
This book would not be possible - nor very useful - if T2 did not exist. For that, the authors would like to thank Clifford Wolf for starting ROCK Linux and all the countless people who contributed to it and T2 over the last decade.

We also would like to thank all who contributed to this book with informal reviews, suggestions, and fixes: While this is undoubtedly not a complete list, this book would be incomplete and incorrect without the help of: Lars Kuhtz, Valentin Ziegler, Urs Pfister, and the entire T2 community.

Special thanks to Ben Collins-Sussman, Brian W. Fitzpatrick, and C. Michael Pilato for their outstanding XML Docbook setup as created for the Subversion book, which is also used to transform this book into the final PDF, PostScript(tm) and HTML form.

We hope you find this book a joyful read. Joy and collaboration is what made GNU/Linux great and it is in that spirit T2 has been created and evolves!

From René Rebe

to be filled

From Susanne Klaus

to be filled