T2 IRC Log: 2007-06-06

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--- Log opened Wed Jun 06 00:00:06 2007
00:01 -!- keinek [n=chatzill@] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
01:32 -!- mtr_ [n=Michael@kobz-590cb328.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #t2
01:50 -!- mtr [n=Michael@kobz-590cb494.pool.einsundeins.de] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
01:50 -!- mtr_ is now known as mtr
02:49 [Users #t2]
02:49 [@ChanServ] [ eyowin] [ mtr ] [ rxr ] [ TobiX ]
02:49 [ CIA-9 ] [ jalsot] [ pdinoto_] [ sepp_] [ valentin]
02:49 [ emte ] [ LMJ ] [ Ragnarin] [ Stelz]
02:49 -!- Irssi: #t2: Total of 14 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 13 normal]
02:57 < rxr> moin
04:15 -!- eyowin_ [n=jakob@dslb-084-058-176-221.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #t2
04:29 -!- eyowin [n=jakob@dslb-084-058-150-140.pools.arcor-ip.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
07:23 -!- misl [n=chatzill@84-104-172-187.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #t2
07:25 -!- misl [n=chatzill@84-104-172-187.cable.quicknet.nl] has quit [Client Quit]
08:42 < mtr> moin
08:47 -!- write_erase [n=olivier@] has joined #t2
08:48 < write_erase> hi
08:57 < mtr> hi write_erase
10:05 -!- tri [n=Richter@pd95b2df8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #t2
10:05 < tri> re
10:10 < mtr> hi tri
10:26 < tri> hm popt download url seems to be wrong
10:31 < mtr> rpm.net.in is new url?
10:33 < tri> not sure
10:33 < tri> same problem for the shadow package
10:39 < tri> sam for net-tools
10:39 < tri> ah no for the net-tools-ether-wake patch
11:00 < rxr> tri: we have download mirros due upstream locations changes
11:00 < rxr> you could just use the mirrors
11:00 < rxr> though it's fine if you do a package re-tracking round
11:00 < rxr> cu later
11:03 < mtr> cu
11:07 < tri> cu rxr
11:07 < tri> im just doing a "package re-tracking round"
11:15 < mtr> patches are welcome ;-)
13:01 -!- andr01d [n=root@bzq-219-167-68.static.bezeqint.net] has joined #t2
13:01 < andr01d> hello people
13:02 < tri> re
13:02 < tri> somebody here uses nfs4 ?
13:03 < andr01d> I'm still struggling to compile 7.0-rc1 embedded target :/
13:03 < andr01d> removed any optimizations, not even cross-compiling anymore...
13:03 < andr01d> gcc fails to build - about 12 patches fail at 0 build stage
13:04 < andr01d> anyone had encountered this problem?
13:17 < mtr> hi andr01d
13:18 < tri> if my system build is allready in stage 5 it is nearly finished ?
13:21 < mtr> no, stage 5 is where the actual package builds are taking place, using the recompiled bootstrapped native toolchain
13:22 < tri> but there is no stage 6
13:22 < tri> it is the last stage before finishing ?
13:25 < mtr> stage 6 and 7 are also used,
13:26 < mtr> if you set the "Rebuild Option" the whole system is rebuild in stage 9
13:27 < mtr> use "Create-ErrList -cfg abcd" on a separate terminal to get an overview about the progress of your build
13:28 < andr01d> does t2 has any public bug-tracking system?
13:28 < mtr> tri: my presumption is that the uClibc specific gcc patches are not yet ready for 4.2.0
13:28 < andr01d> i agree with ^
13:29 < mtr> bugs.t2-project.org
13:29 < andr01d> can't get past gcc compilation on stage 0 with uClibc
13:29 < andr01d> thanks, mtr
13:31 < mtr> I have a 7.0-rc1 minimal-desktop testbuild running on my laptop, when its ready IÃ#ll start an generic embedded build
13:32 * mtr does not have enough spare cpus
13:39 < andr01d> hmm... the problem with failing patches, when compiling gcc 4.2 with uClibc is non-existent with dietlibc
13:42 < mtr> ?
13:43 < mtr> you changed your config to generic embedded target with dietlibc?
13:43 < andr01d> yes
13:43 < andr01d> previously it was generic embedded with uClibc
13:44 < andr01d> and gcc compilation failed
13:44 < andr01d> giving me some 15 files that FAILED patching :/
13:49 < mtr> I will update the uclibc patches for 7.0-stable branch
13:50 < andr01d> do u want me to send you the list of failed patches?
13:51 < andr01d> or the whole error log?
13:56 < mtr> no, its not necessary to send the log, I suspended the desktop build and start the embedded now
13:57 < andr01d> hmmm... i'm working at a hosting/integration company
13:58 < andr01d> i'll check how I can arrange a nice compilation server for you...
13:58 < andr01d> 2 cores (Xeon MP), 2GB RAM & 50GB disk space should be enough?
13:59 -!- sepp [n=sepp@BADbc82.bad.pppool.de] has joined #t2
14:00 < mtr> andr01d: :)
14:01 -!- cbrake [n=cbrake@oh-69-34-21-229.sta.embarqhsd.net] has joined #t2
14:01 < mtr> bbl
14:02 < andr01d> the whole thing will be running on an IBM blade center under VMware infrastructure 3
14:02 < andr01d> i'll get right on it
14:12 < andr01d> mtr, what host OS do you want?
14:13 < andr01d> will Debian Etch do? or do u want t2?
14:14 < pdinoto_> mtr: you will get virtual beer from me if get uclibc working in 7.0! :-)
14:16 < andr01d> mtr u're getting a VMS from me so u can get your virtual beer ;)
14:20 -!- sepp_ [n=sepp@BADb15d.bad.pppool.de] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
14:33 < rxr> re
14:34 [Users #t2]
14:34 [@ChanServ] [ CIA-9 ] [ jalsot] [ pdinoto_] [ sepp ] [ tri ]
14:34 [ andr01d ] [ emte ] [ LMJ ] [ Ragnarin] [ Stelz] [ valentin ]
14:34 [ cbrake ] [ eyowin_] [ mtr ] [ rxr ] [ TobiX] [ write_erase]
14:34 -!- Irssi: #t2: Total of 18 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 17 normal]
14:34 < Stelz> rehi rxr
14:34 < Stelz> hows life?:)
14:36 < rxr> taiwan is vibrating
14:36 < rxr> I'm happy we just surviced the way back from computex to the hotel ...
14:38 < write_erase> hi rxr
14:38 < rxr> it's rather difficult to navigate in a city where you can not read many street names
14:38 < write_erase> What's the flag when a packet can cross compile ? (.desc)
14:38 < rxr> [F] CROSS
14:38 < write_erase> pkgconfig cross compilation gives me hard time
14:38 < write_erase> ok thx
14:39 < rxr> it worked once in the past
14:39 < rxr> I'll run some regression checks on the 7.0 branch when I'm back in .de next week so all stuff works when we release 7.0
14:40 < write_erase> I'm having a look
14:40 < andr01d> .de :)
14:41 < write_erase> do ./debug.sh places you in a T2-like environement? I mean , should ./configure & make behave the same than when script/Build-Target ?
14:42 < mtr> re
14:42 < andr01d> Wow! rxr is Rene :)
14:42 < write_erase> Is he ?
14:42 < andr01d> great honor to meet you, Rene :)
14:42 < mtr> he is
14:45 < mtr> write_erase: debug.sh sets up the path and other environment stuff, but you should not use plain ./configure & make, rather run eval_config_command $confopt && eval $MAKE $makeopt
14:46 [Users #t2]
14:46 [@ChanServ] [ CIA-9 ] [ jalsot] [ pdinoto_] [ sepp ] [ tri ]
14:46 [ andr01d ] [ emte ] [ LMJ ] [ Ragnarin] [ Stelz] [ valentin ]
14:46 [ cbrake ] [ eyowin_] [ mtr ] [ rxr ] [ TobiX] [ write_erase]
14:46 -!- Irssi: #t2: Total of 18 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 17 normal]
14:46 < rxr> whois andr01d
14:46 < rxr> oops
14:46 < andr01d> just a t2 user... new user
14:47 < rxr> andr01d: :-)
14:47 < rxr> typing with a .tw <-> .de ssh session is not too pleasant for correcting typos :-)
14:47 < rxr> welcome andr01d
14:48 < tri> rxr: do you have look at a the neo device ?
14:48 < andr01d> Thanks! You have a beautiful distro & I hope I can make it work for my needs...
14:49 < rxr> tri: not yet, try tomorrow if FIC even shows it
14:50 < tri> rxr: do you think t2 can build openmoko ?
14:51 < rxr> we built simillar devices with t2 already
14:51 < rxr> in the beginning openmoko might stay OE
14:51 < rxr> but maybe we can convince them in the long term
14:51 < rxr> when you just want the same software stack to be built by t2 and do not care what they are officially using than you can do this with t2 even now, yes
14:55 < rxr> ok - susan need the rj45 outlet now - cu then
14:55 < rxr> and have fun
14:55 < tri> cu - have fun in .tw !
14:56 < mtr> cu
15:19 < write_erase> ok, cc1plus is not in my path ....
15:20 -!- pdinoto_ [n=pdinoto@] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
15:24 < tri> where to "see" the build order ?
15:29 < sepp> config/.../packages
15:30 < tri> ah ok its 0 to 1000000 ?
15:31 < sepp> 000.000 - 999.999
15:34 < tri> rxr told me ones how where these numbers are from
15:34 < tri> but i can't remember...
15:34 < tri> ?
15:35 < sepp> there are irclogs online ;)
15:35 < sepp> http://www.t2-project.org/irclogs/ ...
15:36 < tri> ah right and tada there is this mystery handbook ;-)
15:36 < tri> sorry - maybe a bot which knows everything which is in the handbook would be nice...
15:36 -!- pdinoto_ [n=pdinoto@] has joined #t2
16:45 < CIA-9> mtr * r24358 /trunk/package/base/uclibc/ (5 files):
16:45 < CIA-9> * updated uclibc (svn16776 -> 0.9.29)
16:45 < CIA-9> * updated ldconfig glob patch, removed obsolete mips stat() patch
16:45 < CIA-9> * removed obsolete shared files fix
16:46 < andr01d> so we should check out 7.0-rc again?
16:46 < andr01d> i mean - to get the updates?
16:49 < mtr> please wait until the uclibc/gcc patch updates are committed
16:50 < andr01d> I'm sorry for being a pain in the a$$ - is there a way to know about when that happens without nudging you?
16:56 < mtr> currently I am adapting the patches on 7.0-trunk, it will take seom time until the test build has finished
16:58 < tri> hm my 7.0 trunk build is working - should there be something wrong ?
16:59 < mtr> only for "generic embedded" targets with uClibc
16:59 < tri> ah ok
16:59 < tri> i use the standard c lib
17:00 < andr01d> just compiled the updated uClibc successfully
17:06 < pdinoto_> wow! uclibc updated and working in 7.0! will try right now! :-)
17:07 < andr01d> building binutils now... gcc comes right after it
17:07 * andr01d crossing fingers
17:09 < mtr> pdinoto_ andr01d: please wait some more minutes, uclibc/gcc does still not compile
17:09 < andr01d> got it...waiting
17:19 < pdinoto_> ok! a little too much eager? :-)
17:22 < andr01d> i have a beautiful SBC at home just waiting for T2 to run on it...
17:22 < andr01d> so yeah, pretty eager :)
17:26 < mtr> :)
17:26 < mtr> what apps do you want to run on your SBC?
17:27 < andr01d> its a 4xRJ45 (2x100mbps + 2x 1GBPS) system, so it'll be a firewall router + bittorent client + voip gateway :)
17:27 < andr01d> all downloads will go to a storage server over NFS or samba (depends on what will compile faster)
17:29 < mtr> == 06/06/07 17:25:40 =[0]=> Finished building package gcc.
17:29 < andr01d> yay! :)
17:32 < mtr> i'll commit the changes now, we'll see tomorrow if there are regressions ...
17:33 < andr01d> i'll be here to report
17:36 < andr01d> ./scripts/Update-Pkg gcc-4.2.0 - should do the trick?
17:37 < CIA-9> mtr * r24359 /trunk/package/base/uclibc/patches/ (13 files): * added/modified uclibc patchset for gcc-4.2.0
17:38 < andr01d> -> Building src/luabash.so.
17:38 < andr01d> make: Cross_CC_not_built_so_far_cc: Command not found
17:38 < andr01d> make: *** [/root/t2-7.0-rc1/src/Linux-i686/lua/lapi.o] Error 127
17:38 < andr01d> -> C /root/t2-7.0-rc1/src/Linux-i686/lua/lapi.o
17:38 < andr01d> -> Error building the LUA bash accelerator.
17:38 < andr01d> can it be related?
17:39 < CIA-9> mtr * r24360 /trunk/package/base/uclibc/patches/gdb.conf: * fixed uclibc/gdb, avoid double inclusion of $pkg.conf
17:41 -!- shadeheim [n=joe@82-42-81-120.cable.ubr02.live.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #t2
17:42 < mtr> andr01d: you get the changeset with "svn up", like the uclibc update before
17:43 < andr01d> thanks, mtr, don't have much experience with subversion...
17:46 < tri> cu
17:46 -!- tri [n=Richter@pd95b2df8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #t2 []
17:47 -!- write_erase [n=olivier@] has quit ["Leaving"]
17:53 < mtr> == 06/06/07 17:45:31 =[1]=> Finished building package uclibc.
17:56 -!- shadeheim [n=joe@82-42-81-120.cable.ubr02.live.blueyonder.co.uk] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
17:58 < andr01d> i'm starting to get the feeling that something else makes gcc compilation fail... because i get the same compilation errors as before
18:01 < andr01d> failed patching the following files: configure, configure.in, gcc/config/alpha/linux-elf.h, gcc/config/arm/linux-elf.h, gcc/config/i386/linux64.h, gcc/config/ia64/linux.h, gcc/config/m68k/linux.h, gcc/config/mips/linux.h, gcc/config/pa/pa-linux.h...
18:02 < andr01d> looks like except for configure & configure.in files - all the rest of the patches are not relevant for my architecture
18:02 < andr01d> is there anything I can do about it?
18:04 < mtr> can you post the ERROR-LOG from src.gcc.* ?
18:04 < andr01d> sure, one sec
18:04 -!- shadeheim [n=joe@82-42-81-120.cable.ubr02.live.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #t2
18:04 < mtr> you are using svn 7.0 trunk, or did you checkout the 7.0-stable branch?
18:05 < andr01d> 7.0-rc
18:05 < andr01d> thats what i run: svn up http://svn.exactcode.de/t2/tags/7.0-rc t2-7.0-rc1
18:06 < andr01d> http://shevah.us/ERROR-LOG
18:07 < mtr> yeah, 7.0-rc does not have the current changes, the subversion "tags" directory is like a snapshot version
18:08 < andr01d> wait, are you saying I was trying to compile the wrong version this whole time? :)
18:09 < andr01d> which one should I use then?
18:09 < andr01d> http://svn.exactcode.de/t2/branches/7.0/?
18:10 < mtr> yes, thats what you want :)
18:10 < andr01d> i don't know whether to laugh or cry :-D
18:11 < mtr> dont worry, it did not made a difference until now,
18:11 < andr01d> thanks for letting me know! otherwise I would have spent ANOTHER night pulling my hair out
18:11 < mtr> 7.0-rc tag is still the same than 7.0-stable branch
18:13 < andr01d> again, thanks for your help... hope that with time i'll become a better beta tester
18:20 < mtr> if you want to continue this evening you have to pull the uclibc changes from trunk with:
18:20 < mtr> svn merge -c 24358 http://svn.exactcode.de/t2/trunk
18:20 < mtr> svn merge -c 24359 http://svn.exactcode.de/t2/trunk
18:22 < mtr> but there may be other pitfalls on the way ...
18:23 < mtr> but my uclibc testbuild is currently building linux26 in stage-1
18:23 < mtr> looks good so far
18:27 < andr01d> thanks, but i think i'll start from scratch :)
18:29 < andr01d> Continue on package error after stage 4 - should i cahnge it to 9?
18:32 < mtr> nono, package errors in stage 5 should not stop the build process,
18:34 < mtr> starting over == checking out fresh t2-7.0 branch, plus running the "svn merge ..." commands above?
18:35 < andr01d> i meant fresh "svn co http://svn.exactcode.de/t2/branches/7.0/ t2-7.0-branch"
18:35 < andr01d> and then running configure, download, etc. from the new dir
18:48 < andr01d> well, I'm out from the office now, will fill you in tomorrow. mtr - many thanks for your help!
18:48 < andr01d> cya all
18:48 < mtr> cu
18:48 -!- andr01d [n=root@bzq-219-167-68.static.bezeqint.net] has left #t2 []
18:48 * mtr pokes CIA
18:50 < mtr> commit notification missing ...
18:50 < mtr> anyway, uclibc updates commited into 7.0-stable, please run "svn up" before testing
18:54 -!- misl [n=chatzill@84-104-172-187.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #t2
18:55 < misl> hi folks
19:36 -!- shadeheim [n=joe@82-42-81-120.cable.ubr02.live.blueyonder.co.uk] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
21:08 -!- shadeheim [n=joe@82-42-81-120.cable.ubr02.live.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #t2
21:11 -!- shadeheim [n=joe@82-42-81-120.cable.ubr02.live.blueyonder.co.uk] has left #t2 ["Konversation terminated!"]
21:46 -!- write_erase [n=olivier@bon13-2-82-237-125-220.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #t2
21:56 -!- keinek [n=chatzill@] has joined #t2
22:03 -!- pdinoto [n=pdinoto@host203.190-31-75.telecom.net.ar] has joined #t2
23:00 -!- misl [n=chatzill@84-104-172-187.cable.quicknet.nl] has quit ["ChatZilla [Firefox]"]
23:32 < LMJ> moin moin
23:32 < LMJ> anyone tested pidgin ?
23:55 < Stelz> :)
23:56 < Stelz> hi LMJ
--- Log closed Thu Jun 07 00:00:07 2007