T2 IRC Log: 2007-06-02

This is the log as captured by an IRC bot in the channel. The statements are those of the individual people and might not neccessarily reflect the policy and legal rules as set forth by the T2 SDE Project.

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--- Log opened Sat Jun 02 00:00:02 2007
00:27 -!- sepp_ [n=sepp@BADb118.bad.pppool.de] has joined #t2
00:47 -!- sepp [n=sepp@BADb666.bad.pppool.de] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
01:36 -!- mtr_ [n=Michael@kobz-590ca267.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #t2
01:36 -!- Demian [n=demian@] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
01:40 -!- Demian [n=demian@] has joined #t2
01:53 -!- mtr [n=Michael@kobz-590cba15.pool.einsundeins.de] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
01:53 -!- mtr_ is now known as mtr
02:02 -!- emte [n=emte@d64-180-45-14.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #t2
03:13 -!- keinek [n=chatzill@] has joined #t2
04:25 -!- emte [n=emte@d64-180-45-14.bchsia.telus.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
06:46 -!- emte [n=emte@d64-180-45-14.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #t2
07:02 -!- keinek [n=chatzill@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
08:21 [Users #t2]
08:21 [@ChanServ] [ Demian ] [ LMJ ] [ rxr ] [ Stelz ]
08:21 [ babygor ] [ emte ] [ mtr ] [ sepp_ ] [ TobiX ]
08:21 [ CIA-9 ] [ jalsot_] [ Ragnarin] [ shadeheim_] [ valentin]
08:21 -!- Irssi: #t2: Total of 15 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 14 normal]
08:21 -!- Topic for #t2: T2 | 6.0.3 Released! | trunk heading for 7.0 | The T2 Open System Development Environment (SDE) | http://www.t2-project.org/ | http://bugs.t2-project.org | http://www.rafb.net/paste/
08:21 -!- Topic set by rxr [] [Wed Mar 28 15:39:58 2007]
08:21 < CIA-9> rene * r24344 /trunk/package/editors/zile/zile.desc: * updated zile (2.2.32 -> 2.2.33)
08:21 < rxr> Open System Development Environment (SDE) |
08:21 -!- rxr changed the topic of #t2 to: T2 | 6.0.3 Released! | trunk heading for 7.0 | The T2
08:22 -!- Ragnarin changed the topic of #t2 to: T2 | 6.0.3 Released! | trunk heading for 7.0 | The T2 Open System Development Environment (SDE) |
08:22 < Ragnarin> moin rene :0
08:22 < Ragnarin> =)
08:23 -!- rxr changed the topic of #t2 to: T2 SDE | 7.0-rc released! | trunk heading for 8.0 | The T2 Open System Development Environment (SDE) | http://www.t2-project.org/startpage/ | http://bugs.t2-project.org
08:23 < rxr> moin Ragnarin
08:23 < Ragnarin> wie gehts?
08:24 < rxr> oh, puffed out and neaerly "heiser"
08:24 < rxr> from talking all the day at the linux tag
08:24 < Ragnarin> ooh yea how was it?
08:24 < rxr> oh - still going on :-)
08:24 < rxr> have to jump out the office in some minutes
08:24 < rxr> quite fine
08:24 < rxr> we have not been on the linux tag the last years
08:24 < Ragnarin> yea
08:24 < Ragnarin> how's the resonance?
08:24 < rxr> but now that it is in berlin it is just 6 subway stations away :_)
08:25 < rxr> fine
08:25 < Ragnarin> ;D
08:25 < rxr> in general, as on the other fairs, the people are way more open to new "Linux systems" and also many need customized systems for embedded use and custom appliances
08:26 < rxr> in the beginning most just waved the head and asked "what would I need that for?", ...
08:26 < Ragnarin> :) good to hear
08:26 < Ragnarin> lol
08:27 < rxr> and how is it over there? I see you changed the nick :-), is tht intentional ?
08:28 < Ragnarin> yea it is
08:28 < Ragnarin> someone bugged me that the other nick sounded like a scriptkiddie :P
08:28 < rxr> lol
08:30 < CIA-9> rene * r24345 /trunk/package/develop/nwcc/nwcc.desc: * updated nwcc (0.7.2 -> 0.7.3)
08:38 < CIA-9> rene * r24346 /trunk/package/x86/nasm/nasm.desc: * updated nasm (0.99.00 -> 0.99.01)
08:45 < CIA-9> rene * r24347 /trunk/package/security/gnutls/gnutls.desc: * updated gnutls (1.6.2 -> 1.6.3)
09:40 -!- Netsplit calvino.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: Demian
09:41 -!- Netsplit over, joins: Demian
09:46 -!- emte [n=emte@d64-180-45-14.bchsia.telus.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
10:05 < rxr> re
10:39 < rxr> http://digg.com/linux_unix/T2_SDE_7_0_rc_water_falls_releases
11:04 < LMJ> hello
11:05 < LMJ> http://www.pastebin.ca/530950 <= dvd+rwtools failed on trunk on x86_64 here, how can i fix it please ?
12:01 < sepp_> moin :)
12:26 < rxr> you probably have imperfect scsi system headers
12:26 < rxr> unfortualy that is not easy to fix as they come with glibc
12:26 -!- emte [n=emte@d64-180-45-14.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #t2
13:21 -!- write_erase [n=olivier@] has joined #t2
13:43 < LMJ> ok rxr
14:10 -!- emte [n=emte@d64-180-45-14.bchsia.telus.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
14:10 [Users #t2]
14:10 [@ChanServ] [ Demian ] [ mtr ] [ sepp_ ] [ TobiX ]
14:10 [ babygor ] [ jalsot_] [ Ragnarin] [ shadeheim_] [ valentin ]
14:10 [ CIA-9 ] [ LMJ ] [ rxr ] [ Stelz ] [ write_erase]
14:10 -!- Irssi: #t2: Total of 15 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 14 normal]
14:25 -!- Capey [n=mipe@a83-245-238-224.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #t2
14:27 < rxr> hey Capey !!!
14:28 < Capey> hi rxr
14:33 < rxr> http://kushaldas.in/?p=142
14:33 < rxr> ^ - have not seen that though
14:44 -!- emte [n=emte@d64-180-45-14.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #t2
14:46 < rxr> heh cool
15:01 -!- emte [n=emte@d64-180-45-14.bchsia.telus.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
15:05 -!- emte [n=emte@d64-180-45-14.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #t2
15:08 -!- write_erase_ [n=olivier@] has joined #t2
15:09 -!- write_erase [n=olivier@] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
15:21 < rxr> ttp://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=466588481451128430&hl=en
15:26 < CIA-9> rene * r24348 /trunk/package/security/gsasl/gsasl.desc: * updated gsasl (0.2.16 -> 0.2.17)
15:34 < CIA-9> rene * r24349 /trunk/package/network/nginx/nginx.desc: * updated nginx (0.5.20 -> 0.5.22)
16:03 -!- Capey [n=mipe@a83-245-238-224.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has quit ["Lost terminal"]
16:24 < CIA-9> rene * r24350 /trunk/package/gnome2/gnome-screensaver/gnome-screensaver.desc: * updated gnome-screensaver (2.18.1 -> 2.18.2)
16:25 < CIA-9> rene * r24351 /trunk/package/gnome2/metacity/metacity.desc: * updated metacity (2.18.2 -> 2.18.3)
16:35 -!- keinek [n=chatzill@] has joined #t2
17:04 < CIA-9> rene * r24352 /trunk/package/base/popt/popt.desc: * marked popt FPIC-QUIRK, as needed on x86-64
17:24 -!- write_erase_ [n=olivier@] has quit ["Leaving"]
17:47 -!- shevy [n=shevy@chello080108103172.36.11.univie.teleweb.at] has joined #t2
18:05 -!- pdinoto [n=pdinoto@host145.190-30-188.telecom.net.ar] has joined #t2
18:41 -!- shadeheim_ [n=joe@82-42-81-120.cable.ubr02.live.blueyonder.co.uk] has quit ["Konversation terminated!"]
19:00 -!- shadeheim [n=joe@82-42-81-120.cable.ubr02.live.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #t2
19:01 < shadeheim> when I try to make the iso I get errors such as implantisomd5.c:23:18: error: popt.h: No such file or directory. The iso makes anyway, but when I boot in to it it can't find the second stage and prompts me to locate it myself
19:02 < shevy> hey shadeheim ;)
19:03 < sepp_> you need package 'popt'
19:52 -!- misl [n=chatzill@84-104-172-187.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #t2
20:03 < shadeheim> ty
20:13 -!- shadeheim [n=joe@82-42-81-120.cable.ubr02.live.blueyonder.co.uk] has quit ["Konversation terminated!"]
20:13 -!- pdinoto [n=pdinoto@host145.190-30-188.telecom.net.ar] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
20:26 -!- shadeheim [n=joe@82-42-81-120.cable.ubr02.live.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #t2
20:27 < shadeheim> in the handbook it says building t2 in other distros may "contain broken versions of one of the intensively used utilities like sed, awk, tar or bash". How about Debian?
20:29 < shadeheim> sid
20:29 < sepp_> only way to really know is to try it
20:29 < shadeheim> i tried booting the disc but it keeps complaining that it can't find the install tar
20:30 < sepp_> it should work, but some systems have broken bash or something, but there is no list
20:30 < shadeheim> the cd boots and says it is looking on /dev/cdrom so it seems to be the right place to look, but it can't find a stage file or something
20:31 < sepp_> ./scripts/Create-ErrList -cfg YOURCONFIG
20:31 < sepp_> maybe something failed to build so that the resulting iso has a problem
20:32 < sepp_> has it 2nd_stage.tar, 2nd_stage_small.tar on the cd?
20:33 < shevy> 760M t2-7.0-rc-desktop-i686.iso
20:33 < shevy>
20:33 < shevy> dicke iso :/
20:33 < shadeheim> 453 builds total, 0 completed fine, 0 with errors.
20:34 < shadeheim> 0 completed fine?
20:34 < sepp_> uhm
20:36 < shadeheim> I read somewhere that t2 can automatically find out a packages dependencies, even ones not specifically built for t2. Is this true?
20:39 < sepp_> there are list which files belong to a package, if you build one it looks what files are read while building it and write a cache file
20:39 < sepp_> if that is what you mean
20:40 < sepp_> also works for new packages ...
20:43 < shadeheim> I'm quite new to Linux so excuse my ignorance, but does it have to be a package designed for t2, or can I get a random tar package of an authors website, and get t2 to figure out what dependencies are needed, or do I need to manually look up and install the dependencies?
20:43 < shadeheim> off*
20:46 < sepp_> you can take a random tarball make a desc and hope it will compile, if you have all the needed deps installed it will generate a list with the detected deps
20:46 < sepp_> but it can not guess deps if you dont have them installed
20:46 < sepp_> that would be black voodoo
20:47 < sepp_> but the 2nd time you already have the dep info
20:47 < rxr> re
20:48 < sepp_> hi rxr :)
20:48 [Users #t2]
20:48 [@ChanServ] [ Demian ] [ keinek] [ mtr ] [ sepp_ ] [ Stelz ]
20:48 [ babygor ] [ emte ] [ LMJ ] [ Ragnarin] [ shadeheim] [ TobiX ]
20:48 [ CIA-9 ] [ jalsot_] [ misl ] [ rxr ] [ shevy ] [ valentin]
20:48 -!- Irssi: #t2: Total of 18 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 17 normal]
20:48 < rxr> just a quick re
20:48 < rxr> we'll be off the office the whole next week
20:54 < sepp_> holidays?
20:57 < shevy> hmm kann man die 760 MB iso einfach auf eine dvd brennen?
20:59 < sepp_> yup
20:59 < shevy> oki
20:59 < rxr> nope
20:59 < rxr> business trip
20:59 < rxr> somehow I have the feeling I'll not have much holidays the next years.
21:09 < sepp_> :/
21:10 < rxr> but maybe we have enough internet access abroad to do some update testing along the lines
21:10 < rxr> so that trunk is moving along
21:50 < rxr> http://rene.rebe.name/photos/?p=/Hardware/PS3/
22:01 < rxr> http://rene.rebe.name/photos/?p=/Linux%20Tag/2007/
22:02 < rxr> still copying
22:08 < shevy> hehe http://rene.rebe.name/images/cache/dsc00465_600x800.jpg
22:08 < shevy> spionage? :)
22:09 < Stelz> haha :)
22:15 -!- netist [n=chatzill@p548A4208.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #t2
22:15 -!- netist [n=chatzill@p548A4208.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Client Quit]
22:19 -!- write_erase [n=olivier@p54bd7007.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #t2
22:39 [Users #t2]
22:39 [@ChanServ] [ emte ] [ misl ] [ sepp_ ] [ TobiX ]
22:39 [ babygor ] [ jalsot_] [ mtr ] [ shadeheim] [ valentin ]
22:39 [ CIA-9 ] [ keinek ] [ Ragnarin] [ shevy ] [ write_erase]
22:39 [ Demian ] [ LMJ ] [ rxr ] [ Stelz ]
22:39 -!- Irssi: #t2: Total of 19 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 18 normal]
22:40 < rxr> hi write_erase !
22:40 < write_erase> rxr hi
22:40 < write_erase> Still online :-)
22:41 < rxr> yeah - packing in the office
22:41 < rxr> and syncing the laptop
22:41 < rxr> http://rene.rebe.name/photos/?p=/Linux%20Tag/2007/
22:41 < rxr> ^- still copying, though
22:44 < write_erase> Oh you took a snapshot of the girls offering cigarettes... I wanted to show my friends this one
22:44 < rxr> :-)
22:45 < write_erase> I'll have to gimp myself on some photos (red eyes) :-)
22:47 < rxr> yeah - I just flush them to the site right now
22:47 < write_erase> ok that's fine
22:57 < rxr> you got some hotspot over there?
22:57 < rxr> hotel I guess?
22:59 -!- misl [n=chatzill@84-104-172-187.cable.quicknet.nl] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
22:59 < write_erase> rxr, yeah... @hotel... they provide WLAN
23:03 < rxr> nice
23:06 < write_erase> you had time to see openstreetmap guys ?
23:07 < write_erase> I think this is a great project I'll try to contribute... opensource city map database.. .
23:09 < rxr> cool, nice project - I'll add a linnk to the http://www.t2-project.org/startpage
23:11 < write_erase> 1. Someone push GPS raw coordinate to a server
23:11 < write_erase> 2. another one draw lines which seems to be roads
23:11 < write_erase> 3. Another one names the streets, add speed limits, direction, interesting informations
23:12 < write_erase> 4. Another one can correct these informations
23:12 < rxr> yeah - nice
23:12 < rxr> my location in berlin looks quite fine :-)
23:12 < rxr> added the link to our above URL
23:12 < rxr> though the link section needs resorting and pretification
23:12 < write_erase> I have 1 Million GPS raw positions to push ... as soon as my boss is OK
23:13 < rxr> heh
23:13 < rxr> they will have fun editing those ...
23:14 < write_erase> Maybe someone will code some algorythm to detect roads from GPS positions
23:14 < write_erase> It's in their TODO list
23:28 -!- write_erase_ [n=olivier@p54BD7007.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #t2
23:28 -!- write_erase [n=olivier@p54bd7007.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
23:28 < write_erase_> nice kernel crash ...
23:29 < write_erase_> while inserting SD card in a USB reader... shame on me
23:29 -!- vipernicus [n=vipernic@r74-193-54-70.gldwcmta01.glwttx.tl.dh.suddenlink.net] has joined #t2
23:29 < vipernicus> http://www.t2-project.org/kernels/minix.html the minix link is bad
23:29 < vipernicus> links to http://http//www.minix3.org/
23:40 -!- bigmatt [n=bigmatt@pool-71-118-108-170.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #t2
23:42 < bigmatt> can anybody tell me the difference between choosing generic system or exact desktop?
23:44 < sepp_> desktop is well, kde based, with generic you can use diff pkgsel options or build all packages
23:44 < sepp_> package templates
23:45 < bigmatt> I see thx
23:55 -!- keinek [n=chatzill@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
23:59 -!- keinek [n=chatzill@] has joined #t2
--- Log closed Sun Jun 03 00:00:03 2007