
23:37 < kic-> hrm
23:38 < sepp> why 'lol' ?
23:39 < kic-> only way i can see how to do that, is manually editing the config/system/packages file
23:39 < kic-> is that correct?
23:39 < sepp> no, there is an option in 'Config' under 'expert options'
23:40 < sepp> editing config/system/packages will not even work
23:40 < kic-> ok.., do you know what that option is?
23:40 < kic-> i can't be this lame...
23:40 < kic-> heh
23:41 < sepp> one moment
23:41 < kic-> i have custom package selction under expert options selected, the next one under that is 'edit package selection rules'
23:41 < kic-> however, when i go in there.. its empty
23:41 < sepp> at the bottom "[ ] Show expert and experimental options"
23:41 < kic-> yes, i have that checked
23:42 < sepp> "[ X] Custom package selection"
23:42 < sepp> "Edit package selection rules" ...
23:42 < kic-> yes i have that checked..
23:42 < kic-> now
23:42 < kic-> when i go into
23:42 < kic-> 'Edit package selection rules'
23:42 < kic-> it is empty
23:42 < kic-> do i have to explicitly deny packages then?
23:43 < kic-> all that shows up, is a 001:
23:43 < sepp> yes - in there - 'X foo' <- enable foo - 'O bar' <- disable bar
23:43 < sepp> as single lines ...
23:43 < kic-> theres a ton of stuff in the default build i want to take out from the packages
23:43 < kic-> so i'll need to add 0 packagename
23:43 < kic-> for each
23:43 < kic-> ugh
23:43 < kic-> ok
23:44 < sepp> you can use 'O *'
23:44 < sepp> if you really want
23:45 < kic-> heh
23:46 < kic-> then it won't build anything eh? :D
23:46 < sepp> yes
23:47 < sepp> there are templates - like minimal, minimal-xorg, minimal-desktop - and you can make your own templates
23:47 < sepp> even based on one of them
23:48 < kic-> hrm
23:51 < sepp> ?
23:52 < PAVLINUX> Why in T2 not called kernel configuration from scripts/Config
23:52 < kic-> just wondering where the templates are kept
23:52 < kic-> so maybe i can copy one and modify it
23:54 < sepp> kic-: target/generic/pkgsel/ - no need to copy and modify - you can "include target/.../.../.../foo" ...
23:55 < sepp> look at target/desktop/pkgsel ;)
23:58 PAVLINUX [n=root@ppp85-140-190-116.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] requested CTCP PING from #t2: 1182203700
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23:59 -!- PAVLINUX [n=root@ppp85-140-190-116.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has quit ["using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/1.3.12"]
--- Log closed Tue Jun 19 00:00:21 2007