T2 IRC Log: 2007-06-09

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--- Log opened Sat Jun 09 00:00:10 2007
00:22 < tri_> gn8
00:22 -!- tri_ [n=tri@p57ADCB46.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #t2 []
01:29 -!- mtr_ [n=Michael@kobz-590cb054.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #t2
01:46 -!- mtr [n=Michael@kobz-590ca96a.pool.einsundeins.de] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
01:46 -!- mtr_ is now known as mtr
06:40 -!- spydrmn214 [n=keith@74-130-170-86.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #t2
09:11 -!- write_erase [n=olivier@bon13-2-82-237-125-220.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #t2
09:33 -!- bfg [n=blacky@203-206-57-245.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #t2
09:42 < bfg> hi good morning
09:42 < bfg> it's quite some time ago that i visited this list, but i have some questions
09:43 < bfg> i currently finished a trunk build and i'm quite satisfied how good it worked :)
09:43 < bfg> neverteless there were some packages that didn't compile and some others has to reprioritized
09:44 < bfg> so i just wanted to know,should i apply these pathches directly into svn (i think my account there is still active) or do you want to do some review over the mailinglist
09:44 < bfg> i have also some additional packages :) i will send these the same way like the patches meant before
09:46 -!- write_erase_ [n=olivier@bon13-2-82-237-125-220.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #t2
09:46 < write_erase_> Hi
09:47 < bfg> Hi
09:47 -!- write_erase_ [n=olivier@bon13-2-82-237-125-220.fbx.proxad.net] has quit [Client Quit]
10:23 -!- MasterOne [i=nobody@] has joined #t2
10:24 < MasterOne> Why doesn't T2 SDE have a web-forum?
10:26 < bfg> becuse i has a mailing list?
10:26 < LMJ> hello
10:27 < LMJ> I wish T2 get a forum ;)
10:27 < LMJ> rxr :-D
10:28 < MasterOne> a mailinglist is not for everbody
10:28 < MasterOne> see a mailinglist as a tool from yesterday for devs, and a web-forum as a tool from today for devs & users
10:29 -!- MasterOne [i=nobody@] has quit ["Ex-Chat"]
10:29 < bfg> mmmm... subscribe to it and you will get all messages
10:29 < bfg> look into the archive and you will see all what happend the in the past
10:29 < bfg> where is it closed?
10:33 < LMJ> we should have also a forum & a wiki for tuts anyway
10:49 -!- idealm [n=ideal@c58-107-18-66.belrs2.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #t2
11:31 < write_erase> Wher config.{guess|sub} are not up-to-date, when building a package... should I patch that ?
11:33 < write_erase> Actually, GLIB returns Invalid configuration `avr32-t2-linux-uclibc': machine `avr32-t2' not recognized
12:02 -!- spydrmn214 [n=keith@74-130-170-86.dhcp.insightbb.com] has quit ["shutdown -h now"]
12:06 < eyowin> so bye bye
12:06 -!- eyowin [n=jakob@dslb-084-058-096-034.pools.arcor-ip.net] has quit ["leaving"]
12:15 < sepp_> write_erase: [F] AUTOMAKE-QUIRK ?
12:19 < write_erase> sepp_, what do you mean ? ,
12:20 < sepp_> hmm, no on avr32 it does it anyway
12:20 < sepp_> r24204 | rene | 2007-05-23 15:30:33 +0200 (Wed, 23 May 2007) | 4 lines
12:20 < sepp_> * always apply the automake config.{guess,sub} fixup for avr32
12:20 < sepp_> and blackfin builds, as for those architecture virtually no
12:20 < sepp_> tarball includes the IDs, yet
12:22 < write_erase> mmm.... I had to patch config.sub config.guess by hand
12:22 < write_erase> Not sure to understand what's wrong
12:23 < write_erase> maybe the fixup failed
12:23 < sepp_> yes, maybe
12:23 < write_erase> how these fixup works ? is that patches ? or a part of T2 buildsystem?
12:23 < sepp_> package/base/automake/parse-config
12:24 < sepp_> little 'helper' to auto-fix outdated config.{sub,guess}
12:27 < write_erase> ok [F] AUTOMAKE-QUIRK was missing
12:27 < write_erase> I understand
12:28 < sepp_> well, for avr32 targets it should apply it anyway
12:28 < write_erase> You mean It's forced ?
12:28 < write_erase> when avr32
12:28 < sepp_> yes for avr32 & blackfin
12:30 < write_erase> I see
12:30 < write_erase> I try to rebuild with the AUTOMAKE-QUIRK FLAG
12:32 < CIA-9> mtr * r24383 /trunk/package/base/gcc/gxx_include.patch.cross0:
12:32 < CIA-9> * fixed g++ cross compiler patch to search for header files at the
12:32 < CIA-9> correct location (changed in 4.2.0 release)
12:34 < write_erase> Ok, the flag does nothing... I't something else
12:35 < sepp_> you could check the log, if it actually replaced something
12:37 < write_erase> Why the QUIRK is forced when ARCH is AVR32 ? is it hardcoded ?
12:39 < CIA-9> mtr * r24384 /branches/7.0/package/base/gcc/gxx_include.patch.cross0:
12:39 < CIA-9> * merged 24383 from trunk: fixed g++ cross compiler patch to
12:39 < CIA-9> search for header files at the correct location (changed in 4.2.0)
12:39 < sepp_> because arv32 is very new and 99% of the packages do not support it (i suppose)
12:39 < write_erase> ./scripts/Cleanup: line 72: fuser: command not found
12:40 < write_erase> could that cause problems ?
12:41 < sepp_> better to install it on your host
12:41 < write_erase> sure... Can't find the required tools on the documentation
12:42 < write_erase> to check my host system is ok
12:43 < write_erase> Maybe It's about package/*/coreutils
12:44 -!- sepp [n=sepp@BADb72d.bad.pppool.de] has joined #t2
13:04 -!- sepp_ [n=sepp@BADb154.bad.pppool.de] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
14:33 < rxr> re
14:34 < sepp> hi rxr :)
14:35 < rxr> hey
14:35 < rxr> puh - computex is over, thanks god
14:36 < rxr> and yes, it was great, but puffed out now anyway
14:36 < rxr> so - I had susan our hotel ethernet cable :-) - cu a bit later :-)
15:11 < rxr> re
15:21 -!- liquibyte [n=Elive_us@c-71-197-40-48.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #t2
15:22 -!- idealm [n=ideal@c58-107-18-66.belrs2.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
15:22 [Users #t2]
15:22 [@ChanServ] [ emte ] [ pdinoto_] [ Stelz ]
15:22 [ bfg ] [ liquibyte] [ Ragnarin] [ TobiX ]
15:22 [ cbrake ] [ LMJ ] [ rxr ] [ valentin ]
15:22 [ CIA-9 ] [ mtr ] [ sepp ] [ write_erase]
15:22 -!- Irssi: #t2: Total of 16 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 15 normal]
15:24 < CIA-9> rene * r24385 /trunk/package/gnustep/gworkspace/gworkspace.desc: * updated gworkspace (0.8.5 -> 0.8.6)
15:37 < CIA-9> rene * r24386 /trunk/package/gnome2/desktop-file-utils/desktop-file-utils.desc: * updated desktop-file-utils (0.12 -> 0.13)
15:40 -!- liquibyte [n=Elive_us@c-71-197-40-48.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has quit ["I'm Elivized !"]
15:46 < CIA-9> susan * r24387 /trunk/package/gnome2/gnome-commander/gnome-commander.desc: * updated gnome-commander (1.2.3 -> 1.2.4)
15:46 < CIA-9> susan * r24388 /trunk/package/gnome2/gst-plugins-base/gst-plugins-base.desc: * updated gst-plugins-base (0.10.12 -> 0.10.13)
15:47 < CIA-9> susan * r24389 /trunk/package/gnome2/gstreamer/gstreamer.desc: * updated gstreamer (0.10.12 -> 0.10.13)
15:48 < CIA-9> susan * r24390 /trunk/package/gnome2/gnome-speech/gnome-speech.desc: * updated gnome-speech (0.4.12 -> 0.4.13)
15:51 -!- misl [n=chatzill@84-104-172-187.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #t2
15:51 < misl> hi folks
15:58 < CIA-9> susan * r24391 /trunk/package/gnome2/gnome-mag/gnome-mag.desc: * updated gnome-mag (0.14.4 -> 0.14.5)
16:55 -!- sepp_ [n=sepp@BADbb8e.bad.pppool.de] has joined #t2
17:13 -!- sepp [n=sepp@BADb72d.bad.pppool.de] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
17:39 -!- tri_ [n=tri@p57ADB54D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #t2
17:39 < tri_> hi
17:40 < pdinoto_> hi!
18:26 < sepp_> hi
18:39 -!- sepp [n=sepp@BADbd23.bad.pppool.de] has joined #t2
18:57 -!- sepp_ [n=sepp@BADbb8e.bad.pppool.de] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
19:46 -!- tri__ [n=tri@p57ad8af7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #t2
20:12 -!- tri_ [n=tri@p57ADB54D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
20:19 -!- tri__ [n=tri@p57ad8af7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
20:33 -!- cbrake is now known as cbrake_away
20:44 -!- sepp [n=sepp@BADbd23.bad.pppool.de] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
22:27 -!- sepp [n=sepp@BADb01e.bad.pppool.de] has joined #t2
23:03 -!- Stelz [i=stelz@unaffiliated/stelz] has quit ["There is intelligent life out there..."]
23:18 -!- Stelz [i=stelz@unaffiliated/stelz] has joined #t2
23:51 -!- idealm [n=ideal@c58-107-18-66.belrs2.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #t2
23:52 -!- idealm [n=ideal@c58-107-18-66.belrs2.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
--- Log closed Sun Jun 10 00:00:11 2007