Darktable is an open source photography workflow application and raw developer. A virtual lighttable and darkroom for photographers. It manages your digital negatives in a database, lets you view them through a zoomable lighttable and enables you to develop raw images and enhance them.
... part of T2, get it here
URL: https://www.darktable.org/
Author: Darktable.org
Maintainer: Rene Rebe <rene [at] t2-project [dot] org>
License: GPL3
Status: Stable
Version: 5.0.0
Download: https://github.com/darktable-org/darktable/tags/download/release-5.0.0/ darktable-5.0.0.tar.xz
T2 source: darktable.cache
T2 source: darktable.desc
T2 source: hotfix-libjpeg.patch
Build time (on reference hardware): 250% (relative to binutils)2
Installed size (on reference hardware): 10.01 MB, 16 files
Dependencies (build time detected): 00-dirtree at-spi2-core bash binutils cairo clang cmake coreutils cups curl diffutils exiv2 freetype gawk gdk-pixbuf gettext grep gtk+ harfbuzz icu4c intltool json-glib lcms2 libedit libgphoto libheif libjpeg libjxl libpng librsvg libtiff libwebp libx11 libxml libxrandr libxrender libxslt linux-header lua make openexr openjpeg pango patch perl perl-xml-parser pkgconfig pugixml sed sqlite tar tbb wayland xorgproto xz zlib
Installed files (on reference hardware): n.a.
1) This page was automatically generated from the T2 package source. Corrections, such as dead links, URL changes or typos need to be performed directly on that source.
2) Compatible with Linux From Scratch's "Standard Build Unit" (SBU).