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--- Log opened Thu May 31 00:00:00 2007
00:00 -!- emte [] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
00:00 -!- emte [] has joined #t2
00:26 -!- madtux [n=madtux@] has joined #t2
00:26 < madtux> hi.
01:03 < Demian> how can i find the block size used by a mounted ext3 file system ?
01:03 < Demian> hi madtux
01:04 -!- emte [] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
01:14 -!- emte [] has joined #t2
01:38 -!- mtr_ [] has joined #t2
01:41 < madtux> yar Demian
01:45 -!- emte [] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
01:55 -!- mtr [] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
01:55 -!- mtr_ is now known as mtr
04:07 -!- madtux [n=madtux@] has quit ["leaving"]
04:10 -!- emte [] has joined #t2
04:12 -!- shadeheim [] has joined #t2
04:13 < shadeheim> can I use the cd from VirtualBox. I had to set k3b to overburn but now the cd makes a weird noise when it tries to boot (boot is enabled), but it loads fine through Virtualbox. However I'm getting an error when I try to load the package manager, and I don't see a partition option
04:14 < shadeheim> the install cd I mean.
05:58 -!- shadeheim [] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
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07:57 < CIA-9> rene * r24319 /trunk/package/kde/qt4/qt4.desc: * updated qt4 (4.2.3 -> 4.3.0)
08:00 -!- shadeheim [] has joined #t2
08:01 < shadeheim> if I use the 6.0.3 version will I be able to upgrade it through a sync? I can't get 7.0 cd to boot. I've set overburn and tried different media but the it isn't having it
08:10 < rxr> shadeheim: 7.0 might only fit on DVD
08:10 < rxr> shadeheim: we only recomment to update in a stable series, e.g. 6.0.0 -> 6.0.3++
08:11 < rxr> but 6.0 -> 7.0 is only for experts as the glibc and gcc differ majorly
08:11 < rxr> shadeheim: why does the 7.0 not boot, just because of the size or do you see another problem that we should fix before the final 7.0 release ?
08:12 < rxr> so - off to the linux tag
08:12 < rxr> cu then
08:12 < shadeheim> it might just be that I was trying to fit it on a cd, I assumed because it copied ok it was designed to fit on a cd through overburn.
08:13 < shadeheim> thanks anyway, I'll go try burning it to a dvd
08:17 -!- emte [] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
08:26 -!- shadeheim [] has quit ["Konversation terminated!"]
08:52 -!- shadeheim [] has joined #t2
08:53 < shadeheim> I booted in to the live dvd, but when I run stone as root I set all the options and go to the package manager option, but it says the cd isn't mounted?
09:08 -!- tri [] has joined #t2
09:09 < tri> moin
09:09 < tri> and best wishes to the linuxday in berlin :-)
09:14 < rxr> re
09:15 < tri> wb rxr
09:15 < rxr> shadeheim: the 7.0-rc is a live-cd
09:15 < rxr> not a classic install
09:15 < rxr> probably all is fine with your live, just that we do not have an installer for the livecd output
09:16 < rxr> I probably should inject code from the archivista installer script so the livecd is finally installable
09:16 < shadeheim> oh, I just thought because Stone loaded it might work. So what version should I install?
09:17 < shadeheim> btw, I'm interested to know about this automatic dependency resolving. How reliable is it?
09:20 < rxr> stone works for configuration, yes
09:24 < shadeheim> how do I get the base system copied over?
09:26 < rxr> you could 1:1 copy using rsynv
09:26 < rxr> rsync
09:26 < rxr> that is alsa what the archivista install script does
09:26 < rxr> I'll just copy the archivista script and remove the archivista specifica today
09:26 < rxr> so the final 7.0-rc will be installable
09:27 < shadeheim> ok thanks
09:27 < rxr> you can just rsync the /mnt/live/* content to a root partition and install the bootloader
09:27 < rxr> that will work
09:28 < shadeheim> right yea, seems simple enough, looking forward to it
09:33 < CIA-9> rene * r24320 /trunk/package/develop/libtasn1/libtasn1.desc: * updated libtasn1 (0.3.9 -> 0.3.10)
09:36 < CIA-9> rene * r24321 /trunk/package/multimedia/lives/lives.desc: * updated lives ( ->
09:43 < CIA-9> rene * r24322 /trunk/package/security/strongswan/strongswan.desc: * updated strongswan (4.1.2 -> 4.1.3)
09:43 < CIA-9> rene * r24323 /trunk/package/audio/libao/libao.desc: * updated libao (0.8.6 -> 0.8.8)
09:44 < CIA-9> rene * r24324 /trunk/package/gnome2/zenity/zenity.desc: * updated zenity (2.18.1 -> 2.18.2)
09:44 < CIA-9> rene * r24325 /trunk/package/gnome2/eog/eog.desc: * updated eog (2.18.1 -> 2.18.2)
09:49 < tri> freevo is now in the t2 packages - is that a new package ?
09:59 < rxr> yes, I added it recently
09:59 < rxr> because someone asked here, maybe you ?
10:03 < CIA-9> rene * r24326 /trunk/package/x11/libvncserver/ (libvncserver.desc no-x11vnc.patch): * updated libvncserver (0.9 -> 0.9.1)
10:08 < tri> yes - i was it :-)
10:08 < tri> i saw it yesterday
10:09 < tri> should i close the ticket in trac ?
10:09 -!- shadeheim [] has quit ["Konversation terminated!"]
10:27 -!- shadeheim [] has joined #t2
10:28 < shadeheim> I booted back into the live disc, but I couldn't get my hard discs to mount so I don't think they are being detected. Can I extract the files if I mount the iso?
10:32 < rxr> yes
10:33 < rxr> you only need squashfs suport in your kernel
10:33 < rxr> the system is in the live.squash in the top-level dir
10:35 < shadeheim> if it is in my kernel will I just be able to cd in to it? How do I access it?
10:40 -!- shadeheim [] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
11:26 < tri> rxr: disch the lead developer for the freevo software isn't happy that he is not the [A]-"Man" in the t2 freevo.desc file
11:26 < tri> he said: (11:14:04) dischi: tri: I was just asking because krister is not the maintainer for many years now and it would be better to change that to me
11:43 -!- sepp [] has joined #t2
11:43 < sepp> moin :)
11:43 < tri> hi sepp
11:44 < sepp> hi tri
11:49 < jalsot> hello
11:50 -!- emte [] has joined #t2
11:55 < sepp> hi jalsot
12:19 < jalsot> you are/were on LinuxTag?
12:20 < sepp> rene is
12:29 -!- shadeheim [] has joined #t2
12:31 < shadeheim> I'm trying to rsync the contents of the squashfs to one of my drives. I used the -r for recursive because it was ignoring the directories, but I'm still getting 'skipping non-regular file' messages. What other options do I need?
12:34 < mtr> you may also set -x for not crossing filesystem boundaries
12:35 < shadeheim> I'm still getting the error
12:35 < shadeheim> I'm in the squash mount, using sudo rsync -r -x * /media/hda3
12:40 < shadeheim> I used --links to copy over symbolic links. It seemed to work
13:46 < tri> hm - yes for sure:
13:51 -!- shadeheim [] has quit ["Konversation terminated!"]
15:45 -!- madtux [n=madtux@] has joined #t2
15:45 < madtux> moin.
15:51 < rxr> moin madtux
15:51 < mtr> hi madtux
15:51 < mtr> hi rxr ;-)
15:51 < madtux> :)
16:03 -!- babygor [n=pdinoto@] has joined #t2
16:03 [Users #t2]
16:03 [@ChanServ] [ Dallur] [ jalsot] [ madtux ] [ rxr ] [ TobiX ]
16:03 [ babygor ] [ Demian] [ keinek] [ mtr ] [ sepp ] [ tri ]
16:03 [ CIA-9 ] [ emte ] [ LMJ ] [ Ragnarin] [ Stelz] [ valentin]
16:03 -!- Irssi: #t2: Total of 18 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 17 normal]
16:03 < babygor> hi!
16:09 -!- emte [] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
16:09 -!- Demian [n=demian@] has quit [Connection timed out]
16:16 -!- tri [] has left #t2 []
16:41 -!- emte [] has joined #t2
17:05 -!- write_erase [n=olivier@] has joined #t2
17:23 -!- write_erase [n=olivier@] has quit ["Leaving"]
17:53 -!- keinek [n=chatzill@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
18:00 -!- LMJ [] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
18:57 -!- emte [] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
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19:22 -!- keinek [n=chatzill@] has joined #t2
19:36 -!- keinek [n=chatzill@] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
19:41 -!- misl [] has joined #t2
19:42 < misl> hi folks
19:44 -!- emte [] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
19:59 -!- madtux [n=madtux@] has quit ["leaving"]
20:02 -!- keinek [n=chatzill@] has joined #t2
20:42 -!- LMJ [] has joined #t2
20:47 -!- keinek [n=chatzill@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
20:53 < babygor> it is quiet in here...
20:54 * sepp makes some noise ;)
21:02 < babygor> ok, so there is life out there... :)
21:05 < sepp> yup
21:38 < Stelz> yuppie
21:38 < Stelz> :P
21:53 < sepp> hehe
22:10 -!- emte [] has joined #t2
22:43 -!- misl [] has quit ["Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox]"]
23:11 -!- sepp [] has quit ["Lost terminal"]
--- Log closed Fri Jun 01 00:00:01 2007