For generic program argument transformations in T2 Linux, wrapper applications got introduced allowing on-the-fly modification of program arguments. The wrapper binary is automatically compiled by the build system and placed inside a tool directory put as first search location into the PATH environment variable. Thus any invocation of the to-be-wrapped application will cause the wrapper to be executed.
The currently existing wrappers are:
cmd (CMD): a generic command wrapper
cc (CC): C compiler wrapper
c++ (CXX): C++ compiler wrapper
kcc (KCC): Kernel C compiler wrapper
f77 (F77): Fortran 77 compiler wrapper
strip (STRIP): configuration for strip wrapper
install, cp, ln, move (INSTALL): file installation wrapper
Each of this wrappers has a set of associated environment variables to configure the wrapper at runtime. Each of the variables is prefixed with the wrapper name in capital letters (see the list above for details):
prefix_WRAPPER_DEBUG: If set to a non-zero value the wrapper will log actions to the standard output.
prefix_WRAPPER_BYPASS: If set to a non-zero value the wrapper will be deactivated and thus no transformations applied.
prefix_WRAPPER_INSERT: Arguments to be inserted at the beginning of the argument string.
prefix_WRAPPER_REMOVE: Arguments to be removed from the argument string.
prefix_WRAPPER_APPEND: Arguments to be appended at the end of the argument list.
prefix_WRAPPER_FILTER: A colon (':') separated list of commands used to transform the arguments (for example: "sed '...' | awk '...' | foobar").
prefix_WRAPPER_OTHERS: A colon (':') separated list of other wrappers to be run first.
prefix_WRAPPER_APPEND_PO: 'PO' stands for 'PreOthers' - the content will be added when others wrappers are executed first.
All scripts, including the package .conf files, get run with certain environment variables set. This section does provide a full list, including the usage and meaning.
Basic build characterization:
config: Name of the active configuration (e.g. default).
extraver: Version text after the first whitespace, or $sdever if no extra version is present.
sdever: T2 Linux Version (including release date for snapshots).
arch: Architecture name (subdir in architecture).
target: Target distribution name (subdir in targets).
base: T2 Linux sources base directory.
Architecture build characterization:
crossnative: Either contains the value 'cross' or 'native' reflecting the build mode.
archprefix: Program prefix for binutils and compiler binaries (for cross-building).
arch_sizeof_long_long: Size of 'long long' - arch setting from architecture/*/archtest.out.
arch_sizeof_int: Size of 'int' - arch setting from architecture/*/archtest.out.
arch_machine: Machine name - arch setting from architecture/*/archtest.out.
arch_sizeof_char_p: Size of 'char*' - arch setting from architecture/*/archtest.out.
arch_sizeof_long: Size of 'long' - arch setting from architecture/*/archtest.out.
arch_bigendian: Indicates whether the architecture is big-endian - arch setting from architecture/*/archtest.out.
arch_sizeof_short: Size of 'short' - arch setting from architecture/*/archtest.out.
arch_target: Target name - arch setting from architecture/*/archtest.out.
arch_build: Build name - like 'arch_target' - but for the build host.
Build directories:
root: Root directory (usually '/').
xroot: Real root directory (/ when in chroot mode).
build_log: Build log file ... (Build-Target only).
build_pkgs: Package files go here .. (Build-Target only).
build_root: Change-root dir name ...... (Build-Target only).
targetdir: Directory containing the target config (target/...).
Package build characterization:
pkg: Name of the package to be built.
ver: Package version (from *.desc - until first whitespace).
desc_[A-Z]: Tag data from the *.desc file.
id: Unique ID for this Build-Pkg invocation.
stagelevel: Active build stage (0-1 = crossbuild, 2-8 = native, 9 = rebuild).
Package build directories:
archdir: Directory containing the package vanilla archive files (download/...).
confdir: Directory containing the package build config (package/...).
builddir: Directory in which the package is build (src.$id).
Package install directories:
prefix: Install prefix (usually '/usr' or '/opt/...').
prefix_auto: Set to '1' if the value was not supplied by the user and thus can be redetected in the package .conf file.
bindir: Location where the binaries (programs) should be installed.
sbindir: Location where the system binaries should be installed.
libdir: Location where the library files should be installed.
sysconfdir: Location where the configuration should be installed (i.e. etc).
localstatedir: Location where the variable data should be installed (i.e. var).
datadir: Location where the architecture independent data should be installed (i.e. share).
docdir: Location where the documentation should be installed.
mandir: Location where the info man pages should be installed.
infodir: Location where the info files should be installed.
includedir: Location where the header files should be installed.
Package's automated build system configuration:
autoextract: When set to '0' automatic untar will be skipped.
autopatch: When set to '0' automatic patching will be skipped.
chownsrcdir: When set to '0' the run of chown-ing the root after extracting the $srctar will be skipped.
nocvsinsrcdir: When set '0' CVS and .svn directories in $srcdir will not be removed.
srctar: Filename of the source tar file ('auto' = autodetect).
srcdir: Directory in the source tar file ('auto' = autodetect).
xsrctar: Filename of the source tar file after 'auto' has been processed.
xsrcdir: Directory in source tar file after 'auto' has been processed.
taropt: Options for extraction via tar.
patchfiles: List of patchfiles found in $confdir.
patchopt: Options passed to the patch program.
createprefix: If set to '0' to skip creation for directory skeleton for $prefix.
createdocs: If set to '0' to skip automatic copying of documentation files.
Build flow modifications (deprecated by the new hooks - see the section called “Build System Hooks”)
prepare: Command to be executed before the main build-block.
prepatch: Command to be executed before the automatic patching.
postpatch: Command to be executed after the automatic patching.
postdoc: Command to be executed after the automatic document copy process.
preconf: Command to be executed before running configure.
premake: Command to be execute before running 'make'.
inmake: Command to be execute between 'make' and 'make install'.
postmake: Command to be execute after running 'make install'.
postflist: Command to be execute after creating the flist.
postinstall: Command to be execute after finishing all the standard stuff.
finish: Command to be execute after everything else outside build-block.
custmain: Command to execute instead of 'configure, make, make install'.
mainfunction: Alternate main function instead of build_this_package().
Build type flow configuration
runconf: When set to '0' running configure will be disabled.
runxmkmf: When set to '0' running 'xmkmf' will be disabled.
runmkpl: When set to '0' running 'perl Makefile.PL' will be disabled.
runpysetup: When set to '0' running 'python' will be disabled
autogen: When set to '1' running the autogen script will be enabled.
Configuration parameters
confopt: Options used for GNU autoconf './configure'.
extraconfopt: Options which should be appended to $confopt by set_confopt().
configprefix: Prefix to the GNU autoconf './configure' script.
configscript: Specify the name used instead of './configure' for GNU autoconf.
pyconfopt: Options used for - the Python setup scripts.
makeopt: Options used for 'make' (defaults to useful CC, CXX, HOSTCC, prefix ... settings).
makeinstopt: Options used for 'make install' (defaults to '$makeopt install').
File list modifications:
flistdel: Regex describing files which shouldn't go into the package file list.
flistrfilter: Regex describing which lines to ignore in flist rlog.
flistroot: List of top-level directories which should be used for the file list.
Post build sanity checks:
check_shared: Check for files which are shared with other packages.
check_usrlocal: Check for files which are installed in usr/local.
check_badfiles: Check for files which are registered 'bad files'.
Program invocation:
BUILDCC: C compiler for helper apps (usually that's just 'cc').
BUILD_CC: C compiler for helper apps (must be the same as $BUILDCC).
HOSTCC: C compiler for helper apps (must be the same as $BUILDCC).
HOST_CC: C compiler for helper apps (must be the same as $BUILDCC).
MAKE: Make executable name.
CC: C compiler executable name for target architecture.
CXX: C++ compiler executable name for target architecture.
STRIP: Strip executable name for target architecture.
LD: Ld executable name for target architecture.
AR: Ar executable name for target architecture.
RANLIB: Ranlib executable name for target architecture.
AS: As executable name for target architecture.
GASP: Gasp executable name for target architecture.
NM: Nm executable name for target architecture.
Wrapper configuration (see the section called “Command Wrapper” for a detailed description):
CMD_WRAPPER_*: configuration for the generic command wrapper
CC_WRAPPER_*: configuration for C compiler wrapper
CXX_WRAPPER_*: configuration for C++ compiler wrapper
KCC_WRAPPER_*: configuration for Kernel C compiler wrapper
F77_WRAPPER_*: configuration for Fortran 77 compiler wrapper
STRIP_WRAPPER_*: configuration for strip wrapper
INSTALL_WRAPPER_*: configuration for the install wrapper
Modular supplied configuration:
SDECFG_*: configuration from 'Config' file
Build scripts are executed from $base/src.