T2 IRC Log: 2007-06-11

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--- Log opened Mon Jun 11 00:00:12 2007
00:33 -!- MasterOne [i=nobody@] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
01:02 -!- MasterOne [i=nobody@] has joined #t2
01:31 -!- MasterOne [i=nobody@] has quit ["Verlassend"]
01:55 -!- idealm [n=ideal@c58-107-18-66.belrs2.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #t2
01:56 -!- idealm [n=ideal@c58-107-18-66.belrs2.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has quit [Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)]
02:03 -!- mtr_ [n=Michael@pD9E10E6C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #t2
02:20 -!- mtr [n=Michael@kobz-590cb393.pool.einsundeins.de] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
02:20 -!- mtr_ is now known as mtr
03:32 -!- sepp [n=sepp@BADbe85.bad.pppool.de] has joined #t2
03:36 < rxr> moin
03:38 < sepp> moin rxr ;)
03:39 < rxr> hey sepp!
03:39 < rxr> how comes are are awake at this time ? :-=
03:39 < rxr> :-) even
03:40 < sepp> too hot to sleep in my stupid flat
03:40 < rxr> ah, ic
03:40 < rxr> guess I'll enjoy simillar air when back in berlin in some days ...
03:41 < rxr> off for some sight seeing in simillar hot air - cu then
03:54 -!- sepp_ [n=sepp@BADba9c.bad.pppool.de] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
08:31 -!- write_erase [n=olivier@] has joined #t2
08:51 < mtr> moin
09:12 -!- tri [n=Richter@pd95b2df8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #t2
09:13 < tri> moin :-)
09:33 < mtr> moin tri
10:07 < tri> mtr: do you have firefox installed ?
10:07 < write_erase> hi
10:07 < tri> hi write_erase
10:07 < tri> write_erase: do you have firefox installed ?
10:09 < mtr> hi write_erase
10:09 -!- Stelz [i=stelz@unaffiliated/stelz] has quit ["There is intelligent life out there..."]
10:10 * mtr 's preferred browser is firefox
10:14 < tri> mtr: can you take a quick look at your /usr/bin/firefox script is there the MOZ_PLUGIN_PATH.patch included ?
10:18 < mtr> hmm, I do not have /usr/bin/firefox :(
10:18 < mtr> which firefox
10:18 < mtr> /opt/mozilla.org/bin/firefox
10:19 < tri> ah ok i mean /opt/.../firefox
10:20 < tri> is there the moz_plugin_patch in your firefox script ?
10:21 < mtr> How can I detect this patch? Should I look just for any instance of MOZ_PLUGIN_PATH?
10:22 < mtr> not found :(
10:22 < mtr> only in seamonkey:
10:22 < mtr> grep MOZ_PLUGIN /opt/mozilla.org/bin/*
10:22 < mtr> /opt/mozilla.org/bin/seamonkey:if [ "$MOZ_PLUGIN_PATH" ]
10:23 < mtr> I have my firefox plugins located in /opt/mozilla.org/lib/firefox-
10:24 < tri> hm i think you should find it if you do a vi /opt/.../bin/firerfox ?
10:24 < tri> and there should be added this one http://svn.exactcode.de/t2/trunk/package/www/firefox/MOZ_PLUGIN_PATH.patch
10:25 < tri> on my system the build scripts says it is succefully included but if i look at the firefox script under /opt/.../bin/firefox it isn't
10:25 < tri> and for that reason firefox doesn't care which plugin is in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins
10:27 < mtr> same here, this patch is applied, but not included in the firefox script
10:27 < tri> how can i trace the buildscripts ?
10:27 < tri> the patch is from 2005 maybe this is a problem ?
10:28 < mtr> seems the patch works only for seamonkey
10:29 < tri> hm
10:32 < mtr> does it work for you if you manually patch firefox?
10:33 -!- Stelz [i=stelz@unaffiliated/stelz] has joined #t2
10:33 < tri> hm one moment i try it
10:51 -!- bfg [n=blacky@203-206-57-245.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #t2
10:58 < CIA-9> mtr * r24441 /trunk/package/base/linux26/linux26.desc: * updated linux26 ( ->
11:05 -!- bfg [n=blacky@203-206-57-245.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit [Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)]
11:44 -!- tri [n=Richter@pd95b2df8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)]
11:44 -!- tr1 [n=Richter@pd95b2df8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #t2
11:56 < tr1> mtr: i think the wrong file is patched with the MOZ_PLUGIN_PATH.patch file
11:56 < tr1> shouldn't it be browser/app/mozilla.in ?
12:36 < rxr> re
12:45 < CIA-9> rene * r24442 /trunk/package/editors/zile/zile.desc: * updated zile (2.2.33 -> 2.2.34)
13:06 < CIA-9> susan * r24443 /trunk/package/gnome2/bluez-gnome/bluez-gnome.desc: * updated bluez-gnome (0.7 -> 0.8)
13:21 -!- sepp_ [n=sepp@BADb8aa.bad.pppool.de] has joined #t2
13:21 < CIA-9> rene * r24444 /trunk/package/graphic/imagemagick/imagemagick.desc: * updated imagemagick (6.3.4-3 -> 6.3.4-5)
13:24 < CIA-9> rene * r24445 /trunk/package/perl/perl-html-table/perl-html-table.desc: * updated perl-html-table (2.05 -> 2.06)
13:25 < CIA-9> rene * r24446 /trunk/package/perl/perl-appconfig/perl-appconfig.desc: * updated perl-appconfig (1.56 -> 1.65)
13:26 < CIA-9> rene * r24447 /trunk/package/perl/perl-netaddr-ip/perl-netaddr-ip.desc: * updated perl-netaddr-ip (4.004 -> 4.007)
13:27 < CIA-9> rene * r24448 /trunk/package/perl/perl-archive-zip/perl-archive-zip.desc: * updated perl-archive-zip (1.18 -> 1.20)
13:27 < CIA-9> rene * r24449 /trunk/package/perl/perl-mime-types/perl-mime-types.desc: * updated perl-mime-types (1.19 -> 1.20)
13:34 < tr1> ping rxr
13:35 < rxr> hi
13:37 < tr1> what are the differents between t2 and opensde ?
13:37 -!- sepp [n=sepp@BADbe85.bad.pppool.de] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
13:42 < rxr> tr1: you can read that on the IRC logs
13:42 < rxr> this is a long storry and basically boils down that the opensde "founder" wants to have his own personal copy to play with
13:43 < rxr> they already have quickly fall behind in doing package updates in a timely manner as well as re-sorting the whole build system to using opensde gets differnt every week
13:43 < rxr> so probably a lot does not build there at the moment
13:44 < rxr> plus the build scripts are used with different naming and semantinc, while t2 kept it compatible for 5 years or so now
13:45 < rxr> thus more easy for people who tried t2 already 4 years ago and also a better foundation for companie as not "every changing"
13:45 < rxr> plus a whole lot more - ymmv
13:46 < tr1> which date do i have to look for the irc logs ?
13:47 < rxr> around april/may or so last year
13:47 < tr1> i have problems with the firefox MOZ_PLUGIN patch
13:47 < rxr> I do not have an exact date at hand
13:48 < tr1> the patch is against xpfe/bootstrap/mozilla.in
13:48 < tr1> but it isn't working the build script said ok patch included
13:48 < tr1> but if i look at the firefox script in /opt.../bin/firefox there it isn't
13:49 < tr1> now i build firefox and patched the file ./browser/app/mozilla.in
13:49 < CIA-9> susan * r24450 /trunk/package/graphic/poppler/ (3 files): * updated poppler (0.5.4 -> 0.5.9)
13:49 < tr1> and now it is working the plugins in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins are found by firefox
13:50 < rxr> that sounds good
13:50 < tr1> maybe you can have a quick look on that ?
13:50 < rxr> I do not remeber all the details on that
13:50 < tr1> should i mail it to the list ?
13:50 < rxr> yes, best send a mail with patch to the list
13:50 < rxr> normally I could take a look immediatly, but i'm abroad in Taipei right now
13:52 < tr1> np - i send i mail :-)
13:52 < tr1> and have fun in taipei !
13:52 < rxr> yeah - we go back tomorrow night, so only 24h left here :_)
13:57 < rxr> so - cu later
13:57 < rxr> have fun
14:00 < tr1> cu
15:16 < tr1> ping sepp
15:21 < sepp_> pong
15:21 < sepp_> :)
15:22 < tr1> can i private msg to you in german ?
15:22 -!- sepp_ is now known as sepp
15:23 < sepp> now you can ;)
15:24 < sepp> but you need to be identified to freenode ...
15:24 < tr1> ah ok
15:25 -!- tr1 is now known as tri
15:25 < tri> ok now :-)
15:29 < mtr> re
15:29 < tri> hi mtr
15:33 < mtr> T2's growing package database reaches wildcard shell expansion limits:
15:33 < mtr> ./scripts/Create-PkgList: line 98: /usr/bin/gawk: Argument list too long
15:34 < mtr> causes by a gawk ... package/*/*/*.desc
15:34 < mtr> *caused
15:34 < mtr> ...
15:36 -!- andr01d [n=root@bzq-219-167-68.static.bezeqint.net] has joined #t2
15:36 < andr01d> hi there, good people
15:36 < sepp> hi there, good andr01d :p
15:37 < tri> hi andr01d
15:37 < andr01d> so how's it going today, compiling as usual? :)
15:39 < sepp> yup
15:39 < mtr> hi andr01d
15:39 < andr01d> hi mtr
15:40 < andr01d> you can congradulate me, i have a compilation box at last! this way I get errors about five times quicker now :)
15:41 < sepp> hehe
15:42 < andr01d> mtr, my offer stands, so if you want access to this box - just send me your pub key
15:44 < andr01d> I mean - if it helps you develop T2 - it's in my interest too
15:44 < mtr> oh yes, there is a virtual beer to earn, i remember ;)
15:45 < andr01d> sepp was the one promising the beer? :)
15:45 < mtr> thought it was you
15:45 < sepp> i did not
15:45 * mtr scrolling back
15:46 < andr01d> nah, I was promising to help you get that beer... but i don't remember who did offer it :)
15:47 < mtr> ah ok, it was pdinoto_ :)
15:48 < andr01d> AHA! well, AFAIK T2 7.0 compiles for Embedded Generic with uClibc... so it's time to hold that promise, pdinoto_
15:48 < andr01d> now, don't act as if you're away, pdinoto_ ;)
15:49 < pdinoto_> ha ha...
15:49 < pdinoto_> there is no better incentive as beer... ;-)
15:52 < mtr> burning cpu cycles for T2 builds is also most welcome :)
15:53 < mtr> if you could offer some VM for this purpose this would be really helpful
15:54 < mtr> rxr already has a setup and scripts for an automated regression tester
15:54 < pdinoto_> What type of access do you need?
15:54 < mtr> but we could test-build more variations and platforms
15:55 < tri> a think this VM is a nice option
15:56 < pdinoto_> I have space and idle CPU to use, but need to isolate that VM from the rest
15:56 < mtr> andr01d offered a vmware platform on a blade center, afair
15:57 < pdinoto_> of the network in order to get permission. SSH with key exchange is enough?
16:00 < andr01d> yah, the blade center was just assambled, not yet operational... today VMWare infrastructure 3 is being installed on it
16:00 -!- sepp_ [n=sepp@Z65f4.z.pppool.de] has joined #t2
16:00 < andr01d> then i'll get admin acces
16:00 < andr01d> & then i'll be able to give you a dedicated VM
16:01 < andr01d> for meanwhile - I can give you access to my private build machine: Dual Xeon 2.8, 3GB RAM
16:01 < andr01d> DOH! just noticed that I've created it with 8GB disk
16:04 < andr01d> dammit
16:05 < pdinoto_> andr01d: vmware-vdiskmanager is in order... a couple of -cfg's will surely fill 8g :)
16:06 < andr01d> hmm, i can simply add another disk & mount it under /t2 or something
16:07 < pdinoto_> mtr: I would love to help building automatically for regression testing,
16:07 < pdinoto_> mtr: specially for embedded and uClibc, which will close to our needs here...
16:08 < andr01d> maybe we should setup a T2 grid? :)
16:09 < andr01d> beowulf, anyone? :)
16:09 < pdinoto_> mtr: Should I wait for rxr to let him know? You tell him?
16:09 < mtr> :)
16:10 < mtr> pdinoto_: yes, I would like to ask rxr about his regression tester, he already has scripts and a working setup
16:10 < pdinoto_> andrOid: sounds nice... you know how to do it?
16:10 < pdinoto_> mtr: ok. Count me in the T2-build farm as node :)
16:11 < andr01d> never did it, but i'd certainly like to find out how it works :) have lotsa experience with setting up clustered services (DB, mail, etc.)
16:11 < mtr> :)
16:13 < andr01d> well beowulf site claims that it's fairy easy to set up beowulf grid.. "Mind you, it is quite possible to go into beowulfery with no more than a limited understanding of networking, a handful of machines"
16:15 < tri> this could also be nice to have binary (the t2 gem) files
16:17 < write_erase> andr01d, What do you want a grid computing for ?
16:17 < andr01d> to build T2 in seconds?
16:17 -!- sepp [n=sepp@BADb8aa.bad.pppool.de] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
16:23 < pdinoto_> write_erase: if I understand correctly, instead of several build host you could
16:23 < write_erase> Not sure bewulf would help for that ...
16:24 < pdinoto_> write_erase: have a single, distributed build.
16:24 < write_erase> I'm reading the beowulf FAQ
16:24 < andr01d> yeah, just read it - the app has to be aware opf beowulf in order to use it
16:24 < write_erase> Can I take my software and run it on a Beowulf and have it go faster?
16:24 < write_erase> Yes !
16:24 < andr01d> that's a bummer
16:24 < write_erase> You need to split it into parallel tasks that communicate using MPI or PVM or network sockets or SysV IPC.
16:25 < pdinoto_> write_erase: me neither :-) That is why I ask...
16:25 < pdinoto_> perhaps distcc would be better...
16:25 < write_erase> I couple of scripts and DISTCC would be ok
16:25 < write_erase> hehe
16:30 -!- bogdan_ [n=bogdan@dyn-] has joined #t2
16:40 < andr01d> looks like distcc is the thing we want...
16:40 < andr01d> I want to be a node
16:48 -!- bogdan_ [n=bogdan@dyn-] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
16:50 < tri> cu
16:50 -!- tri [n=Richter@pd95b2df8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #t2 []
16:55 < pdinoto_> cu
16:57 < andr01d> cu man
16:58 < pdinoto_> is there a way to check after a build failure why a particular package
16:58 < pdinoto_> was included in the build?
16:58 < andr01d> great question...
16:58 < pdinoto_> I trimmed down embedded target, and so far I get linux26 to compile,
16:58 < andr01d> at what stage?
16:59 < pdinoto_> and fails at elvis-tiny.
16:59 < pdinoto_> andrO1d: stage-1
16:59 < andr01d> weird.. yesterday i managed to compile elvis-tiny but did fail 1-2 packages afterwards...
16:59 < pdinoto_> I can't grasp where elvis-tiny gets selected...
16:59 < andr01d> afaik elvis is some kind of text editor
17:00 < andr01d> i don't think anything should depend on it...
17:00 < pdinoto_> yep, that is why it is so weird...
17:01 < andr01d> i'll be getting to elvis in 1-2 packages, i'll let you know if it fails/succeeds
17:02 < andr01d> do you have any idea how t2 selects the pacakge it needs to compile next?
17:02 < pdinoto_> ok, let me know, please
17:02 < mtr> target/embedded/config.in implements the package filter, and there it contains a positive filter for elvis-tiny
17:02 < pdinoto_> there is a priority value in the .desc file, that IIRC is fixed.
17:02 < mtr> why does elvis-tiny fail? can you post the error log?
17:03 < pdinoto_> sure...
17:04 -!- misl [n=chatzill@84-104-172-187.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #t2
17:04 < andr01d> yesterday i failed at stage-1 while compiling psmisc - patches failed...
17:05 < andr01d> but there were updates since, so i don't know if it's still relevant
17:06 < andr01d> pdinoto_: how many packages do you have selected for your embedded target?
17:07 < mtr> if you dont care about those single package failures you can do "touch build//var/adm/logs/1-$pkg.log" to create a logfile and tell T2 not to build it again
17:09 < pdinoto_> mtr: http://rafb.net/p/OLmZwX73.html
17:10 < pdinoto_> rxr: oh, nice trick to keep it going. Will try it now.
17:10 -!- Stelz [i=stelz@unaffiliated/stelz] has quit ["There is intelligent life out there..."]
17:12 < andr01d> eh... there's no visible error in the log pdinoto_ pasted (?)
17:12 < misl> hi folks
17:13 < pdinoto_> yes... I did not understand that either...
17:13 -!- Stelz [i=stelz@unaffiliated/stelz] has joined #t2
17:13 < andr01d> can you post /root/t2-7.0-svn/src.elvis-tiny.b1.20070609.010150.25636.t2-build/cmd_wrapper.log ?
17:13 < mtr> pdinoto_: do you have download/mirror/e/elvis-tiny_1.4-20.diff.bz2 ?
17:13 < mtr> hi misl
17:14 < pdinoto_> root@t2-build:~/t2-7.0-svn# ls -l download/mirror/e/elvis-tiny_1.4-18.diff.bz2
17:14 < pdinoto_> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 13620 May 22 18:46 download/mirror/e/elvis-tiny_1.4-18.diff.bz2
17:20 < pdinoto_> andr01d: http://rafb.net/p/o8di4X49.html
17:20 < andr01d> make.out :-D ROFL
17:20 < andr01d> pdinoto_: hmmm... no leads there too, very strange
17:21 < pdinoto_> in fact, it happened in two different builds.
17:21 < mtr> pdinoto_: the 7.0-stable branch has 1.4-20, for any reason the file did not download
17:21 < mtr> argh, the script did not download the file, i meant ;)
17:22 < andr01d> mtr: thanks a bunch for telling me about ccache...
17:23 < andr01d> only when you follow the .out logs - do you really realize how many things can be cached :)
17:23 < mtr> yw :)
17:23 < mtr> really speeds up the rebuild
17:23 < pdinoto_> oh, I see the .desc has the 1.4-20 patch. Will try a ./script/Download -required
17:24 < andr01d> mtr: I wanted to ask you a big question, is it good time now?
17:24 < andr01d> (to ask the question, i mean)
17:24 < mtr> you may even try: ./scripts/Download elvis-tiny
17:25 < mtr> andr01d: sure, its a good time to ask, but we will see if it's good for an answer too :)
17:25 * andr01d clears the throat
17:26 < andr01d> how do i make adjustments to the kernel of the target at or before the compilation stage?
17:28 < andr01d> a paradox: embedded target contains both grep & ugrep... eh?
17:28 < andr01d> o_O
17:31 < mtr> there are several ways to adjust the kernel .config file:
17:32 < mtr> 1. using scripts/Config -> enable expert options -> Linux kernel options -> apply custom kernel build options
17:33 < mtr> 2. manually create the config/$cfg/linux.cfg file, add a "X CONFIG_SMP" to enable SMP and "O CONFIG_ACPI" to disable, for example
17:34 < andr01d> oh... good enough for me, thanks!
17:34 < mtr> 3. if you copied the whole target directory and derived you own, you may add kernel.conf file, and kernel.conf.sh scripts to modify
17:36 < andr01d> great, thanks!
17:38 -!- write_erase [n=olivier@] has quit ["Leaving"]
17:40 < mtr> btw, did you notice the distcc article in our wiki: http://bugs.t2-project.org/wiki/Distcc
17:43 < andr01d> now i did :)
17:44 -!- misl [n=chatzill@84-104-172-187.cable.quicknet.nl] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
17:48 -!- minto [n=minto@84-104-172-187.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #t2
17:48 < andr01d> great article... bookmarked for later reference ;)
17:49 < andr01d> mtr: why does T2 need to compile pacakges in numerous stages?
17:49 -!- minto [n=minto@84-104-172-187.cable.quicknet.nl] has quit [Client Quit]
17:53 < mtr> because it gives: independance from the host system, reproducable and reliable results,
17:53 < mtr> and there are some historical reasons
17:54 < andr01d> oh, so the 1st stage compiles the basic compilation tools for taget system, the next stage compiles more packages that are dependent on the 1st stage packages & so on?
17:57 < mtr> yes, basically stage-0 rebuilds all the tools the host system needs,
17:58 < andr01d> so the further down the stages I am - the less chance there is that something gets nasty errors?
17:58 < mtr> stage-1 is called "cross", the basic tools are cross-compiled (even for the same architecture)
17:58 < mtr> yes
17:58 < andr01d> so the main goal is to survive stages 0 & 1, afterwards there's less chance to fail...
17:59 < mtr> stage-3 uses the fresh build to chroot into it and rebuild the toolchain again
17:59 < andr01d> yikes! so stage 3 is also critical
17:59 < mtr> stage-5 then natively builds all the packages
18:01 < andr01d> I assume that it's documented in the docs somewhere, right?
18:01 < mtr> if you check the "This is cross-build between architectures" you only have stages 0&1, and all packages marked with the CROSS flag are cross-build in stage-1
18:01 < andr01d> oh...
18:01 < mtr> http://www.t2-project.org/handbook/html/t2.build-auto.html#t2.build-stages
18:01 < andr01d> what's better? CROSS or the regular 9stage way?
18:02 < andr01d> wow, thanks for the link...
18:02 < andr01d> dammit, psmisc failed on me again
18:03 < andr01d> !> Apply patch /root/t2-7.0rc/package/base/uclibc/patches/psmisc-add_libintl.patch ...
18:03 < andr01d> !> patching file src/Makefile.in
18:03 < andr01d> !> Hunk #1 FAILED at 54.
18:03 < andr01d> !> Hunk #2 FAILED at 179.
18:03 < andr01d> !> 2 out of 2 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file src/Makefile.in.rej
18:03 < mtr> touch build//var/adm/logs/1-psmisc.log and run Build-Target again
18:03 < andr01d> you say - ignore it & it'll go away? ;)
18:04 < mtr> ignore today, it will go away tomorrow :)
18:05 < andr01d> done just that, works like magic ;)
18:09 < mtr> pdinoto_: elvis-tiny builds now?
18:14 < andr01d> doh unionfs failed...
18:19 < mtr> unionfs depends on e2fsprogs, which is currently not part of the generic embedded package selection ... :(
18:21 < andr01d> unionimap.c:28:3: error: #error Unionimap needs libuuid to compile
18:21 < andr01d> looks like there's some -dev package missing
18:21 < mtr> libuuid is part of e2fsprogs
18:22 < andr01d> oh... i see... shoul i apply the "touch" method?
18:23 < mtr> .oO
18:24 < mtr> if you do not that too often your target will be non-functional :)
18:24 < mtr> /not/d
18:24 < andr01d> hehe, can i add the e2fsprogs to the package selection?
18:25 < mtr> what do you think is a reasonable package selection for a "Generic Embedded" target?
18:27 < mtr> probably we should create package templates for the embedded build, just like for the generic system
18:27 -!- misl [n=chatzill@84-104-172-187.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #t2
18:27 < andr01d> i think the target should provide the bare minimum - a shell, editor, scripting tools (sed,awk,grep, etc.), disk tools & basic networking tools - just enough to be able to download stuff
18:36 -!- cbrake_away is now known as cbrake
18:39 < andr01d> e2fsprogs compiled successfuly but unionfs still fails
18:49 -!- misl [n=chatzill@84-104-172-187.cable.quicknet.nl] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
18:56 -!- minto [n=minto@84-104-172-187.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #t2
18:57 -!- minto [n=minto@84-104-172-187.cable.quicknet.nl] has quit [Client Quit]
18:59 < andr01d> trying to skip unionfs
19:01 < andr01d> gatling fails too
19:04 < andr01d> restarted compilation with the "this is a cross-build" unchecked
19:11 < LMJ> hello
19:17 < andr01d> hi there
19:22 < mtr> hi LMJ
19:35 < andr01d> well, I'm out... will probably join you from home...
19:35 < andr01d> cu all
19:38 -!- andr01d [n=root@bzq-219-167-68.static.bezeqint.net] has quit ["harakiri"]
20:44 -!- write_erase [n=olivier@bon13-2-82-237-125-220.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #t2
21:30 -!- misl [n=chatzill@84-104-172-187.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #t2
21:54 -!- sepp_ [n=sepp@Z65f4.z.pppool.de] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
22:24 -!- tri [n=tri@p57ADCC86.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #t2
22:25 < tri> re
22:29 < Stelz> rehi
22:57 -!- misl [n=chatzill@84-104-172-187.cable.quicknet.nl] has quit ["ChatZilla [Firefox]"]
22:58 -!- tri [n=tri@p57ADCC86.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #t2 []
23:17 -!- write_erase [n=olivier@bon13-2-82-237-125-220.fbx.proxad.net] has quit ["Leaving"]
--- Log closed Tue Jun 12 00:00:13 2007