dvbsnoop: DVB stream analyzer1

dvbsnoop is a DVB / MPEG stream analyzer program, which enables you to watch (live) stream information in human readable form. Its purpose is to debug, dump or view digital stream information (e.g. digital television broadcasts) send via satellite, cable or terrestrial. Streams can be SI, PES or TS. Basically you can describe dvbsnoop as a "swiss army knife" analyzing program for DVB, MHP, DSM-CC or MPEG - similar to TCP network sniffer programs like the old and famous snoop on Sun Solaris or tcpdump on Linux (which is in fact a kind of a snoop clone). You may also analyze offline mpeg streams, e.g. stored on DVD or mpeg2 movie files.

... part of T2, get it here

URL: https://dvbsnoop.sourceforge.net/

Author: Rainer Scherg <rasc [at] users [dot] sourceforge [dot] net>
Maintainer: Michael Tross <michael [at] tross [dot] org>

License: GPL
Status: Beta
Version: 1.4.50

Remark: Does cross compile (as setup and patched in T2).

Download: http://sourceforge.net/projects/dvbsnoop/files/ dvbsnoop-1.4.50.tar.gz

T2 source: dvbsnoop.cache
T2 source: dvbsnoop.desc

Build time (on reference hardware): 4% (relative to binutils)2

Installed size (on reference hardware): 0.38 MB, 8 files

Dependencies (build time detected): 00-dirtree bash binutils coreutils diffutils findutils gawk grep gzip linux-header make sed tar

Installed files (on reference hardware): [show]

1) This page was automatically generated from the T2 package source. Corrections, such as dead links, URL changes or typos need to be performed directly on that source.

2) Compatible with Linux From Scratch's "Standard Build Unit" (SBU).