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--- Log opened Wed May 30 00:00:00 2007
00:30 -!- write_erase [] has quit ["Leaving"]
00:30 < CIA-9> sebastian * r24315 /trunk/package/develop/squeak/64bit-vm.diff: * fixed squeaks SocketPlugin for 64bit architectures
00:44 -!- emte [] has joined #t2
00:48 -!- Demian [n=demian@] has quit ["Lost terminal"]
01:39 -!- mtr_ [] has joined #t2
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01:55 -!- mtr [] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
01:55 -!- mtr_ is now known as mtr
02:00 -!- emte [] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
04:03 -!- keinek [n=chatzill@] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
04:31 -!- Netsplit <-> quits: Ragnarin
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04:43 -!- emte [] has joined #t2
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07:18 -!- emte_ [] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]
07:35 < CIA-9> rene * r24316 /trunk/package/gnome2/dasher/dasher.desc: * updated dasher (4.4.1 -> 4.4.2)
07:53 < rxr> cu
08:05 -!- tri [] has joined #t2
08:06 < tri> moin
08:14 -!- Stelz [i=stelz@unaffiliated/stelz] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
08:19 < mtr> hi tri
08:26 -!- Stelz [i=stelz@unaffiliated/stelz] has joined #t2
08:47 -!- Stelz [i=stelz@unaffiliated/stelz] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
08:49 < tri> i try to do this: - but it doesn't work
08:53 < tri> i now have a folder target/mgm/package/e17/[e/eclair/...] and if i try to emerge a package it only uses the "old" ones from package/e17/... ?
08:59 -!- Stelz [i=stelz@unaffiliated/stelz] has joined #t2
09:04 -!- Enqlave [i=stelz@unaffiliated/stelz] has joined #t2
09:04 -!- Stelz [i=stelz@unaffiliated/stelz] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
09:05 -!- Enqlave is now known as Stelz
09:10 < rxr> re
09:11 < Stelz> moin rxr
09:12 < tri> hi rxr
09:12 < tri> i try to do this: - but it doesn't work
09:12 < tri> i now have a folder target/mgm/package/e17/[e/eclair/...] and if i try to emerge a package it only uses the "old" ones from package/e17/... ?
09:19 < rxr> you do not have to place the target overlay packages in "repositories"
09:19 < rxr> you need just target/mgm/package/eclair/eclainr.{desc.conf.etc}
09:23 < tri> so putting the overlay packages in a repositorie isn't working ?
09:35 -!- Stelz [i=stelz@unaffiliated/stelz] has quit ["There is intelligent life out there..."]
09:35 -!- Stelz [i=stelz@unaffiliated/stelz] has joined #t2
09:59 -!- Stelz [i=stelz@unaffiliated/stelz] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
10:04 < rxr> Tux the penguin waddles to last place in Indy 500; Joost fares better
10:04 < rxr>
10:22 < rxr> oh - cool - nice connection - 1.12MB/s
11:10 < tri> hm the handbook says that ./scripts/Download isn't necessary and a ./scripts/Emerge-Pkg should do it - but here it does not work
11:27 < rxr> hm it's suppost to work
11:27 < rxr> maybe not yet for overlayed packagse ?
11:28 < tri> yes have this issue with overlayed packages and maybe the problem could also be the cvs download url ?
11:28 < rxr> hm - as far as I can see it should also work for overlayed packages
11:28 < rxr> uh, hm
11:28 < rxr> Build-Target just runs the Download scripts the behaviour should be the same
11:29 < rxr> btw. hi from the Linux Tag
11:29 < tri> :-)
11:31 < tri> rxr: how is the Linux Tag ?
11:32 < rxr> so far so good
11:33 < rxr> the beginning often is not that crowded, next hours / days should be more filled
11:58 < rxr>
12:05 < jalsot> hi
12:06 < jalsot> right I saw the 'T2 for Blackfin' announce on; does it have a corrected linux26 support?
12:12 < jalsot> which target is supposed to be compile out of the box for bfin?
13:24 < tri> hm intressting i told you that i have created a package overlay for diffrent e* packages - now if i want to emerge ecore it says "checking ecore ... New version (2007-05-29 -> 2007-01-10) Added - ok but for glibc it says (2.5 -> 2.6) ?? why is the script "thinking" that the new ecore package is older then the "standard" ecore package which came from the t2 svn-trunk ?
13:29 < mtr> .oO
13:29 < mtr> seems that Emerge-Pkg does not know aything about package overlays ...
13:31 < tri> but if i comes to building it says Building e17/ecore [3007-05-29 7.0-trunk]
13:33 < mtr> Emerge-Pkg runs Build-Pkg which knows how to handle the package overlay
13:36 < mtr> its in Emerge-Pkg:135, where only the regular package desc files are parsed, the target or achitecture overlays are not taken into account
13:41 < sepp> moin :)
13:42 < mtr> hi sepp :)
13:43 < sepp> hi mtr )
13:43 < sepp> :
13:46 < tri> hi sepp
13:46 < tri> hi mtr
13:47 < sepp> hi tri :)
13:49 < rxr>
13:49 < rxr> ^- prepared 7.0-rc announcement
13:49 < mtr> hi tri
13:49 < rxr> maybe someone fints typos etc ?
13:50 < rxr> btw. mtr & sepp:
13:50 < rxr>
13:51 < sepp> hi rxr :)
13:51 < rxr> ^- those PDFs where 45MB++ :.-(
13:53 < rxr> sepp, mtr: authenticated users can now edit the trac wiki at
13:53 < mtr> hi rxr
13:55 < mtr> I like the "developers dream" firework poster, nifty ;-)
14:11 < rxr> if you know people to invite to the LT
14:11 < rxr> we still have plenty of visitors tickets to give away
14:11 < rxr> just need to fill their email address in some web form to spread this free invite tickets
14:23 < tri> nice fud ;-)
14:28 < tri>
14:35 < tri>
14:36 < sepp> lol
15:51 < CIA-9> rene * r24317 /trunk/package/base/usbutils/ (no_install_libusb.patch usbutils.cache usbutils.desc): * updated usbutils (0.11 -> 0.72)
15:51 < CIA-9> rene * r24318 /trunk/package/python/python/python.desc: * updated python (2.5 -> 2.5.1)
15:58 < tri> hm another problem with the emerge-pkg script and how it handels updates if there is a package overlay
15:59 < tri> everytime i emerge a package from the overlay it emerge not only this package
16:00 < tri> therefor every related not up-to-date package is emerged
16:09 < rxr> you can say -deps=none
16:09 < rxr> to enforce just the package to be build
16:10 < tri> ah ok but generally it seems to be a issue with the emerge-pkg script ?
16:11 < tri> and is there a way to do a cvs package were the cvs checkout is not from a special date but more a every build it will be checked out from cvs ?
16:36 < rxr> you can skip the -r
16:36 < rxr> but the filename will be already there
16:36 < rxr> so on a re-build it will not be downloaded
16:36 < rxr> you could remove the old download files though
16:36 < rxr> and it will re-checkout
16:37 < rxr> however it might be more practical to just run sed -i with the old and new data over the e17 files
16:51 -!- Stelz [i=stelz@unaffiliated/stelz] has joined #t2
16:59 < tri> hm so there is right now no way to do something like [D] X ecore-wups.tar.bz2 cvs://:blablabla... -D now ?
17:00 < rxr> you can say that
17:00 < rxr> but if the source tarball is in download/mirror/...
17:00 < rxr> it will not be refetched
17:00 < rxr> if you remove it it will be refetched
17:03 < tri> ah ok so i have to remove the tarball every time i want to rebuild from "brand new" cvs
17:15 -!- tri [] has left #t2 []
17:52 -!- Stelz [i=stelz@unaffiliated/stelz] has quit [Connection reset by peer]
18:05 -!- Stelz [i=stelz@unaffiliated/stelz] has joined #t2
18:43 -!- Stelz [i=stelz@unaffiliated/stelz] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
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19:03 -!- Stelz [i=stelz@unaffiliated/stelz] has quit ["There is intelligent life out there..."]
19:47 -!- misl [] has joined #t2
19:48 < misl> hi folks
19:54 -!- Stelz [i=stelz@unaffiliated/stelz] has joined #t2
20:40 -!- Stelz [i=stelz@unaffiliated/stelz] has quit [Connection reset by peer]
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20:58 -!- sepp_ [] has joined #t2
21:05 -!- Stelz [i=stelz@unaffiliated/stelz] has quit [Success]
21:08 -!- madze [] has joined #t2
21:08 < madze> good evening
21:09 < sepp_> hi madze
21:10 < madze> hey sepp
21:10 < madze> ive got a little problem using t2 6.0.3
21:11 < madze> when i am trying to build th sysfiles package, i git a massage with a broken patch or samething like that
21:12 < sepp_> try to be a bit more specific ;)
21:14 < madze> hmmm thas on the other maschine, i try to get the err file
21:17 < madze> pkgprefix: package kdebase is not present
21:17 < madze> --- BUILD ERROR ---
21:17 < madze> removed `/root/t2-6.0.3/build/desktop01-6.0.3-desktop-x86-64-em64t/var/adm/logs/1-sysfiles.log'
21:17 < madze> PKGPREFIX_ERROR
21:17 < madze> pkgprefix: package kdebase is not present
21:17 < madze> Creating file list and doing final adaptions ...
21:17 < madze> Processing static lib corrections ...
21:17 < madze> Verifing the .la files ...
21:17 < madze> Searching for orphaned files ...
21:17 < madze> Found 53 files for this package.
21:17 < madze> Found 1 orphaned files for this package.
21:17 < madze> Clear (old) md5sums and cksums ...
21:17 < madze> Creating md5sum and cksum files ... done.
21:17 < madze> Creating package description ...
21:17 < madze> Making post-install adaptions.
21:17 -!- Stelz [i=stelz@unaffiliated/stelz] has joined #t2
21:17 -!- sepp [] has quit [Connection timed out]
21:18 < madze> =[:611 (last $?=0)> set +o xtrace
21:18 < madze> patching file /root/t2-6.0.3/build/desktop01-6.0.3-desktop-x86-64-em64t/etc/profile
21:18 < madze> Hunk #1 succeeded at 43 with fuzz 2.
21:18 < madze> patch: **** malformed patch at line 44: for x in /etc/profile.d/* /etc/conf/profile ; do
21:18 < madze> malformed patch
21:18 < madze> config was excat desktop for emt64
21:22 < sepp_> what is the name of the patch?
21:22 < madze> i dont now, i do the download with the script
21:24 < sepp_> if you have xtrace enabled - the filename is in the log
21:27 < madze> from the patch?
21:27 < sepp_> yes
21:28 -!- Demian [n=demian@] has joined #t2
21:28 < Demian> hi
21:28 < madze> okay i take a look
21:28 < sepp_> hi Demian
21:32 < madze> cu
21:32 -!- madze [] has quit ["*muschka*"]
21:39 -!- keinek [n=chatzill@] has joined #t2
22:01 -!- emte [] has joined #t2
22:10 -!- Stelz [i=stelz@unaffiliated/stelz] has quit ["There is intelligent life out there..."]
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22:22 -!- sepp_ [] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
22:36 -!- misl [] has quit ["Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox]"]
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23:39 -!- emte [] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
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--- Log closed Thu May 31 00:00:00 2007