T2 IRC Log: 2007-06-17

This is the log as captured by an IRC bot in the channel. The statements are those of the individual people and might not neccessarily reflect the policy and legal rules as set forth by the T2 SDE Project.

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--- Log opened Sun Jun 17 00:00:19 2007
00:15 -!- misl [n=chatzill@84-104-172-187.cable.quicknet.nl] has quit ["ChatZilla [Firefox]"]
01:29 -!- mtr_ [n=Michael@pD9E134C9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #t2
01:38 -!- mtr [n=Michael@pD9E116EC.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]
01:38 -!- mtr_ is now known as mtr
02:35 -!- tri [n=tri@p57ADA2CF.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]
02:50 -!- bfg [n=bfg@203-206-57-245.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
06:10 -!- kic- [n=kicstah@c-67-191-95-53.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #t2
06:10 -!- kic_ [n=kicstah@c-67-191-95-53.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
07:19 -!- bfg [n=bfg@203-206-57-245.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #t2
07:26 -!- sparc-kly [n=mubex@adsl-64-237-248-184.prtc.net] has joined #t2
09:12 -!- misl [n=chatzill@84-104-172-187.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #t2
09:14 < misl> hi folks
09:51 < rxr> re
09:51 [Users #t2]
09:51 [@ChanServ] [ CIA-9] [ LMJ ] [ Ragnarin] [ sparc-kly]
09:51 [ bfg ] [ emte ] [ misl] [ rxr ] [ TobiX ]
09:51 [ cbrake ] [ kic- ] [ mtr ] [ sepp_ ] [ valentin ]
09:51 -!- Irssi: #t2: Total of 15 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 14 normal]
09:56 < CIA-9> rene * r24586 /trunk/package/x11/fox/fox.desc: * updated fox (1.6.25 -> 1.6.28)
09:57 < CIA-9> rene * r24587 /trunk/package/multimedia/xvidcap/xvidcap.desc:
09:57 < CIA-9> * updated xvidcap (1.1.4 -> 1.1.6)
09:57 < CIA-9> * changed xvidcap build priority (140.400 -> 150.300)
10:50 < CIA-9> rene * r24588 /trunk/package/ (30 files in 17 dirs): * fixed 16 packages to cross compile and marked them CROSS
10:54 < CIA-9> rene * r24589 /trunk/package/xorg/xdm/xdm.conf: * fixed xdm to cross-build, likewise
10:59 -!- sepp_ [n=sepp@Z7b41.z.pppool.de] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
11:15 [Users #t2]
11:15 [@ChanServ] [ CIA-9] [ LMJ ] [ Ragnarin ] [ TobiX ]
11:15 [ bfg ] [ emte ] [ misl] [ rxr ] [ valentin]
11:15 [ cbrake ] [ kic- ] [ mtr ] [ sparc-kly]
11:15 -!- Irssi: #t2: Total of 14 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 13 normal]
11:20 -!- sepp [n=sepp@Z4c3d.z.pppool.de] has joined #t2
11:21 < sepp> moin :)
11:23 < rxr> moin moin sepp
11:24 < sepp> hi rxr
11:37 < CIA-9> rene * r24591 /trunk/package/ (3 files in 3 dirs): * fixed lsof, libxt and ctags to cross build
11:41 < CIA-9> rene * r24592 /trunk/package/ (58 files in 58 dirs): * marked over 50 more packages that have been found to cross build
11:47 < CIA-9> rene * r24593 /trunk/scripts/config.in:
11:47 < CIA-9> * fixed the CROSS build stage selection to mark packages disabled,
11:47 < CIA-9> which are not selected in any stage. This fixes a bunch of packages
11:47 < CIA-9> that conditionally enable featured based on the selection state of
11:47 < CIA-9> other packages.
11:48 < CIA-9> rene * r24594 /trunk/package/ (9 files in 9 dirs): * found 9 other packages that cross compile already
11:48 < rxr> mtr: really amazing what kind of stuff that already cross compiles just fine
12:20 -!- Stelz [n=stealth@unaffiliated/stelz] has joined #t2
12:21 -!- Stelz [n=stealth@unaffiliated/stelz] has quit [Client Quit]
12:21 -!- Stelz [n=stealth@unaffiliated/stelz] has joined #t2
12:43 -!- DeeKey [n=denis@84-50-16-45-dsl.kjj.estpak.ee] has joined #t2
12:44 < DeeKey> Hello ALL :)
12:45 < rxr> hi DeeKey
12:49 < CIA-9> rene * r24595 /trunk/package/ (7 files in 3 dirs): * fixed 7zip, libmpeg, and terminus-font to cross build, likewise
12:53 < CIA-9> rene * r24596 /trunk/package/ (3 files in 3 dirs): * marked loop-aes, pcsc-lite, and exiv2 to cross compile, likewise
13:05 < CIA-9> rene * r24597 /trunk/package/ (8 files in 4 dirs): * fixed workbone, mpgtx, pciutils, and cthumb to cross build
14:08 -!- misl [n=chatzill@84-104-172-187.cable.quicknet.nl] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
14:56 < CIA-9> rene * r24599 /trunk/package/develop/libpeak/libpeak.desc: * marked libpeak powerpc, x86, m68k, sparc, ia64 only
15:02 < CIA-9> rene * r24600 /trunk/package/filesystem/dvd+rwtools/dvd+rwtools.conf: * fixed new DESTDIR work-around in dvd+rwtools to contain a seperating slash (/)
15:18 < CIA-9> rene * r24601 /trunk/package/ (21 files in 10 dirs):
15:18 < CIA-9> * fixed fixed the 11 packages: wavemon, dhcp, daemon, taper, metakit,
15:18 < CIA-9> hfsutils, genromfs, jfsutils, urlview, chkrootkit, and xv, to
15:18 < CIA-9> cross build, likewise
15:26 -!- DeeKey [n=denis@84-50-16-45-dsl.kjj.estpak.ee] has quit ["Leaving."]
15:30 < rxr> ok - /me going home then
15:30 < rxr> cu all
15:31 < CIA-9> rene * r24602 /trunk/package/x11/openbox/openbox.desc: * updated openbox (3.4.1 -> 3.4.2)
16:24 -!- misl [n=chatzill@84-104-172-187.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #t2
17:18 -!- tri [n=tri@p57ADABC9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #t2
17:20 -!- write_erase [n=olivier@bon13-2-82-237-125-220.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #t2
17:22 < tri> moin
17:22 < sepp> moin tri
17:25 < tri> i build a new target and did "build-targert" there were same packages which weren't build
17:25 < tri> no i downdate nasm and they build fine
17:26 < tri> but if i do a build-target the script isn't building these packages again
17:27 < sepp> there is an option in Config
17:27 < sepp> retry building broken packages
17:27 < tri> ah right, thx
17:28 < tri> if there are new version from packages found be the "t2 update tracker"
17:28 < tri> i can post the diffs to the mailinglist - if these new version build here ?
17:30 < sepp> yes
18:38 -!- Stelz [n=stealth@unaffiliated/stelz] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
19:00 -!- Stelz [n=stealth@unaffiliated/stelz] has joined #t2
19:57 -!- keinek_ [n=chatzill@] has joined #t2
20:19 -!- keinek_ [n=chatzill@] has quit ["ChatZilla [Firefox]"]
20:24 -!- DeeKey [n=denis@84-50-16-45-dsl.kjj.estpak.ee] has joined #t2
20:42 < tri> re
20:45 < sepp> huhu tri :)
20:45 < tri> how to solve this lua bash error: scripts/config-functions.lua:37: bad argument #1 to 'match' (string expected, got nil)
20:45 < tri> or can i ignore this message ?
20:47 < sepp> while running Config?
20:47 < tri> yes
20:51 < sepp> have you added some new .desc file or changed any existing one?
20:51 < tri> hm yes but only for my target
20:51 < tri> even if i do ./config -cfg default it get this error
20:52 < tri> can svn print me any diff ? (i'm not 100% sure if i didn't change any .desc file)
20:53 < sepp> `svn st` will list changes, `svn diff` will show a fat diff
20:59 < sepp> maybe some [C] tag is empty?
21:00 < sepp> just, removed th [C] line from a random .desc, gives the same error
21:00 < sepp> maybe you should add one :)
21:01 < sepp> but i dont know lua, maybe it is not even harmfull
21:04 < sepp> grep ^"\[C\]" -L package/*/*/*.desc ...
21:05 < sepp> ^- should give you the .desc without [C] ...
21:53 -!- yghor [n=yghor@] has joined #t2
21:53 -!- yghor [n=yghor@] has quit [Client Quit]
21:54 -!- yghor [n=yghor@] has joined #t2
21:54 < yghor> hey
21:55 < sepp> hey yghor
21:55 < yghor> i'm getting a "bad interpreter: Permission denied" on the Config script for 7.0-rc..... anyone knows why?
21:56 < yghor> hey sepp
21:58 < sepp> scripts/Config not 755 ?
22:00 < yghor> even after chmod still permission denied
22:00 < yghor> im sudoing btw
22:01 < yghor> im calling it from ./scripts/Config, as documented
22:01 < sepp> try as root
22:01 < yghor> sudo ./scripts/Config
22:01 < yghor> you mean loggin as root to the system?
22:01 < yghor> not sudoing?
22:01 < sepp> yes, or `su -l`
22:06 < yghor> i'm unable to log as root... i'm in a xubuntu box, and apparently, i don't know how, xubuntu doesn't have a root user(!!!)
22:06 < sepp> `sudo bash -l ` ?
22:07 < yghor> sepp: that worked wonders
22:07 < yghor> thanks
22:07 < yghor> but i'm still getting permission denied lol
22:07 < sepp> as root?
22:08 < yghor> yes
22:08 < yghor> i'm amazed
22:08 < sepp> weird
22:08 < yghor> bash: ./scripts/Config: /bin/bash: bad interpreter: Permission denied
22:08 < yghor> no shit, i never saw root not having permission
22:10 < yghor> my partition might be mounted noexec
22:10 < yghor> ill check that out
22:12 < sepp> sh ./scripts/Config ?
22:14 < sepp> noxecec or nodev wont work
22:15 < yghor> it worked at first, but then on the second Config call permission denied again... partition is noexec i just checked
22:15 < yghor> im moving the scripts to another
22:15 < yghor> ill see if it solves the problem
22:16 < sepp> it does not work with noexec or nodev ...
22:17 < yghor> worked now
22:17 < yghor> sepp: sorry, i didn't checked it beforehand
22:17 < sepp> np
22:19 < sepp> i guess that should be in some faq ...
22:23 -!- write_erase [n=olivier@bon13-2-82-237-125-220.fbx.proxad.net] has quit ["Leaving"]
22:28 < yghor> i don't think it'll be a common problem though
22:29 < sepp> nodev came up several times before
22:32 < yghor> the FAQ isn't exactly aimed at installation, more general questions right
22:34 -!- tri [n=tri@p57ADABC9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #t2 []
22:36 -!- misl [n=chatzill@84-104-172-187.cable.quicknet.nl] has quit ["ChatZilla [Firefox]"]
22:36 < sepp> well, now it is in the irc log :)
22:45 < yghor> argh, too much of a hassle making ubuntu work with the build process, i'll download the t2 live cd and build from there
22:47 < sepp> you better get 1 of the http://osiris.tfh-berlin.de/mirror/t2/stable/6.0.1/ isos ...
22:48 < sepp> the livecds have not everything to build t2 ...
22:52 < yghor> so i should install 6.0.1 then download the build scripts for 7.0-rc and the build it
22:53 < sepp> if your host system is way too broken to build most c crap without patches - yes
22:56 < sepp> if you can compile things on your host - it should work fine, but for some reason more and more linux (not t2 systems) are broken in one way or another
22:58 < yghor> yeah well, its going to be either t2 or lfs, and i don't think i'm ready for lfs yet
22:59 < sepp> i played with lfs 7 years ago :)
23:00 < yghor> so, is it too much of a hassle?
23:01 < sepp> yes, but they have good docs
23:01 -!- bfg [n=bfg@203-206-57-245.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
23:01 < yghor> i always end up in the same situation, no matter which distro i use: i install the same packages / ports / whatever. and have to configure them all every time to what i use. and i don't use even half of what's included. The closest i got to happiness was installing NetBSD, and compiling x11 and only the apps i used
23:01 < yghor> ill try maybe then
23:03 < sepp> you can do the same with t2, actually that is why i use it ...
23:04 < sepp> i just hate 42 installed editors
23:09 < yghor> yeah
23:10 < yghor> i dont mind having ed around
23:10 < yghor> but nano is just too much
23:11 < yghor> anyway... is there a chance t2 uses the opensolaris kernel?
23:12 < sepp> patches are very welcome - but noone is working on that
23:14 < sepp> right now ...
23:29 < DeeKey> Hi again :)
23:30 < DeeKey> I am creating my own distro and using modified linux kernel (RTAI patch)
23:31 < DeeKey> I created a /package/linux26 dir and thought, that it will override the default package location
23:31 < DeeKey> But during the build, I still have the wrong Linux kernel...
23:32 < DeeKey> Any thought why?
23:34 < DeeKey> Why the default way is used instead of my package? :
23:34 < DeeKey> -> Reading package config: target/rtai-box/package/linux26/linux26.conf
--- Log closed Mon Jun 18 00:00:20 2007