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--- Log opened Tue Jun 12 00:00:13 2007
00:05 -!- cbrake is now known as cbrake_away
02:07 -!- mtr_ [] has joined #t2
02:21 -!- mtr [] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
02:21 -!- mtr_ is now known as mtr
04:19 -!- Stelz [i=stelz@unaffiliated/stelz] has quit ["There is intelligent life out there..."]
04:20 -!- Stelz [i=stelz@unaffiliated/stelz] has joined #t2
05:10 -!- Stelz [i=stelz@unaffiliated/stelz] has quit ["There is intelligent life out there..."]
05:11 -!- Stelz [i=stelz@unaffiliated/stelz] has joined #t2
07:25 < CIA-9> rene * r24451 /trunk/package/develop/icecream/ (gcc41.patch icecream.conf icecream.desc no-cc-links.patch): * updated icecream (0.6-20050413 -> 0.7.14)
07:28 < CIA-9> rene * r24452 /trunk/package/base/htop/htop.desc: * updated htop (0.6.5 -> 0.6.6)
07:31 < Ragnarin> rxr: why doesn't this work: var_remove confopt ' ' '--without-libpam'
07:32 < rxr> heh - a bit too little information :-)
07:32 < rxr> maybe this --without-libpam is added later by something else?
07:32 < rxr> or it is in extracnofopt ?
07:32 < rxr> extraconfopt
07:32 < Ragnarin> this is the package 'ed'
07:46 < rxr> hm
07:46 [Users #t2]
07:46 [@ChanServ ] [ CIA-9] [ LMJ] [ pdinoto_] [ rxr ] [ TobiX ]
07:46 [ cbrake_away] [ emte ] [ mtr] [ Ragnarin] [ Stelz] [ valentin]
07:46 -!- Irssi: #t2: Total of 12 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 11 normal]
07:54 < CIA-9> rene * r24453 /trunk/scripts/ (config.hlp
07:54 < CIA-9> * made the /lib* static library movement into /usr/lib* optional, and
07:54 < CIA-9> disabled by default. Though some packages are patched to correctly
07:54 < CIA-9> find the moved libraries in the configure scripts, some still have
07:54 < CIA-9> problems, especially on lib64 builds. So with the options people
07:54 < CIA-9> loving this feature can selectively enable it.
08:12 < mtr> has someone else tar 1.17 fail in stage-1, native desktop build?
08:53 < CIA-9> mtr * r24454 /trunk/package/base/uclibc/patches/ (6 files): * fixed uclibc package builds for util-linux, psmisc, acl, at and usbutils
09:10 -!- tri [] has joined #t2
09:33 < tri> hi
09:52 < CIA-9> mtr * r24455 /trunk/scripts/config.cache:
09:52 < CIA-9> * extended the system-wide cached options for configure used in stage-1
09:52 < CIA-9> (tar needs gl_cv_func_gettimeofday_clobber=no)
09:52 < mtr> hi tri
10:04 < tri> hm i have build a new package but i'm not able to install it...
10:04 < tri> hm build-pkg seams to work now
10:04 < tri> but with emerge-pkg it wasn't ?
10:12 -!- bfg [] has joined #t2
10:13 < bfg> hi
10:14 -!- write_erase [] has joined #t2
10:16 < tri> hi bfg write_erase
10:16 < write_erase> hi
10:18 -!- bf1 [] has joined #t2
10:23 -!- bfg [] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]
10:24 -!- sepp [] has joined #t2
10:24 < sepp> moin :)
10:28 < tri> hi sepp :-)
10:28 < sepp> hi tri ;)
10:36 < tri> hm where is the $xorg_libdir/modules/dri/ dir from ?
10:39 < sepp> what?
10:39 < tri> what package does create this directory ?
10:40 < sepp> i dont have that dir
10:42 < sepp> there is /var/adm/flists/ ...
10:43 < tri> ah right i have a look there
10:57 -!- write_erase [] has quit ["Leaving"]
11:18 < tri> what is todo if there is a shared file with a other package ?
11:19 < tri> ah ok
11:20 < sepp> :)
11:22 < tri> hm but i'm not sure if i can rename the from the mesa package
11:22 < tri> but i think so...
11:23 < sepp> xcfgt2 overwrites libGL and copies the over stuff only if it detects a nvidia card
11:38 -!- idealm [] has joined #t2
11:40 -!- idealm [] has quit [Client Quit]
11:48 < tri> hm ok so xcfgt2 should be patched to not copy over stuff it it detects a nvida or a ati card :-)
11:51 < tri> hm ok so the ati lib should be in usr/src/ati/lib ?
11:52 < tri> ok - this is also done in the nvidia.conf file...
11:54 < sepp> maybe it should be smarter and backup mesas libGL
11:56 < tri> hm to use the nvidia driver right now you should run xcfgt2 before ?
11:58 < sepp> that has some lines to install the binary only libGL
12:00 < tri> right so if i install the nvidia package the binary only libGL is only installed if i run xcfgt2 before ?
12:00 < sepp> yes
12:06 < tri> hm ones more a basic question: what is done if the build of a package failes -are the installed files deleted ?
12:06 < sepp> with Emerge-Pkg, no
12:07 < tri> with Build-pkg ?
12:07 < sepp> no
12:08 < sepp> emerge uses build-pkg ...
12:08 < tri> just to be sure :-)
12:22 -!- tri [] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
12:25 -!- tri [] has joined #t2
12:26 < tri> re
12:27 < tri> hm
12:31 < tri> ok i have now deleted the file but it still says found shared files...
12:32 < sepp> it is in the flist
12:32 < tri> should i remove it there
12:32 < tri> or what would be the "right" way ?
12:33 < sepp> i think you should not overwrite libGL with the ati one
12:34 < tri> ah ok
12:39 < tri> is the lsb standard for the dri modules /usr/lib/dir or /usr/X11R7/lib/modules/dri/ ?
12:42 < tri> or is it /usr/X11R7/lib/xorg/modules/dri
12:44 < sepp> dont know
12:47 < tri> why do you think overwriting the libGL with the ati one is the wrong way ?
12:48 < sepp> opengl will only work with ati cards
12:49 < sepp> you can put it into /usr/src/ati or so and extend xcfgt2
12:51 < tri> yes like it is done in the nvidia package - i do that
13:09 < tri> hm apply_patchfiles isn't in the handbook
13:09 < tri> i think it is for "applying the patchfiles - now" - right ?
13:13 < sepp> yes
13:25 < tri> hm ok if i install the nvidia package the file is downloaded extracted and the patchfiles are applied and how is it going on then ?
13:25 < tri> when is postlinux or pkg_linux26 needed
13:25 < tri> ah ok if i build the kernel
13:26 < tri> the kernel package is looking for files like pkg_linux26
13:26 < tri> and after the kernel build is finished it is looking for postlinux.conf files -right ?
13:31 < sepp> yes
13:32 < bf1> the pkg_linx???? files are used to confiue the kernel
13:32 < bf1> the postlinux.conf are used to build third party modules which are provided by the packages where the file is found
13:33 < bf1> sorry i need a new keyboard... the keys in my upper 2 rows aren't working that good
13:34 < bf1> the third party modules are built during kernel build after alle the kernel stuff is finished
13:35 < sepp> too much pizza in the keyboard? :p
13:43 < bf1> no... cheap keyboard...feels like a mechanic typewriter since the first day
13:44 < bf1> but a geat price..... (less than 4 euros...)....
13:53 < tri> hm is the nvidia package which is right now in the svn still wokring ?
13:54 < tri> i mean there isn't a dir usr/X11R6 anylonger it is usr/X11R7 - isn't it ?
13:59 -!- bf1 [] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]
14:04 -!- bfg [] has joined #t2
14:19 < tri> question about the "code style" which should be used i looked at the nvidia.conf file and the fglrx.conf file from opensde - they are quite diffrent which one is the "right" one ?
14:22 < tri> is there a custextract in t2 ?
14:55 -!- write_erase [] has joined #t2
15:08 < pdinoto_> hi all,
15:21 < write_erase> hi pdinoto_
15:43 < tri> hm is there still some work going on with the t2 website ?
15:43 < tri> and why is there a faq at the website and at the wiki and both are different ?
15:44 -!- bfg [] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]
15:48 < sepp> there is a wiki?
15:50 < tri> jop
15:50 < tri>
15:50 < tri> if you register a acount you are able to edit
15:54 < sepp> ahh, yes trac ...
15:55 < tri> hm but the "integrated" wiki isn't used that much ?
15:56 < sepp> i think not
15:58 < tri> should it be used more ? and i know there was something like a website redesign ? maybe the wiki would be more used if it is more integrated into the website - i mean every "normal" user will never find the "wiki" :-)
16:02 < sepp> should be
16:03 < tri> cu :-)
16:03 -!- tri [] has left #t2 []
16:46 -!- andr01d [] has joined #t2
16:47 < andr01d> hi all
17:02 -!- tr1 [] has joined #t2
17:04 < tr1> why should i not use "custmain" and would should i use for it ?
17:31 < sepp> that is just a warning, the world will not perish :)
17:32 < sepp> but you can use preconf hooks
17:32 < sepp> they are listed in the handbook somewhere
17:33 < sepp>
17:35 -!- andr01d [] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
17:54 -!- write_erase [] has quit ["Leaving"]
18:12 < tr1> thx sepp
18:19 -!- misl [] has joined #t2
18:20 < misl> hi folks
19:09 -!- Stelz [i=stelz@unaffiliated/stelz] has quit ["There is intelligent life out there..."]
19:10 -!- Stelz [i=stelz@unaffiliated/stelz] has joined #t2
19:11 < CIA-9> ragnar * r24456 /trunk/package/editors/ed/ed.conf: * ed: remove various options that configure doesn't like on non-pam systems
20:44 -!- sepp [] has quit ["Lost terminal"]
21:23 -!- sepp [] has joined #t2
21:56 < pdinoto_> hi,
21:57 < pdinoto_> can I "remove" a package that is already built and then restart build process?
21:57 < pdinoto_> (embedded has coreutils and busybox: they have some file clashing).
21:57 < pdinoto_> (I want to remove coreutils and keep building)
22:00 -!- bf1 [] has joined #t2
22:00 < sepp> pdinoto_: ./scripts/Create-ErrList -cfg FOO -remove BAR
22:01 < pdinoto_> oh, great. thanks sepp!
22:09 -!- tr1 [] has left #t2 []
22:11 < pdinoto_> sepp: do I need to do something else? I got the "Scheduling package 'coreutils' for rebuild"
22:12 < pdinoto_> and the rebuild failed same way: busybox shares files with coreutils.
22:13 < pdinoto_> oh, wait. it is not the same error...
22:14 < pdinoto_> never mind. busybox clashes with other packages.
22:15 < sepp> with an own config?
22:16 < pdinoto_> embedded target, with "O coreutils" in my package selection.
22:17 < pdinoto_> I am checking against svn, to be sure I have not modified something
22:17 < pdinoto_> (so much fiddling with configs lately :-)
22:18 < sepp> well, coreutils and busybox together will fail since they provide the same 'commands'
22:18 < pdinoto_> well, svn shows that I only modified expat.desc (bad checksum)
22:19 < sepp> what is the checksum you got?
22:19 < pdinoto_> yes, but also conflicts with cpio, egrep, gzip, rocknet... etc.
22:20 < sepp> 723473252 ?
22:20 < pdinoto_> 723473252, yes
22:20 < pdinoto_> it was different, (started with 0, IIRC)
22:22 < sepp> was 760000234 and i got the same error
22:22 < pdinoto_> svn has a .tar.gz, I had to get a bz2
22:23 < pdinoto_> I guess the source URL is not longer valid.
22:24 < pdinoto_> and that is the reason for the checksum difference
22:25 < pdinoto_> not sure why ./script/Download -required insisted in getting it. It seems I am not building it.
22:26 < sepp> grep expat config/.../packages
22:29 < pdinoto_> my config gives
22:29 < pdinoto_> O -1-------- 104.500 base expat 2.0.1 / base/library 0
22:29 < pdinoto_> O -1-------- 200.400 lua luaexpat 1.0.1 / extra/development 0
22:30 < pdinoto_> oh, but when you do a ./scripts/Download -required you have to provide -cfg, or
22:30 < sepp> Download needs -cfg YOURCONFIG - i think
22:30 < pdinoto_> exactly. I guess that is the reason.
22:32 < pdinoto_> well, will try to "O busybox" and see if I get a build.
22:32 < pdinoto_> then I will mess with busybox: it clashes with 10 other packages.
22:32 < pdinoto_> and that makes sense.
22:33 < pdinoto_> not sure why both are in a default package selection, though.
22:40 < sepp> with the embedded target?
22:43 < pdinoto_> yes, it seems.
22:52 < sepp> hmmm
23:00 -!- misl [] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
23:13 < pdinoto_> and now I hit the unionfs build error (I think andr01d also pointed it out)
23:16 < pdinoto_> unionfs needs libuuid, which comes with e2fsprogs
23:19 < pdinoto_> and e2fstools built successfully... so here we go again with unionfs...
23:20 < pdinoto_> ok, unionfs got built! continuing...
23:41 -!- nowYY [n=nowYY@] has joined #t2
23:41 < nowYY> hi
23:42 < nowYY> are there any plans for kde4beta packaging?
23:46 < pdinoto_> hi
23:46 < pdinoto_> nowYY: no idea.
23:47 < pdinoto_> nowYY main devs are in a sleep-time-timezone right now.
23:48 < pdinoto_> nowYY: perhaps you should repeat your question later :)
23:50 < nowYY> pdinoto_ sleep-time-timezone??
23:51 < nowYY> in europe sleep-time begins after 00:00
23:51 < nowYY> so 10 minutes left..
23:51 < pdinoto_> :-)
23:51 < pdinoto_> everybody must be watching TV, or something: things get quiet here at this time of the day...
23:52 < nowYY> well watching tv at this time is not a good idea, except u r porn addicted..
23:53 < pdinoto_> may be... well here is 7pm which means "go home".
23:53 < pdinoto_> cu
23:53 < nowYY> cu
23:54 -!- nowYY [n=nowYY@] has left #t2 ["bye!"]
--- Log closed Wed Jun 13 00:00:14 2007